France Protests Live - Someone just got his hand blown off
The protests are still going on strong with casualties.
RT live feed:
France Protests Live - Someone just got his hand blown off
The protests are still going on strong with casualties.
RT live feed:
Nice to know that they aren’t giving up yet.
SWAT backed onto a wall.
Share in your Facecuck feed, might wake up some normies in case you use Cuckerbergs data collection empire.
Hope he wasn't right handed!
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Central Paris is filled with protesters and the media blackout is world wide.
That's how they starved the occupy wall street movement.
leftist scum wasn't going to do manual labor anyway
Man that was fucking gruesome, had to watch to check it was real, it was.
The protestors need to ramp up and weaponize, if the police are prepared to blow your limbs off to protect their puppets and pensions they need to pay for that. Get a fucking truck and make like a moslem.
That's why you don't pick up flashbangs and wait for the teargas canisters to prime before picking them up.
Funny that the cops were surrounded, the crowd was angry yet still they did not manage to beat the shit out of the cops.
Just start the civil war already. Open fire and kill them. Kill the joo.
occupy wallstreet was retarded though, that's the one where they asked random people what they were protesting and no one fucking knew
And after you get out the truck you could state "and that's why you don't shoot objects at unarmed humans that could maim them".
Disgusting actions by the puppets of international jewry. There's no excuse for it.
From what I've seen, they behave like a mob, without any faith in one another to back each other up. Results in lack of trust amongst the protestors, and unwillingness to act against the state actors for fear of being singled out and dragged off, bereft of response from the horde.
The people could easily kick the shit out of the cops at the difference in numbers shown in OP's stream link.
Good joke user.
I think that if they don't push for full civil war then eventually the movement will fizzle out.
I believe this too, but rather than fizzle out it will become underground and more violent. If you were one of the people or relatives of people who had been injured by these imposters, you would surely spend the rest of your days seeking out the highest targets possible and exacting retribution.
I'm not even a big fan of frogs, but if they escalate this to where it needs to go they have my support.
I'm sorry, are you new?
Let them light fire to all the migrants beds on the sidewalks while they're at it. I was there in 2016. I was shocked and awed at the audacity of the EU, as much as how weak french are to accept fuckin mudslimes into the cities. Allbeit most of the city is already disgustingly dirty.
this is what it means to live in a "demo-cracy"
there will be martyrs
Godluck and Goodspeed France
You guys have a pretty decent track record of students toppling shit.
You guys need a battle song or a haka or something, the reason you see others doing that is to break down the sense of self, makes the horde behave as one, it isnt to intimidate your foes.
It's to rile your own and get everyone in the mindset.
Its probably leftygag false flagging or some magapede that doesn't want us to catch wind of and actual populist movement that doesn't entail votecuckery and ZOG worship.
The wrong side is getting maimed again. It's tough to watch. The protestors are at a disadvantage because Macron's bosses have no problem replacing all the people with monkeys from Africa like they did in America. Without military weapons, the best thing to do is take heroin like Americans. Peaceful protests are not going to push the government to end slavery. Sorry.
As I understand it, the movement isn't strictly right or left, hence why you see a lot of niggers in there too. It's just the usual ANGERY AT GUBBERMINT but for individual reasons.
I guess those six US GI letters i read in a book that each made passing remarks about the french being pussies where just jews huh user.
If shit gets real it wont be long until MAGA niggers will eat up America blaming it on Russians and China trying to undermine (((our))) (((democracy)))
15 people I think is the offical record but there is a media blackout so who knows what the actual count is
we only got the commies doing media coverage
My guess is that the yellow vest movement itself will last a few more months as the more action-oriented members decide they don't want to line up to get shot by the police. I wouldn't be surprised if we see bombings before the end of this year.
1st C.Molotov used by the yellow vest
no, it's just that all the coverage are made through facebook livestream here are the 2 main streamer (accessible wihout account, thank god)
Occupy wallstreet was a controlled opposition event and valve of for uncontrolled unorganized brainless marxist faggots to get their 5 minutes of screaming dumb shit on their facebook stream against imaginary oppressors for reason they themself cant rationally explain, organized by "wallstreet" themself, to missdirect idiots against some imginary system and conceptual enemy rather than the concrete people responsible for fucking over America
This is an obvious attempt to derail away from talking about what is going on in France. Ignore this faggot.
So how much organization do they have? Is there any leadership, or is this just a kind of mass movement? At this point they need to have a plan to do more than just show up in the cities and get hit with 'nonlethal' bullets.
What happened to the boxing guy who kicked the shit put of all those riot police?
fuck your island nigger horse shit you stupid fuck
Lets be honest, France didnt go to war with Germany over jews. It was over Poland an some other things. Speaking of poland didn’t they put up more of a fight then France without artillery and tanks? Ya i guess they kinda did!
Had horses almsot no tanks, and a few hundred artillery, and less troops then France
Had a comprable sized military (with the exception to planes) to Germany and modern equipment. No horses.
The French empire were the only reason the US won the war of independence. Never noticed that copper statue in Manhattan?
Fucking retard.
Yeah, I suppose it was the French who sold it to the kikes as well… Not. Faggot.
The brainless newfag opens its mouth and shit falls out.
Lurk for 10 years before posting again.
Report and ignore. He's pretending to be from the USA and acting smug over WWII in an attempt to bait someone into insulting the USA so that others will then retaliate and the thread will be fucked. He's most likely posting from Israel instead. We've all been over this shit before.
the whole thread is zogged to shit.
This has been happening in every glorious French thread.
(((they))) must be absolutely terrified.
Dude you’re so retarded i think your a kike. Because I refuse to believe anyone is this dumb unless its on purpose to make the rest of us look bad.
They where not the only reason. They didn’t even send troops just a few officers to help train Americans. Some money and arms. That was it.
France had been a widely feared military power long before America even existed as a nation. The stereotype of the French Surrender Monkey only came about after WW2. It would be preposterous to actually believe this sort of shit.
Ive been here since 2014 an on chans since 2009.
I leterally made one comment how come im the bait an not these dummies responding. I made ONE JOKE. I feel like im just defending my position (unlike the french) if that doesn’t make me American I don’t know what does.
Sadly true.
What's even sadder is that you think the next layer of people behind it all are the Jews
When it's our Elite that's been doing it all along
The Elite abanoned us sometime in the 1950s
Jews just comply with whatever is fashionable at the top
Слава Франції!
You're not fitting in worth a damn. You should be fired.
What is Napoleon? Historically France was known for its military prowess and the surrender meme did arise from WWII due to the penetration of the Maginot line. Germany tactically outmaneuvered France and rather than repeat WWI tier violence with little possibility of victory, they did the smart thing and surrendered. Also, France was absolutely instrumental in the Colonies victory over England. Without French gunpowder, there would have been no revolution.
report and filter it
It was a fucking joke. I only got butt blasted after a bunch of frogs got butt blasted an had to do damage control after cucking out so hard in ww2. An pretend like it wasn’t the most embarrassing military defeat by two first world nations, since the emu wars.
Also hitler didn’t penetrate that Frances lines. Both Belgium and france didn’t learn there lesson from world war one and he went around france threw Belgium.
i want the kike and the retarded Boris: 14years old pro h4ker g4mer on CoD to leave.
To think you need some countryball comics is alarming
We don't give a shit. Learn to spell and then kill yourself.
The people Americans know as 'Antifa' but in France are Antifa, Communist, Black Block, and other revolutionary controlled OP are trying to organize them.
It's not really working but what will happen is the Agents Provocateur will go in, escalate the violence, then arrest will be made because the Agents Provocateurs are government plants
All par for the course
The EU Leftist organizations were infiltrated and cracked by the 1980s, just as US Rightist organizations were infiltrated and cracked by the mid-1990s.
While the Leftist government agents distract and accelerate those who can be accelerated, Global Media will memory-hole the remaining sensible Populist protesters
We see ZERO depiction of them on US news these days
It's clear the Globalists have won this one
Hate to be blackpilled but only by observing how it works can we ever change anything without opening the floodgates of blood and gore
schöneicher straße 27, 15566 schöneiche bei berlin, germany. name: Florian Kroll
Now this is armchair quarterkiking. You could just be a useful idiot though.
Pretty stupid of you to waste the little time you have left shilling on Zig Forums, you filthy yid.
What a waste bringing women to a protest, that's why none of these ever work
The only ones showing initiative so far are antifa types bashing in ATMs and high end cars.
It's more about showing presence than any clear cut lynch mob objective so far.
is this goatse sideways?
- and that's a good thing!
Yet another kike.
INB4 mossad snipers fire at policemen to make it look the protestors did it. Reminds me of what happened in Ukraine.
they are nervous for some reason..
They still dont know what theyre upset about like 70% of the time.
What's sad is that you lot can't make up your minds whether it's the superior iq of jews or them just complying with some nameless entity that puppets their global banks, media, lobbying, lawmaking, social engineering system.
to think i've seen worse now in normal places
what a time to be alive
Gas the porche racer wars now!
okay, unless they know the owner of that Porsche, tjis behavior isnt acceptable. it's nigger behavior. why destroy a random persons car simply because it's nicer than yours? this is nigger mindset
Equality bro, everything has to be equally shit like in glorious soviet union.
ugghh, fucking checked i guess, m8.
we really need a new Hitler to lead these men. i get they're frustrated, but shit like this gets them nowhere
oh and now the cops show up
fuck, even they're fire trucks are manlets
You are right, but people on an adrenaline rush don't measure the risks before acting which is very natural, otherwise humans wouldn't confront any danger in the first place. It causes different outcomes from different people, because it reinforces their mental state: impulsive hotheads get fucking pissed and will bash skulls without remorse, anxious types might get a mixed cortisol&adrenaline rush to flee and so on.
Saying that is like the leftists saying "poor Indians" when they see the rat infested thrash they live in.
It's a should be a big point for "fuck this kike puppet police" rather than "fuck the protestors, because I would be a smartass out there"
I just saw the guy who lit the car on fire walk right up to it again with the fireman, then the RT guy ran off.
I smell a setup.
Ukraine turned out better, because people then broke in the parliament and fucked their shit up, killed policemen and things were only going worse for the government because of it. YES PLEASE
Is there anywhere in the world more dangerous to own an automobile than France? Poor porsche it didnu nuffin.
guaranteed they are doing things posing as gilet jaunes. They must subvert and televise all revolutions or risk losing control for real.
Typical frog acting like a jew trying to take credit for white man's work. They're called cheese eating surrender-monkeys for a reason, LePussy.
typical jew pretending he isn't, try to sow discord. They aren't associated with cheese that would be the dutch, french would be garlic, baguette, onion, snail, and of course frogs legs. LeTypicalTrixShlomo.
Yellow jackets are already infiltrated by leftist scum, how naive are you?
And? This is a bad thing because why exactly?
they cause bad optics and they always turn at the critical moment. basically glow in the dark golems
Maybe the Middle East. Muslims are big on car bombs.
I fail to see why this is bad at this time.
Currently, the French people need to put as much pressure upon the leftist-Zionist government as possible.
Thus, not only would it be impossible to prevent leftists from protesting in the first place, but it is good that they are because it puts more pressure upon the traitors-in-office.
The more bodies we can throw at the disgusting Zionist occupation forces, the better. If some of them want to wave around bland red flags and argue for a return to the dark ages, well, fine.
on the imageboards in 2007 and 2008 a lot of anons saw the chanology momentum being used by feds to whip up the occupy shit, occupy was the same orgs that are now creating antifa protests
french people need to arm themselves and start mass killing their own cops if cops are brutalizing and killing the French people. How can we inspire and tell them too? How can we help them fight back and take back their country? Can we meme magic Zig Forums/ Police brutality has no place in society and the only way to fight back is in kind if it's getting this out of hand (pun not intended)
Fuck tha French police comin' straight form Americana. A young yellow vest frog got it bad cause i'm yellow. And not blue so the police think they have the authority to kill a frog whit minority. Fuck that shit cause i ain't the one for a punk mother fucker to be beatin' one we can go toe to toe in the middle of Marseille. Fuckin' with me cause i'm a protester with a little bit of yellow and a pager searchin my vest lookin' for the papers thinkin' every Frenchie is sellin' narcotics. You'd rather see me and little Vivian genocided rather than anointed and knighted. Just cause i'm from the W-H-I-T-E punk Muslim police are afraid of me. A young cracker on a warpath and when i finish bring the yellow vests and tape to tape off the scene of the slaughter still gettin' swoll of bread and water.
How would a Robert E Lee work?
The French failed to overcome the embargo of the Yankees, and the lack of munitions defeated the Southern war effort, yet maybe we could forgive that and remember our Acadian Roots.