Can national socialist monarchy be compatible?

Before I get any flack and yes I do understand that this board can get a bit more elitist when it comes ideological belief and being only pro national socialism or hitlerism 99.9% of the time, but I want you to hear me out on this one. I have been thinking as of late Zig Forums the genius of national socialism and what it had done for germany cannot be in anyway understated, but the main flaw about national socialism I think Zig Forums had not realized or do but never decide to talk about it. Imagine in a timeline where nsdap germany won and defeated the international jew, but there is another problem at least for germany, were hitler to die or decided to kick the bucket is who will replace him? There is a 50/50% a tyrant would replace him or guy who may continue his policies, but never at the extent hitler did or with inspiring speeches but the problem keeps increasing that a tyrant might take over and take power for him self. So I was thinking to my self how to avoid this sort of problem if we were to implement national socialism to any of our nations. I think I might've found the solution, but I have no idea if this can work I propose national socialist monarchy the reason I think this may be a good idea is because of passing your knowledge on to the children and that will continue with your bloodline. This may prevent many problems, if the first leader of a national socialist country were to die or kick the bucket, his child will continue the policies and knowledge his father had left him, as his father will be teaching the main tenets of national socialism to always love your people and to serve their interests and for the common good and to treat your people with love and teach them be strong and self improvement, not only does the population continue to self improvement as it is truth, but so does the new leader of that blood line who continue improving upon the policies and to pass down his knowledge to his child and this keeps continuing I think this solves a lot of problems that national socialism may have had and will serve the reich pretty will at least in my opinion.
Are they compatible and will this be able to work?

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Selfless bump for discussion

"A further problem is that of selecting a successor when the philosopher-king dies. Each philosopher-king will have to be able to pre­select reliably a successor whose goals and values are virtually identical to his own; for, otherwise, the first philosopher-king will steer the society in one direction, the second philosopher-king will steer the society in a somewhat different direction, the third philosopher-king will steer it in yet another direction, and so forth. The result will be that the development of the society in the long term will wander at random, rather than being steered in any consistent direction or in accord with any consistent policy as to what constitute desirable or undesirable outcomes. Historically, in absolute monarchies of any kind-the Roman Empire makes a convenient example-it has proven impossible even to ensure the succession of rulers who are reasonably competent and conscientious. Capable, conscientious rulers have alternated with those who have been irresponsible, corrupt, vicious or incompetent. As for a long, unbroken succession of rulers, each of whom not only is competent and conscientious but also has goals and values closely approximating those of his predeces­sor-you can forget it. All of these arguments, by the way, apply not only to philosopher-kings but also to philosopher-oligarchs-ruling groups small enough so that Engels's "conflicts among many individual wills" do not come into play. "

-Ted Kazynski Anti-Tech Revolution Why and How 1.V


The Nobles actually supported Hitler, and gave him financial backing. All of the Royals in the 1920's until the actual fighting started between the German Communists and National Socialists would wear their SS uniforms and whatnot.

When I say fighting, they actually were shooting each other in the streets as the Communists had violently overthrown the legitimate government when they found out Hindenburg was very ill and close to being dead

Monarchy doesn't exist in reality. It's an oligarchy.

So how long did that fight lasted or did it went all the way to 1933 and where did you find this information?

no , and your thread sucks

I need some hard core proof's for that.

natsoc is revolutionary while monarchy is reactionary. thus, the two are incompatible. it's as simple as that.