Who are we voting for in regards to the mayor of London fellow bongs?
Who represents the citizens of the United Kingdom better?
Who are we voting for in regards to the mayor of London fellow bongs?
Clearly BASED muslim because part and parcel and muh anti trump.
don't you guys have independents or minor parties?
The only person from the UK I know is a total cuck and literally sucks shit from Mark's asshole.
is it really that bad now? i would have imagined a pajeet before a nigger but brits are truly more cucked than swedes now.
I hear that half of Britain's electricity comes from gas lines in Russia. I heard that if someone could shut them down, pressure in said pipelines would drop and Germany, Poland, Belarus, and France would take whatever energy they could leaving the UK in the dark.
Think about it this way:
Both men now accurately represent the demographics of London.
Pretty effing sad. White bongs, just come to America. Bongland is lost.
I can gamble the nog is either spineless or a muzzie nigger. If he is anti muzzie and anti child grooming hes better than the kahnartist, but thats like being better than shit, its not that hard and not something to brag about.
You sure its a good idea to let them in considering america was founded to get away from them and the fact they participated in the subjugation of poor innocent german folk trying to get their home back?
We don't want them here. They will just turn our country into even more of a police state and regulation hell-hole. There is a serious disconnect between Europeans and Americans when it comes to what the powers of government should and should not be.
The way I see it, if they are smart enough to leave Bongland they are smart enough to know that their shit policies have failed. Besides, I like to think of fleeing bongs as refugees. I would rather have bongfugees than the commie latin filth we are currently getting.
A bong?A fakkin' bong?
Wut wut?
Is this fucking real?
Good luck. The immigration intake system is structured specifically against Whites.
Never has voting green been so easy…
I would much prefer england and every bong in it sink into the waters.
Well. Sadiq looks white compared to this black dude. I said it before. We should move all shitskins and niggers from Europe to UK. They will not protest.
I don't know why Hitler liked Angloland so much. Besides the few based Brits like Arnold Leese, Oswald Mosley, Enoch Powell, Nick Griffin, ect. they most readily slurp kike semen, and serve their masters unquestioningly, far more than even our own heavily kiked Judeo-liberals.
what could possibly go wrong? either choice is an obvious win for White Britons.
what i want to know is was the Prince the troll who shitposted about his wife's son on the Gillette twatter feed?
The Nog is some Christian muh family larper
I don't really expect him to do well, as blacks don't really turn out to municipal elections and they are only 12% of Londons population (while south Asians are 25%). White liberals don't like him because of his social views.
Yeah we do but they haven't declared yet but will soon
Nigel farage said he was considering to run, BNP, an ethnonat party usually runs too
I live in London and will probably end up not voting or voting BNP, the mayoral elections don't really matter anyway
A sandnigger or a nigger…
UK is beyond Sweden 2.0 now
I'm glad all of the good Brits are long dead and don't have to see what became of your shitty island.
This is an event horizon I’m sure the UK can ever return from
Go to a country who's mayor of their capital is a black tranny ?
why is there no mexican to choose from?
This type of thread is not allowed. How and report.
Yes, but not enough people vote for them obviously. That's why they're minor. UKIP was the biggest but that's been in a shambles ever since Nigel Farage left and has lost lots of votes because of that it seems. The BNP became almost as big as UKIP but then the government really cracked down on them and there was all kinds of in-fighting (clearly government agents causing trouble) and Nick Griffin left and it has very few votes these days. Best to just rise up and destroy the whole corrupt system.
More like one is regular shit and the other is festering shit.
How can this be? He was supposed to save you!
You're a fucking retard who doesn't seem to understand that there are more than two races. This isn't "genders" we're talking about here. Actually, people like him are most likely a mix between two races: Indian (specifically Pakistani) and arab.
Is Sargon in UKIP now? I don't know much about him anymore as I lost track after he was kicked off Twitter and YouTube a few years ago and I couldn't be bothered to try to chase him around the internet in order to follow him. I know he's back on YouTube and have seen a couple of more recent videos just due to links others have posted, but I still can't be bothered to follow him anymore.
Are you sure about that? There seem to be a lot more than that. At least double.
My advice, vote for both canidats with bullets from the rooftops.
Sadiq Khan just as every single establishment approved politician is a devoted zionist,just like the orange kike Trump, they play roles in being on the opposite side to each other yet all they do is suck on jew dicks
What about your retarded judeo-neocons?
Stop voting and start killing.
Basically every European nation serves their masters unquestioningly. National Action doesn't really fit your narrative, either.
Some nice ORGANIC D&C here guys.
Consider reading up on both the demographics of the UK and your own countries so you can adjust your tactics for reality next time.
Thats like calling clailocusts smart for fleeing california to spread their politics to places like texas.
the census says they around 12% and its seems right based on experince, there way more south asians then blacks in london
the most black areas are about 50% black while areas like east ham are 100% bangleshis and indians
The most far right party.
No one because I don't live in that hellscape of a city.
It's probably about 15% now, the UK in total is around 2-3% black and anywhere between 6-7% S. Asian, London is around 10% of the population.
The fact that a hardcore ethnic nationalist party (with it's own paramilitary) managed to become the 4th largest party in the UK less than 10 years ago is enough to give me the hope that we can fix the country tbh, if the Government hadn't fucked them over (and it's management didn't allow it to happen) I suspect they would be in parliament by now.
Those are ethnicities, not races.
You forgot the Green candidate
…that will be some jew.
Depends on country of allegiance perhaps.
gee I wonder (((why)))
No, indian and arab are separate races. Well, OK, maybe arab should be semite as many say that semite is the race and that both jews and arabs are semitic ethnicities.
>(((who))) are (((we))) (((voting))) for