The progressive diaspora is trying to save face in the AIPAC awakening by blaming Israel for the 2016 election 'rigging'. This guy now has published a Twitter thread discussing what he found.
Other urls found in this thread:
some of those tweets, top lel
Observe with caution. Remember, There are no good jews. This could be a trick, a jew throwing his fellow jews under the bus for shekels, or both.
Some shills:
Even soft disclosure is good disclosure
Imagine building your party's entire future on a "rainbow coalition" of the disenfranchised and the minorities and thinking that it's teeming contradictions on a thousand fronts won't blow the entire confederation to bits, violently, at some point or other.
Which day of history class did you miss?
Knock it off with the "everything is a Jewish trick!" nonsense. It might be hard to fathom once you've spent too much time here, but Jews actually are people. They aren't all on a team together, they don't always agree, they often fight and even stab each other in the back. That there's argument at all is because there's a rift between those who put Israel first, and those who don't. There are actually Jews who legitimately don't give a fuck about Israel because it's a foreign country they've never been to.
Today is a good day
World jewry doesn't care about Israel even a tenth of what people here believe. As they feel like they're conquering the west, Israel seems like an unnecessarily complicated to defend patch of sand in the middle of noman's land. Many leftist kikes in the west prefer to feed pro-Mudslime propaganda than defend their little ghetto in the middle east.
Fuck off kike.
You haven't disproven any assertion I've made, fag.
Exactly! If we are to be a realistic social movement, we must be realistic and accept friendly Jews. Ashkenazi Jews are also white people just like us. As long as they do not believe in Judaism and are not rich and powerful they could be cultivated: SJWs are a threat to them, too.
I agree with you but your tone is making you sound like a shill
Said the scorpion to the frog.
After much research into how much Sheldon Adelson gave Trump so the embassy could be moved to Jerusalme, I too thinkā¦ jews pay both sides in Afrimerican politics, you fuckin idiot.
Think about what just happend for a second. Trump pretty much declares war on Iran. And suddenly the left discovers what AIPAC is? How come these guys couldn't find their balls until now?
AIPAC gets (rightfully) recognized for what it does. Who benefits? Not you, but Islam does.
See, we need to understand that Israel IS OUR ONE AND ONLY TRUE ALLY. Faggot niggers around here can't distinguish between good and bad Jews. THAT'S WHY WE'RE IN THE MESS WE'RE IN!! Jews are on our side! TRUMP IS OUR GUY AND HE LOVES BASED JEWS FOR A REASON!!! CAN'T YOU SEE!!!
Even a broken clock displays the correct time twice a day
Any way that kikes/israel lose we win. Doesn't matter if sand niggers also win partially, we wiin fully.
We don't have to worry about sand niggers. We have to worry about kikes. America loves kikes. American hates sand niggers. If we can use sand niggers to oust kikes (like they've been using sand niggers to oust whites for decades) we can easily deal with the sand nigger problem after.
Why do you think GLR wanted to work with the nation of islam?
shill. AIPAC has done more to get Trump elected than all of us combined!!! AIPAC is on our side 100%
I think Jews in America are actually threatened by open boarders and sand niggers more than they are benefitted by them. "Kill yourself" is not an argument.
People here hate whites who are "race traitors".
The jews, if they continue, will also have people like that for israel. Therefore there are no good jews, as they would continue that idea unless physically or culturally destroyed completely. Think of how Germans are afraid to be proud nationalists as well as most other people, but it's ok if jews do it. You're either too stupid or too jewish to realize these things, either way fuck off nigger.
This. If you don't agree with this then you're a level one shill.
Protocol of Zion is a disgusting antisemitic hoax, dummy nigger shill
Open borders supports the Greater Israel Project, future colonists wont leave the comfy western democracies unless they are scared. Haavaara agreement
Typical. Must be the fuckng Gooks again.
Why do you need Jews' permission to be happy about who you are? Obviously nobody can control what the Jews do or don't do, but you need to stop making them out to be this omnipotent hivemind with no fracture points.
Can you provide just a few examples to offset the countless examples to nigh-absolute amount of times something terrible has happened and there's jews directly involved? That might help your case a tiny bit.
Platitudes, it's been a while since I've seen them used to defend jews. While you're fucking off back to cuckchannel, remember that things are different around here. You make your jewish masters proud.
Actually there's a jewish trick called Zionists versus Bolsheviks, and the NSDAP wrote notes on how jews seem to fight each other but always end up helping each other in the end. Thank you for not realizing your statement there was directly contradicted by historically notable jewish tricks.
Those would be the bokshevik-jews, aka the cultural marxists, aka the liberals, aka the jews because in the end a jew defaults back ti jewish tricks no matter what "side" their on. Not only is your weak argument failing to apply to reality but it revolves over sentimentality not reciprocated by jews but completely exploited by them: emotional appeal. You're a well programmed jew slave and you should be proud. The dopamine hit you get for making emotional-based arguments will not offset the backstab the jews will give you in the end.
i for one welcome our jewish overlords
They thought they were express donating to an anti-hate organization. lol.
Jews are good news
Orange man good
Israel good
whitey bad
World jewry doesn't care about nation/ states or their host nations generally.
They are means to an end.
Dont you have some abortion clinics to dumpster dive?
The winner will be decided by the influence of: Saudi oil money, or the threat of Israel's Samson option. That's really the only reason America tolerates the "leftist" media, it's not because of money.
Israel still has nukes. But we know that Trump is pushing America towards oil independency, and this is choking off Saudi money and influence in the media. Their shareholdings in media companies are also being seized.
It will be an interesting 6 years.
Tbh I don't get how people can say that Jews are subhuman. Ashkenazi Jews are smarter than White people and chinks, and that's how they do both very good things (nobel medicine prizes) and very bad things (Soros et al).
All I'm seeing here lately is a lot of people who have completely lost all perspective on the world. Those dopamine hits? The ones SJWs get when they virtue signal about how much they love fags, niggers and Islam? The same thing is happening when you point out the Jew and accuse everyone around you of being Jews. What did Bowers actually accomplish in Pittsburgh? He accomplished murdering 11 people who weren't important in the greater scheme of things and made this already bad-looking movement look even worse. He would have accomplished more, and done better for the world at large, by doing absolutely nothing in comparison. We had a lot of momentum a couple of years ago and it all got squandered. Nobody is going to listen to you if you go out in public and start ranting that wagecuck office workers and kids deserve to be killed.
Oy vey!
I fooled the WN tards again.
Exactly. These days agent provocateurs have infiltrated our movement to incite immoral and illegal acts of violence that do not achieve anything. Small scale violence against innocent individual Jews does nothing to bring down actual conspiracies.
TORtard go back to 4channel
They have many boards where you can circlejerk about Jews instead of bringing real change
A rat is intelligent, but still some people find them disgusting.
jews good
israel good
orange man good
whitey bad
Then if a stereotypical Jew hypothetically found white people disgusting would he be justified in bringing these white genocide conspiracy theories to life? Of course not!
To every Israel supporter in this thread: welcome. We realize who our greatest allies are. For example, AIPAC moved mountains to help get Trump elected. AIPAC supports borders and gun rights. AIPAC is our actual friend. I've spoken to AIPAC and they're actually pretty cool. They like Trump almost as much as we do actually.
So, if we're gonna MAGA, we gotta MIGA!
The problem is they have non jews supporting them, even outside israel. People get upset about Mexicans/muslims/niggers/etc. lobbying for support for their nations, but jews never get that same push back. In fact our AMERICAN government supports zionism and israel.
Why do we need their support to be proud? I never said that you no brain niggerjew. Fuck off if you can't even read properly. Never said they were this super smart super organized force. Jews are just as stupid as your average human, and they bleed just as easily. Stop lowkey pushing jewish supremacy, if you do it again then you admit to being a jew shill.
I have no opinion about that. I'm just explaining some people's reasoning. It's not my own.
MAGA Shadilay kekistan pepe pepestan mike anglin patriot cernovich praise kekistan
Exactly. Jews like Dennis Prager have been the most vocal opponents of chinks and Muslims coming en masse especially illegally to the US. They do not support open borders so they are not guilty of diluting the White population.
Israel is already great. It's the surrounding area we have to make great again.
You would have done a lot better if you laid off of the, You're just like your opposition aka false equivalence fallacy. Leftists virtue signal because they're looking for group reinforcement and acceptance. Calling out the jew means putting yourself in a crosshairs. Your final point in this post directly contradicts this because the group reinforcement mentality is not there to grant the dopamine hit. This shows how utterly poor your own grasp of what the world and even logic is like.
Confirmed for newfag who can't keep up with what's a false flag.
Actually once enough people have enough reason to hate jews, people will be more accepting of wanting to see them killed. You're also implying that calling out the jews will not aid in general. At this point your sheer lack of logic shows you wouldn't even be capable of explaining how to generate momentum let alone explain how it's lost.
Dennis Prager is an unambiguous zionist.
Also, they support traditional values. People have to realize that not all Jews are bad. The "Neo-Cons" have been on our side this whole time. Leftist propaganda has convinced us that NeoCons and AIPAC are our enemies. But why do WE THINK THAT?!?!?! Because leftists have infiltrated our minds. Israel, NeoCons and AIPAC have always been on our side, and on Trump's side. We can win, together!
Look here, kid.
I'm going to debate you this one time, because for some reason mods can't ban people like you.
Why do you support Jews, considering how they created a fake Holocaust, created Marxism, their holy books say raping children is okay and they are some of the most notorious rapists, Jews are the main proponents of degeneracy and use colleges to spread it, Jews got expelled from thousands of nations for their behaviors, and are known to call non Jews goyim which means cattle?
Neither zionists nor bolshevists act in good faith toward gentiles.
Moving slowly into gulagian societies to more cost-effectively serve the jew is pretty based if you think about it.
Nothing but leftists conspiracy theories.
You're making gigantic leaps of logic if you think I'm "pushing Jewish supremacy" by suggesting that people here get a grip and look at what people and factions actually do, instead of what's been going on since the war ended: people running around shrieking "Jew! Jew! Jew!" and thoroughly convincing anyone who hears that the Jews really are right, and anti-Semitism only happens because of mental illness. You realize this is exactly what the left does with us and it does make them look like they belong in an institution?
back to leftypol, faggot
All you have got are conspiracy theories refuted a thousand times
Even libcuck rationalwiki has more sense than you
Try again
Okay, prove them wrong using evidence.
You can't.
Yeah it's funny. These free thinkers sitting here, consuming media that's paid for by Saudi oil money, thinking they're onto the real shit.
The Saudis targeted disaffected black men and put them into colleges, to try and make black leaders. That's how Obama happened.
They're also targeting the minds of disaffected white men, who are looking for someone to blame for the failures in their lives. And who do they see running all the corporations and media? In this way, these guys are no different to Occupy or Antifa
am I on twitter?
Prove what I said about Jews wrong, using evidence.
Keep spinning that dreidel, nobody worth their salt is buying the spiel
let em go for another 10 minutes without repeating yourself; if they don't give you any sort of evidence, then you can just declare victory
seriously what the fuck is going on. where are these faggots coming from?
Hello fellow white people of Zig Forums recently Trump has been under attack by (((White Nationalists))) who are trying to divide Jewish people and Whites from MAGA. They do this by taking natural relationships and claiming their sinister or that they are some collective group and not individuals like you and me. Both Israel and USA want to stop ILLEGAL immigration and go against ISLAM. Now there are some bad jewish people like Soros and jewish led groups like antifa but most here deny that Soros was a Nazi and antfa are really fascist and that would hurt them alot. Personally a lot of the Jews I met haven't benefited from any group collusion if you do know of some please tell me. If us Whites want to survive we must recognize that liberalism and extremism are the greatest enemies to our peoples and we must be especially tough against the latter because they give the liberals power.
You replied to the wrong guy I think.
Esau gambit, look it up
same places they've always came from; hyper-leftist propaganda agencies owned by the kikes
Prove what I said about Jews wrong, using evidence.
oh, right, Zig Forums has been becoming more mainstream lately
but you should still assume that they're paid to post here before assuming otherwise; it isn't THAT bad right now
Jews like Dennis Prager care more about Israel than America. He's an ORTHODOX Jewish Zionist. He follows the holy books word by word and probably considers us goyim to be morally inferior
No evidence. Even if it was fabricated it wouldn't mean a collective of all Jews was behind it. See
Marx being a Jew doesn't mean a unified Jewish conspiracy is behind his personal views
Communist regimes persecuted Jews and rich Jewish people
Goyim means nations and they celebrate righteous goyim and think goyim can also go to heaven
Mods approve their posts. Welcome to 2019 on Zig Forums
you hat filled strategy will not work here schlomo, if White people want to survive they must remain the silent majority and silence vocal groups which go against their interests.
Honestly, if you don't see how AIPAC/Israel/NeoCons are Trump and MAGA's greatest allies, then your fucking mind has been destroyed by leftist infiltrators who spread anti-semitic propaganda to divide the right-wing. They're the only reason we haven't had open borders yet. They're the only reason that America is still a wealthy capitalist nation, with respect for guns, free speech and the right to life of unborn babies. Open your eyes. Stop feeding the shills. MAGA!
Would you rather be good at debating or circle jerking? Suck it up.
American will never be great again with shitloads of subhumans in it.
Ostensibly siding against a group on opinions is not supporting them. Agreeing that they all need to fuck off back to Israel together isn't support.
If they want to remain tribalist and advocate multiculturalism at the same time, they need to return to the Middle East where they belong.
The founding fathers are the reason we have free speech and firearms, nice chutzpa
Trump has a plan. Trust me.
And AIPAC is the only reason they haven't been taken away already like in Australia.
Oh, but there is evidence proving the Holocaust to be a lie.
How did they gas people inside non airtight rooms? With wooden doors? Why is nobody allowed to investigate where the 6 million people worth of bones or ashes went? Why is questioning the Holocaust illegal in so many countries? Why do references to 6 million Jews exist before the 1930s?
Jews led the Soviet Union. Jews promote Marxism in modern colleges around the world.
Goyim means cattle.
Exactly, most here don't realize that race does not matter only ideas. I am an evangelical and would rather have my children convert to judaism to hold up God's order than to marry an atheist or LARPagan. In politics neoconservatism is the only right wing ideology that has successfully existed and truly defines what it means to be American. MAGA!
I disagree 100% you shill pretty hard though.
They are more white geniuses than they are askhenazi.
Call me when tjey build successful civilizations without being a parasite.
Look a obvious jew accusing someone that he is not I will say your tricks do not work either.
all 8 owners of NYT are rabid globalist kikes, bent on the destruction of Whites. whatever the ploy here dumbshit, you can bet it isn't to kike Israel. GTFO.
Show proof.
Hey schlomo still unironically thinking this tactic still works?
Are you lost, liddle one?
Wanna know how I quickly know your a jew?