UK police arrest woman for calling tranny a man
Britain is fucked beyond repair, isn't it?
UK police arrest woman for calling tranny a man
Britain is fucked beyond repair, isn't it?
It make me want to misgender often to waste their time because it is legal in my homeland.
But at least shes not speaking German.
The dub requires us to write, read and speak Deutsche.
Fucking based!
Let’s taunt the puny British police.
Verspotten wir die brutale britische Polizei.
jpg to go
Use traitors IP and misgender it then report the traitors to the police.
I hope she always rember happy day
This sounds like a plan
Move out of the EU and let it become a massive Detroit.
Literally "Oi m8, do you have a loicense for that misgendering?", fucking lol, brits are fucked.
I mean it. If any nation is even a partial member of the EU then leave it.
Our dream is their nightmare.
Torture the traitors behind our computer. Computer is invented by the white people and now look at it. They are exploiting for the evil gains.
Where are the British revolutionaries? Your home is in ruins, kill the traitors occupying army
but Jeremy Kyle is on
IT'S かんにちは YOU ABSOLUTE BRAINLET! Your presence here makes Zig Forums appear dumber! (๑òωó๑)
I didn't make that picture m8, it's from reddit or something.
Anyway I can't read japanese. For all I know it says "I have three balls!"
interesting nose, glasses, and groucho marx eyebrows. also, hoop earrings are the mark of the fellatious thot.
This is a brilliant operation.
Someone figure out a way to do this. It would be a good job for Anonymous
Police are scum. White men, real men, do not need to be policed by goons who averaged C's in high school.
No. It's こんにちは!
Great Pakistan did it again
Fucking hell, you correct it and post it on yourself or you'd rather continue to complain about it.
Okay let’s focus on wasting their resources to piss them off for lolz.
今日は is read as こんにちわ (konnichiwa in romaji for retards like you) not as かんにちわ (kannichiwa [wa since ha {は} is a particle here], transcription for you mental cripple). The proper way would be in kanji as above or: こんにちは.
Kill yourself next time before you want to make another post presenting your ignorance faggot.
I’m in. Fuck these degenerates.
UK is the new standard for crazy totalitarian authoritarianism. Sweden is now so far behind, together with Canada they really struggle in keeping up with forcing perversion on the people.
Is the UK a test case, how far they can push until they feel resistance?
Until now there is no resistance in UK, while even Sweden has reached the border of forming discontent, while other countries are in open riot for less.
That sexual pervert makes a good case why Hitler was right.
A ching chong nip nong to you too, buglover.
Reminder it is the future the cuck chose
yeah thats the rub now isnt it? they can't leave, they're not allowed to leave
there are ways, also control your fucking spacebar nigger
they can't if they get shot dead
police enforce the policy of politicians
Are you blind? That's the tranny. The woman is the one on the left.
No one will ever do anything.
She's in a part of the UK bordering London.
So no shock.
you don't say…
Man, at least the good guys won WW2 though
Tell me why this is even a thread?
there is no redemption for britbong sheep, they aren't even considered human at this point.
British Stopped Hitler’s Removal in 1938
In August 1938, the German General Staff informed the British that they were ready to oust Hitler. All the British had to do was resist Hitler’s demands.
Instead, at Munich, they handed Czechoslovakia to him, further proof that Hitler was an Illuminati agent.
“Overall, no man has done more harm to the present and future of the white race than Adolf Hitler.” –Geoff Ferguson
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” FDR
“A panel of psychiatrists was even prepared, under the chairmanship of the eminent professor Dr. Karl Bonhoeffer, who would certify the Fuhrer as insane, so that he could be immured in a lunatic asylum…
‘By the beginning of September,’ [Chief of Staff, Gen. Franz] Halder would write, ‘we had taken steps to immunize Germany from this madman.'” (156)
In May 1938, when Hitler announced his intention to invade Czechoslovakia, the German General Staff feared a world war that would destroy Germany. They decided to place Hitler in a mental asylum.
All they needed was confirmation from England that it would assist Czechoslovakia. The British dithered. Instead of taking a stand, they sabotaged Germany’s resistance to the Nazi plague.
Ludwig Beck, the Chief of the German General Staff observed: “Through yielding to Hitler, the British government will lose its two main allies, the General Staff and the German people.”
The simplest and best opportunity to avoid calamity was lost. The Illuminati wanted world war to increase their power and wealth, and to destroy Germany in advance of their satanist World Government. The Illuminati were not going to allow their creation, Adolf Hitler, to be overthrown.
“You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism,” Churchill is quoted as saying, “but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.” (Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill, His Career in War and Peace p. 145)
watcha doin here rabbi
Here we go again.
When you're such an untalented Jew that you have to use a photo to Convey artistic feels.
only in the UK
You'll never be able to waste their resources more efficiently than the British polis. That hasn't stopped me from trying, though twatter shitposting has gotten old, and there's gotta be a more effective way to unwork them. Any suggestions?
Again? Next time tell the cocksuckers you're also transitioning so it's ok.
this is wrong and you are a nigger
t. smartfag
Ask the cop if this is religiously motivated because trannies are worshipped in the masonic lodge.
Raise means masonic bullying. Sue them for malfeisance and operating on a secret commision as well as the tort of extortion.
Oh wait, courts are masonic. Well then, complain about the situation to the Inns of Court in the City of London. You'll find a lot about what the 'conspiracy theorists' say is true.
Just nuke the UK already. There is nothing left to salvage on that muslim infested island.
Weimar UK needs to be liberated. Only forceful reconsidering will free these people from the savages that rain degeneracy on the children of tomorrow.
Some of us resist, even today. Despite our (((tribal))) government traitors, despite /britpol/ faggotry, despite the pagan larp thread, there are a few who hold the line. We are few and far between but there are pockets where brothers hold fast.
We have no retreat. There is no relief coming to assist us, we know we'll likely die at our posts either through being thrown into the arms of ravaging shitskins in jail or simply unpersoned quietly. But we will not flinch nor surrender. Some consider running to America or Central Europe but those of us left will not abandon these isles to the savages the traitors place in our midst. Should we fail, should these pastures truly be overwhelmed then please, should the oppurtunity arise end it. But until then we'll stand. Hail Britain. Hail Europe. Hail our people.
Stop shallowing the drug pills.
Can you be arrested for only referring to people by their chromosomes in the United Zogdom?
Oh wait, bonglaw doesnt apply to actual Brits.
Actual literal thought police.
No. Our courts say we don't even have to bake them a fucking cake.
Pretty much. The fact that they have an unwritten constitution practically allows for this shit to happen.
This. At least she can continue to commit thought crimes in the English language.
True. At least the Brits are not speaking German.
Been through this one already 6 threads anad in each one with the two being of your own and btfo.
I wonder how anons are doing in the timeline where hitler won.
T'was a typo you panface nigger. Did you not see my correction posted immediately after?
Why is there arguments over moonrunes on a thread about tranny tyranny?
This would be funny.
Steven Hayden the fraud.
Also: He isn't a lawyer but identifies as one.
Besides, Kate Scottow identifies as a radfem.
Eat popcorn and let them eat each other.
her twatter:
t. jew
where was the husband?
Faggot criminals in "bobby" costumes need to start disappearing and being found having their throats cut.
Tell us more about law and secrets.