I want to start a fascist/integralist party in my state is it worth it. Will I be attacked and lose my livelihood for such a an action? I know its a Nat Soc board but I want action not a circle jerk on a forum.
? Zig Forums
Why not read the rules and stop trying to whore out white women like a jew, you piece of shit.
what? fuck your rules posting a pic of a beautiful woman isn't whoring anyone it is her shirt that i like. this is whats wrong with pol you niggers are so hostile i'm just going to assume you have no answers only insults
i had to post an image or i wouldn't have
explain your RULES on a fucking free speech platform. Don't ask questions just follow Zig Forums group think fuck you guys
Get out.
No, you didn't have to violate the rules.
Go back to wherever you came from.
Again, you want my ass for free. That makes you the product. Don't eat the fruit from the tree of wisdom if you can't handle the repercussions.
what fucking rule?
You will end up like David Duke AT BEST
this thread is all the proof anybody should need on the extreme astroturfing and jewing being done here.
you guys just accept me goyim i'm shaliday and stuff
you are jew
i was talking about the replies to your thread, user.
You don't deserve those Fuhrer dubs.
Sto.rmfr.ont is more your speed OP, try there.
It is a faggot thread, tbh fam.
I'm sorry much like Zig Forums i attack potential
Kay, good luck overcoming the 50% of people in this country who aren't white plus the half of Whites who are catlady shitlibs = 75% of the electorate against you.
yeah celebrating the beauty of the white race is bad
Your ephebophilia has no place here.
No I want real action come on why shit on my idea
I don't know what that means will I be put on a watch list I look it up?
No one needs to be reminded of the beauty of the white race. That's why we're here. If it was about anything else you could just go fuck an antperson gook waifu and get a higher IQ hapa.
But if my kids don't have blue eyes like me, what's the fucking point? I'd rather my line die out than become brown eyed shitskins serving the kikes for all time.
Posting white girl pics unrelated to the OP is the chan equivalent of clickbait youtube titles.
Ephebophilia means attraction to women who look young or teenagers. That user is just a closeted homosexual and you're a fucking idiot.
Also this
also you goys are hypocrites there is a white woman with a pocket pussy as an ad on this thread where is your outrage there puritans
That is disturbing. Who does that?
dumbass she is of age want her to have bigger bobs get her pregnant
these are the people that obsess over massive anime tits user. They don't like fit women.
Posting in this fucking awful thread was a mistake, you and that other faggot should both hang yourselves.
The question of whether it is worth it depends on what that action and its consequences mean to you. If you think the goal of it is important enough to risk and suffer the consequences of going for it, then maybe it would be "worth it".
Obviously, that's how it generally works if they can stick the Nazi label onto you.
The only things you'd get from this forum will be critiques of ideas, shilling attempts, and potentially information that could help your efforts. Don't look to here for trying to recruit anyone or anything like that, because that doesn't work. Instead use this place sparingly for getting good ideas and information that you can apply locally.
Now, should you make a local organization? Depends on what you want. If you want to create or assist political power you could join another organization and redpill people in it from the inside and stay relatively incognito while learning how to make a successful organization. If you want to just meet people and do self-improvement and see where that leads you can make a Self Improvement club as inspired from SIG threads and really go under the radar. If you want to keep your reputation intact you would keep the redpill dropping subtle and your organization innocuous. If you want to take political power locally then you would do best to make contacts with respectable local power brokers and see what you could do to help them and/or get them redpilled a bit too.
Your question is a little vague which is partly why anons are irritated with you. The best thing you could do was look into the SIG thread, get some ideas for self-improvement, and work on those ideas with others who might be interested in them. The political action and things you can do beyond that point are things you have to find in threads discussing those kinds of ideas.
Sorry proper grammar wasn't the agenda when I triggered sjw's oh this Zig Forums you larp as Nazi's but the only thing you can exterminate is grammar errors good job. If you defended me sorry but I feel so attacked right now
thank you i leave now. I will try to start a party not for votes but for my community, my race, and my god thank you all sorry if you dont like me, but i will be back you shitheads are the closes thing i have to allies which is sad but whatever for what it's worth stay strong remember the 14 worrds i hope the best for you and your families new fag out 14 words yes 88 no
its was suppose to be a meme but whatever long live Zig Forums so much action on this board
Good luck, stay safe, and keep it all legal.
Fuck off woman, QTDDTOT
Complaints about images of women. As if we are all supposed to be gay here.
Yeah, perhaps you need help. My dick still works and I am not attracted to men.
All direct actions are worth it. And yes, you will lose much because of it. No victory can be achieved without sacrifices.
Found the Communist faggot that doesn't live in reality.