Post your Aryan QT waifus ITT.
YES: Aryan women
YES: 14 words
NO: Porn
NO: Siegefags/degenerates
Post your Aryan QT waifus ITT.
YES: Aryan women
YES: 14 words
NO: Porn
NO: Siegefags/degenerates
NO photos/NO doxxing.
Protect Aryan women and do something real in life with the 14 words.
Hello schlomo. Nice degeneracy thread you've got there.
Jews aren't white schlomo.
Except for the girl in the middle, none of these look approachable. They look like toxic cunts looking to land a rich guy, and are completely uninspiring.
This picture is not the best example, because she is some actress, but at least she looks like some nice girl you would just run into somewhere and have a conversation with, maybe date and get married. That was the normal 40, 50, 60 years ago.
That's on you. Why do hot women intimidate you?
Something off with second one though, can't put my finger on it. I'm getting junkie vibes or something.
The hotter they are the more they can weaponize their hotness to convince any number of orbiters to do their bidding in any number of ways, and the more sympathetic they will be in any court proceeding or etc. that could easily be brought into existence through the magic of being married to the kike-run state and having optional responsibility.
None of these women are Nazi larpers. Most would however be pro White if there was a normal pro White organization. But thanks to Schlomo's endless White Nationalist parade there is none.
Found the white-knight. lol
In 5 years, you'll figure it out.
It's not the hotness imho, I think the girl I posted is hotter than any of them, it's that they all have this narcissistic vibe except for 3.
I'm just explaining to that guy why you might theoretically have reservations about hotness, it need not necessarily apply to your reasoning.
You know women in Nazi Germany always wore knee length skirts.
The only exception was sport and late war recruits in the air defense.
Found the scavenblood.
commit not alive op
FUCK off you disgusting LARPing NS kike degenerate
Wat? u dont like the chick on the right in Auschwitz pajamas!
The fact that you lump these two things together says all that's needed about your shill thread. Kill yourself.
Maybe a nice girl compared to a couple of the others, but I see someone who is high-maintenance.
Up ur game or go mgtow.
Sometimes you actually meet one of them who's tired to be treated like a princess because she feels that everything good she got was because of her good looks (and it is 200% true).
So they look for something else.
I met one like that, hot as **** but had to move overseas a month later.
It was funny to see how a mix of cold shoulder and true feelings kept her close to me.
Current waifu is just as good though so no regrets;; i'm not saying it's easy everyday though and i try not being jealous otherwise i'd look weak.
they nearly all are "high-maintenance" at this rank :) :)
- same story with cars!
i do not think you know what that word means.
Hey schlomo.
On some level, yes, but if we're going to show aspirational pictures, let's show them where the girls are sweet and approachable. Like what women were in most of the 20th century.
Looks like a thot if you qant to push women push women in dresses.