American Zig Forums, how many of you are registered voters and why? I never registered and I'm not sure if I ever will, the only two parties that have any power are bullshit and my own views are so rare that almost everything there is to vote on is 100% inconsequential to me. I'm sure this applies to other countries as well.
Is there even a point in voting?
Write in. I'm gonna write nationalist party of Canada on my ballot next election
And if I was American I'd vote republican only because of guns
Voting legitimizes ZOG.
I have never voted, not even for Trump.
Voting is only a gauge of how much, and what voters will deal with in reality – a reflection of the will of the people. Voting can only prevent a limited band of action by the government, such as gun control. They use democratic voting to slowly reduce the quality of your life. Why so many immigrants? Well, to boil you faster.
If it changed anything, they wouldn't let you do it.
One candidate will always be better than the other(s) for achieving our goals, so voting is always the optimal course of action. Trump's election legitimized certain issues like immigration control and economic nationalism in the public mind, so I don't regret my vote for him regardless of how little he's delivered thus far, because he brings us closer to achieving our goals.
not voting is a vote for the Communist party that's genociding the white folk.
fuck off with your demoralization ops
Trump 2020
Only a fucking kike shill would try to black-pill an exceptional nation into not voting for patriots who care about their tribe. Report this thread and carry on posting.
Not if you're a shitskin.
if voting mattered they would never let us do it
Not your blog. Not your thread. Not your board. Get the fuck out.
Who do we vote for, shlomo?
Either way, you're voting for kikes to continue lining their pockets. So you're probably right.
It was useful with trump to "unite" whitey and make him a big target.
Voting is for idiots. Vote in polls though. It's fun.
The Trotskyite Republikike party, or do you mean the "bad" jewish White genocide party?
Do you think you could put ending the fed on the ballot?
The media isn’t all evil, but the media figures who are evil
1) have leverage on the good ones
2) control funding on the good ones
3) have convinced the good ones they’ll be executed by fascists if the evil ones are exposed
4) are fascists, but publicly deny it
5) have convinced people that only paranoiacs believe anything like this, and any sane person who learns of it will go insane
6) have studied psychology for evil purposes
7) have done all this to each other also, supporting each other with funding while also binding one another by mutual imprecations
8) don’t know, don’t care, or can’t conceive of x-risk factors in all this
9) disbelieve in the basic cognition of their outgroup, insisting all people smart enough would be just like they are
10) lie about supporting diversity
The answer to all of this is to support diversity sincerely, and to prove by your actions that you are someone who won’t put others up against any wall.
Eventually the good media figures will all kill themselves, go crazy, learn to just stay home indefinitely fasting on their savings, or otherwise become useless, and the evil ones will choke on their uncreative dependency upon others. They wouldn’t have to do all the things they do if they were right about all smart people becoming like themselves, after all.
Noncompliance, yo. Be at peace.
List one person in media who is not directly owned by jews and whose message does not further jewish interests.
No, it just makes you complacent.
See: This board.
ur mom
That's not entirely true. I agree that one candidate will always be the better choice for your personal reasons, that does not necessarily mean that either candidate is ultimately good for the cause. In a way, it can often boil down to voting for the lesser of two evils, and that just gets demoralizing.
However, it's extremely important to vote for one specific reason: voter fraud. Voter fraud thrives in an environment where large numbers of people do not participate or do their due diligence. Refusing to vote in essence is writing a blank check for someone to fill in with the candidate they want.
In effect, ensuring that every person who can legally vote solves a few problems:
If you have a district of 10 million eligible voters and only 2 million of them actually get out to vote, then officials have 8 million blank checks they can fill in as they need to make the choices they want. If 8 million people get out and vote, however, then those remaining 2 million will not be able to swing the the result as easily unless it's already extremely close.
Everybody knows the meme about people being bused around from polling place to polling place to cast their votes repeatedly. Out of that example 10 million voting district, if only 2 million voted, then non-citizens and felons could easily slip through the cracks and vote with little to no notice. However, if voter turnout was noticeably higher and the vote started to swing suspiciously in one direction or the other, then an investigator could be called upon to make sure all is well.
These people are going to continue to cheat the system anyway. If enough people vote, they will eventually have to destroy votes to get what they want; there is no world where 100% voter participation will happen, as is there no reality where 100% or more voter registration should be acceptable even though it is, and that should be an enormous red flag. Eventually, as more people get out to vote, the cheaters that have had the run of the field for so long will fail to recognize the situation and misplay their hand; if you cheat for long enough, overconfidence gets you caught. Utilize this, and use it against them. There is nothing illegal or wrong about encouraging everybody you know to get out and vote.
Besides, if everybody got out and voted for people, all the way down to the primaries, then we wouldn't be in this fucking mess in the first place. The local primaries are all fucking rigged, and we know it; if voter turnout for local primaries jumped up to 75%, and voters understood the importance of doing the research and staying abreast of political issues, it would change the political landscape in a heartbeat.
As it is, everybody is so fucking blackpilled on voting that they don't even bother. Why bother voting? I'm just voting for a bunch of fucking jews and golems, anyway, right fellow goyim?
I don't care who the fuck people vote for, just get out and vote.
Whoever we vote for, I'm not doing it for Trump again. Zig Forums needs to get its priorities straight, and it can't do that with r/TheDonald shitting up every thread with constant shill accusations and worship of a politician who clearly isn't working in our best interests. With Trump gone, maybe this board will get better without people bleeting "GOD/ZOG EMPEROR" every thread.
I imagine 2020's gonna be a fucking shitstorm as they desperately try to get us to re-elect him.
And I can't fucking wait.
maybe in italy or eastern europe, countries where nationalism is within the overton window. elsewhere, not really
whether salvini is controlled opposition or not, there are less niggers in italy than there could have been because of his administration so I'd say that that is a positive development
If you vote, you are complicit with legitimizing a system that wants to eradicate you, and turn your descendants into dumb, raceless dogs. No matter how hard you apply cognitive dissonance, saying:
forgot to sage
Oh boy I chose between the kike candidate or the kike candidate. Which should I chose Mr. Schnozzenberg?
Your words are extremely dangerous to our democracy
this style of posting is making me cringe. OP asks an honest question and your natural response is to impersonate him as a jew? try this:
we know voting is bullshit, OP asks about that, why does literally everything have to be "OY VEY GOY DO THIS THING THAT I KNOW IS BAD FOR YOU"? is signalling your redpilledness the only way you know how to post? this board used to be for intellectuals, the hating the jews is the natural result of intellectual discourse. now we have all these low IQ newfags like you that skipped the whole rational thinking process and found your way to pic related. nothing wrong with that, but if you don't have anything to contribute to the discussion, then why even post? because you're bored and want something to do? this board is supposed to be an force for truth, not a bunch of mindless cavemen chanting the same mantra over and over again
this has never helped anyone, anywhere, ever. You don't get you vote away your genocide
I'm referring to this
This thread is lazy data-mining.
Vote but know its pointless it takes only an hour or two. Vote not because it makes a difference but to prove that it doesnt.
Kill yourself.
it doesn't take long to do and there really IS a point in voted on shit trying to be passed. puppet presidents no so much
I can't vote because I don't have a legal address. Let this sink in a bit. The illegal non-citizens can come here. Move 10 into a flophouse and all vote but, I an American citizen and land owner (think hundreds of acres) can't vote because the county denies me a residential permit on my home because of building codes. Sooooo I am sitting in my home… legally homeless in a home that doesn't exist but seems to keep me warm at night and dry when it rains but I can't vote. I guess I will just HOPE that JUAN VALDEZ comes up here on his mule and votes as I hope he would….
How mighty Jewish of you.
Get a fucking PO box or stfu.
Must be why they bus in spics and niggers all the time.
Got one. It doesn't work that way. It has to be a legal residence to count for voting. No PO box nor commercial address (like a private mailbox) will work. If the address is not pre-approved at the county then you are not a resident of the state because you do not RESIDE there in a RESIDENCE. Not kidding. Look it up. The entire state of Oregon is this way.
Show up, stand in line, because you're not a lazy faggot.
Many local races are less faked than big national races.
If you truly believe all races are 100% faked, deposit an empty ballot.
But show your fucking face at the fucking poll because you're not a lazy faggot.
It is a really good idea to fill out that ballot or someone will do it for you. If you never even go you may end up voting anyway. We need Blockchain voting.
Sounds like OR
Can you buy a small tract of land, build a 1-room shack on it, and then that's your "other" residence?
Yup. Parents died so I can't use their address any more. County won't declare my home a legal residence because a pier foundation won't pass current codes and, like they told me, "If you ask again you will be tearing it down at your expense and paying environmental fines" -county agent
I know… Move away. Thats what everyone tells me but I am tired of running from these fucking bastards and I'm not leaving any more. Running away is how we got to this point int he first place.
I can, but ANY piece of buildable land will be like 10k MINIMUM. Then you will have to have legal power, legal water, legal sewer all to code and the minimums of a legal home. Which is an engineered road 16 feet wide so 2 firetrucks can drive by side by side. One bedroom, one kitchen, one full bath. It would cost AT LEAST a hundred thousand bucks to get that together. INB4 buy a shitty trailer and park it there. They will inspect the trailer to make sure it does not have aluminum wiring. If it does the wiring will have to be removed. on and on and on and on and on.
This. Voting actually harms our cause.
Every Trump thread. You deserve to hang faggot.
They don't even count your votes you moron. The president is CHOSEN. Trump was CHOSEN to placate the right.
Yes, for this simple reason: It forces kikes to buy both sides. If people gave up voting, then they'd only have to buy one side. So it has some value.
That's not how the parentheses are used. Parentheses do not designate kike golem, but only kikes.
if you look only at the 'v' there is sort of a point in voting.
OFC. The mountains of liberal salt on Nov 2020 are every reason they should vote for the loser of their choice.
Vague ideas like "legitimizes" are SJW territory
True, but
If the user believes that, then they don't care whether someone fills it out. Either they'll do that or they'll do some other shit. They'll pull whatever levers they need to pull.
This is the important part in an apparently-representative republic. It has to /seem like/ it's representing you
Course there is, to vote for politicians that are far left lunatics that will run this country off the cliff we've been marching towards for the past hundred years.
That is to say, IF you live in a solid blue area, vote for the far left to wake people up.
The main point of voting is that VOTING is the BEST way to learn FIRST-HAND that VOTING DOESN'T CHANGE ANYTHING.
It's a paradox, really.
Also, LOCAL ELECTIONS are really important, so vote!
However, I have no illusions about (((democratic elections))) being the best way to decide who controls society.
Move to North Dakota; I think the laws are different and you could vote there.
why wouldn't you vote for the People's Party? It is a nationalist party and the only one trying to reduce immigration.
Me too. It is going to be fucking insane.
I may not like trump on what he is doing right now but is there proof that the kikes are choosing their presidents for us?
Just proved his point faggot either contribute to the conversation or fuck off. Then again I could be talking to a low tier shill.