Has a single case of "4D Chess" ever been true?


We all have been hearing the 4D Chess memes for almost 3 years now, but has any of it ever come true?
Is there a single occasion where Trump fucked over white people that MAGAniggers can point to and say. "Look! We told you it was 4D Chess!"
I can't think of a single one, but they still claim its 4D Chess constantly.

Please post examples of 4D Chess in this thread.
If we can come up with more than 1 I will stop calling Trump a nigger for a week.

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Ugh of course you shariablue shill!

Remember that one time Jewish press complained Trump stopped sucking their dick for a second to lick their balls after they already blew a load into his mouth?


So fuckin baste

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I can't remember how or when the "le 4d" chess thing came around. I assumed it was often just a tactic to mock anyone that thought Trump had any sort of mental finesse, rather than an excuse for anything he did wrong.
We're burried under some much irony and memeing that I can't remember which direction is up.

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You fucking faggots really need to research Q. There's so much shit you are missing out on but the CIA niggers on this board convinced you Trump is a Jew and now you are part of the resistance.

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I think it started when he began filling his cabinet with the swamp/goldman sachs right after getting elected. I remember that was when I got my first perma from Kampfy because I made a 4 post long list of the jews that Trump had appointed to positions of power in his administration.

Fuck the roach.
He destroyed this board.

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The millenial jews and 30-year-old anglo boomers on the Trump electioneering squad convinced a bunch of retarded alt-right fags and poltards that Trump was actually, seriously going to be a remotely pro-white president. Instead of using that time to make an overtly white political party, these fools wasted it on red-party/blue-party politics.

In short, idiots who were shilling trump in 2016 got played like 1-dimensional pawns.

Lets give the most recent example.

Trump shut down the government for 30 days so he can enact federal downsizing and fire all the lefty/useless faggots in bureaucracy. americanthinker.com/blog/2019/01/trumps_shutdown_trap.html

It wasn't about the wall. The shutdown was never about the wall. The military already has all the money they need for the wall and is currently being built by Red Castle Military Corps.

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I can't tell if this is ironic or sincere posting.

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LOL Very good Schlomo


Our top story…orange man is bad

Shit! I think we got a live one boys.

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Not gonna happen in a million year.

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Supposedly appearing friendly with Russia was a 4d chess move to get his opponents to build up how bad it was so he could bring up the fact that Hillary sold uranium to the Russians.

I think there was that one time he didn't disclose how much taxes he paid, and when the media revealed his tax forms, it turned out he paid more than average to charity or something.

There's probably a couple more but I don't really remember or care all that much.

No, people were definitely using it seriously when I first started seeing it.

What a joke.

It was.
In fact it still is.

He just plays 4d chess against his supporters.
Check and mate

Yes! Nazicucks are the real beacon of hope!

White house insider here
Trump is trying to play right until the end to his second term of presidency to invoke maximum damage against the jews
All you need to do is vote for him. Trust the plan!

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The guy who made Dilbert at one point said that Trump was playing 3d chess while the media was playing checkers.


The NFL biz and the whole of the Trump campaign for PR but otherwise nothing else

I'm voting Democrat in 2020 no matter what. I hope they do run a white-hating jewish transsexual tranny eskimo, would vote for that in a heartbeat. Trump was obviously never the chaos candidate, just another coop-raised jewish meat puppet - all he wants to do is keep the jewish status quo intact for as long as he can and fuck everybody else. If you want chaos, vote Democrat. If you want four more years of jews, vote for Trump. Or just don't vote at all. Voting just legitimizes "muh democracy" which is such an obviously failed system that it doesn't warrant the participation of anyone with a lick of sense. Bullets not ballots OK?

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Q is real and he is working with Trump.
And Trump is Israel/Jwish interest first.
Why do you guys consider yourselves patriots if you have to be a Jew in order to be a citizen of Israel? You can't be a patriot of a country you are not a citizen of, but yet here you guys are LARPing as patriots of Israel.

Yes, baiting CNN into saying all niggers are felons by quoting trump wanting to remove voting rights from convicted felons.

Great! I guess the ethnostate begins next week then right?

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The 4D chess is in fooling nationalists into supporting a Zionist, race mixing, jew marrying, immigration supporting globalist.

What about the recent bill causing the U.S. military to share all their DEW secrets with Israel.

Once Israel dominates DEW technology they will use it to build the wall for FREE. Pew-pew-pew. Check-fucking-mate.

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4D chess:

Trump says "We must build a wall and deport them all."

2d meaning - There's too many spics in this country, we need more Whites.
3d meaning - This is the most difficult platform I could choose. If I win this, it means the mandate for implicit pro-white interests is enormous.
4d meaning - Since I won with this mandate, the pro-white demands of the people have been sated, and tension reduced. Now we can get back to open borders and wars for Israel.

This shit is so fucking pathetic.
The people give their power to one man like a bunch of idiots and he uses that power to go against their interest… And they celebrate him for it.

And you fuckers think you are are so funny with your "muh recreational nukes" straw man arguments.

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based schizoposter

Several questions arise from your post, all legitimate and in no way inflammatory or accusatory:
1. Who got fired, though?
2. Which departments/bureaucracies are now operating with a fraction of their previous staff and budgets?
3. Where are all the sob stories in the media about previously happily employed government workers who had their lives ruined by le evil drumpf?
I saw plenty of the last two during the shutdown, but nothing since. With a kike-run media chomping at the bit to say anything bad about drumpf, why are we not seeing these stories now?

The real 4D chess is he's a crypto jew

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No selfies, please, moishe.

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WIDER THAN YOU!!1111!!!!11

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Go away pedos

Yep, still Whiter than you.

Wider den you, Mohamad.

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most of the examples are from the election cycle, but if you want a more recent one just ask israel how many times trump has lied to them and made empty promises.
if you can't youre a disingenuous shill. because it happened several times.

he also betrayed illegal immigrants and the DACA recipients.

back 2 pro Trump containment thread, amerifat.

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It's Feburary, time for you learn your place.



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Build the wall for keeping Redditors out! Repost this if you want to save Zig Forums by sending Redditors back home! Especially The_Donald gangs!

Attached: GettyImages-508883669.jpg (940x476, 70.85K)

Do you know if Ron is around?

==These illegal Reddit immigrants present a danger towards our National Socialist values. We must send them home, where they truly belong!

Build a wall around Zig Forums to keep the Reddit menace out! Repost this if you want to save Zig Forums by sending Redditors back home! Especially The_Donald gangs!==

Attached: 220px-Razor_Wire_Bunch.JPG (220x165, 12.2K)

Yeah most of them come true.
Hes got at least a 90% success rate.

Unlike you I know quite a lot about Febuary Historical Choosenite group. While I may not be of them, I don't deny them their achievements. Let me edu ate you about New York steaks. You can't mention them without mentioning February's Choosenite Status Group. You Yankees owe them everything, because no steaks, no world class dining.

you're confusing me with someone else.
Ive never made such an argument.
Im referring to the power of the people against the government which the president is to represent.

is that a picture of your cartoon girlfriend, user?

If it happened you can list them.

All of them jew.

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You will never be white, nor wide.


Literally no one cares about your fucking 'muh ron" meme other than you, kampfy

And yet, even with that, the board was far less unusable SHIT than it is now. Codenigger is the one that ruined it.


Idk, all I know is my faggot friend with TDS got fired and he's the only friend I know who works in gov. If you know any other examples please share.

Check this out. twitter.com/TheSharpEdge1/status/1085913503431442432?s=19

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gtfo kike.

Hi, imkikey.

The high IQ White Nationalist men gonna save us all.

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Hi, chodemonkey.

I like how mad the kikes get over a meme about a goy outwitting them.


by definition, denizens of 3D flatland cannot perceive nor even conceptualize 4D non-Euclidean surfaces. so nobody can see any example of 4D chess. and the most blind to higher dimensions are the glow niggers who are Cleared into the highest TOPSECRET compartments, such as GAMMA. those faggots are the most blind because their job is to lie and steal and cheat and they get punished for WrongThink, so they especially cannot mention seeing any shadows from 4D land, because pointing out Unknown Unknowns will get them fired because their performance review demands that they all think alike and feed bullshit back up the Chain of Command to reinforce the myth that the regime doesn't make mistakes and has perfect knowledge.

here is one shadow from 4D land which nobody dare mention.

why hasn't Guccifer 2.0 been arrested for his hacking Podesta's emails and then leaking them to Wikileaks? why hasn't TheShadowBroker been arrested for his hacking the CIA and NSA and leaking their top secrets which were so secret that they were intentionally marked ad "unclassified", because if CIANSA had claimed them as their top secrets then CIANSA would be in big trouble for violating dozens of laws and treaties and the trust of the American people?

who benefits by NOT catching Guccifer The Shadowbroker? (yes, they are the same guy, btw.) who would be mortally embarassed if the real truth came out and exposed CIANSAFBI as being utterly incompetent boobs incapable of securing America? what really happened? Guccifer is still out there. what if he strikes again?