Stop blackpilling yourself.
The biggest blackpill is the lie that we're fucked. Anyone who says that we are fucked and we must submit to ___ is wrong and is a kike. We all know that shit like the back of our hand, but we refuse to accept it. When you see a blackpill thread; SAGE. AND. REPORT. Don't ask questions, they need to either lurk more or are clearly a fuckin yid.
Enough with the ___ isn't white threads.
This is the biggest D&C shit ever. We all are aware on what counts as white. We all do. We don't need to track down the definition of white unless absolutely neccisary. (Which isn't really needed.) We can know when something stops being white and goes into Untermensch territory. After a while, you can spot a yid from a mile away. One time in my class, I walked up to this girl and asked her what her ancestry was, I had very large suspicion her genes were from the (((Fertile Crescent.))) She said that her parents were from the Middle East. I was right. Again, we all can know who is or is not white. We can tell who is a mutt and who is pure. It's not that hard. We don't need to discuss it any more, and if so, then we should make a quick pamphlet with examples.
I was being friendly and I asked her nicely because I brought up my history as an Anglo.
Redpill your friends and family.
Remember, recruit people for our side of the race war. Contact the purest you know, but mutts are fine as long as you set them onto the path of their children being pure by making them aware who fucked their genes.
For more information on how to redpill, see
To summarize that post if you're a lazy fuckwad, Step 1: Show the issues with society, and slowly up the ante with the impact of the problems. Start with something simple like the emasculation of men, then move up to multiculturalism and the perversion of kids through the (((LGBTQ+))) movement.
Guns, guns guns.
Don't be afraid to use nigger tactics, you won't become a nigger unless you act like one.
But guns illegally, preferably cheap, highly functional ones. See: AK-47, Colt M1911 .45 ACP, literally any model shotgun that isn't a pile of complicated shit. (Pump/Lever action 12 gauge works best, or a sawed-off shotgun for concealment. Preferably have a silent weapon too. A B&T VP9 works beautifully, quiet as a mouse.
If where you live doesn't allow guns, put them in the ground and make sure you have that spot written down so you can unearth an arsenal.
Be ready to act at the snap of a finger.
At any moment a failed toss with a Molotov cocktail can light the pool of gasoline that sets the world on fire. Work out, get ready for guerilla military tactics. Not just normal. You need to be ready to act and think at the snap of the finger. Remember; your people count on you.