Before I start, I would like to dearly apologize to my ancestors for even letting myself fall under those (((dark and evil paths))) masquerading as happiness and utopian ideals. Then again maybe they were degenerate, too. I wouldn't really know myself.
There was a time when I was exactly like your typical average (((university)))-going faggot student who supported "#MeToo", "#BlackLivesMatter" and almost had a "social studies" degree, it was horrifying. Honestly, Zig Forums. I see Marxism as the kosher version of National Socialism, I'm not saying National Socialism is bad here, like at all but nonetheless, just because they are maybe somewhat similar to each other, it doesn't fucking mean they're both the same, I'm just clarifying some things. Now as I was saying, the thing that I'm arguing here is that instead of Marxists cutting to the chase and saying Jewish control is prominent in America, Marxists instead say that America is under (((capitalist))) control, as if saying it that way makes a difference other than being, well, kosher. Like how they keep saying "Not all Jews are bad because some are Marxist and only the Zionist ones are bad.".
It seems like kikes have spent a lot of time on their hands to convert people into Marxism for the sole purpose of destroying National Socialism, not (((capitalism))) or even Zionism for that matter. If it was about destroying (((capitalism))), they would have known by now that National Socialism detests (((capitalism))), too, but since WWII happened and the Holohoax became a thing, they're stuck fighting against one of the only people who actually agree with them on some ideas. If it was about destroying Zionism, they would have made picket signs saying "Nuke/Destroy/Obliterate Israel", or maybe even use some Quran verses about taking all the Jews to Medina to slaughter them all, but they don't do that. They instead say "Kill All Whitey" because of "muh racist colonialism/imperialism", "#BLM" because they think niggers don't get enough gibs me dat handouts, welfare and "all cops=White racist pigs", and "#FreePalestine" as if Israel would ever listen to their woes.
This is basically the perfect divide and conquer scenario among the brainwashed goyim on every political side. I remember seeing a Twatter tweet from a commie "woman" once, saying America isn't free because of "racism and bigotry", but I don't think they have any right to talk about freedom given how they have enslaved themselves with their own decadence and their political ideology as a whole, and the freedom of Whites clearly isn't on "her" head, "White privilege" exists, apparently. If in a different universe where that commie was a male NatSoc Übermensch saying America isn't free because of ZOG and anti-White hatred, I would have unhesitantly listened, but we are not in that reality.
They want to change America for their own interests, and force these said interests on other people so they can become "true comrades", it's less about helping out the working class and more about helping out "minorities" of every class to kill off Whites of every class. That's all they are nowadays. They don't even understand their own ideology. As feminism, homosexuality, globalism, open borders, and transgenderism were never mentioned as good things for the proletariat in Das Kapital. There's nothing revolutionary about supporting Jewish upper class degeneracy. If anything, it's actually "reactionary", as it's a word they use to call things they don't like or things that challenge their political views. This is faux revolutionist and demoralisation propaganda at it's highest peak, to be honest. Believe me, Stalin would have sent all of these literal tranny faggots to the Gulag. NazBol's fuggin' baste and woke af amirite fam?! :^)
P.S. I used to think like those leftist/commie retards who keep using the term "AmeriKKKa" because of "muh ebil racism", and in my whole life I couldn't even find such a thing, but at that time I almost thought everything was "racist". Now I know "racism" is just merely a buzzword used as a scapegoat to "win" a political argument and also used to attack Whites whenever they can.
t. former r/socialism member