Where Whites can begin to discuss and organize their interests without the controlled opposition White Nationalist, Nazi larping cancer.
A pro White Alernative forum without the Larping?
Also, as long as the races live in one country, whites, as the strongest race, will always get the short end of the stick
Anti NatSoc = Antiwhite, NatSoc is the only truly pro-white ideology
NatSoc is anti White. It never works for Whites but always works for the enemies of Whites.
Yet you keep on doing it. One can be pro White without any of the Larping.
Are you familiar with the "claim data, warrant" system of argumentative writing? Well, you have your claim, and you have your warrant, but you have no evidence of what your saying. How does it hurt whites and help non-whites?
Wat? WN has not worked for 70 years. The burden of proof is on WN's.
You cannot even organize anything in real life.
By that same strand of logic, pro-white policies are controlled opposition, because pro-white politicians have failed to help their race. Of course, I think we both know that that statement is ridiculous, and therefore, that line of reasoning is
Most of the European nationalists have completely removed the Nazi cringe lords which is why they have been successful
Jews themselves have pushed for and lead every neo Nazi organization you are probably juden
NO, pro WN, Nazi policies are anti White.
True. It was a clever move to acknowledge Jewish superiority !
I know fam, let's follow bayst civnats and allow bayst blacks and jews into our movements. MAGA
FYI, there is a site that is friendly to pro White beliefs and frown upon Nazi WN larpers. The only one that I'm aware of.
This is why no one wants to associate with you.
You see, same problem as before, you have your claim and your warrant, but you have no data. Want to argue? That's fine, just back up what you're saying, and don't speak out your ass like you're doing now
Reminder to sage
Some truly incoherent ramblings bravo!
Failure to comprehend fallacy.
In case you aren't dodging me calling out your lack of evidence, and you just haven't read this short thread, I was referring to this post
Spot the irony?
Show us the evidence of successful White Nationalism or National Socialism in the US and elsewhere.
Infowars.com sounds perfect for you
This time the world.
The US isn't white
Hitler's Germany.
Turned Germany from a destroyed, degenerate mess into a powerhouse that took on half the world practically by itself, and came within inches of victory. Pro-German policies where implemented, quality of life increased, the Jews who were using the Social Democrats to beat up opposition in the streets were arrested.
Yes, they fell, but due to external factors. Any other system would have been destroyed in the same scenario twice as fast.
There, I gave you my evidence, where's yours?
Zig Forums in a nutshell.
100 million White people died from that system. Try harder.
When you stop LARPing as a White person
Hitler's larping destroyed Europe.
That's the best you can do to defend your movement?
Last I checked it was the Soviet Union that destroyed Europe. The countries that Germany occupied, France, Denmark, and the Netherlands, for example, all recovered just fine. Now it's your turn to prove your point. How did Hitler destroy Europe?
>national socialism killed 100 million white people my fellow goyim :^)
>victim-blaming Hitler :^)
No. Talk is cheap. Our defense is expressed through action.
After Hitler demanded operation barbarosa or the attack on the Soviet Union against his generals advice.
Actually theDonald is quite pro White and their members can critique Jews without fear.
War was inevitable. The Soviet philosophy of Communism and the Germany philosophy of National Socialism are fundamentally opposed to each other. Hitler knew this, and chose to attack while the USSR was still weak from their officer purge. Even if it was a bad decision, that's not a critique of NatSoc, it's a critique of a single decision that Hitler made. Are you saying that if Hitler didn't attack the USSR you'd be pro-NatSoc?
All these shills are trying to associate being pro-white with Nazism, it's quite pathetic.
Neo-nazis are either shills or full on retarded
That's terrific. You really have no where to run from the nazis? No one want to see a "fellow white person" within their ranks?
Go away.
Go away.
Well just post there and fuck off from here
Nationalist: Someone who is interested in the political position and future of their own people.
Socialist: Someone who wants the state to handle certain critical functions of the society.
Theres literally nothing wrong with being a nationalist with socialist leanings.
If you don't hide your power-level, you deserve what you get for being retarded
It will take re-branding to institute, especially in America, because of holohoax brainwashing, but its doable.
OP is a narrow-minded faggotsage
Hitler was a german Nationalist not a white nationalist
Nazi LARPers belong on Stormfront. You have to go back. America and the Soviet Union fought against the worst leader ever.
Go away, LARPagan. 5 more years of Americanism making you angrier and angrier. Sad! Come back when you support our President.
Butthurt JIDF
You do realize this board has been filled with "nazi larpers" since 2014, and was likely founded by them, right? I hope that you're not THAT stupid as to think otherwise
Hitler was indeed a German nationalist, but he's shown to be okay with other white groups. See: The occupation governments he had in place instead of exterminating everyone. He's also shown to be fond of the Brits, as evidenced by the time he spent in London
This has to be bait, no one is this stupid
Not even American. But Donald is a Zionist shill who betrayed his voter-base.
Who's singing the false song of globalism now?
So you cannot defend your Nazi larping on a chan board.
How are you going to get a 100 millions Whites to support your fantasy role play?
==Nazis have always been the minority here, for good reason. Zig Forums is for all forms of politically incorrect ideologies, including Patriotism which liberals no longer tolerate. Loving your country is no longer allowed.
Nazism is the secret ideology Liberals love, which is why you hate America.==
Kike, The White Nationalists talk about things that Serve our interests out in the Open.
We are not the ones who go into hiding.
I have a Pile of Ashes, and I need a to hire a kike to count them all.
This is my last reply I'm going to make to you. Your bait was okay for the first post, but the second and third gave it away. Keep trying, you're good but have a lot of improvement ahead of you
White Nationalists hate America, and hate people who are different from themselves.
Go back. Stormfront is calling you up from mommy's basement.
Go away.
Go away.
Go away.
Go away.
Virgin rage getting the best of you, Nazi incel Keep spamming?
Your hate for Jews is created by being a virgin, failure in life loser. Jews are who you pin every failure upon. Get a life, LARPer. Then you will finally see how things really are, without Nazi delusions.
The only one that needs to go back is you
Why do you keep saying that word? Go back to the 1960s, segregationist. History is on our side.
this entire tread
How does Jamal's dick taste?
You have to go back
Sure, whatever you say you deranged leftard
Your not even trying to hide at this point.
Back to the oven, fagoot kike.
Jews did 9/11
Your derangement is fun to watch. Keep going.
Don't worry my fellow pedes. These nasty neon-nazis will be replaced by ==BASED Constitutionalist DACAryans==.
Your hate for Germans is created by being a virgin, failure in life loser. Germans are who you pin every failure upon. Get a life, LARPer. Then you will finally see how things really are, without jewish delusions.
Masters are creators of morality; slaves respond to master-morality with their slave-morality. Unlike master morality, which is sentiment, slave morality is based on re-sentiment—devaluing that which the master values and the slave does not have. As master morality originates in the strong, slave morality originates in the weak. Slave morality is the inverse of master morality. As such, it is characterized by pessimism and cynicism. Slave morality is created in opposition to what master morality values as "good".
Slave morality does not aim at exerting one's will by strength, but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well.
Jesus Christ dude your not supposed to eat lead paint chips
Incest is also natural, does that mean it should be promoted in a civilized society? Just remember, there is no such thing as rape in the animal kingdom. Appeal to “nature” is intellectual bankruptcy
Who among them is the legendary Super DACAryan who will unify the American continent and kick out the jude…
Not even from that side of the world so not sure if it did or not. How's that derangement going?
Left vs Right is false dichtomy politics. Third position is only solution.
Necons are pawns the Zionists.
Marxist are pawns of the Jews too (SURPRIZE!).
This but unironically
Waste of trips.
I couldn’t care either way. If it didn’t, then it should have. If it did, then good, too bad it didn’t go to completion.
I teach college level courses you brainlet.
I’m engaged to a beautiful blue eyed white woman. Try again brainlet
Of course, but only in your mind.
Oh. Makes sense kek.