Why I dated Asian and how it inevitably ended I'm a tall blonde haired blue eyed white guy. She was convenient, willing to take the traditional subservient role, and wasn't some fob speaking gook but spoke proper American English.
My first problems began with her parents. I wasn't asian enough, I didn't follow their culture and no matter my efforts my manners (according to their culture) weren't good enough. Her parents mostly didn't even speak English but her father had lots of money and made business here through middlemen.
I had already put my dick in it when I began the redpill conversion to understand truly why racemixing is a horrible crime against nature and how the races differ. She was basically American in every way except her race.
The final problems that led to the end of the relationship and made the right decision for me were when I realized it was all a front. She was as "empowered feminist" as the lot of them except in bed. She didn't want kids till maybe later 20s maybe 30s and despite being a few years younger me and just in college she was firm that finishing it and getting a career in her field was more important than starting a family right away. She also did the typical "we must have a house and stocked up money before having kids" play, which means she either never wanted kids with me or wasn't going to have them anyway until they had dried up in late 30s.
My conversion was complete. I realized that any issues I had with white women were the same across all races. The added problems of other races include poor physical and genetic health of mixed race children, divided loyalties, and parents who see your race as inferior and have limitless influence on your spouse.
I read again the genetics texts I had started reading with little background knowledge a few years before that. I realized that had I had children with another race I would be spitting and worse in the genetic pool my ancestors had made me heir to. A crime so disgusting and cruel that your descendants never stop paying for it.
I won’t lie Asian woman are appealing but I could never have kids with one. I had a similar situation OP but was with a light skinned Puerto Rican. I was young and dumb, but got damn the booty had me mesmerized. Chick was degeneracy personified, in retrospect an absolute POS
Across the spectrum of races in the US you will find good women and bad women. Why race mix? Take on something higher than yourself. Our race needs you and quality white children. Take up that crusade. There are plenty of good white women out there, you may just have to leave urban cesspools to find them
Adrian Torres
Racemixing slides even where it's a (((concerned user))) is still a racemixing slide, jew.
Justin Sullivan
Finns are pretty Asiatic by blood, and they're doing just fine. Asians and Europeans have a great deal in common, from a genetic perspective - but still there are differences that would be best to preserve in the pursuit of maintaining diversity.
Japan, for instance, is basically White. But even then I suppose intermarriage between Japanese and non-Japanese ought to be discouraged even if both parties are basically White. Same reason why French ought to avoid marrying Swedish or Hungarian ought to avoid marrying Spanish - to preserve a pure heritage in all circumstances. And the best part is that this intermarriage avoidance is born of love and respect for each other - without need for antipathy or hatred.
Robert Nguyen
Race traitor.
Brandon Johnson
Fuck off and die, kike.
Austin Murphy
Yeah I mean that’s basically the jist of it, you can have a “Japanese” or “French” people if you mix the two. If you love your own race and respect the others you won’t race mix with them. Also being white is more than skin color. Just because Japanese people are fair skinned doesn’t make them white. Same goes for northern African Muslims, they aren’t white as they harbor more significant Afro-Semetic genotypes than European genotypes, despite fair skin.
Camden Robinson
I’m engaged to a white woman. How am I a race traitor? Simply acknowledging quality attributes in an Asian woman doesn’t mean I want to breed with them, as I clearly stated.
Hudson Smith
I refer to the Japanese as "basically White" for far more than just skin tone. I don't appreciate the assumption. They are characteristically White by Blood heritage, such as Ainu/Jomon genetic influence, and by their conduct as a whole. Fighting wars as they did is not a subhuman trait.
But at least you understand the reason why I would oppose intermarriage. Unlike this dumbass who didn't read.
Evan James
Pretty good OP and redpill but why post the American flag with it? USA is poised to become the biggest nation of racemixing monkeyfuckers globally within a few decades
William Ramirez
You ruined yourself.
Connor Ross
it's one thing being a finn among finns and being a mutt. and hapas don't do "just fine".
Parker Hall
With modern technology, you could have had those white kids with IVF and white ova. I respect your taming of a white woman, but more anons should know about the IVF option as an alternative to a small pool of marriage age white virgin women.
Carson Allen
Don’t take offense it’s impossible to completely know an user’s stances. I’m not familiar with that genetic lineage so I’ll look into it. I agree they have an honorable culture and it’s understandable why Germany allied with them.
Bentley Hall
the one constant in this equation is you brother, you are a sucker and the women know it. If you werent you could tell the difference and wouldnt waste your time with shit women.
but you are too needy , you need that pussy NOW. So you grab any qt to fits some checkmarks
white or asian: check reasonably slim: check speaks good english: check has job: check
and you think there are not thots that are sucm that have all these check marks.
What if I told you that there might be some poor black girl out there that would treat you better than the girls you dated. Would you even accept that as a possibility?
Your anecdote adds nothing to the conversation except for us knowing that you are a loser that really doesnt understand how to pick good women because you are a pussy whipped fag that probably was raised by cartoon network.
You got played sucker, why would I ever follow a loser?
How would Americans go about retroactively demonizing previous generations for mixing them into mongrels who can only call themselves white?
Tyler Barnes
orangutans are very cute apes, hitlerdubs. also, they're what i think about whenever i see a nigger trying to act civilized. vid related
Jaxon Sullivan
So you are going to pairbond with somebody of a different race but tell them you want them to carry somebody else’s kid? That’s not really realistic The best thing you can do is find a white woman that is somewhat ok and work on her. I see so much bitching around here that all the white woman are degenerate or whatever. This is not true, there are plenty that aren’t but too many around here take on a nog tier victim mentality for their own short comings. It’s fucking pathetic tbh. Nobody is perfect but if you can find a somewhat reasonable white girl you can work with them. You can’t come out of the gate shouting “1488 GAS THEM ALL!!!”. Sorry as cool as that would be you can’t do it. You gotta be a man, slowly wake them up. It’s totally possible. And even if it’s not it doesn’t matter if you breed with them. You multiplied your genetics, net gain for our race. But put in some fucking work. Yeah don’t go for the crazed liberal SJW. Also white woman can get more conservative as they age and most actually aren’t that crazy about politics so they will adapt to you to some degree.
Leo Thompson
I hope it works out for you, really.
Austin Green
Why not just use one of the many unused white wombs while you're at it? You think your children will be happy and not have massive identity issued growing up with a foreign tribe "mom"? Think.
William Kelly
Friendly reminder that by telling anons, in the US at least, to "find a white woman that is somewhat ok" you're telling them to take a 50% chance on getting divorced and JUSTED like Brendan Fraser.
Again, I respect your resolve and effort. You managed to, against the odds, build up a successful relationship with a young modern white woman. You chose that path and nailed it. However, that is not the only path. There are other paths, with varying investments and varying outcomes. You could have endeavored to tame a rabid white SJW serial coal burner with 3 mulatto kids from 3 fathers and a meth addiction, in which case you would have taken a huge nucleus of cancer away from the possibility of spreading to other women. You did not, but it's not like you're to blame for any wrongdoing. You did what was best for you, and you did it well. Great even. Yet another path exists. Akin to not going after a rabid white SJW, an user can enter into a relationship with an Asian from a country where women still want respect their husband. That user can then have white kids via IVF and white ova. That user would have taken his own path, with its own (financial) investments, and same payout of white children.
tl;dr do what works for you to have white children. Extras are good but optional
Isaac Bailey
I'm very open to statistics on this issue. I haven't found any yet, but I'd love to do an R analysis if you have any. Until then, I'm assuming the kids will be as successful as other white kids adopted by white families. Really though, stats would be nice on this issue.
Dylan Hughes
Unknown, but a non-issue if the proposed intermarriage avoidance was heeded.
Hunter Price
Twin studies on IQ can back you up on that, you really don't have to search too far and wide. White kids adopted by nigger families still end up having higher IQ and for the most part less poverty than a nigger kid adopted by a white family. IQ has mostly independent genetic factors to it that aren't as heavily modified by epigenetic factors as one would be led to believe.
Ryan Hughes
Without a doubt, they are the most charming of all the apes.
Thanks you, I suspected as much. The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study is definitely an authority on the issue. As expected, the race of the child determines IQ, not the race of the parents.
Sebastian Howard
I guess this thread is as good as any to dump this in. Im sure Ill be mocked simply for posting it but it needs to spread, because this nigger could be done if the right person gets angry about it.
This is a snip from a Shane Diesel produced cuckold porn video so you know who is responsible when you get angry Its one of the most disgusting things Ive ever seen and chances are you dont want to see it. I cut out the part where it said his name because its disgusting and happens about 15 seconds earlier, so it starts right at the relevant part. Its outright mocking white genocide and white extinction. The porn industry could seriously be threatened if enough people knew this shit was being done by major producers. I also reduced the resolution to as low as possible, if someone could put up a black box with a video editor over the cock it would be perfect for spreading. twitter.com/shanexxxdiesel?lang=en imdb.com/name/nm1705249/ Oh, and hes also Jewish.
This is the usual redpill for most. Immigrants don't cuck to the multiculti and you're surprised to learn being the gweilo is a fate worse than hell sometimes.
Ayden Butler
The "french" where I am (Quebec) is more like 56% amerimutts spouting joyal with a lot of indian admixture. Most towns, not just Montreal, is looking more like New Orleans every day.
James Jackson
I will say though, what a lot of people don't understand when looking at Asian women, is why they don't seem as pozzed. The reason being that people have this image of Asian women as your stereotypical Japanese house wife. Coupling these stereotypes with the fact that Northeastern Asian IQs match those of whites and you get some serious misunderstandings. What they fail to realize is that women are infantile creatures who for some reason let themselves be molded by eusocial pressures and environments. These environments unfortunately can be found in great abundance in (((westernized))) modern societies. So because of this women will just reflect these things irrespective of their racial heritage or makeup.
So many retarded or just really ignorant guys marry Asians in western countries thinking they're going to get pics related, a chaste, traditional girl. When that's simply not the case, more over a lot of retarded people in the west think all of Asia is as pristine, traditionalist and crime free as their idealized version Japan. Or some have this weird view of your average Asians being rural, but smart noble peoples. Not once have they looked at the cancer ridden, landmine ridden fields of Vietnam, once have they looked at the LITERAL OCEANS WORTH OF SEWAGE PLUS TOXIC WASTE China dumps into their ocean. Not once have they looked at the red light districts in Japan full of Nigerian scammers plus prostitute Highschool Girls.
Now mind you I did bash Jap land, however I'm not saying it's a shithole, in fact it's a pretty damn awesome, "racist", homogeneous country, so it's no wonder people there don't like migrating to other countries. Why would they? Their country still provides them with all the jobs, opportunities plus sense of community no other countries currently give to their people's. I'm just pointing out that even Japan, plus it's women have their issues even when you ignore the immune system disorders that comes with racemixing with any Asian groups.
Am I saying "hurrr just man up" like the other user? Hell no, however I do want to elucidate THE FACT, that the reason why Asian women LOOK appealing is because you're looking through some very specific lenses. If you want to go racemix with a Jap, seriously if you racemix with an Asian do it with a Jap instead, just realize that it's the social environment that molds a woman's values, not so much race. Mind you I'm talking about values, not so much IQ.
Christians are by far the worst race-mixers. They do this because of the obsession with making their religion "global" and they as a result end up bringing in mutt humans to the fold. Its just like the UK when it was an "Empire" now its flooded with post-empire 3rd worlders it used to own.
BAIT Don't worry nigger, if we ever decide to come after you, you won't know until its already happened.
Luke Diaz
Go back to cuckchan, you actually know her name. It says Shane Diesel in the second video, its Jewish white genocide propaganda. If people find out, one of them will go and find Saul Armstrong, tell him in person why thats not okay. Many other Jewish porn producers might get the message, and then the white genocide message is weakened. That requires people spreading it.
Lucas Brown
How can you have a list without names/screen-names?
Dont have them. We have those type of people around here somewhere.
Logan Garcia
nigger jew confirmed Hi Saul
Andrew Martinez
I really wish chodenigger didnt cuck the mods so we could get rid of retards like you again. This place is not for you. We do great things as National Socialists when we work together, and I say we as in Zig Forums, not you.
A white man is a race traitor for… not having children with an Asian woman? What the fuck am I reading?
Evan Davis
Their IQ won't change but it will be a psychic issue of identity for them. Plus they will never fit in for having an "other" mother.
Yeah you should not get legally married. Bottom line is we need to reproduce one way or another, so the rest is just fitting strategies to the circumstances that maximize your benefit while minimizing your risk. Plan for success, for mitigate for failure.
You don't say… nice larp OP, now go back to jerking it to your gook cartoons.
Robert Lewis
I've dated two separate Asian Women myself, a Persian and a Korean girl. The Persian wasn't actually so bad, she was pretty much genetically White and her family loved me (because I was white) and spent a lot of time with me. The reason it didn't work out was because I was young and shallow and never really found her to be that attractive so I broke up with her. Her family wasn't very religious in fact, they'd had a very long history of mixing with Greeks and shared a lot of cultural traits in common.
The Korean girl was why I would never date another Asian. She was attractive for a gook and that was why I went after her. But hollly shit was she fucking crazy. I couldn't even see her parents as they'd go ballistic. She used to sneak out just to go on a movie date. It was okay for awhile because she was a good looking girl but then the typical Asian neurosis set in and she became a fucking lunatic she banshee from hell.
Parker James
It's pretty late in Tel Aviv. Are you pulling a double, or are you the night crew?
Jaxon Butler
I bedded a couple in my young dumb days. I couldn't more than once each. They smelled like cooked carrots. Thought it was a flook the first time.
Genetics is SO MUCH DEEPER than appearance. EVERY LEVEL is vulnerable to mixing.
Just don't do it.
Hunter Mitchell
Dylan Thomas
Good thing that you woke up before it was too late, OP. The kikes really brainwash us with this bullshit.
Xavier Rogers
The Founding Fathers of the USA were essentially White nationalists. Being anti-White is being anti-American.
Carter Kelly
What passed for white was much stricter back then. Look up Ben Franklin's definition of white people.
Nathan Clark
This!! Stop the D&C. (((They))) will not divide us. No more brothers wars!
Hondurans and Hungerians are the same! Polish and Peruvians are the same! Ecuadorians and Estonians are the same! Croatians and Chileans are the same!
Parker Rogers
>why I (((dated))) a chink Because you were dumb. Only court, only ladies, only your race. Sage, degenerate. Kill yourself.
Joseph Parker
This board has gone downhill–massively.
Julian Howard
What the fuck, the guy couldn't find a decent Italian woman to marry and have kids with? The Thai woman couldn't find a decent Thai dude to marry and have kids with?
Doesn't matter. The kikes promote race mixing, and resisting the kikes is of the highest virtues that one can exercise.
Getting married in this neo-Weimar Republic is a huge risk these days (pic very related). I'm amazed that my boomer parents who both had a few premarital sex partners got married in 1976, and are still married and together today. Of course, this was back when the kikery was not turned up to 11, cars were far easier to fix and weren't filled with needless electronic components like today.
Exactly. The morality against this is what's paradoxically killing the White race. We don't live in ordinary times, so extraordinary measures are required, plus, we're dealing with an (((enemy))) who has no morals, and does what it takes to "win" at any cost.
Of course. Every single time.
One thing I hugely respect Japan on is that they're 98.5% Japanese. Imagine having a 98.5% White USA? I would literally fight and die for that.
Christianity today (barring some minor exceptions) is anti-White.
I was reading Ben Franklin's letter about Swedes and Germans being swarthy. I was like did he ever actually meet any Swede or German? Granted, if shit does not change in Western and Northern Europe, Germans and Swedes will indeed become more swarthy, but I digress.
Oh boy, it's the "mestizos are esoteric Aryans" shitposter again.
Fact: Hitler was made two katanas by an ultra-nationalist group of Japanese. One was presented to him for his birthday and exists in a private collection. The picture of Hitler in a kimono was most definitely not fake. That sword needs to be set free from its "owner" and returned to Japan until the Fuehrer is reborn.
I honestly just came back to this thread to laugh even more at you.
Brayden Turner
Brush up on the laws a bit. You don't have to be legally married to be taken to the cleaners through the court system. Especially true if you have children. If anything, being married could help you protect assets if you have children. Thankfully the laws are different in all 50 United States so this information is extremely clear and not confusing at all.
America is the last bastion of freedom and when we lose it we are in for at least a century of darkness.
Jose Sanchez
It's already lost. The last century of human history has been nothing but jews exterminating us. Fuck off, dumbass.
Austin Collins
Hate on USA is sad, you have envy in your soul.
Christian Lewis
What about interethnic marriage and procreation? I don't mean like Caucasian and Semitic, I mean something like Western and Eastern European. I personally think that it's fine, but I ponder the opinion of other full/pol/acks
I went there for some good dubunking of innocuous bad science we do. But, 90% of posts there are "debunking" anti-(race mixing, climate change, racial equality, genetic equality, LGBTBBQ etc.) Go and learn what they are using and be prepared.
Adrian Watson
traveled all over asia: depends on the kind of girl.
high class japanese > high class chinese > high class korean > low class korean > low class chinese > low class japanese > vietnamese >>>> flips >>>>>>>> indonesian >>>>>>> taiwanese
also: the only ones who date white dudes are mentally unstable and will likely an hero ten years into your marriage :^)
if you "get off" to asian looking girls just date a russian and make her dye her hair black. they're more likely to listen to you anyway.
Angel Rodriguez
Chinese > Vietnamese
You are wrong. Chinese and korean should be much lower and Taiwanese are good. What is going on here?
Liam Ortiz
For you kike, yes you should stay away from Chinese.
Jordan Moore
I am totally convinced by your valid point.
Not. Kikes would get on with chinks because they are the lowest. Being in Vietnam you can see how disgusting Koreans and Chinese are they are literally niggers here.
Hudson Price
vietnamese are only good because they beat america's army. but tbh if you look into drills white fighters with laser pointers and dinghys beat a battleship in wargames so it's not that great a feat.
their men are also objectively better than most asian men in terms of being balls to the wall insane, which in my eyes is a plus since most asian men are cucks and vietnamese will fucking stab you.
taiwanese literally sit around chewing seeds that get them stoned all day. the men all fuck hookers and the women are all stoned all the time. they're just china but cleaner.
Grayson Richardson
Sure lying yid. Kikes only get on with Western rich chinks. Those chinks can stay out of China for all I care. Rest also I do not care.
Thomas Hill
Yeah avoid common law states, and of course you can and likely will be taken for child support.
Samuel Edwards
It's less than ideal but don't let that stop you from fathering a bunch of European children.
James Wilson
The Vietnamese today aren't the same ones who won the war lol. Maybe the ones who still live in "home town" or the ones who are the Vietnamese version of "Rednecks" (very interesting subculture). They will swarm foreigners with no regard for their own safety if you flip the switch with them but they are usually very respectful to educated whites.
Not sure why you're calling me a liar or a jew for doubting the validity of your tier list. The white thing to do would be to refute my arguments with facts or an argument of your own.
All the lowerclass chinks I met have been sociopath liars with no souls. Literally one guy was only in the country because he lied about being disease free and the blood test results came back and he had all kinds of shit from getting a heart transplant from an executed criminal.
They are scammers and liars and you are a butthurt chink I'd bet (or a Tim bu dong).
Liam Davis
As they should be, now go to vietnam and act like a retard and see how long it takes to get your ass kicked lmao.
Owen Watson
The only good "right wing" debunker is potholer54 the guy debunks creationists and opponents of anthropogenic climate change. Aside from that the rest are garbage and not worth looking into.
Jaxon Bennett
Depends there is definitely ones who will try it. I've been here for a year now but I always dress nicely when I leave the house so I don't look like a junkie begpacker. Saw one guy get knocked out with an elbow to the jaw by a security guard (bike guard).
I think that when you are overseas you should behave as an ambassador for your people so not being a dickhead, but that's just me there are some real scumbags in the tourist areas.
Eli Reed
Friendly reminder this is what South Korea and China look like
50% of SK's power comes from coal plants and they don't plan on reducing this number any time soon.
Btw china is such a shithole pubpic defecation is still a thing, Chinese tourists also publicly defecate at tourist spots and teach their children these bad habits too.