Why this deserves a thread: Understanding this psychology has massive implications for propaganda. Focusing on how disgusting inferior races are and how civil and clean we are communicates to people on a low-level, and is excellent for subtle and subliminal propaganda elements. Perhaps people can be more in-touch with their racism if they are more often simultaneously reminded of the many disgusting aspects of the inferior races, whenever they think of them. Even in written and spoken word form, racist jokes, stereotypes, references, terms and more (THAT MUST BE TRUTHFUL) can be invented and communicated in online platforms and word of mouth until ordinary people could recite them as typical and well-known racist comments or jokes if asked.
However, images speak more profoundly, and are not as easily seen as deliberately posted or conveyed due to the intention of maintaining a closer-knit white community through repulsion and avoidance of the inferiors.
Ultimately this may even be a method of determining whether a white person is a "less-evolved" person, that they lack this repulsion and intolerance for things that are obviously disgusting. This would be a minority of whites however, as we can realize from the data in this experiment that "liberals" refer to a majority nonwhite population. Furthermore, this also asserts racial superiority, because it asserts that nonwhites are less capable of perceiving and sensing filth as filth. This has implications towards orderliness, obviously cleanliness, and demand for civility. One can be "disgusted" by degenerate acts and lifestyle choices, ultimately paying into preferring a society that is less filled with these behaviors (intolerance).
Cleanliness is next to godliness, we are repulsed even by the horrid facial structure of the inferiors, including the undeniable goblin faces of many jews. The very hispanic and middle eastern unders have extremely oily and greasy, foul smelling skin.
Most white Westerners are still getting over the 'whites have a right to exist' hump. Once they get past there, they have to be reassured that they can lobby for their own interests where they conflict with those of other groups. Then they can be blatantly pro-white. Then, they can feel comfortable saying nigger. It's all about the babby steps. To get people to hate 'inferior' races as a propaganda campaign is shitposting at best, sabotage at worst. Good propaganda makes people feel good about themselves, only after they've accepted that can the hate agitprop flow, and that's only in certain social circles.
No, I think most are already there. Some don't realize what's happening, others… >Once they get past there, they have to be reassured that they can lobby for their own interests where they conflict with those of other groups. That's just it: They can't. If they try to lobby for their own interests, ESPECIALLY where they conflict with those of other groups, hostile factions assemble to crush them. Directing this whorde, there always, the Jew. And facing this wretched rabble, with their wealthy kike masters behind them, few are willing to be blatantly pro-White.
'Hatred' and 'disgust' are not necessarily the same things. I find many things 'disgusting' that I don't necessarily 'hate'. Many things, you find disgusting because you are able to distinguish them from that which you would not be disgusted by in normal life. Accentuating the variation between hominid clades is a valuable propagandistic pathway.
thank you for your post, it gives me much better direction, you have made a difference. This was very constructive criticism.
Youre absolutely right, about this having negative potential, but only for genuinely pure hearted people. What i said about spoken word isnt a good idea, i'll admit, I was wrong. It's neo-nazi tier bullshit. However, psychology and subtle propaganda have their purposes, I think the results of this article are worth noting.
And you're god damn right about the white right to exist and the need to realize our own interests conflict with other race's.
Please understand that while a person can be very caring and genuinely self-sacrificial toward their race, they can simultaneously think viciously towards other races without being shit neo-nazi tier.
All propaganda should be peer reviewed, which is what this site is great for.
Jose Green
Another problem is those that deeply, yet uninformedly believe in racial equality. Inducing disgust towards other races in a way that the viewer cant conclude our intentions is valuable. If they could see it is us who purposely exhibit their realistically disgusting features, it would be seen as neo-nazi tier rubbish.
Yet again, your analysis of what we need in propaganda is the core of what it should be
Hunter Bailey
The important thing is to restrain your empathy and altruism, it will only be reciprocated by other Europeans because any other race does not practice either of these things outside of their in-group and even then rarely do they practice them. Any good deed to a non-European has a strong chance of not going unpunished, because they view us like predators and covet everything we are and have and only wish to take it and destroy us to avoid the fact they are inferior.
Jordan Turner
Yeah, that has to be the core of it for an oppressed population. Some of the other stuff will make people laugh, but it doesn't make that shift.
That is the first take-off I've seen of the original. It's a good meme, the woman who wrote it did a blog post about traditional wives and mined lots of salt.
Also, I like that the image is of an approachable country girl, rather than one of the ice princesses you see too much of in the "Ideal Aryan Women" threads. Guys are hesitant to champion women who won't give them the time of day.
If you were to ask them, sure, but not on a more fundamental level when they try to apply it. They let their activism squirm into all sorts of weird places, like being uber-patriotic or pro-Trump or pro-Christian, using all of these things as proxies for whiteness, but never really stepping back and asking, "Has this thing actually been good for whites?"
STFU already. It's your fault this is happening with all your false flag nazi shit for the Jews.
Juan Walker
Josiah Ortiz
Same retard responses. And their were no "Ovens" Jew faggot.
Andrew Wilson
Cooper Ross
Women definitely need this message, it disgusts me how many of them have been led to believe they need shitty meaningless scribbles and pop culture references on their skin. Pic semi-related, woman self-destructing for seemingly no reason under a culture promoting this shit.
Jim and codemutt pandering to them, and they flood in from qlarp, some of them hear of Zig Forums from lolberg gun forums and come here, some come through /liberty/ for the same reason. Likewise we get commies from Zig Forums and we got a bunch of redditpede civnats from the election.
Ryder Rogers
I've done some anti-tattoo stuff, one of which I still like, but the other three I regret in any way associating with Trump rhetoric.
It's a really good area to work tbh, as women who get faulted for their tattoos go ballistic, and at the same time it can have an immediate positive effect if you can convince a single woman that this is not cool. It's not like most political OC which is so long-term, and you are just a drop in the tide.
It's so fucking dumb that they get these to be special snowflakes and if they simply didn't they'd stand out from other women significantly more. That's the angle I try to work. Sadly not all of them are capable of seeing the obvious.
Hunter Parker
Sadly, because they are young, there are a lot of things they don't get. There was a study done back in 2013 where men found women with tattoos less attractive, but also saw them as being easier fucks. So a lot of guys will pay more attention to women with tattoos, like they would with the town slut, but it's only to fuck them.
This is interesting stuff. Here's a breakdown.
Men find non-tatted women more attractive.
More perceived promiscuity:
Far more men approach them, and they do so more quickly:
Well the burden for it is definitely shared by those men encouraging it even for the wrong reasons then. I can't imagine wanting to actually sink that low, but in a world where betas give girls thousands of dollars to acknowledge they exist over the internet, anything is possible.
So youre new enough to not know terms untermensch and ubermensch, and what are you arguing? That niggers are our equals? That wasnt even worth posting, you filthy obvious kike.
Cameron Baker
"No nation in the twentieth century has lived as much in harmony with nature as Hitler's Germany.
Anybody who places nature as the central value in society must be suspect in the eyes of Jews."
The sheer nerve of Schlomo. Kikes' very existence is toxic to nature, a subversion of its laws.
Ryan Wood
Germany and Europe were destroyed by Hitler for the Jews.
Jack Hughes
No, moishe, nothing you said is true.
Samuel Robinson
You took faggot studies in HS instead of history?
Josiah Williams
No, moishe, nothing you said is true.
Charles Sanchez
Show evidence. Then i'll believe it. No, Hitler tried saving Germany, but world Jewry destroyed him and his nation for daring attempt the feat.
You're a normie retard, why the fuck are you here?
Luis Allen
Yep, 55b590 left when asked for proof. Nothing new under the sun, happens very often when some sperg gets asked to prove his claims.
Juan Richardson
Read Chapter 28 of Tragedy and Hope by Caroll Quigley.
Kevin King
Pinpointing that way really only works on Alliptics (people with normal brains) though. Among autists like me, testosterone levels are really the only major difference between leftists and rightists. And most of us don't really react at all to those tests you've described. We literally have different brains from you and we don't really emotionally project through facial expressions and social ques. While sure, we definitely feel disgust, most people don't notice it when we do.
Jonathan Nguyen
I looked up the guy's name and found nothing. If that's a real study then it needs an actual link.
Elijah White
The Atlantic is run by a homosexual pervert. Into the trash it goes.
Jaxon Nguyen
Normalfags don't know or care. She has 'white' looking skin and is wearing actual white clothing. The poster appeals to fashionfags, which is basically ALL women.
Uhh yes? I agree But ad hominem is a fallacy, it has no implications for the logic presented. The study that was completed presents us with information. A bad source means you should take what it says with a grain of salt, but the information the study presents is fine. I also summarize the article and findings so you dont have to visit the site.
how come women are more 'left-leaning' if they're more 'disgust-sensitive' than men? have they been spared 'shock images', like aborted fetuses, for all the emotional propaganda they're subjected to?
Thinks all Europeans lack melanin. Doesn't know that it's normal think to have skin tone.
Josiah Cook
Europeans don't normally have yellow skin.
Asher Parker
This is kind of stupid it all depends what the images are. Flash Trump and it would trigger leftards, flash gore and nobody on here would care but flash images of niggers raping white girls and we would.
Jackson Adams
southern european with mohammedan rapist blood?
Nolan Hall
They showed pictures like maggot infested food. No other type of stimuli provided a 95% accuracy to political correlation