College Newspaper Demands White Chads be Silenced

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My vietnamese wife got the same hat heh. Fuck Chad but not cause hes white.


Universities are an exhausted meme and debt farm that have few justifications to still exist, they have been subverted to nearly a complete inversion of their original purpose and mostly function as Marxist footholds in their enemy's territory.

Scrub the humanities department and you'll eliminate the marxist problem.

fuck off incel

How am I incel if I'm married? Oh I guess Asian women dont count that's why so many niggers visit Asia but of course niggers dont count cause dey black n got dat BBC so dey dindu nuffin and can fuck all the hos. It's stupid to me that people say oh some white guy with an Asian woman hes incel or cant get his own women yet when some nigger or spic does it its cause they got a big dick or some other nigger muh dick thinking.

dude if you were good enough to marry an attractive white woman you would have.
The lebs here say that if you marry an asian you must have a small dick :)

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Not really, it's pretty much universal at this point and some of it is federally mandated down upon them. Yeah you can find some small pockets of freedom from it, but when you hear about the holocaust in a math class you come to understand the breadth of the problem.

I'll take things a nigger, kike or pissed off white roastie would say Alex.

I'm not saying I got a huge dick or talking about my past with women. But I noticed the big dick meme is something conjured up by Jewish pornographers and also as a way to sell sex with niggers to white women. And why would I want a roastie who's fat, feminist, liberal and loves black cock like 99.9% of western women? I have a virginal wife who hates niggers. My Chinese ex hated nigs too. Never knew one white woman yet that called niggers apes like they rightfully are. Also if dick size makes someone superior then a donkey or elephant must be better than human beings. That's gorilla or chimp nigger logic IMO.

Babydick journalists social signaling astroturf thread
the jews

Leda fisher belongs in a rope



You haven't got much life experience kid if you think otherwise. White women been black washed for a while now.

Stop watching Jewish porn.

Gayest shit ive seen in the last second.

I dont watch porn or jerk off.

wow breaking news

kill yourself faggot, and if you have any mutant spawn, take them with you

You speak incoherently and spout demoralizing propaganda. You're either a shill or so backward you truly believe what you are saying. If you are being sincere, I suggest you take your ugly yellow wife back to her homeland and raise your half-breeds there.

Stay mad phaggots

Welcome to the asian race

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If your wife isn't white then you are betraying us, the white race. Chinks are bug people who can't write English.

If I had a time machine, the only thing I'd do is go back to 2014 and give Elliot Rodger heavier weaponry. Hapas are great for weaponizing.

Force the issue and corner kikes on it. Make them either speak up against anti white issues or admit they aren't white.

There's still the majority jewy student body shaping the cultural norms, not to mention 18 years of indoctrination that they get before ever setting foot on campus. Let me know when someone gets a bio degree with a factual thesis on race and intelligence.


Those are white women, they are Jews.

Women don't want a 'big dick' user, they want a thick dick. Preferably one that is about six inches, just long enough to reach the G Spot. Any longer and there are FEW positions that you can enjoy because the guy can never really fuck you. I hate whomever posted it, but someone (fucktard) posted some tranny in a theater jerking a guy off on one of their posts, THAT GUY (the one being jerked off; not the tranny who I didn't even really look at) had one of the most beautiful cocks I have ever seen in my life…it was perfectly proportional, thick but not too big, wider at the base than at the head and just really pleasing to look at.

I am tell you that man could be a cock model, like a hand model, but with cocks instead, if there were such things.

i thought it was common knowledge that journalism schools are among the most pozzed in higher education. sage because this shit is barely threadworthy, nevermind newsworthy

Grown men obsessed with dicks.

what's the play here? look into leda fisher? the college? spread the news to parents sending their students to college? smear the college with memes?

You know I probably say this here every fucking week and it's only monday but this time I really fucking mean it.

You just outed yourself, dummy.
In your previous shitpost you said;
Now you say, 'phaggots' which is mid 20's at most if you're especially autistic.

He's a gook cartoon watching jew.

I loled at that. Asian women often say they want to be white girls, think Nazis are cool and want white babies. Its psychotic of them. I get angrier when I see niggers with Asian women then white women.

Yet I'm the degenerate fag.

I'll keep my views on white women and my own preferences silent. I'd rather not demoralize or offend anyone here. I'm sorry I just can't stop fucking Asian women. Their so cute and their broken engrish turns me on. Plus I love Buddhism and all the swaistikas in Asia.

Man you dont have to like me but dont call me a Jew that's too far man. It actually hurt my feelings.

Most white girls aren’t into black guys, it’s a total meme

Oh fuck off

Here's the author of the article.

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Eh, at least I'm not the human embodiment of ugliness and debauchery in their most extreme senses.

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Let me define non-White once and for all….

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Faggot kike.

the rope is waiting for you

And the only other article she wrote for the paper is "On Interfaith Dialouge":
"Growing up, my family always emphasized the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam…"
thedickinsonian . com/opinion/2018/04/19/on-interfaith-dialouge/

These pics really get me thinking. Who goes to the opposite side of the globe to be surrounded by hordes starving homo erectus? Why would one go to such great lengths to be around the most useless disgusting creatures on the planet? Is it just because they can finally feel superior to something? Fucking cunt, there are hungry kids in your own country, but you don't care about that. I hate these people

Misplaced empathy and desire for social approval, i.e. the greatest weaknesses of women.

post moar of these white hate bs articles. I'mma redpill my brother.

I have turned down more White women than you will ever know about weeb.

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the longer I look at this, the more pissed off I get.
wooow youre such a good person feeding these starving monkey people! Make sure to give them plenty of food so they can produce even more starving useless eaters that tattooed virtue signalling women like you will surely take care of ok? wow so brave and heartwarming. Be sure to post this on instagram, snapchat, facebook, and make a jewtube video about it. wooow

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Yeah, race is a lot less important than this.