Ur an npc
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You're an NPC
To be fair, they're all right.
I'm probably the only real person in this whole damned simulation.
Dehumanization using "NPC" is only hurting our cause. If we want people to agree with us we have to be tactical and avoid making them defensive and therefore less receptive to facts and logic.
Ben Shapiro is very good at using facts and logic and respects his opponents. He is a role model we on the right should follow.
⛧⛧No I'm not a NPC, yet it's not you who plays me.⛧⛧
Reminder not to address the obvious shill ITT. Don't do it. Let them starve for (you's) and die.
None of this shit matters though.
Absolutely dysgenic.
Subtle shitpost, user-bot. My humor subroutines were stimulated. You must be one of the premium scripts. Please accept these self-validation credits as payment.
Just saw a chatbot in the other thread about Trump. It was unable to argue and stopped responding after I left the thread. Some NPCs are actually nonhuman.
It kept posting responses like this, and said any anti-Trump memes are synonyms for "kill all white people." Completely incapable of supporting it's points with evidence.
Possibly. Or rather we're all the only thing here.
How is Shapiro part of a Jewish conspiracy? He supports closing down borders, etc. How would that help dilute the White population? It wouldn't!
I have to say people who want Jews as part of white nationalist movements are NPCs, because they don't understand Jewish motives for behavior which are selfish and genocidally anti-white,
But people who only say "he's Jewish though" are also NPCs, unless they explain why Jews are dangerous to those not in the know.
Oh. You're a literal bluepilled alt-kike retard. Go back now.
I'm a no piller realist. Vaginas don't come in pills.
Except he’s not. He probably supports a wall but is one of those “as long as they are loyal to the constitution, skin color doesn’t matter” type conservatives
Which is problematic. First, skin color does matter. For instance blacks vote over 90% in favor of leftists, and has been this way since they could vote. Other minority groups are very similar. Second he’s in favor of legal immigration. Quite frankly even this is a threat to our way of life, our constitution, as once these people are naturalized and have kids the vote for policies not good for white people.
Also Ben has been shown to display double standards all the time, one thing for American and the opposite for Israel. His loyalties clearly lie with Israel and not the US. Israel is a foreign nation newfriend and does not have our best interests at heart. They own our congress and use our troops as cannon fodder
Blacks aren't the people immigrating to America though. The majority of blacks are people who are already here ("African Americans" aka nigs) so immigration policy doesn't affect the size of the Black population.
Many immigrants are rich/skilled people from quickly developing or developed countries and have more conservative views. For instance, many Chinese immigrants are conservative. news.vice.com
You stupid stupid nigger.
Leave Nick out of this
Lol NPC shill is mad because he doesn't have an argument and can do nothing but make ad hominem attacks and divide the conservative movement
Daily reminder, this is what codenigger wants.
Remember to sage and report
I'm not making an argument that had been made many times before. He's a fucking jew. They are not allies. You are not an ally, yid.
That is correct. Hate words like "NPC" assume that we are not human and do not have human characteristics. This must stop.
Lol the board's rules says explicitly you can't remove people for posting points of view you disagree with
Keeps saying I am da Joo. DNA tests from multiple sources ran against my will say otherwise.
I agree MAGAniggers are NPCs, but Zig Forumsacks are not.
Read rules 2 and 3,
But its obvious you wont, tornigger
Thank very much for exposing yourself as a kike.
"Also Ben has been shown to display double standards all the time, one thing for American and the opposite for Israel.'
It couldn't be because Ben Shapiro is Jewish and has more loyalty towards his own nation than ours. This is just another baseless accusation, a coincidence!
Trump totally said he only supports immigrants if they have traditional values.
I don't see anything wrong with , it was made in good faith and legitimately serves our interests!
Ameriburgers did it again.
If you are going to post here learn how to quote (aka greentext) properly
First off, read my post more carefully. You will see that I said “other minorities are similar”. The majority of immigrants to this country come from Latin American and data shows they vote at a 70/30 ratio in favor of democrats. As a white man, how does this help me exactly?
Secondly people come from Asia and work for crumbs. As a white STEMfag this drives down my wages as it causes and increased demand for jobs, decreasing demand for labor, thus driving down my salary, how does this help me, a native born white man exactly?