The University of Montana is shitting itself over these "antisemitic" fliers put onto student car windows in the dead of night in sub-zero temperatures. A manhunt is on to find the perpetrator of this heinous act of racial bigotry, who dared suggest that Jews might actually be responsible for the "Combating European Anti-Semitism Act of 2017".
What's that? The organization cited in the main body of the bill, the FRA, evolved from the EUMC, which in turn came from the Commission on Racism and Xenophobia (CRX), AKA the Kahn Commission? An organization developed by Jean Kahn, the fucking president of the European Jewish Congress and Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress? That's just a (((coincidence))), goyim.
What's that? It would label any criticism of Jews, jokes about Jews, questions about the historical accounts of the Holocaust, or any advocacy for "harm" to Jews as antisemitism and therefore open to prosecution down the road? Even disagreeing with this legislation will get you labeled antisemitic and get the police called on you? That'll serve those Nazi bigots right!
So, which one of you Zig Forumsacks is going to end up in a Missoulian reeducation camp in a few days?
The harder they try shutting us up, the nearer we come to having one option left.
Violence. Get armed.
Dylan Brown
They never just5ify their actions, just attack the criticism.
Bring up their role in Communsim, they become not angry at the facts but angry at the fact you brought up the facts even if they are true.
Blake Parker
Don't you know that facts are also antisemitic? >Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, the State of Israel, or even for acts committed by non-Jews. But you have nothing to fear if you just stay away from all that truth and facts stuff. Only Nazis express facts that are inconvenient to Jews, of course.
Dominic Rogers
Being white is antisemitic. Having white children is a crime against Jews and Israel. Come with us to the treatment center, so we can stop these antisemitic crimes very quickly!
Lincoln Martin
Now THIS is a lettering campaign I can get behind.
Juan Jackson
=next election vote from the rooftops==
Elijah Sanders
jews cant handle truth. simple as that. they operate on lies and deception.
Can't disagree here. It's nice, to the point, easy on the eyes, and effective.
Lucas Lopez
Jews attack piece of paper saying jews attack first ammendment
Brayden Phillips
European campuses should be plastered top to bottom about the Kalergi Plan tbh
Mason Jenkins
On that note, can anybody upload a copy for use elsewhere?
Parker Baker
The writing on the flier itself, not just quotes from the bill, isn't that impressive to anyone outside of an American context. It's Libertarian in it's complaint and doesn't even mention Jews (outside of sly mention of organizations that they don't elaborate but I did), just this legislation being part of an attack on the 1st Amendment. The title alone was enough to cause the manhunt. Just saying Jew in public in a non-positive way is enough to get social censure or worse.
Became law on the 14th of Janurary, 2019.
Jacob Jackson
The man with grey hair looks familiar.
Matthew Cooper
You'll just have to replicate it. Unless the original poster of it happens across this thread, there's no digital version of it that I know of. It's not complicated though. Most news agencies over here wouldn't even show the whole flier in their photos.
That's giga-kike and notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. He owns an island where he invites his scumbag buddies over, flies em out on his private jet, and then rapes, and ritualistically murders young children.
Ethan Carter
OP doing gods work for once Now get us a copy to post
Noah Edwards
Ah, I didn't see:
I'm old enough to be so used to the old THOMAS system that they had up before went live. Fucking bullshit, but I'm not surprised. Thanks, user.
John Perry
Jews are the traditional enemies. Their hatred of free speech is a decent redpill for many liberalists. Until we kill them too
Logan Diaz
Board of peace ™ We …..thats sounds awfully Glow niggerish
Leo Rodriguez
You might be able to convert them. I myself used to be a moderate Judeo-liberal in my youth, now I wish more than anything Hitler would come back.
Chase Williams
I remember when my car once got fliered with a little strip of paper calling out the jews for their manufactured holohoax. Made my day.
Josiah Edwards
I wish that happened to me. Would make for a great whitepill.
it's a hate crime to blame a criminal for their crimes every judge and cop has committed a hate crime wew
Carson Long
Why are you alowed to be this vague. What bodies? Which ones Specifically. Is it the siminon wezzy thaw center or the NSA?
Are these eight pages the full bill because it seems to be about education and statistical analysis of “hate crimes” against heebs. An is pretty vauge on how its going to b done by multilateral bodies.
It also is going to cost you the tax payers 500k which probably does go to places like the SPLC
Might as well redefine antisemitism as racism against Palestinians. Between them and kikes only one is a pure blooded semite and we can get the BDSfags and lefty cunts on board. We can work together to bash the kikes.
The Jews, if they got their way, would wholesale repeal the First Amendment.
The lefty cunts are anti-White, they'll never be on our side.
Carter Adams
It sure would be a pity if a Jewish student got framed for this horrible act of antisemitism!
ACCUSE JEWS HERE: 406-243-6131
There's a Jewish student group called "Hillel" at the University of Montana.. I'm trying to find the leader of it, but all my fake ZuckBook accounts got burned like two years ago – none of them are letting me log in without weird confirmation steps.. But at the very least we should call that number and tell them that we heard Hillel members discussing this beforehand and/or bragging about doing it. Any anons who attend U of M who could give us some names?
Here are some articles I found on the Hillel Group, but they're old so be careful using names from it (there's a 75% chance they have already graduated since article's from 2016):
This is melding the U.S. State Dept. with anti-thoughtcrime orgs. Utilizing the massive communications spying capabilities of the U.S. government and asking it to snitch to European governments (who sadly imprison people for speech).
And in time, as 1st and 2nd Amendment protections are weakened, it'll be turned inward against U.S. citizens of course.
New List of Speech & Thought Crimes
(B) Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such, or the power of Jews as a collective, especially, but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government, or other societal institutions.
(C) Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, the State of Israel, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
(D) Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
(E) Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interest of their own countries.
Joshua Roberts
They aren't actually shitting themselves. They'll just import thousands of niggers for their next incoming freshman class and call it a day. They understand full well no one is going to kill them.
It's illegal in america to say that jews favour jew-interests over those of which ever host country they are currently parasiting off? Interesting that they single these things out as specific as they are, it's almost as if the truth hurts. Funny how no other group of people is drawing up similar laws. No one accused hindu taxi drivers of prioritising india.
Ethan Rogers
Because Pajeets are hardworking law abiding people even if they smell funny, unlike jews.
Grayson White
I would bold the "real" in "real or imagined" to emphasis that this outlaws truth.
Samuel Sanders
No it's not illegal, but this serves to define any legitimate criticism of them as being 'anti-semitism' which will doubtlessly be weaponized into later shit that will make it illegal to be anti-semitic and thusly make it illegal to legitimately criticize kikes by extension. In the meanwhile it also wastes more U.S money on world policing the speech of people in their own homelands with legitimate criticisms of kikes so that they can get reported to their own ZOGs that already lock up anyone questioning the holyhoax or kike power. It's fucking insane and should be brought to the attention of anyone that will listen.
Levi Nguyen
Thanks, user. Much appreciated.
Ian Torres
Specifically that one is to make phrases like, "Jews attack 1st Amendment" antisemitic because it is blaming a group of Jews (aka the Jewish people) of crimes and anything negative. Now this doesn't stop them from accusing Germans or whites for being evil Nazi's of course - just Jews become immune to it.
This bill itself is basically easy to pass (it passed unanimously in the House and Senate) and it is insidious since it paves the way for future legislation about "antisemitism" which now has way broader definitions of basically being anything Jews don't like.
I'd recommend against it honestly. They'll kvetch and say it is evil anti-semites on the internet sending death threats and whatever, which just helps their propaganda. The posting guy did it in sub-zero temperature late at night, meaning what few cameras they have probably only caught a person really bundled up against the cold and recognition. I'd be terribly surprised if they found anyone and you better believe if it was a Hey Rabbi sort of situation it would be swept under the rug very quickly. The best thing to do is spread the original statement of it only, because it is pretty innocuous. The news stations are not doing that very much because it breaks the narrative of it being evil ravenous Nazi propaganda.
No, there's multiple ones. A female one was in the NBC report on it.
Worse, Californians. If it makes you anons feel better, the University has been dying after a long series of blunders. Missoula the city could be turned for the better if the University would stop attracting the Californians for the most part.
That's basically what this legislation does. Once the definition is set, the legal precedent will be used in other matters like prosecuting individuals for hate crimes or justifying banning boycotts of Israel on the basis of "harm" to Jews also being antisemitic. The first clause that the flier-guy left out actually hid that useful little nugget in it…
People who advocate violence are shills, pure and simple. Violence by clearly crazed individuals wouldn't do a thing against international conspiracies. It would only delegitimize our political movement.
Let's reiterate again: we do not actually want chinks, Koreans, Blacks, Jews etc. to die, we just joke around to piss off the politically correct SJWs. We think they are humans with worth but we just want them to be in their own ethnic homelands instead of here in America. Any futile lone-wolf political violence would simply delegitimize our movement in the eyes of average White folk.
Joseph Peterson
Basically, Trump couldn't get elected without hob-nobbing. The kikes kept those pictures, and use them here as proof that they own him - yet those very same kikes want him gone, through this manipulation of us. It's a very interesting situation, but it's easy to tell that they're kikes, because they won't attack yahweh or the kikes.
The only question left is: who directed the police to target the 'offender' with a manhunt? Who directed this malignment of character and misuse of LEO's? Name that person, and you're one step from catching the real racist.
Better to bring their role in capitalism, we dont live under communism.
Jose Baker
You kill few local jews and the rest will run away to other areas/israel. They can only exist because there is a complete lack of actual resistance, they can deal with politics/media with their money, they can't deal with jewish young women not continuing their jewishness.
Luis Foster
It's the gun control shills that advocate violence. They know a call to arms would, at best, result in a shooting that lasts 5 minutes. They're tired of being called out for fake shootings so they want to provoke a real one. Shootings of average citizens will only help gun confiscation advocates. You never see people like Soros get attacked.
Brandon Cook
That's exactly what they've done. If you can't even speak a contrary opinion of something then you have no first amendment right anymore. This isn't even like the Sedition Act of 1798 which was against the U.S government, this is an entirely foreign people. This shit is so fucking stupid and Trump is absolute fucking dog shit, fuck that rat kike for signing this stupid shit in the first place I can;t wait till his jew ass gets thrown out and everything he did gets undone
Connor Lee
Imagine my shock when I have gone so below zero that you owe me years.
Jacob Nelson
Good. May I suggest putting the url for the full text on its own line?
Charles Anderson
Going down the kike rabbit hole. They're everywhere.
I see your dubs but I refuse to check them. A sand nigger in Montana? Talking about free speech and jew hate crime bullshit? It's a stretch.
Chase Smith
The University's lower administration tends to direct the campus police a fair amount. While they are city police and cannot actually do anything outside of real laws (meaning they cannot enforce University policy, which is jaw-dropping), they do conduct investigations sometimes either on their own or when requested. It could be simply a response to complaints, but it's pretty unclear and unlikely to bear fruit. None of the people who have posted things in this city have been identified so far as I know. This is only the most recent case of mystery posters.
No arent .You gang rapists are the Jews of Asia and cutting out white people from their jobs for your cousins just like your idolized Jews, after undercutting them and flaunting your fake degrees for some diversity bucks and dumping your degenerate cult all over Western culture
Noah Taylor
Bentley Bell
fuck you Christfag, extermination is the only thing that works. why do you think the jews got their dumb anglo-american stooges to exterminate the best germans during and after ww2? Take the linderpill
Updated with info that it came into law on that date.
Done, please test QR code and let me know if it works.
I tried this but thought it cluttered the design and breaks repetition with the allegation/accuse bolding. The PDF is Photoshop-editable though so easy to make your own edit.
They tend to have a more… kinetic form of criticism.
Adam Turner
They aren't really "attacking the first amendment". The law only effects europeans, who aren't covered by the 1st amendment.
Lucas Jackson
You people have no shame do you? Is that why you are deformed? You are incapable of feeling shame? People who don't feel shame can't properly internalize moral principles, hence the need for overly burdensome rules and laws that dictate how to live every waking hour of your life (i.e. the Torah, Talmud +extra rules and rites and regulations added over the centuries).
It's because you feel no shame that you are able to brazenly lie like this. This is an American law, applying to American citizens, who are nominally protected by the 1st Amendment. I really can't wait to see you people scatter like roaches when the lights turn on. You have nowhere to run in this digital age of unprecedented connectivity.
Camden Robinson
Now you're just lying, it plainly says that it is done to prevent european antisemitism.
Joshua Wright
Nah he's technically right as far as I can tell. What the law is doing is putting more chill on the free speech of Europeans. But of course it sets a further precedent to apply to us in the future. Things are going to move really fast in a few years as the boomers die off and shitskins become an absolute majority, not just a majority of newborns like they are now.
Asher Gonzalez
He should've titled it with a "Plan" in there.
Jaxson Allen
Wait that's against the law now? Wow, holy shit! It's much worse than I thought. Yet the masses are still blind, distracted by the bread and circuses of video games and nigger ball. All these Esports events and games, all being sponsored by Kike companies. It's starting to make sense now.
When you are hated so much you have to hide and have laws to protect you from native population. Jew is swear word in Europe. You call it antisemitism. Jews come back to Jerusalem and what suprise. Even their muslims friends become antisemitic.
Christopher Ross
Sort of like the Emancipation Proclamation that only affected Southern states during a time when the Union had no political control over them? Laws like this are passed to pave the way for current or future efforts. What this law does is establish the expanded, kosher-approved definition of antisemitism that makes basically any criticism of a Jew or a group of Jews deemed antisemitic and therefore against the law and against (((morality))). It allows future bills to point back to ones like this and say, "All we want to do is combat antisemitism with this little law saying it's illegal… I mean, the American people already agreed to this definition, so lets just continue goys…" And you don't seem to appreciate that in Europe it is already illegal to be antisemitic and is often called terrorism, which means the US could funnel resources towards whatever the Jewish council organizations wanted to in order to "combat antisemitism". This bill is a subtle tool that no one can oppose because to oppose it would make you an antisemite and therefore soon-to-be criminal.
Montana only has about a million people living in it, which means they have about the same proportion of Jews that the rest of the country has. Frankly Montanans don't give two shits about them or even know what they are (like most non-whites except Indians), but Missoula is infested with Californians and liberal outsiders thanks to the University of Montana's recruitment. Either the liberals revel in defending the poor little "oppressed" types, or the non-leftists just want to "be nice, tolerant, non-judging Christians".
Missoula could be entirely flipped back to Montana standards if only a handful of people like the flier person here kept up what they were doing and made the non-Montanans feel unwelcome. They'd leave on their own if someone popped their liberal bubble. In fact, no Democrat would ever win a Senate or House seat again in this state if only three cities of less than 100k people were flipped.