AP Exclusive: Undercover spy exposed in NYC was 1 of many
(article is too long to post in full)
Yes, it's another Black Cube, and now NSO group, story. Still, an interesting read.
AP Exclusive: Undercover spy exposed in NYC was 1 of many
(article is too long to post in full)
Yes, it's another Black Cube, and now NSO group, story. Still, an interesting read.
Uh, now that I think about it, I should have said "exposed", rather than "busted". Oh well.
So do this mean there will be less of (((trump is a kike))) here?
No, it's just an Israeli spyware firm using an Israeli slander/spying (with agents) firm to attack those investigating it.
These articles are primarily useful to give you a sense of how they work and know when you're being approached by such an agent.
They basically try to goad you into saying anti-Semitic remarks and then use it to discredit you in the press.
Okay, cui bono here?
Considering (((they))) tried "Hitler touched the wall" when that stopped working for a while, no, if anything it will increase.
As someone on DACA, how will this affect me?
Hey OP wasn't a faggot for once.
Of course not.
Is this the best Israel can do?
Enough of this amateur hour shit, you guys are running out of water.
The oyest of veys were heard in the distance. Now will they be busted for illegally funneling tens of millions to bribe politicians using prepaid credit cards?
I think that this thread is the one being slid by the most ferocious necrobumping of old threads I've seen in a couple of years
requesting sticky
Bring the pain!
Dubs confirm.
Well this explains all the Russian bots shitting up the board today
Why are threads like these ignored so much?
Because this board is fucking dead. Kampfy broke its legs with retarded overmoderation and wordfilters, and codenigger lobotomized it to the point it's just daily non-deleted niggerdick spam threads away from being an exact copy of cuckchan..
What does it matter? What are you going to do about it? Nothing. What is anyone else going to do about it? Nothing. Jews have posed as “art students” for decades. They’ve stolen state secrets, committed false flag terrorist attacks, and slaughtered whites through it. No one cares. No one even looks up. What the fuck does a bunch of replies on an imageboard mean? Nothing. We don’t even have our own home–physically or digitally–anymore. What is anyone doing about it? Nothing. They just keep posting here and going about their lives in service to the ZOG.
Or are you suggesting that you actually have a plan and will be carrying it out? Because I’ve posted a literally foolproof plan for dismantling the infrastructure of the ZOG here before. It’s something that you can’t even be caught doing unless you purposely try to be caught. It involves no meet-ups, no physical coordination, no personal information revealed, and isn’t even time-sensitive. It’s literally flawless.
No one has done a damn thing. Because the jews won a century ago.
Well, that's because nobody is fighting back; that's changing though: .
Israel is playing with fire. Let me tell you.
The fuckken Israeli kikes need to get on board with modern orthodox Judaism and realize TECHNOLOGY CHANGES NATURAL LAW already.
anti-kikery bump
I would also add occult beliefs/ideology and "wash your dick" tier self-help theads.
I'm here to hear about various news, what's happening in general so you can better guess the next step.
Now it's mostly larpers and retards. Also reddit.
Have all jews killed.