Finnish soldiers of Odin form a faction to hunt immigrant pedophiles and rapists.
Finnish soldiers of Odin form a faction to hunt immigrant pedophiles and rapists
Pretty based if true
hopefully they use the shoot, shovel, and shut up method
Hope it's better than America's attempt to hunt immigrants, pedophiles, and rapists.
Hopefully they dress like normal people when taking out the trash. Shit like OP's pic is like wearing a target on your back, hide that power level.
they were filming a message. pretty sure they were hiding their power lvl.
Masks and hoods and what not.
I hope they post some stuff to liveleak. I could use a good whitepill.
a new cult forms to take advantage of poor youth
how many have they caught so far?
none , they havent done shit
Who is their leader: a lowlife who hasnt dont shit
fuck odin
Watchu drinkin', rabbi?
so angry for no reason
Something like this is really needed, because the government doesn't take sex crimes seriously and only gives weak token punishments (you'll get more prison time for self-defense). And now there's a constant stream of rapes and gangrapes perpetrated by migrants because the government decided to invite them in.
aka every single muslim lol
Conservacucks are so easy to control.
Isn't it more efficient to just use the shovel, and skip the shooting?
(((warhammer))) is a sad parody of masculinity created by faggy neets who have none of it themselves. It was never cool, merely accepted as a propaganda tool during the great meme war of 2015-16
This, Warhammer fucking blows and is honestly up there with capeshit levels of cringe.
Why not sons of Ukko? Are they LARPing as sw*des again?
Finland has lost all its core values a long ago and is completely infested by (((them))) and their helpers freemasons.
Dont be an autist its meant to be an international brand. As if anyone in real life cares what fairy tale its named after
It's like the dominant religion of the area doesn't like people going back to the old ways or something
Funny thing is, because Odin-worshippers are polytheistic (as in, they'd probably believe in Tyr and Freya too) I'm pretty sure a muslim who takes the Q'uran literally would be obligated to try and kill them on sight. Any Mohammedanons want to confirm or refute that?
The Soldiers of Odin here in Canada are pretty pathetic. There full civnat cuck "No we aren't racist! We're anti-racist! We swear!" There was recently a big scuffle where tonnes of leftist soyboys, trannies and nutjobs came out to "defend" and protest the SoO when they announced on Facekike that they would be "demonstrating" near a massive tent city that sprung up last year and had been making headlines as even the most progressive liberal Canadian had to admit these psychotic degenerates don't want to get better and deserve a bullet to the head, followed by the typical libshits (who are so disconnected from reality they'd apologize to the nigger raping them) getting uppity and "fighting hate."
And all this sound and fury resulted in the same-old same-old - the SoO had to be protected by the police as throngs of libshits screamed at them, and they were then denounced as "neonazis" everywhere despite how very anti-racist they strove to be.
They're a joke here, just like every other "movement" not focussed on the eventual collapse and revolution of this sick system. inb4 "Noooo don't shame me for sitting on my ass! Shitposting and voting will save us, and naming the inevitable is glowing shill speak!
Guess you can blame GW for that.
This is old news from what, 2014? 2015?
Whatcha sliding, Shlomo?
That is because Canadias are usualy pathetic. They can make everything look weak and gay. Last bit their of pride and honor is ice hockey. If they could, they would let muslims, niggers and chinks to their league too. But subhumans are not enough alpha to play hockey.
Now I see they parade the token niggers as the best shit ever during the ganes.
After all, Canada was french colony. French allways loved BBC. It is in their genes. Too bad they don't riot like french. I don't understand why some nation love shitskins soo much. They even welcomed our Gypsies.
You have to be total cuck to invite gypsies to your country.
so, antisemitism and islamophobia, then?
Its the media who pushes this crap but now that fighting is almost gone theres even less of them around. Its glorious.
And you Nazi cucks shitpost to /pol all day.
There's already some shitskin rapists walking free thanks to finnish cuckcourts. Kill him.
I like the idea but is it really wise to be bragging about your intentions like this? I smell a possible setup.
That picture is from Sweden. Notice the flag and the text that says "Linköping".
Odd question for Neo-Pagans:
Do you believe they were always gods or are they historical Aryan heroes who get deified post-mortem like Gilgamesh did with his father?
It seems quite common for ancient Kings to demand to be worshipped or set up temples to their ancestors. Is this like a Kami situation in Shinto? Or Saints in Catholicism?
Right wing men seem to be obsessed with wearing uniforms. That habit needs to be broken.
Always Gods, ancestors and heroes are venerated, but are not on the same level
They literally have Zig Forums the fucking chapter
Everything after Gervis Johnson and Perry can go straight to hell though.
They obviously believed in Gods, and great peoples could be more or less Godlike, not viceversa. The whole myths about great peoples being in reality descendant of some God(like Romulus and Remus, their father being Mars, or Achilles), testifies this, not the reverse which can make sense only in some cases like cult of the Emperor and such, but those are later ideas.
This recurring historical blunder is right up there with France always betting everything on horse charges and losing.
Even then the cult of the Emperor was not about worshipping the emperor himself, it was about venerating what can be compared to a 'guardian angel' to keep him safe and guide his judgement.