Support my guy Adam from Know More News. He is naming the Jew harder than any other faggot youtuber.
Support my guy Adam from Know More News. He is naming the Jew harder than any other faggot youtuber
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I think Adam does good work. He stands out to me because he doesn't promote Zionism as the solution.
Adam is legit. Has my support, calling out gatekeepers at Infowars and the like
Go fuck yourself yid.
he hates zionism, he hates jewish supremacy as we all do.
I like Adam Green, but I can't stand how he's always trotting out his so-called "good jews" to prove he isn't an anti-Semite. I get it. He was an Infocuck like a year and a half ago, and still has a lot to learn, but it's still annoying. He also buys into the retarded Talpiot Talk fantasy about Steve Pieczenik being super influential, even though Jonestein himself admits he's a fraud privately.
Adam is great and very well spoken and seems like a cool normal guy. It’s very nice to know that there are most likely many people like him that are based and red pilled instead of just crazy autists like me who have trouble trying to resist sperging out at every pozzed thing I see.
Big fan BTW.
Wtf you’re clearly a Jew. If you listened to the guy you’d clearly see he’s one of the few on Jewtube that actually calls out Zionism in our government
(((Adam))) from Know More News is trying to get a role on Murdoch Murdoch to go doxx their ass..
You'd have a better chance buying MM's doxx from k00l than getting a role on the show.
Adamu Greenberg is a fraud.
kikes are mad they are getting exposed
This is the first time I am seeing this guy.
I am impressed.
He seems to be able to articulate for regular folks.
Stuff like this is great for redpilling.
Its easy for "us" to watch it because "we" are already here.
"We" already have this state of mind.
Getting someone to watch this can be difficult at times.
Hello JDIF. One day we will actualy gas you all. And you are doing everything to make it sooner.
He is BASED as fuck. Even better than Brendon O'Connell. He expose jews in every video.
Adam is /ourguy/
so is Ian really in some progun antifa group or no?
got my support too as he actually names the fucking yid
yeah he's a faggot commie sympathizer that shoots guns with a nigger gun group
this is news to me
yeah he's a huge faggot
it shouldn't be news to you user
you should research the channels you watch very closely
Adam seems like a solid dude. Bump
Bump for Adam, he made me belive jonestein was an agent. The man works tirelessly, almost like the Duke
Oi bruv. Can you send some proof me way? I posted a link to jowforums about him being a cuck but I couldn't wrap me cop around it. Thankee!
i found some cancer
a fucking cursory youtube search will answer your question too
Allegedly, he is an r/liberalgunowners subscriber. Furthermore, on the Rhodesian FAL video, Larry Vickers spoke somewhat positively of the Smith government and Ian McCollum shut him down and was visibly uncomfortable. Thanks for redpilling me on this.
The antifa group he admits to be part of.
There can actually be plenty of overlap for recruitment potential. He names the jews, good enough for me.
I've been trying to get Zig Forums to subscribe to him as well as make daily threads out of his material.
Yo he estado tratando que Zig Forums se subscriba a su canal y hacer threads diarias de su material.
((( )))
((( )))
Listen you son of a sad whore, Adam just got redpilled a year or two ago. He's doing his best and has put great people on his show.
You only defame his character but do not give real evidence as to why.
PTM, yes!!
Keep the shills under our boots.