Owen Benjamin outdid the average Zig Forums thread the other day when he named the jew 125 times in one show!
He hates his jewish grandmother (who actually converted to Christianity to marry his grandfather) and doesn't even know how much jewish ancestry she's got so he could be a lot less than a quarter jewish. Also he doesn't give a shit and doesn't regard himself as jewish at all, except when he can use the "quarter jew" thing for comedic purposes.
He's a famous stand-up comedian who was also making TV shows and movies before he quit Hollywood to fight cultural marxism, although he was blacklisted anyway for objecting to transsexualising children and refusing to apologise.
Interesting fact: Owen is friends with Vince Vaughn and says he's a lot like Mel Gibson (politically) in real life and is one of the few right-wingers in Hollywood who isn't afraid to make all his views known behind the camera, which is why you've been seeing less and less of him on screen. Unfortunately he still doesn't speak up in public about all his views.
He's talented, and quite amusing. The worry is that figures like him are being used to shape the the backlash. Direct it at cultural marxism, de-claw and file the teeth down so to speak, in the hope that order emerges from the chaos and the jew will (still) lead the new order.
Camden Reed
He's a bit crazy and created a cult around his persona. try to talk rationally to him under one of his videos, lol
Also that fake moon landing stuff, he's so convinced he knows everything. Even tho i had my doubts I wouldn't ever state categorically that it had to be fake. And recently I encountered convincing evidence, that the landings were actually real.
Connor Taylor
Didn't he cuck for a few years and denounce "Nazis", and then do a basic bitch video for Praeger U? Didn't he recently get into cringe boomer conspiracies like the faked moon landing? Isn't he either a fucking nut or a unscrupulous grifter?
Grayson Hernandez
All I know is that he seems to be mentally unstable. Overdose on redpills might do that to you.
Eli Fisher
You just perfectly encompassed the idiocy of neonazis in one post.
Thomas Peterson
Camden Campbell
Luis Mitchell
Dylan Williams
forgot my image droof tuchin wall.jpew
Xavier Nguyen
Xavier Gomez
racial jew "converts" have sown more destruction against White people than any other form of kike. see vatican 2
Owen was DEEP in the Hollywood soy. As stated, was ousted and blackballed from social media, just like the rest of us, for the heinous crime of suggesting that hormone therapy for trannie kids is "child abuse". He STILL has quite a bit of waking up to do.
And that's where we come in. Even if he is a shill, which I HIGHLY doubt (been watching him 'evolve' from the BEFORE his banishment. It's actually been real fun watching the hyper accelerated process of his redpilling as things like his nigger "best friend", and comedic touring partner, stole $3500 from him, like about his military exp., and probably doesn't even have cancer. He is partnering with Vox Day, and their SM startup just launched. SocialGalctic. NO free speech zone though. THEY WILL BE BANNING ALL COMMIES, D&C, AND SLIDERS! Honeypot? Could be. You know what to do.
It wouldn't take much effort at all to push him over with a massive redpill campaign, WITH HIS ENTIRE BASED AUDIENCE BEHIND HIM!!
At least go check him out, goys. You won't be sorry. If he's a loss, at least he's funny as fuck!!
Noah Wood
This is how I know you are dumb.
Grayson Turner
Except his schtick is a limited hangout to sell shit like all of Beale's scams.
Nicholas Rogers
Also, if you want to watch the most convincing stream so far that MUST be elobarated on, and spread, check episode #399. He talks about kike "Wizardry". Explains the trickery of Logical Fallacies without getting tech. Uses Historical examples of fuckers trickin' fuckers. MLK, Farrakahn, the Pope, all of Hollywood, etc. He would be a GREAT asset for the spread of prop and info.
Jacob Hall
Now you're just lying.
We see (((YOU))), filth.
Angel Gray
When will you IQless, one trick kikes figure your tired, ancient shit out? Your eyes are like spotlights. When you look and point, and kike, "NOOOOOOO!!!", you only draw EVERYONE'S attention to it. And we all jump onto the very thing you're trying to hide. THANKS, ARROGANT DUMBASSES!! We couldn't do this without you!
I'm convinced he's in over his head intellectually. It should be fun to see his audience distance themselves from him since he has so many Boomer Bros. In the end he's not a heavy lifter and he always looks like he's one twitch away from breaking down.
As opposed to this board for the past 3 years? C'mon, guy.
He's smarter than you. I will put money on that.
He is BRAND NEW into this territory. Watching his hyper accelerated redpilling has been fascinating to watch. He'll say something, get jumped by his audience, research it, and come back the very next day knowing more than everyone that jumped him.
I find it quite interesting that all these negators know EXACTLY who Owen is, and EVERYTHING about him. Are you all on the (((clock))), or something?. You aren't glowing suspiciously at all, little ones.
Cameron Wright
He is single handedly inspiring the take down of some of the biggest, backstabbing, sellouts in PedoWood. Naming the pedos, and the kikes!
He has accomplished more in the past year, than the vast majority of anyone here. Show some respect.
Oliver Rodriguez
The use of capitalization to accent your text and double exclamation points sure convinced me.
We have IDs
Tyler Ross
Got an argument yet? Owen Benjamin is going to be a MAJOR PLAYER in DESTROYING you. …and you know it. That's why you're here, doing what you're doing. This shit is not sophisticated. You all suck at this. You partied like rockstars, and forgot all your teachings. Now WE know them all. And we are going to end YOU!
Gen Z. Eyesight just started going. Cut me some slack. Lurked long, recently started posting. Get excited sometimes. Especially this subject. "Wizardry" (rhetoric and logical fallacies). Didn't want to be the one to introduce Benjamin just yet. He wasn't quite there. But it's time. Since his nigger nogged him, he's WOKE! Just a little further to go on the kikes. Help him out! …softly. He's emotionally raw right now. Blackballed, hated "NAZI!", backstabbing (friends), forced to move away from his brother cuz "NAZI!". Trust me. He's beyond ready. He is an asset. GUARANTEED! ENJOY!
James Lopez
bruh moment
Thomas Hernandez
And that is why we need to get in there! Even if he is a shill (doubt), his audience can still be harvested. Get on it.
William Gonzalez
I got no "bruhs", bruh.
Only limited, cooperative engagement with like minded blood (apparently not you) until the challenges are resolved. Keep kvetching, though. It's adorable.
Nicholas Gray
Few of these negators like me watched back when he was an alt lite conservative drone. Though I just watched some newer stuff. I'll concede, he will be an asset.
Though I doubt he will be able to drag most of his audience along. We will see. I was kneejerk reacting to the version of him last year when he was sucking down juden Peterson and Crowder.
Hopefully he's able to present this alongside his comedy in an easily digestible way.
Juan Cox
boom That's why I say "hyper accelerated RedPilling". He was entranced by Juden's glamour spells while he was down and out and searching for ANYTHING, and has since gone into overdrive in taking Peterson down. He's still pals with Crowder, but he dropped Owen from his writing staff after the moon landing. Trigger. He is slowly waking up to all of it. Go give him a nudge or two in the right direction. I've been watching and studying him for some time, and I personally believe the coupling of /pol to Owen would be highly beneficial at this very moment in the timeline we're on. I can't find much of a downside to this experiment.
Chase Lopez
Off topic, but since were talking about pedowood in this thread I might as well ask. Can anyone give me the rundown on Jamie Dlux? Is he the real deal or is he just another crypto boomer parasite?
Aiden Miller
He's a zionist jew who says we should stand with Israel because "there are no churches in Iraq", even though the secular nationalist leader who protected Christians and donated to Christian churches in the US was removed on behalf of his co-racialists in Israel.
No, his career didn't go anywhere, and "fighting cultural marxism" was just a way to stat relevant.
This entire world is tired of you talking shit without any research or facts to back it up. We're tired of empty, lazy, mockery and insults. We're sick of your constantly failing doom "predictions". Your "magick" doesn't work on this plane anymore. Look, this is all very simple logic if you've got the perspective. There is no way, in the desperation that you're in across the board, that you bastards have devised this level of sophisticated infiltration using an almost completely unknown B actor who, apparently, has uprooted his entire existence, walked away from a million dollar contract (>just a way to stat relevant. HA!), just to grow a mustache and gardens, build fences on his property, buy guns and ammo, and post live streams about pedos and kikes that get 4000 viewers. Who are you trying to convince here? …and AGAIN! If so, who fuckin' cares?! His audience is ripe and ready. Hell, EVERYONE is ready for this shit! 'Send it.
Matthew Ortiz
He has to set up his Stand-Up like a 90's rave. Sells tickets with no site announcement, with email maps, and last minute directions, and shit. BECAUSE THE ANTIFA FUCKS BOMB THREAT THE THEATERS HE BOOKS BEFORE THE SHOWS!! He has been forced to do his shit on a deuce flat bed on some guys private property, a child's museum, etc. And that doesn't even scratch the surface of his story. Way too sophisticated of a psy-op for such a small player. As soon as Delev (jew) burns him (inevitable), his transition will be complete.
Alexander Jackson
He has literally talked in his Infowars guest host slots how the moon landings were "fake". He could be legit elsewhere, but being retarded in this way is an easy discrediting method.
Liam Miller
Prove the moon landing was real, nigger.
We'll wait.
Asher Walker
Should we all stand with Israel because it's the Palestinians, and not the Christ-killing jews who want even use a "+" that want to kill Christians, like Owen says?
His narrative is that jews some jews are bad, and they're annoying in general, but Islam is the real threat.
We've been right about every other jewish/kosher eceleb you autists became emotionally invested in, then shilled for here. What makes you think this particularly slimely kike will be any different?
I don't know if I believe that, but even if it's true, that's the same kind of thing that happens to Milo (the last "good jew" you niggers shilled for on here) and Gavin McCuck. It doesn't negate his jewishness in any way.
The Moon Landing being a hoax is 6 gorrilion times more plausible than the majority of what tranny-lover Jonestein and the other shabbos goyim there cover.
I'm not even saying the Moon Landing was necessarily faked, just that would be more plausible than say, Israel fighting the globalists, Qanon, the Global Nazi Conspiracy, or anything else coming out of Infowars.
Has anybody told Owen that Jonestein interviewed Buzz Aldrin, and denounced skepticism of the Moon Landing?
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Who? fucking kill yourself. Shill in hell.
Jaxon Powell
Trust me, user, I'm as skeptical as you. But the evidence is speaking for itself. If this is (((their))) game to try and keep us corralled, they are getting dangerously close to the edge. I don't see how this plays out in their favor. He's straight up teaching his audience how their Wizardry works. How could this possibly work in their favor? I'll drop Owen as fast as the rest if I smell it. Either way it works a yet another example of failed kikery. Win win. …and yet AGAIN, the fact that you refuse to recognize the potential to reap his audience, screams "shill". There is absolutely zero harm in testing his waters. The time is RIGHT NOW! Besides, dude is funny as fuck.
Cameron Robinson
I've been checking out bits of his massive ego-stroking streams for about 6 months now. Yeah he is on the right track with some things. Problem I see is that he still believes in the Wizardry called Revealed Religion aka desert death cult superstitions and bulllshit such as Creator of universe came to Earth to die for us and also He loves the Jews.
What's being "pushed", big guy? The fucking TRUTH?!
No wonder (((you're))) so nervous.
Strategy, user. I know you know this already. As much as I distrust Jones, he has always been very obvious in petting the edge of the delicate bubble with "the Globalists", y'know, the ones who own every fucking available platform for voicing opinions? And yes, Owen has mentioned that Jones believes he moon hoax. Look, this is exhausting. This board usedt to be chock full of fuckers eager to search and study everything, to get to the bottom of anything. Put your logical fallacy "Wizardry" away, and EXPERIENCE what you can discover before talking so much random, empty shit. You children act like every move is permanent. Fuck Benjamin if he's a shill. But right now, if kikery, they haven't clapped the trap yet, and we can get some fuckers out before they do. I'm sure you're familiar with this window in their schemes? Infiltrate, and re-rail the train. Then make an example of Owen like everyone else who fucks with the blood.
There you are, random neanderkike! What took so long?
Christian Walker
If he's for real, he REALLY wants it right now, and doesn't know it. Again, he is racing through the RedPill timeline faster than anyone I've ever seen. He'll get there eventually. Even sooner if he gets the proper guidance. Again, HIS AUDIENCE… And if not, fuck him. No real investment, and nothing lost. But we've been cut off, and he still has a voice amongst those most susceptible to this info. We are awash with waisted opportunities, because of you fucking BlackPilled bitches. Fuck you.
Jacob Baker
Go back to GLP, sinead.
Gabriel Collins
Tel Aviv is not sending their best. It would seem /pol has done tuckered them the fuck out.
…keep bumping the thread, Schlomo. I truly appreciate it.
You're an idiot. Not the type of idiot that can be cured, either. We're not shilling a Jew to Zig Forums, we're shilling Zig Forums to a Jew with an audience.
Based Jews and part-jews do exist. Bobby Fisher is the ultimate proof.
Robert Smith
(((it))) knows. But they've lost their damn minds now that they recognize they can't stop what's coming. This is the most epic psy-op known to goy, if so. I mean, telling everyone through the leaked Protocols that WWIII will be Christians vs. Muzzies, then surprise scrap the entire thing, and blame yourselves, riling the ENTIRE WORLD against you. You die in horrid torture, and cursing. WIN! I don't get it?
Yes, those "Devil-worshiping Nazis" who hate the Talmud and Israel, and are working with the Muslims that control Hollywood and The Federal Reserve. Alex is redpilling so many normies! >>>/trs/
You sound just like the autists who were saying Milo was their "useful idiot" and not the other way around.
If Bobby Fischer was alive today, he'd be on our side, arguing that there are no good jews. He also wasn't a zionist, like Oven.
That isn't in The Protocols (which are real), that's a fake letter from Albert Pike.
See this is the idiocy I was referencing. It's not pilpul, you just lack reading comprehension. If I was shilling Owen to Zig Forums I'd be talking about how based and redpilled he is, saying we should listen to him. Instead we're saying this faggot has an audience and is practically begging for us to feed him redpills that he'll inevitably feed to his audience. But instead you're so fucking stupid you think we're telling you to become a fan yourself. I'm surprised you ended up on Zig Forums at all rather than turning Communist like all the other dumb fuck retards who can't read for shit end up doing.
I think the more and more blackpilled he gets the more he will understand the JQ, but he will never not have ruined his white lineage. Hes still useful for us
David Jackson
Milo faggots thought he was based and redpilled despite being a nigger fucking faggot. I'm saying Owen is begging for the redpills, let us feed some to him.
Austin Wood
You're so pathetic. You're trying way too hard, kike.
Ryan Wood
I've seen him stream from time to time if I happen to open up youtube and he's on. Owen Benjamin is ok and funny but I can already see what's going to happen. He's going to say something that YouTube can finally ban him for and that'll be that. He doesn't just spill his spaghetti, he flings it at the walls. It's only a matter of time before he's purged especially if he's naming names. I mean if you watch the guy fine, but most of us here are done with following any celebrity because it mostly turns out the the same in the end. Formerly pozzed minor celeb turned civnat really has nothing to do with us and this board. You might have better luck on 4/pol/ and reddit getting people excited. Maybe Voat. I mean that sincerely.
No he didn't, Owen just thought he did but it turned out that Crowder was just having trouble getting hold of him because he wasn't answering the phone at the time and his voicemail is permanently full. (He keeps sentimental messages, including from dead friends. He knows he can try transferring them to the PC but doesn't want to risk it in case something goes wrong.) They've sorted it all out now and Owen's back to writing for Crowder.
Zachary King
Vid very related Sage
Zachary Cruz
I think he's a total faggot, especially since he's blue-pilled on "paedophilia". i.e. he thinks attraction to anybody 1 second under a draconian government-created age limit is "paedophilia". Unfortunately Owen is still blue-pilled about that too, but being abused by a priest (or priests) most likely had a big effect on him in relation to that. He says he wasn't actually raped though, unlike some friends apparently.
Gavin Davis
Still trying way too hard, shitfucker. When did you learn to spot the jew? Birth? …fuckin' moron. If you don't know Owen's timeline, stop embarrassing yourself with ignorant nonsense.
You know as well as the rest of us how many people Jones (accidentally) woke. EVERYONE HERE! And where is Milo today, bitch? Was Fischer kike wise when he was a kid? Or, like the rest of us, did it take experience, and research to come around? …like Owen? that's a >fake letter from Albert Pike. Oh, so the (((plan))) really is self immolation by Muzzie as rape off the planet forever? I know they're fuckin psychos, but that concept is a bit too far fetched.
BOOM! This guy gets it!
…another boom.
Strawmanning till your arms fall out… …pitiful.
I'll be watching that very closely then. Crowder isn't off the table yet for me. Again, /pol tactics have potential to derail ANY spell casting at this point.
He knows. He's partnering with Vox Day on a just released SM platform called "SocialGalactic". Again, this is all very touchy, and requires /pols oversight. Crush the honeypots, and/or exploit the audience.
For the rest of you filthy kikes, this isn't hard to understand. That's how I know you're a…
Logan Walker
Owen bluepilled?! BWAHAAAAHAHAA!! He just said, AGAIN, last night that he doesn't trust himself with power or authority because he would immediate strike up the Death Squads, led by himself, to go lopping pedo heads. He straight up admits he doesn't trust the "Hitler" inside of him. Tell me this thought process isn't exploitable?
Andrew Peterson
Gavin Clark
Actually he says that most jews are bad. You must not have been watching recently.
Samuel Baker
About that 1 topic, yes. Like many people on here even.
David Williams
On the "SocialGalactic" front… Vox is overseeing his strict banning policies. He wants "intelligent", "clean", "high level" Dialectic, and will not tolerating any /pol style fuckery. If you want a challenge, go over, and see if you can ghost, AND spread the message without getting BTFO'd. This is a worthy foe. …if foe. If not, POWERFUL ALLIES ARE BEGINNING TO GATHER, ANONS! Must exploit.
Juan Sanchez
Sure, being a race-mixing sodomite is a problem, but the problem with Milo is that he's a racial jew, like Owen. Your inability to understand that is why you will continue to be duped by jewish ecelebs.
In the same way that the Talmud uses codewords like "Cuthean" and "Heathen" for "gentile", which is clarified in footnotes, any time a kike says "Palestinian", it should be seen the same way. They feel exactly the same about all of us, but the Palestinians are the only ones they can get away with killing openly at the moment.
Not even trying, you pathetic worm. There is no "shilling" in a simple suggestion to go check out something with vast potential.
What can be gained far outweighs the investment. But you already know this, kike. You know WE know this, kike. This is why your dumb fuckers have gotten so lazy here. …just collecting paychecks at this point, Chaim? Might as well fill Slurpees at the Quickee Stop. You are utterly ineffectual here. …and soon to be extinct.
Oliver Johnson
He's jewish though
Oliver Murphy
Come on, you arrogant kike. You're not even trying. Are you seriously going with "/pol too stoopid for Woen Benhamin."? …seriously? You got fat, lazy, and moronic in your decadence. Mowing you worthless parasites down is going to be so easy. Thank you.
YESSSS!!! Just keep on bumping the thread, kike. You fuckers have gotten too stupid for this game. Is it not obvious yet that we snatched your Magick Wand, and are now blasting the fuck out of you with it? You have no more power on this plane. You're already extinct, and you know it.
Samuel Foster
Not an argument.
Justin Allen
Can't you at least try to fit in? This low-quality shilling is insulting.
We don't know what Amy's dad looked like and may never know since he abandoned the family, but he could actually be a White Mexican.
Wyatt Sanchez
Don't need one. You offer nothing to rebut, bitch.
"In-Group Wizardry"? God, you homos have really lost your edge. It's over.
Benjamin Walker
Owen (((Benjamin))) is a kike piglet.
Eli Brown
Didn't realize I needed to issue a complete breakdown of Milo. I was just insulting him. And you're still too dumb to realize that shilling Owen to Zig Forums =/= shilling Zig Forums to Owen. Again with the reading comprehension.
By all means, PLEASE show me where I said a damn thing about Flat Earth, you flat head. I'm not even that sold on the guy, but your REACTIONS tell me everything I need to know. …as usual, morons. Thanks again for bumping the thread, and another opportunity to post some Owen.
Mason Hill
By the way… Strawman Red Herring
Harry Potter has more Wizard skill than you do, chump.
Colton Lewis
He has back up streaming sites for if that happens. (He also has a "secret" YouTube channel for livestreaming that he had to use recently as YouTube did temporarily suspend him.) He gets over 5,000 live views per video and on average around 50,000 extra views when uploaded later. He gets even more after they've been up a few months of course.
Wyatt Wright
Why are you so triggered by Israel? Who gives a shit? Owen says he supports the existence of Israel because he's a nationalist, but he doesn't support giving them aid, especially for building their walls when the USA can't yet have one, or fighting wars for them.
Caleb Hill
Kill yourself kike.
Austin Diaz
Owen is 1/4 of we don't know how much jewish. He's racially White. Jews wouldn't even accept him since it's on his dad's side anyway. If his grandmother hadn't told him that she had converted to Christianity and was originally jewish then you would have no idea that he was partly jewish either.
Jaxon Barnes
These idiots prove they speak from ignorance. One can go through and cherry pick anything from Owen's timeline, and say, "SEE! TOLD YOU!". However, taking the ENTIRE timeline, IN ORDER, is necessary to observe his rapid redpilling (that shows no sign of stopping, and, with /pols nudging, will inevitably bring him around to where we find ourselves now). Hell, it wasn't a month ago he was praising his prize nigger for being such a great pal. Last night, basically said, "Fuck Niggers". Benjamin is a "White Enthusiast", and "Prefers tall, intelligent White guys, to short, dumb, blacks." He got BlackBalled from Hollywood for naming the Pedos, did the deep dive, and only then started calling out the Jews. He's well on his way.
Non Sequitur. Damn, you filthy jew. You're REALLY bad at this.
Jaxson Miller
Owen doesn't believe the Earth is flat, he just asked people to prove it isn't as a thought experiment. He also doesn't think the Moon is fake, just the Moon landings.