It's happening President Trump declaring emergency

Shills have to go back to kvetching.

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Shutdown II: Electric Boogaloo deadline is Friday.


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Sage is not a downboat discord trannie.

and yet here we are and he still hasn't done it. Even if some judge will block it (even though he has the power to go ahead regardless) and he'll sit and wait like the faggot he is for the supreme court to rule on it.

Twitter is so fucking stupid and no self respecting politician should use the platform.

No self respecting ADULT should be using one. But I guess there isn't a single one left among the trickle-down media whores of the Judeo-Satanist left.

In a couple of hours, Kushner is going to pull him aside, remind him who actually rules over America and he'll go quiet again.

/r/the_cuckhold GTFO of Zig Forums

SAGE for (((Blumpf))) thread

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in all fields


Keep it shut down until Brexits life ends.
Keep it Closed down with a timeline that You Control.
BREXIT should be of Upmost consideration, Do not let them Flood America with Niggers!!
President, HOLD YOUR GROUND… for us. Please.

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Nothing is happening. Call me when he actually does what he promised.

You disgusting Israelis and your obsession with blood. Truly a vampiric race.

where did all these actual boomers come from



Insider here, Trump is going to declare RBG dead tomorrow at 13:00 ET and declare its deliberate coverup a threat too national security and declare a national emergency. He won't build the wall but he will deploy more troops to the southern border specifically north of Jaurez. Following that mass arrests of the Russian hoax collaborators and pizagate members. Folks it's all going to happen but we need to silence those here trying to derail the agenda, have faith and hail Trump and hail victory.

Day of the Pillow soon.

Very convincing.

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The EU will flood USA with Legal paperwork and Nigger Africans when it collapses, We need to plan ahead.
No im not a boomer

that vid is fake, that "victim" is a movie-tier animatronic robot

This thread is wrongthink and should be deleted


or just a shitty thread with a pic and a twitter link. This isnt twitter user.

That goes against the narrative. Not that anyone gives a flying fuck about it, though. They will never question "what does that even mean in terms of government overreach?"

So are we in a state of emergency?

you stupid nigger.


We have been in a perpetual state of emergency since 1933.

Since WWII, yeah.

Oh please. Not this legalese crap.
You know what is meant. We're talking about an actual state of emergency. Not archeic legalese larping.

So, everything you're too weak to 'tolerate' should be called bad names and removed?

How old are you five?

To early for April. Don't hype.

The simple truth to every last one of you stupid, moronic faggots is that, despite my generation (boomer) being one of the stupidest, most moronic generations that ever lived, you zoomers make my generation (boomers. I'm repeating it because you all have the memories of goldfish) make our generation look like absolute fucking Einstein level geniuses.

"I've got my hand on the button!"
"I'm gonna do it!"
"Don't test me!"
Reminds me of a different fat fuck "leader" who was all talk and no walk.

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Make peace not war. Don't forget to send money to Africa and support Israel. Only democracy in middle east. It was your generations who fought racism. You are on your way to grave. Nobody is going to miss you. World will be in flames but at least you had easy lifes.

Kill yourself.


Id vote… for the end of all times. the Strong will survive… But China must be Pacified first.

All according to kekaku. China will pose no threat. They're weak and they know it, that's why they pretend to be hot shit. After kikes Chinese are probably next on the list for unexisting. Although after kikes, the rest of the purge happens simultaneously, technically.

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No fucking cares

China banned rap music recently lol they are far better than the US

Russia is Scared of them and they are neighbors.
Russia is Not afraid of War with America
America is scared Shitless of Russia
America is Not Afraid of war with China.

Stupid dumb boomer scum. Can't wait to put you in a nursing home run by Somalians.

Cool now let's see trump
actually declare a national emergency on the wall

I'll wait.

Why do boomers espouse such inane non-sequitur like they're some profound wisdom? China's """Army""" is a self-defense force for their national borders. Their power projection is 0 because unlike Russians, they can't pretend to be white to fight proxy wars.

All the cartel live dismemberments& head skinnings are fake?
I wish they were.
Truly horrific stuff

You do realize that after a few months passes and nothing happens except trump kissing more jew ass that all of you magapedes are gonna look batshit insane. Your hilarious global pedo network conspiracy theory is going to make everyone see just how wacko you all really are. And now a lot of you have outed yourselves on youtube so you'll probably be getting a visit from your local mental health professionals.

Fucking fundie christers easier to deprogram than a qoomer

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Actually, this is more or less accurate. Russia fears zerg rushing chinks because they have a historical paranoia about land invasions, and it's highly likely to occur; Russia does not fear the USSA because we can't engage them and we're about to implode.

China's afraid of the USA because we're their captive consumer class and we're in the position of "if you owe the banks everything, you have the power", aka they might not ever get paid off on those debts and it doesn't matter if a land deed says its chinese property. Come and take it you filthy chink, I dare you.

USA is afraid of Russia because it knows Vlad will gleefully support American balkinization. Fun fact: my country will be the one taking ALL of those goods. Sorry niggers, libshits and spics. Things just, ya know, BECOME mine. It's a metric you'll know quite well by the time I shuffle off my new planet. As for me: I fear nothing. Things happen if I say they happen. And guess what boyz


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Okay, have fun.

Alien or not, I intend to have this planet BTW if you ran tests on me, you'd find that I'm 100% earthling. I doubt you have the ability to grasp how FTL works, so don't bother with trying to conceive it. When you hear the music just dance, dance like countless others have danced before you. Dance the dance of death and rebirth. None of you had the ability to save this place from turning into a wasteland, so I picked it up at salvage and scrap prices. Nobody knew the treasure that was here. Everybody is retarded everywhere, that metric applies above as it does below. People hate me everywhere, yet strangely nobody outright challenges me. Probably because I'm ALWAYS RIGHT

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Post a picture taken on the nearest habitable planet and post it here.

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I want to believe


if no one will believe you, then go ahead and post a picture
or are you so petty like an abrahamic god that you need to be believed in on faith alone?

If you didn't care about me believing you, you wouldn't be shitposting about it. Take your Leica over to Proxima Centurai or whatever and snap a few pics.

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The Kike Slides away, all 95iq hair greesed up and all.

I'll tell you a secret. Well, more like one of my quirks. I can know anything, anything at all. I can see through what you call time, whatever. Pretty OP right? One catch: I can only use it if someone who actually cares asks the right questions. If I could just read/write on your reality at will it would be game-breaking.

How do I find the right questions?

ok schizo

The only "amusing" thing about this exchange is its value to as a demonstration of pilpul.
Inhale helium until brain death.

Trustyourheartsloth.gif. But seriously, what do you NEED to know? If you already know everything you NEED to know to act, then I have nothing to offer you. I mean, I do it for the lulz because I'm infinitely interested in everything. But consider what you are. What ARE you? Who are you, who do you want to be, who do you intend to be? These are the questions I ask myself constantly.

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Trump won't declare national emergency, he is deliberately holding off in order to make them play into his hands. It's all part of the plan.

Yeah he's only said this same fucking thing for months now and hasn't done shit

We know its all a larp


I want to grow
I've seen you before, why do I feel like I know you?

He's waiting for you brave National Socialists to do something.

Trump is on our side, he has no choice.
Do You people not See? You are in control.
Act like it My White Brothers and Sisters.

I had the same sensation, actually. Some user said we came from an Aryan soul-group as a unit to fix this shit. How's that sit with you?

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Naw fuck off, he was going to do it he already would have. Make a thread when he actually comes through with something instead of just these faggot tweets that don't mean shit. All the twatter shitposting was funny during the campaign but that ended 2 fucking years ago


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It sounds about right to me. I don't believe in coincidence

Bitch I got away with calling Niggers Niggers in a Federal Building, I trolled Nigger Bosses in their faces.
I literally called Cucks Cucks in their faces walking up and down hallways with people all around me… I got away with so much shit… Now Tell me, Can You get away with even 1% of what I can get away with?

It's very reassuring to know that you're not alone

Well stick around because this is about to get to my favorite part. I guess you have it in you, you just need to remember. For highly-evolved people learning is mostly a case of anamnesis. There are others here who are waking up, it's by far not just me. I'm just the blossom whereas the entire plant is necessary for actual life, it's surely more vital to existence than a simple bloom. They're here, I'm here, we're all here. Sieg fucking heil

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Meth is a hell of a drug.

I feel the inner fire rise, brother. I love you. Sieg Heil

Only a jew would derive pleasure from behavior like this

Praise Kek my fellow pede!

Hey Trump thread I found something on Pastebin

Check this out: SWiCfXNA


They elected the energy candidate, now maybe the Amerifats would take more agriculture work if they weren’t so tired all the time!

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White Nationalists can not have Pleasure to?

If you want to be a faggot go eat your big bag of fat baby dicks somewhere else, I like that guy. He's better than the orange man bad and ironic MAGA posters shitting this place up. Even asses and elbows is more entertaining than your faggotry. Learn to appreciate both the blessings and curses of he LHC.

That goes to a Salon article, you faggot. This organic shit is liberal, American industry knows what it’s doing. Trump’s not gonna fucking go regulator to make people more energetic. If America didn’t have energy he wouldn’t have been elected!

Yeah you’re probably right, he’s a total wimp to industry. It’s not like everyone’s energy levels are the base productivity of the whole fucking nation

(Why yes I am several people in this thread, some people pay attention to the world beyond fucko racial psychosis)

Call me when he actually does something other than spit out hot air.

Yeah, that’s right faggot, I pulled you right out. All the world’s a stage and your part is eating dicks.

It’s not about being a wimp to industry. If cutting something from the food is that good for everyone you don’t need regulators to do it. They eat their own product! They want to have that productivity too, and they’ve got smarter people than your sorry ass to look st things like this. Assuming it’s not just Salon being fucking up their ass lugerpresses!


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If he makes good fine, but I must ask you OP what do you consider a failure point in the trump project personally?

I really wish posts with zero content like yours were a bannable offense. You're not adding anything to a conversation, you're just damaging the board's signal to noise ratio. You're barely above the level of a bot.

Fuck off back to r/TheDonald if you want a safe space, faggot.

Insider here, my Dad works at Nintendo. Ebin Gabe is going to announce Half Life 8 for the Nintendo Switch tomorrow at 13:00 PST. Folks it's all going to happen as long as we tongue each others assholes.