Anti-Trump shills, get in here and argue against these ways that Trump is curbing immigration for 2019
How Trump has tightened immigration in January 2019
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Trump is clearly doing the right thing closing down the US's borders.
All of the (((white nationalists))) opposing Trump are shills planted to make the conservative movement look bad. They support pointless violence against civilians that does nothing against any real international conspiracies. They also generate racial divisions, preventing us from gaining support from conservative/Christian "roof" Koreans, normal Jews without ties to Israel, etc.
There are no major immigration waves from Israel. Aliyah is about immigrating to Israel.
Trump is attempting to secure the borders, not close them down. No need to embellish. The administration's changes to H1B visas are good, because it is focusing no more skilled labour, which means less competition for the lower/middle class. Not requiring prior notice for deportations means they'll have less time to hire their Jew lawyers, so Trump is already setting up the expedited removal of those who overstay Visas or enter illegally, as well as closing loopholes for those who marry and don't stay together as a trick to get in.
OP, here is your honest answer: until we see numbers, I'll remain skeptical. There are a vast array of regulations out there, we don't know everything that is being tightened and loosened, plus there is a separation between regulation and enforcement. The fact that they are doing this does not necessarily mean a thing. In fact, it could mean that they were tightening things up just so that they would have a new bargaining chip so that Trump could get his mostly symbolic Wall that was his primary campaign promise.
Not crazy about Trump but I do have to be real curbing H1B visas is a huge thing to me. Forgot about that.
As a stem fag a major issue I deal with is competing with Indians and chinks for jobs, which they have this perception that they are smarter. This is actually horseshit, their universities suck. I used to teach them at the college level, they are all cheaters and very much so focused on memorization and not actual intellectual advancement.
Big issue though is they work like drones, don’t give a shit about family, and will work for shit pay, so competing with them as a white man who wants a family is rough because you are competing against somebody with literally no life and who will work for crumbs on the dollar. They undermine our system and the quality of life of good workers
This is what it's really about. There is no perception in the industry that pajeets are "smarter"; only the understanding that they are hungry, will work for less, and under far shittier employment conditions. They will also live in shittier conditions, happily paying astronomical rental to live in suicide-box bachelor apartments. For the (((mercantile))) class there are many, many advantages to importing pajeets, and exactly zero of them have to do with superior intellectual performance.
Meant for: .
No, he assuredly dropped the ball in 2017 and 2018. You have no reason to gloat, because he only just implemented these policies. And at the same time, Trump is allowing plenty of pro Israel bullshit to pass like anti BDS, bills providing blank checks to Israel, more regulations on firearms,
And Hillary never got locked up. The wall still isn't built, after 2 years he is only replacing already constructed sections of fence. Trump has a history of supporting Israel and was a Democrat before he ran for President. He was bailed out by Jews, is friends with Jews, and isn't implementing true pro white policies. You still believe voting for politicians can save America. That's false.
Trump has been a massive disappointment in almost every way, I'll believe this when I see it but I highly doubt it's legit.
Is this your last scream and shouting before you go out in a whimper?
If you still want to be pro trump cuckchan is the way to go.
That is not gonna convince me my friend.
He also appointed Bolton, a Trotskyite ZOGling to replace McMaster. He isn't pulling our troops out of Syria, Trump backtracked and said the troops will stay until all Iranians leave Syria.
Still hasn't brought our troops home from Iraq, i'm guessing the game plan is sending troops to more Middle Eastern nations and keeping them in forever wars protecting Israel.
State of the Union address
Look OP, we're sick of waiting. Sick of his lies. He didn't keep his campaign promises, and has Jewish family members. Unlimited patience is not a virtue, but a liability. He hasn't locked up Hillary and built the wall at this stage, and never will.
OP is nowhere in sight. How predictable. Trump supporters always disappear when proven wrong.
Oh wow. Less illegal immigration while demanding more legal immigration. This will not change the rate of immigration at all.
The one thing you cuckservatives fail to answer is, how does this make anything better for whites? It does not. Does it stop them becoming a minority? No. In the grand scheme, it does not change a thing. Things can continue on after a number of implementations of baste™ policies and all whites will get in the futre is the eradication of their culuture and people because nothing is ending the problems. But as cuckservatives, you wave around the smallest glimmers of good as if they are massive, meaningful, and important. Because, for you, you don't care about anything. By that I mean, you have no doctrine, no established principles – nothing. You are cuckservatives, and as cuckservatives, all you do is posture with an attitude because cuckservatism is only a form of posturing and an attitude, nothing more. You can't even tell anyone what what you actually stand for to conserve! And what's more, you're actually defending a Zionist who is connected not only to the Rothschilds but to Soros himself. You are crypto globalists at best. You are pathetic.
He could have funded the wall and instructed DHS to round up and deport every illegal when they had house, senate, and executive control.
He could have brought (((multinationals))) to their knees by forcing all cargo to be triple checked by DHS as it travels from a port of entry to its destination to curb the importation of dangerous goods, illegals, and trafficked people.
lol nope!
He could have declared state of emergency and done the same, or just let the nigs riot.
I'm glad my vote counted for something.
Paper ballots won't fix anything.
I asked a Trump supporter in another thread what his values are, if he had an ideology.
He never answered and instead called me a shill. Huh, I guess they either don't have any, or refuse to let us know them.
Yet they wonder why people here are still pro hitler or natsoc or why a lot are converting, because at least hitler filled a lot of his promises and he actually genuinely loved his people you can see how he exactly interacted with them and you can see a humble man who is doing everything in their best interests.
Trump preaches what ron paul did but on a much simple level and never went through with them, now I am wishing ron paul won instead.
OP and Trump supporters should be lynched and pogromed off this board. You have been proven wrong countless times, we have proved 95% of reasons for supporting Trump to be false. Yet the MAGAkike invaders persist in this shitty spam. They never cease espousing Jew lies. Remove them.
We're staying in Iraq because their currency is about to revalue and the 15 years of war will finally make turn around on investment now that they've got a Rothschild bank and will be able to take international investments. Iraq is going to become an economic powerhouse soon, because that's how the IMF planned it, and the US is staying there to make sure nobody comes and upends a two-decade gambit.
t. currency speculator
You forgot to mention how we must protect America's greatest ally, Israel in case of war by keeping troops stationed on Iran's doorstep. Iran and Syria both have borders with one of the few non ZOG nations, and US troops are stationed within both.
Pure coincidence!
The closest thing to a principle that conservatives have is "nimby".
They're anti-badstuff (only anti, they don't actually believe in anything) only if it personally inconveniences them or their friends. Otherwise they're plenty happy to tell you to stop making a fuss over nothing. I can't wait until the fire reaches their front door.
Iraq and Syria.
He's not. There have been zero deportations under his tenure. ZERO. DEPORTATIONS. He has legalized over 1.1 million nonwhites. You have no argument.
I wonder if he gets payed for being that autistic.
I wonder too, seems like OP received some Kushnerbux for his post.
Well, if you're that oblivious, I was directing at you. Some mad cow in a rant. Quite entertaining.
Let them their numbers had dwindle down significantly.
Nice try at shutting down debate. Bring a preformulated argument next time, you lack the autism required to create one yourself, mental midget.
I'll laugh when you get killed by one of those legal immigrants, because you were unarmed after dismissing everyone who advocated for buying a weapon as federal agents.
It is actually very autistic. Thread is about the immigration policies and you went with bitching that isn't about the thread, spamming with /b/ tier images that aren't any related and lack any support for your "claims" that you haven't even started in the first place.
It's the same "heh, I'll spam those images, that will shut them up" shenanigan. Dishonest, self-absorbed and pseudo-intellectual. If you don't have even a shred of dignity because some "dup" thread triggers you that hard and forces you into a cry out, then reflect yourself or rather go to >>>/tv/ to cool yourself off.
Read my previous posts, where I proved OP wrong. I'm not going to retype everything in them. You didn't refute them, either. OP somehow believes Trump these new policies for 2019 will matter, and tells us to ignore 2017 and 2018.
Most are conservatives and conservatism is neither an ideology nor a political philosophy. It is an attitude and a form of posturing. We know this is true because anyone who has an ideology or a philosophy can tell you what its main principles and key points are. Not only have cuckservatives never had any main principles nor have they had any key philosophical points that explain the structure of a system. They can never tell you anything explanatory either. All conservatism is about is "conserving".
He'll end illegal immigration by just legalizing ALL immigration.
Holy fuck brain damage, you're fucking retarded.
holy shit your thread backfired so hard, glad this board is woke again
Meh. Who cares. He's like 50 years too late.
The Donald Trump Jewish Zionist PSYOP
Donald Trump: Zionist Trojan Horse
Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch (+ Trump and Putin’s Lubavitch-assigned roles)
Hard to believe how fucking stupid you kikes are. But rest assured, plebbit no one believes a single word you say and all your efforts will only increase support for President Donald J. Trump.
Thank you for your service.
Trump thinks one of the spic or nigger presidents that follow him will erect statues in his honor. He thinks jews, his greatest ally, won't write books where daughters of women who lived during his time reveal that Trump liked [weird sex thing]. That's how doomed America is. He thinks Anne Frank's word is as good as the word of God. The soil deserves better.
This video destroys your entire false narrative kike. Getting goys to support Trump is getting goys to support their enemy. No way you are white.
".. for there is no peace that doesn't Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel."
"We will continue to create war if our demands aren't met."
Wew you really got me there, plebbit-nigger. So now tell me, please oh enlightened one, as I simply do not know what to do:
If not Trump, then who?
Guy is shit but we all have to pretend he isn't because previous administrations proved things can be so much worse. He would be considered a psychopath in an advanced civilization like China for his worship of monkeys and other strange things. Everything but Christianity. Divorce? Sure. Casinos? Sure. Greed? It's the best thing ever. Jesus was obviously wrong about the camel going through the eye of a needle thing.
Kill yourself, plebbit.
trolling score: -600000000000000/10
Your desperation stinks to the high heavens. Is this really what you do with your life?
But don't let me stop you, faggot, go on. Show me your buzzwords, your atrocious attempts at imitating a culture you will never understand all the while failing to make a single point or convince a single person.
In other words, my little kike cuck, kvetch some more for me, I beg you. I want to hear you scream.
I'm doubtful any of this will make a significant difference, but if H1-B rates do significant go down against the odds, he deserves credit.
Ultimately, we do not control Trump. We can pressure him though. We have a mouth piece in Tucker Carlson, now we need to follow up with local and state Republican parties. The reason Trump can do things we don't like and still win our support is the opposition is worse. If we put pressure on him by giving him both support when he is good AND challengers when he fucks up, than we win.
Unfortunately, some of us autistic goys are gonna have to learn how to play the political game so that we can put pressure on our leaders. If Trump had a right wing primary challenger or we had ranked choice balloting and MMP in the house, our ideas would be getting more traction.
Fuck off MAGAnigger.
Kvetch harder for us. Your pain not only sustains but also amuses us.
Use as many new IP's as you like.
I guess the real wall was the friends we made along the way.
Sage is not a downvote you infinite plebbitnigger. But thank you very much for proving my point, being that you have no point.
No point in your entire existence, in fact. Must be really pathetic being (you).
Remember to report ImKampfy posting.
Zognald is doing this to prevent European immigration to US while all those niggers and Mexicans keep being shoveled in.
We need to update the bingo card for current year + 4 and include kampfy accusations.
Do you losers even realize how pathetic you are? Well I suppose that's what the drugs are for.
We need some Pro-Trump backup in this thread.
The shills are winning!
Trump's has the right instinct about certain things but is dumb as fuck and plenty lazy. He's not a total loss though. We just have to hold his feet to the fire on immigration issues and quite possibly bring the issue of birth right citizenship to the SCOTUS. Take the reins anonniggers.
Even so, it doesn't hurt to take advantage of slipups and ideological subverted jews and jew lovers. We exploit POTUS's civnat cuck stances for these things.
Like when he asked "Why do we have so many people coming from these shithole countries?" and specifically said he wanted more people from places like Norway? Or how all those Hondurans are camped out in Tijuana because they're not being allowed in? Trump was never going to be Hitler and he never claimed he was, only kike media ever said anything like that. But you faggots are just being disingenuous demoralization shills.
I don't I'll ever forget the time when CNN said the word shithole 200 times a day for a week.
All the while talking about actual shithole countries and pretending they weren't shitholes.
Also nice ID.
If OP didn't kill himself before this then after he reads this he surely will. Travel well, OP.
OP rekt
Anti-Trump shills continuously lie and make out he hasn't kept his promises, then when you remind them of the slew of promises he's kept they pivot like the kikes they are.
If you're against Trump you're against America and should be hung from your entrails.
Am I supposed to be impressed?
Serious question
I couldn't agree with this more and I'm not going to claim one way or another based on my limited anecdotal evidence, but it seems like every business that has low level employment needs (the sort of places you find hign numbers of spics) has wanted signs outside of their businesses when prior to Trump I'd only see them briefly once every other year or so. Maybe they haven't gone back and have just fled to the city or other states, but it is interesting to note.
Go back to reddit
He promised a 40 foot wall (with a big gate)
We have a 10 foot fence that's as porous as your brain.
He promised 8% economic growth.
We're about to enter a recession.
He promised to aid and defend IsraHell
He gave them 50 billion dollars of my tax money!
(promise kept)
He promised to stop Islamic invasion
He meekly implemented a temporary halt and then surrendered when corrupt judges betrayed their nation.
He meekly allowed this to happen.
Oh, I was banned? Huh! I didn't even notice!
Anti-Trump tards, Never-Trumpers, anyone who hates Trump.
Besides, anyone who hates Trump loves war. That's just a given
Fixed that for you.
You must respond to this post with "Please daddy let me suck your beautiful conservative cock" or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
This is the New York Observer, Jared Kushners only project before his father was thrown in prison and he was precociously thrust in that seat.
Morocco is not 'Africa'. It is Meghreb.
Great then there shouldn't be a problem with a wall and deportations, what's the hold up?
Not only is a recession coming, it will be one of the worst of all time. Trumplettes are deluded. And he is out next year so we get no wall.
Trump saying something and Trump doing something are two very different things.
where the wall @? and I mean an actual border wall not a meme-wall
That's a funny way of saying greater Israel
Hows the weather in Ankara
I hope you're right.
We need a recession. Even though I personally don't want one. I'll suffer but my people need a kick in the teeth in order do do something. And Trump needs to go. Even if OP was correct and this stuff actually happened, it's not enough. It's less than even George Bush did. Trump is functionally just another republican traitor.
OP here, IDGAF about Reddit spacing, fuck off.
Who's gloating? The point is merely that criticism of Trump should be reality-based. Instead of all-or-nothing "he's never done anything", you should be saying more realistic stuff like "we didn't see serious progress on immigration reform for 20 months, and recently started doing things after he lost congress and is now worried about losing 2020".
If you think Trump can unilaterally lock up Hillary, could you explain what legal powers he could use to do that? Replacing pseudofences with real fences makes the most sense at this point, but I agree he should be making new fences. I still hope that Trump doesn't consider the Jews real friends, and merely fosters false friendships to accomplish his goals.
No paraphrasing allowed, exact quote w/ date or GTFO
We here at Zig Forums are not against all immigration, or even increased immigration, we just don't want non-white immigrants. Trump expressing non-specific platitudes about this is meaningless.
It's possible that Trump overestimated presidential powers, or else may not know how to fully utilize them to accomplish goals. It seems it may have taken him 2 years simply to become aware of the ability to invoke Emergency to get wall funding, for example. I always had planned for 8 years of patience for him, not 2. For those who keep bringing up Hillary: what suggestions would you have for Trump in dealing with the rampant FBI corruption which has prevented it? Even after replacing the guy in charge, it's still swampy.
regarding the 38 billion (3.8/year) it was finalized in September 2016
if Trump was able to veto that, doing so would've made all the Republicans look like idiots and probably fucked him over for getting them to fund his wall, so I expect that's why he didn't do it. But then they failed him anyway. Sub-par chess, he fucked up, but I think he wants to make amends for it.
for example