Germans are irrevocably damaged.
That TV channel is btw. state-owned and Germans are FORCED to pay taxes for it.
Germans are irrevocably damaged.
That TV channel is btw. state-owned and Germans are FORCED to pay taxes for it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Just sad.
(((WHO))) keeps pushing the Nadzee narrative? POLTARDS have idea?
>Zig Forums
(((Media))) forever perpetuating white shame
Fixed it for you.
Hitler had the support of his country and deserved it. The intensity of their attacks on Germany stem from Germany having been their most powerful and noble adversary. Anyone who believes in what Hitler wanted the world to be should just let these attacks inform them of the necessity to view the kikes as living garbage to be disposed of and never make Hitler's mistake of being too nice to subhumans. The holocaust never happened but it should have.
Hitler destroyed Europe.
British Stopped Hitler’s Removal in 1938
Admiral Wilhelm Canaris making the Masonic hand-to-neck sign
In August 1938, the German General Staff informed the British that they were ready to oust Hitler. All the British had to do was resist Hitler’s demands.
Instead, at Munich, they handed Czechoslovakia to him, further proof that Hitler was an Illuminati agent.
“Overall, no man has done more harm to the present and future of the white race than Adolf Hitler.” –Geoff Ferguson
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” FDR
“A panel of psychiatrists was even prepared, under the chairmanship of the eminent professor Dr. Karl Bonhoeffer, who would certify the Fuhrer as insane, so that he could be immured in a lunatic asylum…
‘By the beginning of September,’ [Chief of Staff, Gen. Franz] Halder would write, ‘we had taken steps to immunize Germany from this madman.'” (156)
In May 1938, when Hitler announced his intention to invade Czechoslovakia, the German General Staff feared a world war that would destroy Germany. They decided to place Hitler in a mental asylum.
All they needed was confirmation from England that it would assist Czechoslovakia. The British dithered. Instead of taking a stand, they sabotaged Germany’s resistance to the Nazi plague.
Ludwig Beck, the Chief of the German General Staff observed: “Through yielding to Hitler, the British government will lose its two main allies, the General Staff and the German people.”
The simplest and best opportunity to avoid calamity was lost. The Illuminati wanted world war to increase their power and wealth, and to destroy Germany in advance of their satanist World Government. The Illuminati were not going to allow their creation, Adolf Hitler, to be overthrown.
“You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism,” Churchill is quoted as saying, “but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.” (Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill, His Career in War and Peace p. 145)
You here 24/7 Schlomo?
Yeah I saw the shill thread, I don't really care Moshe. Just spit on yourself and pretend I did it.
I dunno, you seem to be shilling your shitty article quite ardently as well.
Are you payed?
Or do you do it for free?
I made a separate post but the Jew mods keep removing it. So I'll post it in separate threads.
Global pogrom can't come soon enough.
Your original thread was deleted because it was bullshit shilling, and now you keep making the very same thread AND also post the OP in unrelated threads?
My, you seem quite keen on pushing this narrative.
Absolutely disgusting video.
oy vey just like after ww1, all the ills that befell europe and germany are the fault of hitler and germany alone!
You're right, brother. More people need to wake up to the truth. Oy vey. 699999999999999999 jews died for nothing
Our task is to set things right. Take their crimes as the starting point for your own imagination. Use that white creativity to think up something that will bring us all catharsis and the closure we need to move on toward our ultimate destiny.
This is genuinely what sold me on total physical removal globally when I first learned about it. The severity of the crimes committed aren't even really deserved by most kikes, that's just how bad it is. Subhuman sadism is often underestimated by those of us that are human (Aryans only, no one else need apply) and it goes to show you how they came up with all of their retarded holohoax myths. It hurts my soul that in a perfect world (as perfect as we can yet get) where all the kikes are dead we could not rightly forget they ever existed without erasing the memory of these victims, because we all deserve to live in a world where nothing of them was ever present but so too do they who fell to the psychotic hooknoses. This in turn feeds back into itself and only justifies my utter disgust with them further. I recommend everyone that hasn't already joined me in this come to the farthest reaches of total rejection of the parasite and share in the bounty of absolute hatred of evil.
The war on Germany people is an eternal war, because they have the most noble spirit, capable intellect and strongest will. Just take a walk at any German City and you'll see that even after losing he war, it is one of the most beautiful land and it's architecture reflect their collective heritage. The war on whites is a war of pure envy resulting from their nomadic condition imposed by their own god.
How terrible must be to be born a jew. Someone with no legitimate nation, no rightful land, no genetic ancestry that is not plagued by disease. The only thing they can claim ownership is their abrahamic condition to roam the earth as a pariah to all other nations of the earth, and realize you would not exist if it were not by their mercy, while you still pollute their waters and enslave their children. How terrible it is to be a jew.
That's how I see it, non-existence is the greatest gift you could ever give them.
If i see your shitty fucking meme one more time…
OP is not damaged but in his natural state of homsexual retardation.
Destroyed your anus, buthurt fag.
Bonhoeffer was a protestant theologican not a psychatrist.
Hitler was so great, his enemies have to make up things to find/invent somesthing negative.
Same, same, not different, like last shill thread.
OP is still a fag.
Don't lump us together with the retards in your pic.
10/10 post
I'm no atheist, but I don't think God brought suffering upon them. I think they brought it upon themselves. They always side with invaders against natives, and so much of what they promote as good is self-destructive hedonism bereft of real value. Anybody would be pissed about that.
It is not an eternal war, it was a war that was very finite and one that already reached a nigh permanent end. The war on the Germanics was just suppression-war fought by the anti-humans in the ruins of the Aryan and Cromagnid empires. The anti-humans already subverted, defeated, and maimed the various ancients, the Hellenics, the Romans, the Indo-Aryans, the Goths, the Vandals, the Vikings, the Celts, the Normans, the Anglos, the French, and now they got the Rus, the Slavs, the Americans, the Germans and the other Europeans too.
The Jewish War is not an eternal war on the Germanics - the Germanics were merely the last ones capable of an attempt to reforge their waning chain. Besides those 12 short years in the sun, time has remained frozen in darkness for everyone but the anti-humans for 2000 years.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no atheist too, I'm at conflict with my religious side, let's say I'm an agnostic for now. To be a christian is a great commitment and I wouldn't do it half-way.
They are not oppressed by their god, but humbled. Can they tell? How they deal with it? It is the jewish prerogative to be god's chosen and they are in constant conflict with it. There is no native or invaders to them, there is only the goyim(non-jew), it is in their nature to see others as hosts and not brothers. Look, you cannot confuse the values they promote with the values they hold for themselves. If you look at orthodox judaism, you'll see that they abhore homosexuality and until recently it was forbidden. The problem is that you cannot hold and promote such contradictory beliefs without it being affected by it both ways, not to mention their ingroup power struggle and how dependent they are in their narrative. That is why you see fag/degenerate/pedophile turbo jews promoting white genocide all at the same time you have stabbing orthodox killing gays at pride parade. Do you think an orthodox jew is really happy about his travestite gay son? There is something being taught at home and something being learned outside, but how much of that can you really control? But it is a price he is willing to pay or so it seems. I'm no expert, but this is why you have:
Nah Britaim and France destroyed the world because they couldn't handle a resurgent Germany after their near defeat in WW1.
Ohh. You are still here with your gay shit?
keep rolling
Can we even destroy eternal jew? Or it is too late? I hate them so much. If we have real holocaust one day, we should have no mercy and give them everything from milking machines to acid pools.
It was always apart of this board.
Hey schlomo
Ready for round 3 schlomo?
Your first thread got banned the 2nd one you got btfo.
Oh ya.
I do not think you know what defending your self means either as well.
This is called fabricated approval. The audience is full of the most cucked and kiked people for the kosher television programming to pretend public opinion is different than it is. I highly doubt most Germans believe such trash.
Getting really sick of this already.
Wow pol has gotten worse and worse.
There's no way this could possibly ever backfire!
This. It's way beyond just Germany and the former Axis. It's the entire White Western world.
Don't forget about the Germans killed in East Germany as well, plus the ones who were shot to death trying to escape climbing over the Berlin Wall.
Sadly, this.
neck yourself you yid fuck
envious little kikes and niggers hate everything that is beautiful, everything that is NOT them.
He was hired by the German authorities to infiltrate the natsoc party
Which later led to the day of the long knives when they purged commies and fags.
It did not exist at that time.
Both got purged
Also pic related.
Natsoc was not even a thing till 1920..
I smell a ip hop.
inexplicably false
whew lad dealing with geniuses here huh
National socialism used to be a party for communists till hitler kicked them out till he had enough for his supporters in the party, if you tried to support the idea of user
Despite being btfo in the 2 last threads except one of them got shut down by mods.
(((Historyplace))) nice source ya got there schlomo.
The Germans of Hitlers era were the bravest people to exist in history. Prove me wrong
Sage this shit thread.
Always were.
Only a Germanic shall be allowed to rule Germania, as it always has been.
>when schlomo got desperate and decides to ip hop and decides to source (((historyplace)))
Site sounds trust worthy to me.
going back to my initial post: mission accomplished for agent Hitler, I wonder what his motives were
Nice webm.
Well the holocaust seems to be real
And the 6 gorillion seems to doe according to (((historyplace)))
According to your obvious pozzed site.
He was trying to go for the kill streak.
Why sage a thread when you already exposed mr schlomo?
one post telling me that it was good because it led to kristalnacht where jews were killed while yours denounces my sources because the murder of jews never happened, interesting, so which one is it?
I can smell the transparency of the jew
Next time don't post a source with the holohoax on it, because it tends to have a lot disinfo.
if you actually bothered to read the link you'd realize that the hyperlink at the bottom of the page takes you to the original text
where they say
doesn't sound very "liberal" to me
Forgot to mention he was a muslim, a nigger, an alien, a faggot.
It be a shame if someone had debun-
Oh wait…
Also your sources have
Really nigger?
Hitler was a furry that's why he loved animals so much think about it
You also forgot to mention hitler was an african who was a depraved faggot.
favored islam over christianity
had an African haplogroup (E1b1b), the very set of genes that confused scientists so much it led them to create the out of Africa hypothesis
many of these claims are true, people like you are purposefully obtuse so that you can avoid a dressing my claims, so much for truth doesn't fear investigation hmm?
moving the goal post further and further
E1b led him to being labeled as a nog, his other parental haplogroup, K1a1b1a, most commonly found amongst German jews, led to him being labeled as a jew
and if it's not jewish
>K1a1a is found all around Central Asia, as well as central and western Europe, and could be linked to the diffusion of R1b
it's presence favors the admixture theory
No I was presenting you to the 180 degree trick jews use all the time.
Wow guess you must be true then.
Oh wait already debunked and (((jewtube))) hid this from the public…..
Hmmmm why would they do that for?
No it wasn't. There was the Strasser brothers who were trying to subvert it from the inside, which is why one of them ended up getting killed.
ALl of it had been addressed here.
Nothing wrong with that. Of course, it is untrue.
This is actually a half truth. Massive privatizations occurred under his rule in Germany, along with a debt-free Reichsmark. No wonder why they shot up to prosperity in such short amount of time.
What if the furry ebil natzees are true though?
Ya favored not a muslim but he favored it.
You expect people to take you seriously right?
I'm not saying he's a jew, I'm explaining how that claim isn't outlandish given his set of genes, especially so since E1b's finding led to other outlandish claims (like out of Africa theory), not at all relevant to what I was originally on about however
no where did I claim that Hitler was financed by jewish bankers, that excerpt I posted was to prove that the website isn't "jewish" or whatever have you
oh sorry it's "business plot"
I should have never posted that that image for you to make such a shit meme. You are a shill.
Which the webm did talk about.
There is a reason why I posted pic related on the right.
ALready did
Already debunked
Your transparency is obvious.
Why don't they just say they le gassed an infinite number of kikes? It's completely impossible either way.
Name anything he privatized? You kabbalist scumbag. Everything was nationalized. It was only when trying to nationalize the "globalist" banks that he ran into the ww2 problem.
Guy was a socialist, and no amount of lying can deny it. There's a whole shitton of documentation from the time that proves this.
but that's just great.
i think it's time we start turning this thing against them.
collective guilt is a thing? awesome.
for example, not all pakis did partake in the grooming and the gangraping, but a lot of them knew and kept their filthy paki mouth shut. collective guilt.
not all mudslimes are terrorists, but when asked what do they feel about the attacks, a sizeable part of them will say something "i don't approve, but i understand". or when they try to claim the freedom to do whatever the fuck they want in the name of our "european values", but they are more than happy that minorities of every kind are treated like shit in their native shitholes. collective guilt.
muh native americans that were "murdered" by evil whitey, but that were perfectly happy to wage ware with each other and take each other shit. anyone who thinks that might makes righti a-ok when he's on top has no right to cry like a bitch when a bigger, meaner bully shows up. collective guilt.
it's really just about holding other people to the standards we hold ourselves. how many will pass?
Do you mean bg the true socialism by definition hitler described or the one that has been co opted by marxists?
They'd just say shit like but but Germans voted for Hitler
Judaism thrives only through adversity to Jews. It's a system that was designed to create hate for Jews in all other races while constantly telling Jews themselves that it isn't their fault and that they are the best and most noble of people. If this system wasn't in place, Jews would have ceased to exist thousands of years ago. At no point in their history were they ever "on top" and they've been surrounded by superior more advanced cultures for their existence. Egypt, Assyria, Greece, Rome, Britain… Jews would have been absorbed by these cultures if it hadn't been for their doctrine of making others hate them.
I've been looking for this, thank you. Anyone have a higher res version of the collection of quotes?
I started promoting the expulsion of Jews and someone in my family claimed we had a great great Jewish grandmother or something.
So, how do we test for that, I didn't know I might be part Jewish until my thirties? Is there reliable guides of gene sequencing and widely accepted public DNA sets with long standing proven records for being Jewish crazy sadistic gene only?
I doubt it, I doubt we can really test for part Jewish, and if I am part Jewish so what, I thought I was white my entire life?
If we could test Jewish DNA, how can we trust it doesn't become politically corrupted, how will anyone agree on what percentage Jew is too Jew?
I think nominal expulsion of Jews should be legalized for private companies, and the Anti-BDS laws must be rescinded, and if anything we should have BDS laws.
Also, more importantly, what matters most is that we love ourselves and allow white folks to belong to a race again, instead of destroying our own because we are afraid of technological and knowledge base differences between the same blood.
It seems to me, my fellow white, (I'm playing ((( a little))) ) , that we can't agree to upgrade our technology fast and soon enough and we decide to cut off branches of our family in an attempt to consolidate the new techonology instead of spreading the technology to the open source developmental benefit of us all. We were Jewed into loving Jew money and the power of the one ring and it has caused dissension in the Kingdoms of Man.