Jewgle, Twatter and Faceberg/Instagram is going to get filtered
Tumbling down
Jewgle, Twatter and Faceberg/Instagram is going to get filtered
Tumbling down
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euro anons… kill the judges and police and no policy can be enforced
These faggots need to be [fedpost deleted]
Archive you newfag
What the hell is ingsoc?
This might not be such a bad thing, it would make degenerates and subhumans feel more relaxed, unprepared for when the DOTR comes.
Fuck off reddit.
Explain why this post is Reddit.
I'm on the move, bypassing Belgian filters is a bitch and I didn't have enough time when this news broke.
What is needed is some dogwhistle discussion topics that aren't as easy to shut down. Topics linked to minority problems which are easy enough to present as "community concerns" etc.
Goodbye Europe.
We will be following you soon.
I don't see how this is technically possible, especially with computer illiterate boomers at the helm.
I guess the Nazi fagging isn't going to work?
Aonn unntdearsd coiensshrp is ipmsslboie
read nigger & lurk 2 more years
1984 by George Orwell
from doc
I'm constantly amazed at how they seem to use 1984 as an actual instruction manual.
So national socialism but for the english?
And your shilling is hardly effective.
this is some serious newspeak going on here
It works every day, bitch boy.
1984 was a warning. George Orwell knew everything to come. However, he coudn't come out at that time as it was only 1949 and the comfy 1950 were about to get going. No one woudl believe him. So he wrote a book hoping that people would notice as time went on. Hoping they'd see the clear as day similarities but most don't - just as he stated in the book. This guy was on a whole other level.
Frankly, everyone should read 1984. Even if you think it's boring to read - just read that one book.
Also, recently when listening to the radio, I hopped in on a convo being had an 'Esperanto'. They were advocating for it by saying too many languages is too complex and causes misundertsanding. Esperanto is easy and simple. Etc etc.
Look it up. Esperanto was created by a jew. Esperanto is Newspeak. Beware.
Yes. Read/watch 1984.
What a conspiracy theory!
It is work of fiction like the protocols too! and Orwell worked for British propaganda, did know what he was writing of and modeled the world of 1984 after an exaggerated war time Britain
Socialist, Labour governed post war Britain was even more like depressive "Airstrip One", than in war time.
No, it's communism for England in 1984. There is no love, beauty, or freedom of the people there. It is not National Socialism.
>>>/oven/ both
Fucking newfags
It's a bot. Stop responding to posts whose IQ is several standard deviations below the oldfag norms here from before the Shill Influx.
Kill yourself.
Violence and hatred is the only right and just response to such blatant tyranny and evil.
OP here on my proper proxie'd station.
Long story Tech platforms (Silicone valley) of course agreed to develop AI, bots and tech to censor, filter and report anything 'hateful' to local law inforcement. Jewgle, Facebook and co are all on board. It's only matter of time leftist shit like Discord joins in and fucks EU users.
Notice the lack of awareness of the fact that Google+ is going to be shut down shortly and leaves the definition of 'hate speech' vague as per usual for (((them)))
And I'm not kidding about Belgium. They're actively blocking VPNs and TOR works half the time. Brussels have literal off switch hidden there. Ever wondered why no reports of yellow vest riots come through? Belgian internet is constantly filtered.
Also how in love of fuck someone does not know ingsoc and everything it entails? Belgium is in stage 1 1984. Newfags?
Bump for importance
lol no
it's zog without naming them, although there's a reference in the book about the party members and their very peculiar squint eyes, their faces…
EU is like the USSR but for Europe, and worse.
North America will follow, the west is falling as we type nya~
People who fear human nature will destroy their power structure seek artificial ways to combat it.
"What are you in for?"
"I said mean things online."
Because you're not gay?