David Duke puts Donald Trump to Shame
This is well worth your time to watch.
Why didn't we run him for President?
A Response To Trump's State of the Union
teeth not white enough, sorry
This is one of the most sobering and truthful things I have seen posted on this board in quite some time.
Good work OP. You stopped sucking dicks today and made something of yourself.
He's compromised and became a glow in the dark CIA nigger.
That guy is the literal definition of controlled opposition.
(((David))) Duke flipped on his clan as an informant for the FBI and brought down entire families of white nationalists.
Fuck that traitor and fuck you faggots still shilling him here.
That never happened, Trumpnigger.
False. The Klan was already made up of 1 in 4 informants or feds by the 60's which is why its been on a steady decline thanks to the niggers in the FBI with COINTELPRO. Even normalfags know this…
His only mistake was trying to rebrand the Klan from its retard tier behavior into something more respectable like the 20's where it could amass political power again without being ZOG puppets.
All pitbulls need to be sent to Africa along with their human counterparts.
Imagine being this assblasted.
Duke is the only politician who was ever /ourguy/
Dr. Duke's book "My Awakening" was my initial redpill to the redpill and the Holocaust being a fabrication when I was 17. God bless this man
How many times do you faggots need to be reminded that David Duke is a COINTELPRO asset?
Duke isn't perfect, but he definitely isn't a "COINTELPRO asset", and certainly not because he's criticizing the kike puppet who he put way too much faith in to begin with.
I've listened to duke a good bit really all he does is name the jew over and over
David Duke is turning on Trump after Zig Forums turns on Trump. I don't even pretend to know what these CIAniggers are thinking any more.
David Duke is more kosher than that Alien embryo looking Gentile Fish at the market.
Another retard Trump cartoon!
But wouldn't Duke be more effective if instead of naming the jew, he had jewish grandchildren and was a willing servant of Zion? I think so, and that's why I stand with GEOTUS! WWG1WGA
But Yael Kushner's Abba isn't?
Duke does have a fetish for Black tranny whores.
Oy vey, look at my photos.
With which you'd be very familiar.
I didn't say I was against him just that he's preaching to the quire
Funny how telling the truth makes Trumpcucks so mad
Trumpstein is irredeemable trash, there's no defending this guy anymore. Not only is he a zionist stooge, but he wants to have more immigrants come in than any president in history.
Only Klan that counts is the 19th century flavored one. This is the kind of stuff Afrikaners would need RIGHT NOW.
As for modern Klan, lol, there even were kikes posing as nazis in white robes.
The main thing is ensuring every possible disparate group that could be led to action, are pretend-given a 'voice', specifically one against action, so they do nothing.
So organize a David Duke KKK rally and STFU.
Someone mind explaining how David Duke has not been banned from twitter, while very mild republicans have?
Could it be because he is a plant, no?
maganiggers are the new sjw. especially around here
He has a twitter act.?
The man must be important one way or the other for this level of butthurt. I'll judge him for myself based on his words and deeds, not on the latest inept shill shitposts. Downloading the video now.
You'll never turn Zig Forums against Trump no matter how much autistic screeching you do on here, you fat virgin Nazi larper. Trump has been leading America to greatness for the past two years and will keep winning big while you make daily posts about exterminating non-whites all the while eating tendies and fapping to traps and anime in the basement. The so-called """alt-right""" are the true controlled opposition and are UN-AMERICAN in the extreme!
He's paying your dumb boomer ass way too much.
nice wall
thanks for the tax relief during the year so I can reimburse the government all that money in April
way to go
thanks for spending 3.8 billion a year on israel when we already have a deficit and a border wall to fund
Mega keks…poetic justice.
thanks for supporting israel 1,000 percent
thanks for leaving our troops in syria
and afghanistan
thanks for getting my hopes up and then having them dashed to bit
Thanks for hiring jews and/or members of the CFR to man your staff
Trump -
kill yourself
hey washington post, going to sell this on your front page? your made up movements fall pretty flat these days?
Hi washington post
I am supposed to be alt-right
and I hate trump
put that in your little brain and figure that out
This is a great video. Everyone should see it, especially kikes so they can understand the continually growing resentment that will remove them from existence permanently.
good dogs , they knew she was a whore
because electing presidents is more than just a speech you retard.
This, be a good goy and only support good goys because muh PR. Fucking paint the walls with your brains you fucking heeb rat.
Fuck off kike. If we voted for Duke it would have split the vote and guaranteed HRC and (((deep state))) the presidency. If that would have happened 8/pol/ would be shut down by now and you couldn't LARP as a Nazi anymore.
Newfag parrot using terms you don't even understand. You aren't a person, you deserve death.
New David Duke thread
New David Duke thread
New David Duke thread
New David Duke thread
New David Duke thread
you can eat your own shit any day , your moms cooking probably tastes like cow ass
enjoy the rest of your worthless life as you get ass raped daily for being scum
ur done
That's you kikes, little pissant.
you are not worth shit and your race will never amount to anything hook nose fag
Shit you would never say to my face, little yid.
Look, I have no problem with the existence of Israel, it is after all the only thing in that region preventing the Middle East falling into utter war, chaos and desolation, but - to be a Jewish American politician and put the interests of a foreign country that you have some heritage to first? Unthinkable! Imagine if German Americans, or Polish Americans, or Irish Americans were to place their allegiance to their ancient country of origin! How can we Americans let this go on and think it is perfectly normal and ordinary?!
Bump to spite noses.
You shills are really pathetic.
You should spend a few weeks listening to his radio show. David is a kind soul whose love of whites doesn't cause him to hate others. David merely spends time quoting and cataloguing racists who want to destroy whites. As a warrior for social justice, David is without fault and untouchable.
I've seen pit bulls be seemingly unaffected by baseball bats and beanbag shotguns. You'd need a .45 loaded with hollow point if you wanted to actually stop one properly. I don't even think a knife would work unless you could get a major artery. Even then they probably would stop until they bled out. They're okay as guard dogs but apart from that they're too dangerous and stupid to be of any worth.
Trump is a kikephile. David duke creeps me out and looks like a ladyboy. Fuck outta here with this fag ass shit nigger
I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever
Duke cucked and censored Odinia.
you're on the wrong web site. You'd be more at home here: www.kikeswholoveshebooncock.com
Hey, was (((Benjamin))) Franklin a jew too?
He is too high profile.
Zig Forums shills have cucked this board so hard
Nah. You try, but you're shit at everything and this is no exception.
Ya nice try kike. How many slide threads do you need to keep making a day
I make no such threads, you little rat men do when David Duke drops an hour long deconstruction of your clown world on your ugly Israeli head and you get pissy about having absolutely no argument whatsoever against anything he says. So you use sage as a downboat and whine impotently while I bump the thread and tell you to solve yourself.
Go back to cuckchan you fat virgin bastard
We need to be (((reminded))) forever, because nobody is buying your JIDF lies
"Girls" is this the thread I'm supposed to subvert?
Duke is the only legitimate figure representing White interests in US politics. He openly names the jew but niggers think he’s controlled op. Based trump and his literal family of kikes will save us though
You really want us trusting David Spook. Huh, I wonder why someone with direct CIA ties deserves our faith?
This. Plus revranding wont work while kikes control the news.
david duke also likes to pal around with no nonsense militant bolsheviks that have legitimate sway/influence in russian/eurasian policy that just so happens to include pushing lgbt shit in the west because it weakens the west
Prove it nigger
Judging by all the hit and run (((1))) and dones ITT, JIDF has an entire division dedicated to defaming Dr. Duke
Fucking JEW detected if I've ever seen one.
Read every post in this thread. Pay attention, fuckface.
Look at the post below. I'm sick of retarded cattle like yourself being on Zig Forums.
(((Wolf Blitzer))) gets destroyed by Dr Duke.
Ok rabbi
People who ignore evidence don't belong on Zig Forums, because this is a place for logic and debate. I'm guessing you types support Donald Trump. You use the same bullshit fallacies. Just fucking leave, go back to Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, TRS wherever it is you first heard of Zig Forums.
Absolute bullshit.
Zig Forums is not for normies. The chans were once elevated above social media plebs, as benefactors, dropping redpills from places invisible to those receiving them. But then they became honeypots, and global mods stopped defending our borders. NORMIES GO BACK! STAY ON YOUR SHITTY WEBSITES! YOU AREN'T ENLIGHTENED, EITHER LURK OR LEAVE!