So now that political solutions are out of question with Trump bowing down to the Zionist neo-liberal world order and throwing in the towel, I think we can all hope Russia nukes all the major cities. Worst case scenario that doesn't happen and we drift into Blade Runner 2049 except whites are killed on sight.
WWIII Nuclear Armageddon
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What would you have us do user? Shit on the streets?
Just fucking imagine trying to explain semiconductor technology to niggers. Or even something as simple as city wide sanitation like garbage collection. These apes can't even maintain cars, while European cities have trains that are timed to the fucking minute.
There will never be nuclear war. And if there is I'll be too burned into the pavement to eat my hat. The only way whites will ever get out of this is if we pull together a large enough fighting force to take several US states, form a new nation, and devoted all resources towards space exploration and colonization of the Moon and Mars. Earth is fucked. Chinks and niggers will always be polluting it and causing problems.
1 minute in
As a Jew myself, I have absolutely no problem with Zionism or Israel. You, sir, don't understand why Zionism is beneficial for the world globally. Zionism has contributed more than Christianity and Islam combined, even if Christianity works better in the continent of Europe.
I am wholly against nuking Israel and the only way Israel will be whiped off the Earth would be caused to Climate Change. The icecaps would have to melt a lot to submerge Israel. New York will be well underwater which will be enough to satisfy the insignificant opinions Zig Forums.
Asians and high IQ indians are being brought in to keep the lights running unfortunately. Trump has doubled down on bringing as many H1Bs as possible. Imagine Hong Kong or Singapore but with a nightmarish anti white spin.
Imagine being straight and everybody has been trying to tell you otherwise
The only Asians worth a damn are Koreans and the Japanese, and some Mongolian are alright. But look at what's happening now. The kikes are already trying to import niggers into Japan, which is massively over populated as is.
The jews want to destroy all peoples who could stand against them, which means they would eventually be left with nothing but 60IQ niggers they can enslave for an eternity. So no, they can't have their cake and eat it too. Those Asians they're bringing in might prop up their abominable system for a few more decades, but in the end they'll have an empire of dirt and filth and decade, and the brown masses will swallow them.
Laughing my fucking ass off
Chinese are basically Jews and worse in some ways
Also many of the new doctors in the west are street shitters. That's what I meant by "high IQ" Indians relative to their population.
I've been to China and several other Asian countries. Chinks are the worst Asians. They're rude, loud, disorderly, and fucking hideous. Maybe 3% of their women are remotely fuckable. I hate chinks just as much as I hate jews. If we have a war with China I'm gonna commit so many war crimes
We don't need to deal with the Chinese. Just unshackle the Japanese and they'll take down the Chinks on their own.
Rule number one for life: if you depend on other people to do shit for you, nothing will ever get done.
Nuclear weapons can solve all problems
There's a rather weighty prophecy which states that the world will only have peace when
there's no more jews in it
Peace may be coming sooner than anyone expects.
I also enjoy the taste of radioactive dust, water, and meat.
If the (((elite))) live on them, yes.
better acquire a taste for iodine and baking soda while you're at it.
Best case scenario is when Hillary Clinton is elected President in 2020, that Russia does a preemptive nuclear strike and kills all the shitlibs, jews, and PoC in all major US cities. As much as I am upset with Trump at least I don't think he's gonna do a war and begin the end.
death comes in many forms. prepare.
Mirroring this video
Well, bacteriological weapons are better to solve those problems.
No radioactive area after the BOOM!
I think tsar bomb might be powerful enough to cause a nuclear winter.
Unnecessary, comrade. All Vlad needs is more woodka
With an impossibly unified Korea. Yes, China will be purged.
ok how many nuclear weapons were tested in the desert? also most of the weapons would be air burst, so there wouldnt be that much ash in the air like a volcano. nuclear winter, emp, fallout are all comic book tier boogey man bullshit. Even if all the nuclear weapons were doubled, then used as efficently as possible to kill as many people as possible, it would only put a dent in the population. it would be a speedbump in the amount of niggers breeding like roaches.
wed need some kind of bio weapon, and broadcast it on them over a long period of time to make them infertile or cause crippling cancers.
How many are you willing to sacrifice for TOTAL ARYAN VICTORY?!
Half of our people and all of theirs
without white race traitors and kikes we would have almost no problems
It's not what I am willing to sacrifice, it's what you're willing to sacrifice.
Diagnose: lebensgefahr - The Last Breath of Tellus
“When the Messiah comes, Israel will reverse the Final Solution. Twenty, thirty atomic bombs on Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, Dortmund and so on to assure the job gets done. And the land will be quiet for a thousand years,”
– Chen Ben-Eliyahu at Knesset, 4/11 2015 –
Check my trips nigger. If even 10 of those "nukes" could hit we'd still win. Oh, did you forget where I relocated most of the German genetics to? That's right, the absolute heart of my killing machine. Words won't penetrate there. Death approaches UUUU
Chinese are bad, but Jews are ultimately the worst and most evil.
Let it happen
I thought it's common knowledge that ww3 starts in 2029.
I would say cancer is more beneficial to world globally than zionism. If would sacrifice half of white race to kill all jews. Nuke, gas, muslims. Whatever. Jews are enemy of human race. Enemy of nature. Sons of Satan.
More like 2021
Can you imagine China that is ONLY inhabited by Japs?
Environment cleaned up in a generation. Japs with acreages. It'd be kind of like 1890's America, but with lots of rice, wheat and a lot more big farm-boy Japs to compete in Sumo.
You mean, the bomb they already detonated once and didn't cause a nuclear winter?
Books. Try reading them.
BTW, "nuclear winter" is just propaganda to make us afraid of nukes.
I'm not afraid of nukes. What else can rid the country of majority of parasites? More welfare?
Threatening with nuclear war is like saying "If you don't do what we want, we're going to ethnically/libtard cleanse your country. You're literally shaking, right now, RIGHT?"
Does ANYONE on this board ACTUALLY FEAR nuclear war?
The irony is that most of us are scattered all over the country, far from any viable nuke targets. Do you think Shlomo is going to nuke a field out in Kansas?
Nuclear war is a win-win-win-win-win.
You're not on reddit and have no idea what a nuclear winter is. Fuck off.
The bomb you mentioned isn’t destructive enough to cause nuclear winter so please study before you post. You look like a tard sir.
on the contrary, Rabbi. Just prior to Jesus the Christ returning, Jerusalem will be surrounded by armies, and they will be in the city, raping everything in sight, which is their harvest on the gigarapes they have committed over the millenia.
There will barely be any Israelis left.
Jesus Christ will NOT be using nuclear weapons. He just speaks the word and his enemies are destroyed.
Zechariah 14:2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
So. No. There will be no more rape of the German people. God fights for Germany, or they would no longer exist. Satan turned the whole world against them, and they still thrive.
No, God is going to turn all nations against Israel. He will then go forth in judgement against those who have fought against his people, which includes those who have been beheading Christians and trying to force the Mark or number of the Beast on everyone.
Zechariah 14:3 Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.
God needs nukes like I need ant larvae to fight for me.
What they neglect, due to their blasphemous ignoring of the New Covenant Which Replaced the Old Covenant, which they Don't Obey Anyway, is that in the end, the Jews are all stuffed back into Israel, and, ultimately, some survivors are in Jerusalem, and the whole world is gathered to destroy them, when Christ intervenes, AFTER they have drunk full the cup of their judgment which they have forced others to drink, and fights against any nations who are enemies of Christ.
Without the New Testament AND the Old Testament, people lose perspective.
Rev 14:19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
Revelation 14:20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. (400 miles)
No Christian fears what man can do, unless he is in disobedience to the Word. We don't fear nuclear war, evil people, evil governments, death, taxes, or anything else.
I don't think many on this board have any great fear of nuclear war, either. Cui bono?
Oh, and Feminism will DIE
When the bombs start falling, women come crawling.
Isaiah 4:1 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
Isa 4:2 In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.
Isa 4:3 And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem:
Isa 4:4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.
2021, 2021, we have a 2021, can I ha… yes, the man in the back,
"2020!!!" The man in the back (is ready to crack as he raises his hands to the sun) er, bids 2020!
2020 2020 do we have a 2019, December 2019?
Going once. Going twice,
SOLD at 2020!
Not entirely correct. They will have to keep a small quantity of smart white slaves to maintain the cities and the kikes' frugal lives.
I entirely expect this being achieved by implanting explosive chips into the slaves.
Slaves will be given treats for good behavior. It will be very pavlovian.
We will have global government wether by consent or conquest goy
I think it's a good reminder that the Samson Option is pure jewspeak and not defensive at all. There's no option there.
I've always been surprised how their eschatology only grants them one millennium of fruitful bliss.
Maybe it's an irony? Because after a thousand years, the planet would have fallen so low that all traces of civilization would be definitely gone and Jews, weaker than ever, unable to fight against hordes of cannibal niggers, would also disappear.
that works for me
soon user, soon
kill yourself yid
i bet i could make one, rudimentary of course, but yeah. the nuclear Eagle Scout and such
I love her, and her sister FUSSION-CHAN is a hottie too 10/10
checked control your fucking spacebar you nigger
Thank you for buying us one more year.