The world really is turning into a giant joke
This happened
The God Emperor we deserved but didn't get.
Dammit… the post is bonkers, my pasted files got mixed up, thus twice the images and the wrong link
My apologies
who's on his right knee??
>Your duties
If only Trump could take this message to heart.
What happens when you replace traditional culture with manufactured corporate consumer culture and atheistic nihilism. You just end up with retarded shit like this that doesn;t make any sense because life to people has become a meaningless joke where everything is a consumer product.
Muh gahd emperor is gunna lock up Hillary any day now! And the wall is gunna get built too!
Checked trip dubs
That's one JFK user
Paid for by bean burritos no less
The sword pommel looks to have an all-seeing eye.
Did it need its own thread?
It's really weird feel. This is actually freaking me the fuck out.
Maybe we can get a version of this turned into reality.
Holy f*** shit look at this:
Try again, shlomo.
It's a MP4 from Warhammer 40K discord
Basically, a guy walking in full Trump Space Marine armor with a fire sword.
Good luck with the God Emperor of yours. He will meekly step down for a Democrat replacement. Trump is a rebranded neocon.
(Triple double checked)
Looks like Xi Jingping.
Meme Magic, unironically.
It depresses me how icarian close we got to unlocking the ancient mysteries. Hopefully 2020.
Don't let your memes be dreams, but be careful what you wish for.
Yes, we know. That's not the point.
It's like a twisted mockery of everything I stood for in 2016 - what the fuck did I do to deserve a timeline like this?
Lad, memes are powerful things.
Kek is a chaos god.
Lol now I can't unsee.
more like your tariffs.
more imporntantly why hasn't been posted on /ita/?
If so, they ruined JFK's quintessentially Cro-Magnoid visage. It looks mongoloid.
Maybe chinks built the statue and it's actually Jinping's face, as a joke or out of reverence.
Hey, burgers do love chinese trash and sustain their slit eyed friends' economy.
Its funny that the kike is the ugliest looking one there and aside from the spic looks actually evil. The others just look unplesant.
Yeah yeah, all you kid. Go back to reddit and get you some gold.
fucking hell, normal faggots need to leave 40k alone.
What makes me sad about this is they were still taking the piss out him by putting Putin on the right shoulder and twitter on the sword, yet based the float on one of the most iconic pro-Trump memes ever made. Unfortunately it was all in good humor and flew right over the heads of both pro and anti Trump people.
It's like a throwback to when most people could laugh at their own side, while still believing in it.
Now it's just NO FUN ALLOWED no matter which side you're on.
No need to be sad. The left can't meme, and this shows it. They had to rely on a far right meme for their "creativity". Meanwhile, this will cause this meme to only grow and grow, because..
…the left can't meme.
Whats the source on this
Sanguinius never had Red Armour
Italian Carnivale.
That's Fulgrim.
ZOG emperor preparing collect foreskin.
Well, you have solidarity with the israelis in your hatred of Trump. Very interesting.
No, u.
Who is that?
israel LOVES trump user…
We happen to know that Mossad hates Trump, because Mossad shills here, attacking Trump as their property (and therefore to be abandoned, because, for reasons not yet known, the kikes hate him).
We caught them in action, by the way.
How the fuck is this real
its a great rebranding … guy is a business genius
It has been said.
That's literally me you retard. Why do Trump supporters think anyone who criticizes him is shilling? Pointing out his flaws always provokes his cultists into shitposting.
No. I support rational discussion, but when you join with the communists in your synonym for "kill all whites" which is all forms of Trump-bashing imagery, you literally become the kike.
Oh, it's YOU again. That guy who kept inserting words into my mouth out of nowhere. Answer me this, what synonym did I use? List it plainly. Don't slither out of it this time, snake.
OH, ANY criticism of Trump is a synonym for "kill all whites"? Is that what you meant? In that case, you have the IQ of a leftist SJW and take things way out of context, twisting them around in a manic swirl.
There's some irony you'll miss.
The other thing is that I wasn't creating Trump threads, back in 2016 or whatever… I don't really know who made them.
They aren't going back, ever. Zig Forums is perceived to be a secret club by Redditors, with far fewer normies and bluepillers plus laxer moderation. This place will be tainted indefinitely.
your synonym for "kill all whites" which is all forms of Trump-bashing imagery,
Your words, not mine. So we aren't allowed to "bash" Trump by pointing out facts about him? Or we are automatically mossad?
I'm against the use of the imagery, because it works as anti-white symbolism. It's a "fuck you" to white people. It's not an attempt to gain the ear of whites.
It's sort of like if someone is a fan of the Patriots, and you're like, "Patriots are kikes and niggers!" It would be better to intelligently make your case, instead of failing every time.
Okay. I guess we aren't allowed to criticize Trump then, because it insults your precious feefees. Telling the truth to white people if it disproves commonly believed lies is a no-no!
Okay, here's the thing. You need to fuck off back to your safe space.
No. I specified imagery of a kind. I was quite clear about it, and you're pretending, and obviously lying as you pretend.
Did you see how gorgeous that woman is?
You say "safe space" when I point out what the meaning of your images is. The meaning of your images is "kill all white people." That's the meaning of anti-Trump memes. You might not want them to mean that, but you're not in charge of defining words, it was defined by the left.
Safe space?
That's funny. You're not safe anywhere.
I had a woman come after me with a dildo in the bathroom last week. I am telling you, you're not safe anywhere.
When you choose to be the ally of the kike, then you have become the kike.
Also you can’t just say this without providing at least some kind of story
Tell me how I know you should go back, to wherever it is you came from.
"The meaning of your images is 'kill all white people.' That's the meaning of anti-Trump memes."
The explanation has been provided. Now you need only supply the intelligence to understand the explanation.
Bot detected. Tell me something only a human would know.
She snuck in under the stall door with her girlfriend and came after me. I ain't even mad about it.
So……do this mean we will be seeing Ice Age chan in the future?
dumbass posting is dumbass
I see the Trump defense force has arrived?
So there's no rebuttal, he only pretends not to hear me. How curious. Adolf Hitler spoke of such persons.
Joker thinking this is a serious thread.
Interestingly, I have yet to find a reasoned man who had anti-Trump views. It has never occurred.
217_cae is a bot. They typically show up around this time.
It's a bot. Unable to answer my question about something only a human would know.
Look, I am not going to get into a street fight with a gaggle of homo bros that are obviously just looking to beat on somebody shorter than them. Because they don't want to feel emasculated.
Nope it's a Veteran with his bros pseudo posting from Vail, Colorado.
When you can't discuss, gotta go sophomoric.
2_17_cae and 79d_462 both appear to be bots, judging by their typing style. Don't respond to them directly.
Meh, that's just trolling. Pure name-calling, and you know, refusal to discuss things, being rude. Very "mean girls".
you can tell you are not form around here. meta humor passes you right by
If only he didn't get JEWED.COM…
Back. To. Reddit.
Love him or hate him, at least Europe knows how to have fun with him.
Stop talking, you're an idiot. The theme of putting Putin and Xi into his armor is common in 40k as they would adorn themselves in the vestiges of their fallen enemies, what's more is you didn't even take the time to look into the artists own interpretation of his work before spouting off your 'NO FUN ALLOWED' nonsense. As for the twitter birds on the sword, it's can symbolize his onslaught on the media through the means of social media. It's also inscribed with 'Dazi Vostri' or 'Your Duties(tariffs)' but this is also a pun on 'Cazzi Vostri', essentially a threat.
It's sword has an all-seeing eye. Very obvious.
Can't see what they are writing since they are already filtered. Filtering you too since you are so gay. Did you take a break, or did your mum cut off your internet for a year?
back to /leftypol, turd
I think the NO FUN ALLOWED was aimed at people who take this too seriously such as
and yourself.
It's the Eye of Providence, as he represents a man ascended to godhood. Many symbols of antiquity have been co-opted by fags for nefarious faggoty purposes. The hexagram is a very common symbol in many indoeuorpean religious themes and wasnt always considered only a symbol of pure kikery.
You weren't my boss though.
You're trying very hard to justify it. The Eye of Providence is a masonic symbol. People like you should fuck right off.
Yeah reality is quite strange.