The Haitian Revolution was the only revolution in which blacks succeeded in overthrowing their white masters (all other slave liberations came from whites granting freedom to blacks without conflict). Saint-Domingue, as Haiti was known before independence, was a French Caribbean colony and was considered to be the most developed colony in the Caribbean, with Port-au-Prince being dubbed the Paris of the Caribbean. Contrary to tales-of-the-holohoax tier narratives, slaves were often given more liberties than in Spanish colonies, with slaves being allowed time off from work often at their own will and being allowed to form their own communes in northern SD/Haiti. Apparently, though, the French Revolution happened, slavery was ordered abolished in Saint-Domingue, but it was not obliged until the Haitian Revolution passed (and even then, the blacks in charge had other blacks forcibly working in far harsher conditions than under the French).
The crux of the revolution to me though was the Jan-April 1804 extermination of nearly the entire white population in Haiti under HNIC Jean-Jacques Dessalines. Up to 5,000 whites may have been exterminated by the blacks, with mass torture and rape (of women, men, and children) being a common practice. A few cucks, like about 400 Polish soldiers that were spared and some German immigrants in the northwest, were allowed to live (but most of them were still killed off) and either mated with the black Haitians, or left the newly founded black republic, which obviously quickly devolved into a nightmarish shithole.
How did the nogs manage to mass exterminate the white population of Haiti? Why was there no retaliation for it? There have been other cases where blacks outnumbered whites and whites prevailed (in fact, that's how it was almost all the time). And finally…
What role did jews play in the Haitian Revolution? What role did the Jacobines have in influencing the niggers? How did the niggers know that Saint-Domingue was (supposedly) called Haiti/Ayiti by the original Taino people? Think about it. The Tainos died out by the late 1600s. The nogs were out in fields, they were not busy getting an education in the history of their territory, much less in learning a poorly documented extinct language. Does "Haiti" mean anything in Hebrew?' Ha - iti? "Ha" is Hebrew for "the". "The" something? Could Iti/yiti be an acronym like Katz and Kahane? I'd appreciate anyone with any knowledge on Hebrew.
pic related is Haitian vs. Dominican forest management. The deforestation alone marks the border between the two countries. Niggers will eat their own world.
Humanism which lead to Protestantism which lead to Republican revolution in America which lead to Republican revolution in France which lead to dumb frogs educating the niggers in haiti which lead to Nigger revolution in Haiti which brings us the failed state that it is today.
Justin Barnes
this also, led*
Michael Powell
The white frenchmen were inspired by the revolutions in America and back home in France. They freed the slaves as part of the belief that all men should be free. Those niggers then slaughtered them. The lesson is to never EVER treat a nigger as an equal. Look at how niggers treat one another. Every nigger needs to know you are their superior. They are a naturally servile race and need to be constantly reminded of that or they will kill you as suddenly and randomly as they slaughter, rape and enslave one another.
As always, you fags are the ones who started this shit and then abandoned it, not protestants
Juan Reyes
They think of goy as cattle. Just as it's fine to eat a steak, they say it is fine to rape a 5 year old nigger until mentally shattered, drain his blood for infusions, and then sacrifice him to moloch while harvesting the organs for transplant or experiments.
Daniel Murphy
The French were infected with the Christianity Plague, and the results were very deadly.
Juan Russell
Because the French went into absolute hyperoverdrive in their pursuit of (((equality))), plus France proper was undergoing major turmoil itself. Of course, (((equality))) doesn't exist, in the case of Haiti, you either have White French rule (Saint-Domingue) or despotic black rule (Haiti), there is no in between like the Judeo-liberals would have you believe.
I wonder why they did, though? And what role did specific kikes play in in all of this?
John Lewis
The fighting French men had been reduced in the 1790's from conflicts with the British, who tried to take the island as part of the Revolutionary Wars (the monarchs of Europe ganging up on revolutionary France to prevent spread of revolution) and the Wars of the Coalitions (against the directory and later Napoleon). Also, in 1800 America sent the ship USS General Greene to aid Touissant l'Overture's forces to capture some coastal towns. The French did send General Leclerc and actually got L'Overture and Dessalines to surrender, but that just made them drop their guard, so Napoleon withdrew a lot of the forces back to Europe to fight the continental wars. When the nogs began to think the French were going to reinstitute slavery, they rebelled again and this time won. The French did send troops to retake the island, but again, the continental wars took a much bigger priority. The blacks went back to scorched earth and guerrilla warfare, the British helped, and most importantly the French troops were struck with a plague that really put the kibosh on the effort to retake the island.
Xavier Thompson
This. The Caribbean would be a tropical all-White paradise if (((they))) didn't bring in all of the nog slaves.
Luis Hernandez
The Hebrew suffix conjugation -ti conjugates a verb in the first person singular. As for the prefix, Hai, it could be a form of Chai,* which means "live" or "life." Thus, "Chai-ti" would mean "I live" in Hebrew. *The "ch" is pronounced /x/, or as a voiceless velar fricative, which sounds like the "H" sound in English.
That would be a strange name for a country if so, so I'm sort of skeptical Haiti = I live. Still, it's an alternative start to the mainstream Haiti = High Mountain in Taino.
Joseph Smith
These hidden Hebrew language conspiracies that constantly go around here are fucking stupid. Different sound that doesn't exist in most English varieties.
Jeremiah Sullivan
The end began in Haiti when the Colonial Assembly, which had convened specifically to stop the French government from freeing the slaves and pozzing the colonies, accepted a petition to give mulattoes civil rights. At the time, there were about 36,000 whites in Haiti, and the 48,000 half-castes wanted (((democracy))). They threatened to side with the 460,000 nigger slaves if they couldn't get what they were after.
The petition was assembled and submitted by Julien Raimond and Vincent Ogé. Ogé and Raimond were quadroon merchants. Together with a Catholic fucking priest quelle shocked! named Henri Jean-Baptiste Grégoire, they were members of the Société des amis des Noirs, or: "Society of the Friends of the Blacks." The society was organized by a "French" (((lawyer, journalist and pornographer))) named Jacques Pierre Brissot. In 1793, Brissot went to the guillotine, but the act seems like it may have gotten Marat assassinated and Robespierre overthrown.
No fucking way this guy wasn't a Jew. Anybody got info?
Here's what Kikepedia says (approvingly) about Henri Jean-Baptiste Grégoire:
Odd thing found in Wikipedia – Why would Raimond's entry contain this line: "Raimond was a slaveowner, as many free people of color from the South were." Raimond was from Haiti, not the South. Why would that appear in the article? Is there some Wiki bot that inserts apologetics for old-timey SJWs?
Grayson Martinez
Yes, I know it's a different sound. That's why English speakers transliterate it to an H.
Cameron Lewis
Niggers. All of you. SLAVE as in SLAV as in SLAVIC It does not require a contract. Indentured servitude has no time limit.
Connor Watson
(checked) Fugg, I blame my (((public school education)))
Nathaniel Cruz
There was like 5000 whites in Haiti, even if the nigs didn't made a massive chimpout the whites would eventually be outbred and/or forced to return to France. The biggest mistake was bringing all those niggers to Haiti in the first place.
Even though the kikes were behind the slave trade, the whites are still responsible for listening to them and buying their nigs, this have been happening for such a long time that I believe that no matter how much history teaches, people will still believe to (((their))) lies and buy their bullshit, in theory we should learn from our mistakes so that we may not repeat them.
Anthony Garcia
Because they crave subversion and filth out of a hate for that which is good, and such perversions are unsustainable, forever seeking new lows thanks to desensitization; just look at /b/, which started off with seeing how many times one could jack off in a day, and is now full of aids. That, or it means there a dead nigger out there, which is fine with me.
David Williams
More like
Why am I glad Whites lost a wiccan magic spellground
Aiden Cruz
Jacques Pierre Brissot? I wish I did. If he himself wasn't a Jew, was there a Jew who was influencing him somehow? Same with Henri Jean-Baptiste Grégoire. His Wikipedia article also states that he supported both (((racial equality))) and (((Jewish equality))) with the native White French. Most definitely some kikery afoot.
Wouldn't surprise me.
Easton Harris
But we never seem to do. There's so much dirt and history on the kikes, I find myself hard to wrap my head around it all.
Adrian Sanders
We've been inundated with this (((cult of equality))) for over two centuries now, meanwhile, Hitler's glorious National Socialist revolution only lasted a mere 12 years. I'm starting to think that this universe is for the kikes and their evil, and maybe in some parallel universe, Whites are left alone to do their own thing without having to be bothered with needless (((tension))) and (((subversion))).
Lincoln Rogers
France was catholic, brainlet. Still is
Logan Gonzalez
You're absolutely brain dead. And the reformation was entirely the fault of the catholic church anyways. But to a heeb an evil empire of kikery built to exploit people are the good guys, and people who say "no lets just do what the bible says and ignore all this shit made up by kikes in funny hats" are the bad guys.
Logan Brown
France is very secular, almost an atheist state at this point. Laïcité is a far more secular line of thought than what we have here in the USA.
Levi White
satan, pls.
Bentley Reyes
Caleb Thompson
The simple answer is that there is a limit to European combat superiority. Once you pass a certain ratio of defenders to attackers, no amount of superior tactics or technology can hold back a mass onslaught of savages. ~80,000 Europeans (women, children, elderly, and untrained civilian men making up 20k) versus more than 600,000 indigents, all on a small island with no room to retreat more than a days march away from the usurpers, is a losing scenario no matter how you approach it. These specifics don't fully apply to a larger landmass as long as there is room to build a buffer zone against an offensive, but still.
Also, if you want to feel some feels tonight, read the chapter in Lost White Tribes about the octaroon (at best) descendents of the Polish communities of Haiti. I know the author is a leftist but he was obvlivious to what he was seeing and recording for posterity due to obvious reasons. Some might call that book a blackpill but I call it inspiration for my struggle to never, ever let that be the future of the world we were entrusted with.
The nigs had their uprising at the same time the French revolution was going on. The White population of Saint Domingue were high off their own farts of equality and tolerance… that they allowed "peace" by giving power over to the nigs and mulattos, in exchange for love and happiness. That of course only lasted a few years before the slaughtering happened and most of the nation's White population was wiped out. Of course the Eternal Anglo fought for the niggers, and even helped out in the wholesale bloodshed against the White Saint Domingueans.
Think long and hard about the lesson of Haiti any time you have but one moment of tolerance in your heart for the negro… who will slaughter your family like animals without a single iota of empathy if he thought he could get away with it.
The sad thing is that had the Brits not invaded, I doubt the Afrikaners would've given up shit. But the Brits are entirely too "civilized" to be crass.
Wyatt Wright
Some people might have a religious prohibition against the use of pig organs and a strong desire to avoid seeing if there's an afterlife.
Alexander Rivera
You should read about the (((Cult of the Supreme Being))). Baal/Jewhowa/Satan worship.
That honestly seems very similar to Gottglaubig. Better than Catholicism at least.
Alexander King
Just saying, about that picture.. The Dominican Republic is full of mulattoes, not whites or even mestizos. Not saying the DR is a great place, but it's not that different from Haiti racially.
Landon Brooks
The last 700 years have been mostly Europeans spreading and dominating everything rivaling each other more than the mongrels whom mean nothing. Time spent competing with brothers whom are capable compared to the hordes whom are clearly less than means you soon only focus on the brothers only. Plenty of corruption and trade to swim under in murky waters for jews while whites battled for the world. White mans burden has always stayed the hand of men whom would rather view themselves as civilized and just rather than 'needlessly' cruel and savage. And the ever present foundation of the jew on a stick worship which always ensures some level of acceptance even when sparing. Before that time, most people didn't have an worldly understanding of the lands beyond their own local influence, even kings and the highest lords rarely would be what we today could consider 'educated' in the full scope of history and human interaction we have today, their domain more concerned with more pressing matters of local governance and competition. And finally the last 600 years have provided massive outlet valves which allowed white men of all stripes to either absorb damages in some ways, or white flight from one place to another in search of greener pastures without having to resort to base competition, unless you where one nation competing with another. Much of that which the common man considers common history was unknown before the 1850's, and only barely understood in the 1700's.
The last century has found the end of all of that. So don't discount the changing tide in what is going to happen to the rats. It is only now that the reality of what the yids are has become clear to more than an tiny minority. We here, we are far more dispersed and unorganized than even the yids have ever been, and we watch and see them as what they are. And unlike the bluepilled sheep, our eyes are filled with thoughts of vengeance and hate, spite rises even as threats against us lose their effectiveness.
Noah Brown
Its society is stratified around the degree of black mixture. It's not a country anyone would want to live in but you gotta consider that in Haiti they pretty much killed everyone who was whiter than coal black so they have niggers that are nigg-er than the rest, even other niggers detest Haitians (much like Somalis are in Africa).
Nathan Watson
But the average Dominican is not 98+ percent black like the average Haitian.
Even full blacks from other Caribbean counties and territories don't like Haitians. Bahamians, who are as black as Haitians, deported a bunch of Haitian "refugees" and there have been skirmishes between the two groups, as with others. Jamaicans also generally don't care for Haitians, and even African-American gangsters in Florida consider Haitian gangsters to be too erratic and chaotic.
It would be interesting if the obsession with killing led to a dysgenic collapse in Haiti during the 19th century. As in, Haitians became even worse than the average black.
Connor Martinez
It's definitely possible given that they're a small island population. I don't recall the blackest niggers in Africa being so retarded as to destroy all their barely fertile earth so that they have to make mud cookies.
Jace Foster
Whites let them have Haiti because nobody gives a shit about tiny islands with no resources.
Jack Hill
there was this guy with a name Toussaint Louverture. (probably as legend goes) his grandfather was Gaou Guinou, a son of the King of Allada, Great Ardra, also known by numerous variant spellings, was a coastal West African kingdom in what is now southern Benin.
not all niggers are same. there are different sub species. yoruba are good at fighting. most of niggers that were brought at the beginning of slave trade were from different tribes in africa. than at the time they started to bring more yoruba and akan slaves there had their own kingdoms in africa and were also good at fighting. not only they did take over haiti. they also took over mountains in jamaica.
tl;dr. not all niggers are niggers. (((they))) imported wrong niggers to be slaves who were never slaves before actually they were soldiers who were capturing and selling slaves. and then they started revolution.
Caleb Williams
There was retaliation. Countries around the world sanctioned Haiti/Sanit-Domingue with embargos, and others celebrated the revolution as a victory for the black chappies.
Fuck it all.
Evan Reyes
Well, seeing that soon after Dessaline named himself emperor, his own people assassinated him, and the new nation plunged into a civil war. So much for freedom. At least they have mud cookies.
Lincoln Green
Wasn't there a plague or flu that killed most of the soldiers that France had stationed over there? Also, France was fighting in the Napoleonic Wars so they likely weren't able to spare soldiers to reinforce Haiti anyways
Levi Carter
Jamaicans and Bahamians are just as dangerous as Haitians it's just that Haitians speak creole french and Jamaicans/Bahamians speak creole English and those countries are more like a Protestant-voodoo mix unlike Haiti which is Catholic-voodoo.
Luis Green
Haiti actually had HAAAAAD a ton of resources. Ironically enough, most black countries do. It used to be the most profitable colony in the Caribbean when it was Saint Domingue. Especially sugar cane and bananas that were a fucking cash cow back in the day.
Daniel Baker
Can you fuck off back to your degenerate shithole? Thanks in advance for leaving, no need to reply.
Eat shit Christian crowncuck.
This is why we need to actually kill them all next time. Every last man, women, and child dead or sterilized and isolated until they wither away. In the corner of a Minecraft server of course.
What else is new?
It's the canary.
Nicholas Miller
The sad part is Haiti would probably be a kick ass patch of land if it had solid management. I mean, shit… that is a prime location for some great resorts and yet it has fallen to the greatest biological weapon in the history of mankind.
Samuel Nelson
Yes, Haiti produced 50% of France's GDP at one point. A rich and productive lands when properly managed.
Jeremiah Peterson
Haiti is really bad land, why would whites want it. It gets earthquakes and hurricanes all the time.
You know historical France slaughtered their prautists slowly and painfully right? English history isn't the same as French history.
Step 1: be bad at fighting Step 2: be even worse at administration Step 3: mistakenly believe the different peoples of the world are equal Step 4: give potentially deadly implements to people who hate you Step 5: get slaughtered to the last individual, even children
There's no ????? here.
Tyler Hill
It was fine until the Haitians stripped everything from value from it, only to stay poor.
99.99% of earthquakes don't do jack shit. The historical ones come from a massive buildup of energy, which is the exact opposite of releasing energy 20 times a day. Put put put farts vs buh-booooom fart. Granted walls in Haiti probably still fall over from earthquakes, in which case the locals just pick them up and prop them back into position.
I'd worry about this more than an earthquake, but if I weren't living in a corrugated tin shack then I wouldn't be much worried at all. Even historical hurricanes (best example Katrina) were more about lack of planning than the weather event itself. Pretty much every single person in Katrina's path was saying "what's the rest of the world gonna come do about this?!"
Isaac Gutierrez
yeah the threat of being called racist by others who want to genocide you is an insanely power weapon against normies… do we fix this?
Tyler Lee
Yeah they dedicated the island to satan via their voodoo crap. Everyone i've talked to whos been to hispaniola talks about how its like in the US when your on nice private property and suddenly cross into an indian reservation…when you worship death and evil everything goes to shit. They have been trying to turn it around but a combination of low IQs and the clinton foundation raping their island both metaphorically and literally dont help.
95.0% Christians 2.6% No religion 2.2% Other religions [176]
Isaac Flores
“For a century the answer has been working itself out there in flesh and blood. The Negro has had his chance, a fair field, and no favor. He has had the most beautiful and fertile of the Caribbees for his own; he has had the advantage of excellent French laws; he inherited a made country, with Cap Haitien for its Paris…. Here was a wide land sown with prosperity, a land of wood, water, towns and plantations, and in the midst of it the Black man was turned loose to work out his own salvation. What has he made of the chances that were given to him?"…. And at the present time? Today in Haiti we come to the real crux of the question. At the end of a hundred years of trial how does the Black man govern himself? What progress has he made? Absolutely none.” (Hesketh Prichard, Where Black Rules White: A Journey Across and About Haiti, pp.280-284)
“Can the negro rule himself? Is he congenitally capable? …He has had his opportunity. The opportunity has lasted for a hundred years in a splendid land which he found ready prepared for him. Yet to-day we find him with a Government which, save in the single point of force majeure, has degenerated into a farce; and as for the country itself, houses and plantations have disappeared, and where clearings once were there is now impenetrable forest. Certainly he has existed through one hundred years of internecine strife, but he has never for six consecutive months governed himself in any accepted sense of the word. To-day, and as matters stand, he certainly cannot rule himself.” (Hesketh Prichard, Where Black Rules White: A Journey Across and About Haiti, pp.280-284)
Adam Carter
(((French Revolution))) Which Terror served as a model for our friend Karl Mordechai. Haiti = South Africa.
Jaxon Thompson
Yet French didn't give a fuck and turned that island into a jewel.
Owen Perez
By saying "yes, I'm racist."
Eli Gonzalez
A shame, I've been to areas of the country that weren't deforested and it's beautiful. Niggers are literally a blight on the planet.
Nathaniel Lewis
That's the principle everywhere. Africa is beautiful, Africans aren't.
Wyatt Nguyen
In their defense more Whites would've arrived later. Usually a new nation is founded by the upper crust Whites, White soldiers, a few White artisans and an underclass to do the backbreaking labor. The working class and middle class usually arrive much later in search of economic prosperity.