i'm the autist who makes the Jew threads. I've decided i wanted to start learning hebrew, simply because it would be so much easier to troll kikes on Israeli boards and divide and conquer them as they do to us in the West. Christ, even Hezbollah is now teaching their kikds heeb so they can "know their enemy."
What am I looking for? High Iq autists. Based on LSAT when I took it, used to be accepted by MENSA and my Iq score correlated to a 138 IQ. Which is not to say you need a high IQ to participate. In Europe esp. some of the dumbest people I know are fluent in 4-5 languages.
For those who say it's not possible, cosnider that our great-grandfathers used to have to be fluent in Greek and Latin before they good graduate from a respectable uni. And we ouldn't be looking for perfection, just enough to pass as an American Jew.
Onviously, won't pay, will nigger-rig the software from a piracy site. Not sure, mods might shoa this as OT, but Christ, think of the fucking damage that could be done to the kikes and the paranoia it would sow in their ranks if we could produce even…10-15 goys with decent fluency in Hebrew.
Open for any ideas, but my idea would be to do the Rosetta Stone shit on our own (after privately sharing how to find software for those who can't through protonmail accounts). This is the one element of kikery i've never mastered, I'd love to do it, but would be more fun with others doing it with me. anyone else in??? Mods, please let me gauge response at least before you shoah…
Learning kikespeak for trolling fun and ??? profit?
Oh, forgot to add, rosetta stone on our own, meet here or if they won't allow the thread here find a board here that will. Think about the paranoia it would strike in the hearts of kikes? They'd no longer be so open about how much they despise "the goyim" if one of us might be reading. It won't be easy, but say….an hour a day, 1.5 a day on weekends. Most of us spend that on vidya or other bullshit anyway.
then we meet here 3x a week to compare progress and help one another. Is anyone else in. And obviously usual rules in effect– no JEWS, NO NIGGERS.
It's one of those valuable things they don't teach you at Harvard Business School.
I actually went t a t-3 (H/Y/S) Law School, if that's intended as a smart ass kike remark from the same Jew who refuses to tell me why any of the facts i've researched are incorrect…
Also, even if no one else does this, you can bet your ass i'll be doing it– and that i'll be on every Jew message board I can find posing as an america jew (female) looking to make "alliyah" and getting the Jews to drip out their talmudic poison in PMs for me to save…
itt pol becomes kikes.
jk, it's not a terrible idea. It frankly pisses me off that the whole hobgoblin world speaks English and can fuck us over with it.
That pisses me off too. Try having a Gf who speaks Icelandic, and when you drink she's rambling to her fucking friends in elfish and you have n clue what she is saying.
As far as earning kike…would you be in for it user? It's sort of a big commitment, I know, but if we got some smart autists here helping each other, think of the damage to the ZOG machine we could do….
tfw no incomprehensible qt elf gf.
user, I actually am interested in learning Hebrew and Gaelic. But here's the thing user, this task is pointless if we don't become a community of Hebrew shitposters where it hurts them the most.
We'll make it a community right here. Fuck, don't have to hide, thought each person HAS to work as his own "Cell" as far as shitposting, though we can give one another advice. The first and most important step is learning.
Do you agree with the premise? If so, can you figure out how to ge tthe kike version of "rosetta stone" by yourself? I really would like to make this work, even if only 3-5 of us. and fuck them, let them openly see what we are doing if they want. The paranoia it will sow among them is worth 1000X its value.
Yes and no.
Yes - be able to produce authentic Multi-culti for Israel memes and other undercover shitposts like a Zig Forums Mista'arvim.
No - considering (((banks))) are now banning those with right wing views we may be past the time for ironic shitposting and already into the age of screwing optics.
Hebrew is a new language, and it is exclusively spoken in Israel. It is very unlikely for non-Israeli jews to speak Hebrew, including even your run of the mill global banker. For the subversion of Israeli citizens through message boards you'd have to have a long period of try and error, or additional training, which goes beyond just learning the language.
In summation, your proposed endeavor is something I'd give a goy to do to waste his time and effort.
t. jew
Truly high IQ people should find loopholes in Talmudic law to become rabbis. You can then use their programming against them and shitpost IRL with no consequences.
>No - considering (((banks))) are now banning those with right wing views
You can always accuse them of anti-semitism :>)
Yeah, getting software isn't a problem. But makes a good point. It could take us 1-3 years before we become semi-proficient in Hebrew enough to be passable crypto-whites? whoa.
mr. t. jew here makes a good point in his second sentence. But his first sentence is a lie. Modern Hebrew is very similar to Ancient Hebrew, though obviously languages change so it's not the same. Hebrew is a revived language, not a new one, though it may have new elements. Also, it's not spoken exclusively in yidsrael. I know kikes in positions of power in the eu who speak hebrew with their (((colleagues))).
hymie, you misjudge how desperate your hideous tribe is, and how as soon as they got a whiff of a "female" (with a stolen pic of course, edited enough not to show up in a reverse search) who was "soon to make alyiah" and wanted to "practice her hebrew," it would work 99% of the time.
you fucking kikes broke a shitload of treaties to illegally drug and get Moradacci Venunu out with a honey trap. Given how ugly your tribe is, a story about an american half-jewess on her mother's side who wants to move to israel with the right picture, fuck once I got a little way in I'd have the male kikes as my fucking teachers, and possibly even be able to scam them out of money. Of course, I'll never be able to "skye" or "Facetime" since my Jewish mom is dead 9RIP) and my father is a mean anti-semite now 8 years after my mother died of breast cancer and he had a big fight with my mother's family over her money.
I already have my story. Just need to edit the pic enough so that it won't show up in a reverse search, which shouldn't be all that hard… You're used to dealing with trashy, uncommitted whites hymie…not 139 Iq autistic Whites.
Jewtube won't let me make my propaganda videos anymore? Fine, I can have just as much fun and do just as much damage this way….
What "right wing views" exactly? the ones I'm spouting right now on a fucking anonymous board through a VPN? Or the ones I'll be spouting as a 19 year old jewess about to make "alyiah?" Either very dumb, don't understand what I'm talking about, or a fucking jew shill. My guess is the latter of the 3, since there has been ZERO MENTION of "right wing propaganda." And, of course, as a kike you are allowed to say "kill all the palestinians, carpet bomb them" just like good old ben shapiro. Think any banks have dropped him?
And thus the point, JewBoy! As long as the pic is cute enough aand it's a "19 year old female in the US who wants to learn before she makes her "alyiah," the entire thing is fucking perfect. I'll have the male kike supreme gentlemen types fucking teaching me for free!
I'm fluent in 2 foreign languages (English and Japanese) in addition to my native German, and I can read several other languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Yiddish, Dutch) well enough to understand newspaper articles and the like.
So let me point a few things out and give you some tips for learning:
1. The main value I see in learning Hebrew is in becoming able to translate Hebrew articles and documents into English so the rest of us Goyim can read it. So focus on learning to understand Hebrew, i.e. focus on getting enough input rather than generating output. This will also help you speak grammatically correct Hebrew, rather than internalizing the mistakes you make when speaking as a beginner.
2. Rosetta Stone is okay to get you started with learning the pronunciation and writing system (I learned to read Cyrillic using the Russian version), but not much use after that, so just get the very first volume/lesson of it.
A textbook might also be useful to learn some of the very 'systematic' aspects of the language, like reading the clock, counting, and so on.
After that, focus on real materials made by Jews for Jews, starting with children's books.
3. The bulk of your studies should consist of immersing yourself in the Hebrew language. Watch Hebrew TV shows and YouTube videos, read Hebrew books and articles, play video games in Hebrew, listen to Hebrew radio shows and podcasts, and set the language of all your electronic devices to Hebrew. Don't worry if you don't worry if you don't understand everything (or even anything, initially), just keep going.
You might even want to make friends with people in your local Heeb community, if you can stomach being around those people.
4. In addition to this, make use of an SRS like Anki to accelerate the pace at which you memorize. Google AntiMoon and AJATT to see how this is done in practice.
5. Language courses suck, and so do most textbooks. Most of them are based on the idea that memorizing a few grammar rules and then drilling some vocab is all it takes to learn a language. It does sound like a nice shortcut, but in practice it doesn't work. Most people who try to learn a language through the shortcut fail, and then either blame their age ("You can't learn a language after your 9th birthday!") or Magic Dirt Theory ("In order to learn the language, you must live in the country where it's spoken!"). Yet I've met Turks whose families have been living in Germany for 3 generations and barely speak any German, because all they do is watch Turkish TV at home, talk to their family in Turkish, and don't hang out with anyone but other Turks (and still got through school because not giving them passing grades would be 'muh Rassismus'). All that Magic German Dirt they were born on didn't help them much.
The truth is that learning a language isn't hard, but it does require you to invest literally thousands of hours of your time. Actively consume materials in the language you want to learn as much as you can, and you'll get there eventually.
I apologize if any of this was hard to read. I am literally writing this after being diagnosed with brain damage due to being attacked by two multicultural enrichers a few days ago.
Why does this thread still exist when it's clearly JIDF
Nice try Shlomo
Oh fuck off jews, English is the only language you need and anyone trying to push you into learning something else is a faggot
What cretinery is this. Try harder.
lol, looks like I was right, the JIDF kikes are upset they got found out
Anything we might know?
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."
Yeah, it does because English is the only language on Earth that matters, anyone saying otherwise is just a fucking shilling homo
You already outed yourselves as kikes here you dumb faggot jews
no u
So this… is the power… of jewish iq. Very impressive.
I have been learning Hebrew for the past few months and my advice is to find a reader that doesn't play around, one that starts out in Hebrew, or almost all Hebrew, from the beginning. I also speak German and Spanish so I'd say the part you need to focus on most is syntax, which means reading real sentences and phrases from the start. You can learn as many words as your brain can handle in a given day/week/month, but if you don't know how to put them together, you are lost. The good news is that there are very few prepositions and adverbs compared to English, but the verbs aren't as easy as a Germanic or Romance language.
This is a good idea. It's time we stopped playing defense on the intellectual side.
bunch of dr. pierce videos now shoahed, won't say which ones but there were only 4 or so of us really working hard on them back in ~2005-2008.
Do you really think anyone false for this fucking high kikery bulshit? you know what subject Julius Streicher excelled in? Hebrew. Do you think it was because he "wanted to make memes for the kikes" (WTF sense does that even make?) or so he could understand their babbling while he was editing Der Stürmer? Guess asshole.
Kill yourself.
thank you, Hymie. :) Coming from a Jew, that's a badge of honor and means I'm doing something correct. What's that Hitler quote? "he who does not wake up to find his name slandered across the Jüdenpresse truly has not made full use of the previous day." This isn't a newspaper, but it will do (for now).
I still like my idea. Pretend to be a 19 year old old american girl with a Jewish mother planning to "make aliyah," find a picture to fit the role but that can't be reverse image-searched, and let the fucking kikes teach you their language for free. How gret would it would be after 6 mnths months, to be able to say in hebrew, "thanks, kike. You've just taught your enemey your language, wasted hundreds of hours of your life, all for free and now I will use it against you in every way I can." Imagine the look on the fat Jew's face?
My guess is you're looking for cock OP because you're a faggot
So you exclude yourself? Judging by your writing you bag groceries for a living retard.
Truly a moment to live for
What specific documents would you think will need to be translated?
"Hey Chaim… think…the goyim know!"
So in case anyone is wondering, this is JIDF and this is the type of kike shit they do all the time, they're trying to brainwash you into learning something so they can further break down everything about you, it's no coincidence that all of these faggots pushing this so hard are literal fucking jews and even admit it themselves. Don't fall for this shit, of course they'll probably all get buttmad at this post
And just to add, you don't need to learn another language to know what kikes are about, learning their jew speak only gives it more credence as a valid form of communication, when it isn't. The only thing you need to be doing is telling kikes to fuck off and to memory hole all their kike shit so they become irrelevant again and fade away as before, don;t even give jew rats the time of day
If its learning, it ain't brainwashing buckaroo.
Language learning isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I can promise you that your expiration date is on the tin. There are promising individuals in the United States and abroad learning Hebrew (and I am also learning Aramaic, which is extremely difficult to get good resources on incidentally) and the Jews will be kaput soon enough.
Post screenshots of the most onerous shit they say with translated captions. Could be a good propaganda tool. Just don't be tempted by the milkahs.
I can't imagine being so stupid as to actually believe what you are trying to say.
That was a first draft, here's the updated.
Good luck with your hopefully temporary retardation, krautanon. I'm sure you'll push through it especially with all of your language brain-flexing.
Why shalom there fellow chosenim. We should open the borders of Israel for black Hebrews (everyone who feels that way) because they are our brothers. As we all know, racism and nationalism are for low IQ people, and Jews are the smartest people in the world, meaning that we should lead goyim by example.
We should adopt kikespeak as our memes, to start calling niggers gentiles etc, it would make their entire wrongthink monitoring, censorship, sanctioning etc. collapse onto itself
Another tip for language learning: if you use an English-Hebrew dictionary at all, try to start using a monolingual dictionary as soon as possible.
I'll say this though: depending on your talents and habits, learning Hebrew really might not be the best use of your time. I'd rather have a capable programmer who can invent the next Twitter or Youtube on our side than a guy who can read Israeli newspapers.
Thank you, very much appreciated.
I used to just read about or watch videos of cases of Europeans getting assaulted out of nowhere by random immigrants on the street for no reason. Now I AM one of those cases.
Hard for me to say, because I'm unable to dig for interesting Hebrew documents myself. You'll know it when you come across it. There are a number of old newspaper articles and leaked/declassified documents that I've translated into German, for example. There's some interesting Japanese research on Jewish/Communist influence on the US government leading up to Pearl Harbor that I've been meaning to translate into English.
Anything that lays bare their goals in regards to the West is going to be helpful.
A lot of what you could translate would be just everyday Jews being Jews, like when religious Jews just casually talk about enslaving and murdering all Gentiles.
Depending on how organized you get with other people, you could get into some really serious intelligence gathering.
Recall before South Park blew, Cartman mentions something called "the Serbian Jew double bluff?" I'm laying out a plan for MYSELF to learn kikespeak just to see what filth they are spewing and to fuck with them, and this miserable oven dodger has the "chutzpah" as they call it to try to call me a kike. Must have hade Julius Stricher a real kike. As well as Martin Luther, who learned it to translate bible and immediately after wrote "On the Jews And Their Lies" when he could read the Talmud for first time.
I love the excuses too. "Giving kike speak credence as a language." Indeed. The one thing they have left is being able to spout their filth without the goyim being able to read it. Imagine, a bunch of us joining their faceberg groups (I'd find a way to get an account for that), collecting their talmudic filth and posting it here with names, translating their newspapers for the others on the board…
For anyone not a kike shill, what the fuck is the downside to this, the rthan the wasted time in learning it? Yes, it's time consuming, and es it won't be for everyone. Think of it as a small, elite group, sort of like the SAS going behind enemy lines to other lintel and cause havoc. Look at the Jew fear just in this thread, and you can tell it's a brilliant idea.
If the thread had been ignored, I may have thought it was a shit idea. But look a the thread, count how many have told me to kill myself, how many have sworn at me, dripping with Talmudic hatred. Think about their paranoia when they can no longer spout their Talmudic filth without wondering one of us i in their little group and will expose their hatred of niggers and whatever else and cost them their jobs.
Fight fire with fire. Fuck them. and I don't care how long it takes, as already outlined, i'll have the like supreme gentlemen types themselves teaching me as a "19 year old female jewess." Die, you vermin, pestilence from the sewers of the East.
Wild agues– you are a Nord of some type? This is why you lose wars. you are completely naive and don't understand how the likes think. It's not for "Translating newspapers." Jewggle translate could do that. it's for infiltration and then exposing them, names and all. Every time they type their Talmudic hatred in one fo their little groups, I want it in the back of their heads that someone like me is reading it and taking screenshots.
I'm indeed of partially Norwegian ancestry, but you misunderstood my point.
Reading something like a newspaper doesn't require much language skill, while infiltration and subversion does, depending on your social skills.
So my point was this: If you don't really have the discipline to learn a language or the social skills to do much with it, but do have e.g. an inborn talent for mathematics, law, AI development etc., I'd say screw Hebrew and spend more time on your natural talents instead.
Then again, if you start out with shitty habits, learning a language is easy: the average American spends like 3 hours a day watching TV. Spend that many hours a day watching TV in Hebrew and you'll be fluent in no time.
Instead of trying to learn Kike-speak, why don't we just make images like this featuring pictures of traditional Jewish girls instead of depraved whores?
How should one go about learning a language? So you have a method? I'm learning German and currently I'm levelling up but I realize it won't be enough. Will practicing reading and translating the language consistently be sufficient?
Doesn't that prove my point? Unless by "partial" you mean a 56%er. Yes, it's a time commitment. Yes, it's not for everyone. And yes, it will require practice, which is why (if you read above) my strategy will involve a "cover" that will allow me to practice on kike forums. Think about how ugly Jews are. How many are going to say "no" to a kikess after I edit some photos so they can't be searched, build a small kikebook profile and join random jew things, and tell them I want to move to Israel and learn Heeb?
I'm gonna put odds of Jewboys helping me at 99% provided it's done correctly. And since I'm autistic, i will do it correctly. Right dow to kike vernacular and whatever internet expressions they use. It's not an overnight proposition, yes it will take time, but think of the dividends it will pay!
The first tie I post from a Jew faceberg group here translated with all their names, they will ALL fucking shit themselves and get so paranoid, it will paralyze their ability to communicate with one another openly.
Staring into the abyss and having it stare back through you. Being tempted by easy pussy (shared with learning any non-white language). Not insurmountable, but real risks.
This user makes a good point. It is at least 3 to 4 orders of magnitude easier to read or listen to a language than to competently produce it and sound natural. To speak and write "proper" Hebrew you will essentially need to spend a good amount of time communicating directly with chosenites in real life, through online written forums, or over some kind of language exchange text or audio or webcam. In the process you will make genuine friends with some of them, you will be flattered, their women will starve for you, some of their men and women will backstab you, etc. When you lie with pigs you get dirty. You'll learn a lot either way but it will be a deeply transformative experience. Might get some jewish shekels out of it though (then swindled back for double)
Good point user. I just might be tempted to turn queer and want to take it up the brown from a kike. I hadn't considered that.
for those actually serious here, consider that kikes are already prone to paranoia and schizophrenia. Every kike who has read this thread will now never be able to talk an (((american))) girl online again and will be suspicious as fuck, wondering if it's me or someone like me, just gathering intel and biding my time. The paranoia it will cause alone is worth the effort.
jej never would have guessed. But just wondering do you already have a wife, or maybe are having trouble getting one? If so learning a European language with women of great breeding stock like German, or maybe even French or Russian if you're into it will be much easier since the resources are way more available. Plus while you're learning it you don't have to do all the cloak and dagger stuff, you can just be yourself. It will open up a lot of opportunities for friendship, meme exchange, and love life. Plus it's just a great hobby with a built-in icebreaker and opportunities to socialize. And learning a second foreign language is way easier than after the first, so it will make learning Hebrew in the future that much easier if you still care to in a few years. Just a thought.
I was taught to despise Jews before I could talk– grandfather in the SS on one side (he wasn't the one who really hated them though, his wife, my grandmother was). on the other side, a grandmother from the Baltic countries on who saw her parents shot by kike communists and almost starved growing up. I have the same revulsion to Jews normal people have to a nest of cockroaches, rats, or other vermin.
And you know, I know people who had grandparents who were POWs of the Japs and tortured in all sorts of ways, but never grew up despising them since Japs changed and became normal, decent people. The kike is eternal though, his behavior has been ongoing and unchanged for 3,000 years now.
In any event, just a small way of doing my part to be able to consider myself a worthy descendent of an SS officer…
Wasn't thinking about the gay angle strange direction to take it. But yeah one or two anons even leaving comments in Hebrew equipped with basic knowledge and Jewgle translate could sow a great deal of paranoia.
Engaged in early 20s, don't want to deal with it until I'm 40. and even then, not sure i want to bring kids into this world unless something changes drastically. Imagine having a daughter in this day and age, and paying for her to go to…Yale to learn to hate "CIS White privilege?" Jesus Christ. If it wasn't only the trash in nippon who dated foreigners and I wouldn't lose my recessive blonde hair and blue eyes, might get a jap or a plastic korean.
Yeah it's scary for all of us. You could homeschool and not send her to college. Don't racemix though, user. Failure is not an option. We have to have kids now so that we can see them through the happenings to inherit the new world. But don't want to get too off-topic.
No, you are just narcissistic, that comes from your sectarian teachings, not reality.
Do you play video games? If so, get the German version of an addictive, text-heavy video game and play the shit out of it. I learned English by playing Morrowind for an ungodly amount of time, and Japanese by playing Shin Megami Tensei, Pokemon and Final Fantasy.
This would probably be hard to do in Hebrew, since not many games get translated into Hebrew with voice-over and all. Plenty of movies though.
You sound like you know what you're in for. I say go for it.
Make white babies and homeschool them. Raising kids is taxing and won't get easier when you're fucking 50. Having children at an advanced age also raises your chances of having a kid with birth defects.
I raised 2 kids of someone else (no, not a nigger or cuck) with a girl 11 years my senior who came from a wealthy family ad whose husband had blown his brains out. You can call me a "cuck" and anything else you want, but it's comfy as fuck going through law school and having someone else who already owns a house, pays a maid, pays the bills from her trust fund, buys the food, etc.. yes, on weekdays you only get 4 hours of sleep at night. Your salvation in this kind of thing is taking her and kids to a nice, long kids movie on a Sat afternoon and getting a great 2.5 hour nap.
I know more or less what's involved in raising kids already, but would be different if biologically mine. And if a girl I'd want to kill myself. Or fucking send her to an upscale girls' boarding school in England.
funny enough only threesome I've ever had was with 2 very cute German travel agents on a cruise ship to Antarctica. It's not fun, you only get to spend like a a few hours a day for 2 days on land just to be able to say you were there. But they were both incredible fucks. I'm way OT, back to subverting the Juden…
Housecat Nationalism
call me anything you want, i got 3 years free rent and food and the only payment I was making was fucking a cute 32 year old MILF. If you wouldn't have done it, you're lying.
Seeing how kikes always do that fellow white people shit why don't white people do the same to kikes? Pretend to convert and subvert the subverters. It's the easiest job ever with zero risk and everything to gain.
That's the idea, but it's only credible if you speak heeb or or are a blue check mark jew. imagine "my fellow jews, we must open our borders.." in heeb….
I support your endeavor, OP, but this will probably be useless unless you steal a Talmud or Torah.
The torah is jus tthe Ot, in any bible. the Talmud..I actually went into a Jew store to buy one, asked for an english translation and they said they'd have to order it for me and it would be $1,600. But there's enough of it online, and reading it is the worst thing you can imagine, and have read a good part of it online.
Here's an example of something from the talmud– 2 man walk out of a house, one is covered in dirt and one is clean and nicely dressed, who goes home and takes a shower?
The nicely dressed man, the dirty man is a chimney sweep who is always covered in dirt. That's the extent of "reasoning" in the Talmud.
If I were to learn any language it would be Lithuanian, for 2 reason. 1) being my ancestory is from there, and 2) because they call it the most “conservative” indo-European language.
It actually still has significant levels of cognates with Sanskrit if that’s any indication
That's actually a great Idea. Never heard that before. Thanks, genius.
And a meow meow meow to you too Buddy. The problem is that such a lifestyle can't be extrapolated to an entire nation without disaster. You picked comfort and security over the risk and dangers intrinsic to the masculinity. You have allowed yourself to be domesticated. I am not judging you, but at least have the courage to accept it. You bragged about a nap - housecat nationalism.
Realized I sound sarcastic. I'm not.
You don't have to, most diaspora kikes can't beyond a few token words they memorise when they turn 13 then quickly forget. Modern kikebrew isn't even real hebrew anyway. The language itself is just like jews themselves, purely invented. They exist about as much as the inbred desert fairy tale book torah is a literal history book.
The fact that all of it isn't available online, and the fact that the translations may in fact be not nearly as bad without Hebraic context, I fear that any English version of the Talmud may be mildly informative at best, and disinformative, at worst.
Any sentence missing from what is available online, could be the most atrocious thing you've ever heard about the yids.
That's actually wrong, you can get uncensored versions of the Talmud so long as you get a proper collection back in time or get the ones made in jizzrael such as the one made for kikeright trip idiots.
Here's the threads on one
Example full of screenshots of the uncensored version
The church used to have people at the vatican whose only job was to study it. you can bet they got the most incriminating copies. One wrote a book called "talmud unmasked." Look up the website, it has the best (worst) quotes.
Doing God's work user
Oh wow. This guy was way ahead of any of us and Hitler. No wonder Martin Luther after reading the Talmud decided instead of wanting to save them just as with everyone else, it was better any jew you come across be beaten to death.
There's other works that require translation.
It's a huge time sink.
Also, what says.
Personally I'd rather finish learning German first, so I can read and translate NatSoc publications from NS Germany. If you want to read Jewish press, just shitpost on their websites English edition, they'll autosubscribe you and send you shome hilarious scammy ads, or use machine translation.
Good point. The "risk and danger" of another 50k in debt would have made me such a better person. Dude, if you're standing there telling me with a straight face you wouldn't fuck a hot 32 year old at 21 while you're going through law school, get a house, food, a fuck when you have the energy, all in exchange for giving the kids their baths at night and getting them in their pajamas while you are studying, you are lying. What would you have done? she wasn't 50 or an old maid. 32. hot. with money. And you would have "gone for the danger" of more debt? Nigger, please…
By the way, there are cute girls in their early 20s who fucking advertise to fuck men in their 60s in exchange for what i got for fucking the shit out of a rich, hot girl 11 years older. Why did she like me? We became friends overseas, i went to see her, fucked a few times, and one night I was driving to see her and someone dropped her off from a date.
kids were asleep, I pushed her over the bed and fucked her in the ass with no lube and told her never to treat me like a fucking jerk off again. From that moment on, she was in love with me. girls actually love rough sex. You just have to be a gym fag and see-good looking to be able to get away with it. anyway, that was years ago now.
"semi-good looking." i actually Am good looking, but just too autistic and socially awkward so unless the girl literally jumps my bones first, i never like making fist move. But take that as a life lesson. if a girl is treating you like a shitbag, bend her over and giver her one up the ass in a real rage, and she'll get so fucking wet you'll need a mop to clean up afterwards.
my IQ is 164 and I refuse to work with any subhuman below 140.
if you're telling the truth, great, you'd probably work better on your own anyway. If you agree with the idea, learn the language as well and help.
Get the torrent of Pimsleur Hebrew. Listen and learn; couldn't be easier. Comes in real handy all the time (I live in New York).
Also, I wouldn't, but if for some reason you want to actually go to Israel, all the phrases in the early lessons are geared toward picking up women.
yeah but mate it's not like an audiobook, I just need to learn it in writing form. you know, the irony about Jewesses is that as a UG, the ones who knew they were good looking (though) to get away with it would just walk into my dorm room freshman year with my fucking green comforter, climb under it, go for my dick and then fuck me right with the chink 7 feet away and moan like a whore. The WASP girls would barely fuck anyone, forget a one night stand like that, without even asking, without any foreplay. If i'd been a female it would have been "rape." If they'd been gross I'd have put them through a wall.
when the chink would leave awkwardly next morning as soon as library opened at 7, the ones i felt like talking to, sometimes i'd show them the shirt I had in German (have it somewhere still): "My grandfather father fought for folk and fatherland in the Waffen SS. He is not a war criminal, and i am proud of him." If you watch enough Jew movies, you'd think they'd slap me in the face and get offended. But to the last one, they were were turned on by it and 2 or 3 even asked me to call them "jew whores" while fucking them.
Bizarre, bizarre tribe of people.
Everyone would just get in your way then. Please do report back your results after selfstudy.
The whole whoring of jewish women is a stereotype for a reason. In the jewish community everybody seems to know all the whoring their women do and the jewish "men" just take it. It's like that movie where the guy says judaism is a female religion, their strategy was always to whore out their genestealer women to superior gentile male stock so they can create more bill mahers and the like. Judaism is literally a religion for cucks.
I speak a bit of yiddish just because of how similar it is to German. It really isn’t useful.
no other woman on earth are like that. If you are..not awful looking and are a gym autist and blonde, jap girls will follow you around and ask to take pictures. WASP girls always "too good.too proud" to ever approach you. Jewesses think nothing, so long as no one whose opinion they care about is watching, of fucking you and moving like the little chink roommate isn't even there. Don't ask, don't flirt first. The move is usually something like 1. get in bed with you under covers. 2. start kissing you 3. put your hand down their pants and ask "want to feel how wet I am?"
The gross ones don't do it obviously, just the ones cute enough you'd fuck. they sort of feel you out first i guess and try to make sure you aren't a faggot, but then they just don't care. If I'd said "no" to any of them, probably would have been accused of rape. This was 9 years ago though, now from what I hear people don't even fuck since the girl can claim anything and have you kicked out of the school.
idea- instead of wasting money, think I'm just going to write to one those jew charities under a like name with a PO box and say i am poor and trying to teach my children to read and write hebrew and ask if they can donate any kids workbooks/excsise books so I can start learning their alphabet. why not?
Used to be a Jew standing..esp around Christmas, a group of hassidim used to stand outside the radio city Christmas show asking everyone who left "excuse me sir, are you Jewish?" and trying to hand out Jew pamphlets. my father was/is a vietnam vet with a very bad temper, and started scream that were "disgusting likes trying to ruin the afterglow."
I take a different approach. Around hannkauh, the hassidm go around with the fucking candle sets asking every who leaves the subway if they are jews. Every time, I just say yes, and over the past yers i've collected over 100 candles if ever needed in a blackout.
This is much more useful, as there are more of these idiots out there than kikes.
How to spot a freemason
Masons love plants/flowers, esp. Roses, Sunflowers, Petals, Thistles, Tulips, etc
Masons love trees and anything WOOD or TREES (especially burnt wood, ritualistically cutting them down, ashes, fire, spark, chopped wood) Olive, Willow, Oak, Cedars, Ash, Elms, Palms, Acacias, Fruit Trees, etc. They love Palm plants/trees at their property. Kent (and the South EAST) has more Palm trees than the Caribbean. Kent is the UK capital of Freemasonry, not just because of East and wealth, but because of the Channel Tunnel connected to their criminal network/organisation/brotherhood in Europe. The 7/7 evidence (plus) was taken to Kent.
Masons love birds and use the names of birds as a way to recognise each other, i.e. Eagle, Blackbird, Martin, Robin, Owl, Hawk, Chicken, Partridge, Gosling, Falcon, Raven, Phoenix, etc. They love bird feeders as well at their home.
Masonic families will actively seek these names Adam, Ashley, Ashlar, Mark, Margaret (Maggie), Emma, Elizabeth, Penny (very symbolic), Lewis, Martin, Sinclair, Amy, Lynn, Malcolm, Tyler, Hiram, Jacob's Ladder (and all the other Jewish, Biblical, Pagan names) See my website for much more on names or just go to the Mason's forums and research, it's so easy.
They love the car and plane "SpitFIRE". Another way to spot a mind controlled secret society member is to checkout those little "Mickey Mouse", Sunflower and other icons that they stick on top of their vehicle ariel. See "Monarch Programming or Project"
They love cats and use the names, pet cats, Tiger, Panther, Leopard, and especially the Lion, etc
Some Masonic pets names, Max, Blue, Molly, Milly, Lady, Shadow, (see my website for more on pet names)
The Fox (cunning) is very symbolic to Masons. Also anything to do with the word "East"., including EASTenders/ALbert SQUARE.
Also Aquariums and keeping fish is very symbolic to Masons.
Whenever you hear them mention the name Peggy, it means a victim is pegged in. Persecuted by Masons. A similar term is "Inside the circle" where the victim is trapped inside the criminal Masonic ring of persecution. Masons will have Gold furnishings on their front door, also the numbers of their address will have Gold coloured numbers at their home or business address. They will have Blue ceramic plant pots around their home or almost anything Blue/Yellow. They will have birds or plants etched onto glass in windows and doors. They try to get an Arch into glass doors or in their houses. Those garage doors with the square panels ? Masons will physically paint round the Squares. They love their windows (they call them "Portals" as in the Lodge) and will design them to look like small Squares (small panes of glass). Did you know most Glaziers and window cleaners are Masons ? it's to do with the "Portals". More to come.
Their favourite numbers, just checkout "Masonic Occultic Numerology" or go to www.joestirling.com and follow the links.
The two main colours of Freemasonry is Blue then Yellow (see BBC & ITN). Then Red as the third colour. They love the colours of black/white, represents good/evil and you can find the black/white squares on the floors of every lodge. You will find these floors in every criminal institution. They also love anything to do with "Rainbows". They are mad about Gold, the most noble of metals. Also money, this gives them empowerment and keeps them totally trapped into this gang.
Masons love anything to do with the word "Stone" - cornerstone - keystone - foundation stone - stonecutter - stonemason - gold-stone - capstone, etc.
Masonic music, anything with reference (in this article) to their symbolic worship. Wishbone ASH, Deep Purple, Purple Gang, Stranglers (hanged man), Blue Oyster Cult, AC/DC, Rolling STONES, etc. Most songs with sun, moon, stars, bright, light, shine, dark, evil, satan, devil, etc. You can't make it in the music bizz unless you are one of them. The Masons are the Oscars and James Bond, etc. Don't waste valuable time on all of this crap, but don't buy or watch it either. Most of you know all about the Masonic MI5 and MI6 and closed doors. Money gives these crooks empowerment, they rub it in your face (and steal it) every day.
Masons love anything to do with the Stars, Sun, Moon, stellar, lunar, solar, astrical, shooting stars. Related words, bright, shine, light, torch, illuminate, crescent, quadrant, quadrangle, grove, square, cube, triangle, circle.
Masons will have their fences in a half round design. It represents The Royal Arch Freemasonry or the rays of the sun. This is a way for Masons to recognise each other. Talking about Arches, the new bridge across the River Clyde has an Arch which is lit up at night by Blue/Purple lights at night. It also sits adjacent to the new Masonic BBC and ITN offices. I noticed one in Newcastle and a huge Arch across the new Wembley Stadium. The Masons also love obelisks, it's a Pagan symbol of their manhood, etc.
Royal Family (Patrons Of World Freemasonry) and Royal Blue. Masons love "Blue" tinted lights at their home, business or on their vehicle. Those house numbers on a small white ceramic square will have flowers and or Blue numbers. Anything close to blue will do including purple. Have a look for something Blue on their vehicle parcel shelf or a blue/yellow sticker i.e. Yellow Arnold Clark stickers. This gets them off with a parking ticket. Also see what hangs from their rear - view mirror. Something blue/yellow or all red. Small TREE air fresheners? Small animals like sheep, goats, anything with horns. Don't forget coloured circles. The MOT sign is a dead give away (the three triangles on a Blue Square background), usually found on the windscreen.
All Emergency Services personnel are all Masons. Did you know the Blue/Yellow Police helicopter is known as "The All Seeing Eye". All Masons know this and it gives them a sense of empowerment. Police vehicles have all changed to Blue/Yellow Squares, they used to be white with orange and red stripes. The Police Force is 100% Freemasonry. That is how ridiculous this situation is. The Masonic Fire Service are symbolically attached to FIRE and Ferrari Red. The Masonic Ambulance Service is Green and Yellow Squares, Green is what you get when you mix the colours of Blue and Yellow. If you are not a Mason, you seriously don't want to have an accident. Now, before you guys in the Emergency Services start getting angry with me or this article. Why don't you checkout Paul Baird's brilliant article on Tesla Communications ? The NWO are using this technology via your Police/Fire/Ambulance radios to mind control and harm you. They can flick your switches just as easy as they do to their victims. You are just a fool and a tool to be used. Do you seriously think the NWO cares ? Checkout www.surveillanceissues.com Wakey Wakey, if you think some of this is scary, you had better start reading up on DEW's (directed energy weapons) because its happening right now.
Don't forget the Gang-Stalking, Mobbing, Gas Lighting, Perps, Psychological Terrorism, Stasi tactics, etc. Ignorance is NOT bliss. Let's all try to "Stop The Madness" or we can all kiss our proverbial bums bye bye, Mason or not. Let me re-emphasize, this is NOT about Joe Stirling, although I have to get this out before they shoot the messenger. Simple question again, "Why don't the authorities investigate Freemasonry ?" because they are Freemasonry. Stop reading and take action, expose them.
Obviously the Military is infested with this human virus. Why is the letter "V" painted on most of their armoured vehicles ? Compass.
Masons also say or write the word "Bro" as in brother in their communications. They also use mother (as in Mother Lodge, where they begin the mind control) brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, and grannies (all Masonic terms/codes). A female Mason (Eastern Star) will refer to another female/male Mason by saying "She's a STAR" in the conversation.