I live in La Crosse, WI and I guarantee this was a hoax. No one here knows what a "sand nigger" is the hoaxer who read it in an article on 4chan.
Muslim Cab Company Owner's Garage gets "SAND NIGGER" spray painted on it
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody in the USA gives a single fuck about sand niggers.
Ask most of us, and we'd tell you the only good sand nigger, is a dead one.
Nobody gives a single fuck about rapefugees either. They'd make good ornaments to adorn your tree in the back yard.
Only liberal cock suckers even want these low i.q. pieces of shit in the country. They deserve the necking, more than the rapefugees, truth be told.
Whatchu doin jigambu muhammad.
What's Thanos gonna do without the power of his infinity niggers?
So an actual nigger then. Sandnigger means Arabs, Turks, Iranians and so on. Somebody should have told Mike that.
Sand nigger is usually a term brought back from service in the desert shitholes, truth be told.
I didn't hear "sand nigger" until my buddies got back from Iraq. He talked about driving a tank over a whole hurd of sand niggers that were protesting, and hearing them crunch under the tank. Kinda made me wish I had gone, truth be told.
My bad, I misread the OP. The cab driver is indeed Arab.
Hey Imam!
now correct me if i am wrong but i always thought that dead muslims couldn't own garages
This makes even less sense. Why would they use sandnigger when he isn't even a sandnigger and just a nigger nigger?
This nigger can join the ranks of
sandy nigger mike strikes agin
Damn, good digits confirm truth
sounds like some shitty branch of the Freemason s
That sucks.
I wish people would actually do something to drive these arrogant scum out of our nation.
What a coincidence!
Look at this, it's more graffiti that benefits jews! And what is this? Tails on the ends of nearly every letter? Why, it's almost as if this was done by someone accustomed to writing in hebrew! Now where have we seen this before?
Some of us care because these fucks are actually here infesting our communities.
That wasn't a hoax. I am from Wisconsin. They know what Sand Niggers are.
Find a good woman and not have to worry about all these damn Progressives harassing him with gay Africans.
Lol pwned xd meanwhile anyone on the planet can banish any straight white male from existence by just writing their name then (VIOLENT, RACIST, HATRED, NON CONFIRMING)
What's with the random jew nose in the lower left corner?
Also, this thread us just one more way to relativize the discussion on Zig Forums about the Jay Cue
Yes small businesses truly are the plague of the state.
how the fuck do these "poor broke immigrants" start a business like that when white people are scraping by working two jobs with two incomes?
check those repeating digits
Well done
hello fellow wiscinsinites :)
I believe they prefer to be called sandfrican americans.
Should have been the first post.
I don't know, but I can understand a cab company being easy to start here. La Crosse has the highest number of bars per capita of any US city.
Fucking how??? Cars are expensive. Insurance, titling, licensing with the city if they require that, hiring drivers, fuel costs… plus they're being replaced by Uber/Lyft.
They probably get taxpayer money just for being niggers. I'd bet hard cash that kike lawyers offer free consultations (and get paid later) to give these shits every loophole and exploit they can. The thought of shitskin cabbies is very frightening because of drunk white women who call a cab to get themselves home and are raped because niggers have no impulse control.
Nice catch user
DACA (or something similar) loans.
Hey Mohammad, whatcha doin'?
Wow. Didn't realize there were other pol users from La Crosse. Thought I was alone. Keep it up.