Salvini Calls For Elimination Of Italy's Central Bank, Rothschilds in suicide watch!

Salvini Calls For Elimination Of Italy's Central Bank, "Prison Time For Fraudsters"

How long until Salvini is shoaed?

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Central banks are national banks, not jew banks.

Blessed and Jesuspilled

not true. Central banks are typically private banks that are separate from the government and owned and run by Jews. They said that it was necessary to keep the currency stable (lol).

Hopefully never. Pray to God that He protects Salvini and helps him stick it to those kike bankers.

Is Hitler of our generation?

Trumpniggrers this is what a real leader looks like

Italy's central bank is connected to the European Union system of central banks.

I think it would be more to the point to watch out for Salvini's assassination than Rothschild's suicide

If they carry through, that's a defacto declaration of war on the juden, hence declaring war on the "USA". Will we see Tomahawks rain over Rome?

Hope the world does not gang bang italy like we did to germany.

Be prepared for 10 gorillion lies about salvini being gay womanizer incest killing 20 gorillion jews.

Until Salvini stops supporting terrorist Israel, he is dead to me.

Dont forger the accusation of killing his own citizens.

More like 20 gorillion niggers. Even Hitler had slow start. I don't expect miracles. some Austrian painter also talked about eliminations of banks. Internationale clique didn't like him.

How much money does he send to Israel per year?

holy shit lol

How exciting! Literally purging the west of central banks will be more exciting than witnessing the moon landing.

Greatness is ours for the taking,

Money is merely a form of power. Salvini is a much better zionist slave in other ways.

Don’t you realise supremacist terror state Israel is directly responsible for a lot of shitskin muslets being in white nations? Don’t you understand that those Middle Eastern wars that solely benefited illegitimate Israel are what have enabled hordes of brown muslets to invade white nations? Don’t you get that merely the prolonged existence of Rothschild Israel will guarantee the continued browning and Islamisation of white nations, not even taking into account the Eretz Israel (= Greater Israel) plan?

There is no peace to be made with Zion. No peace to be made with the Talmudists. No peace to be made with Khazar LARP’ers. Death or glory.

Morituri te salutant.

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Didn't he also decline to chime in on the Venezuela situation when Trumpstein ordered Europe to? Maybe I was wrong about this guy.

definitely not a kike free first post

End yourself yid.

Great news, inb4 pic related

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Yes he visited Israel. But does he send billions to Israel. Does he send his army to fight Israel wars? Like America?

lmao, fucking faggot, salvini doesnt send money to kikes nor participate in their greater israel plan like america. you fucking retard.

This is not about who is the biggest supporter of the Zionist lunatics. It is about fundamentally supporting them. Anyone who does, just like those who support kiked communisn, deserve death.

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Well. I am sure MacDonald's tour failed.

Only in (((USA))) and some other countries. But the fact of them being """national""" does not change the fact of them being ruled by kikes who appoint governments and governors.

Yeah. Strong words. But he have to play games with (((them))). Bit diference betwen coffee with Bibi and sending 38 billions to Israel.

Words don’t matter, actions do.


Literally Hitler will come to power in the United States and he will be preaching a gospel (or have a John come before him) about unification with the other English settler nations and Great Britain.

This guy is probably going to get JFK'd.

So since we are so open about things.
If Salvini gets wacked it will be by either the banks or African Union.

The way You Litarally Kill Africa is simply Dump Biological content into African Rivers, Frozen Foxes, Racoons ticks and seeds of every single Plant You can think of, this is how You exterminate 90%+ Niggers and kill their invasion force at its source.

The banks are easy, do to them Whites How You did Toys r Us, Simply Boycott. This is our Power.


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Pray for Salvini, because they fucked over Hitler when he arrested and got rid of the Rothschilds back then.

Sounds glorious

Sounds fucking gay. British are absolute garbage. only unification with anglo canada makes even half an ounce of sense.

Brits are not garbage. True Britons are our White brothers. The corrupting influence of globalist kikes are the garbage that has caused the UK to lose it's moral compass user.

Obvious af brah, you even fookin tryin??

Antartica is the one true free nation. They send no money to Israel. They don't even export or import from anyone. They're the one true super power.


Oh, my right hand is going up. I am thinking of a phrase in German.

Here’s the (you)

At todays interview he said that gold is the italians money, not the state. He caught wind of the kikes plan to grab all of it once italy goes bankrupt.

They cant because its gone too far already. The new play is discredit, then remove him.

No but if they fuck him over he might be.

For the Lord thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.

Deuteronomy 15:6

The Torah

Pure cohencidence.

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Salvini seems pretty great, I hope he does well in his fight against the kikes.

Jews started a world war user.