QANON is a NSA operative, real name is Brian J. Clauss approximately 35-38 years old. Originally from Yorba Linda, CA. Went to Orange Lutheran High School and was a member of BSA Troop 1613 reaching Eagle Scout. Last seen in 2008 driving a yellow Nissan SUV with the Virginia license plate- INKPAD. The plate according to VA DMV is redacted as they do for law enforcement. Brian is transgendered and most likely is known by a femme persona. Her family's public information has been dramatically altered within the last 3 years and social media accounts have been carefully faked.
Known to have been in the following locations- FLETC (Glynn Co., GA) 2008-09, Phoenix 2013, Austin 2017-18, Mount Hope, KS 2016, Miami 2014-15.
Personally admitted to me in a hand written letter dropped in my path in Miami that she works for a group of political fixers for the Republican party.
Anyone who follows Qanon is being fooled at the top levels of the deep state.
In my investigation of this individual as she and her bosses are obsessed with me. I have uncovered a vast counterfeiting and fake ID operation linked to her and her associates.
Qanon has an art degree and is talented artist. These talents were used in engraving of the printing plates. Those who can remember Heaven's time on 4chan will recall an unusual amount of time spend on drawing threads on that chan. It is likely that Qanon also uses the drawing/art threads on Zig Forums.
She is known to be an avid camper (serves the purpose being a former Eagle scout) and may have been known to visit state parks in the areas of known locations.
In conclusion, she is not to be trusted. She is a psychopath and has pulled a gun on me and my girlfriend in Miami on Easter of 2015.
I do not care if you do not believe me. For Qanon has remained anonymous and that fact alone should make you suspicious.
Post this on and it will be deleted immediately by her.
pretty sure it is Trump and also he just said he wants to get a GERMAN SHEPARD GOLDIE DID NOTHING WRONG
William Davis
i thought it was berkeley spook jeff noven
Elijah Thomas
Yep. Alsatian confirmed presidential doggo.
Ian Nelson
Now this is a plan I can trust
Oliver Wood
you guys know that people who read Q dont give a shit who he is……When you start telling us the day hour and minute people like the traitor john mcstain are going to die a month in advance is how you get peoples attention. Its definitely a psy-op which is to be expected as trump is obviously fond of the art or war. The psy-op seems to woking on the good guys side and judging by how the zionst's tried to infultrate and subvert it they are no in charge either….also he definatly pointed people out who were mossad which was proven true after that. The intensity of attacks on him is also evidence proving hes more live steel than larp. And just like everyone else I know who he is and he ad mitted it to me and i saw him posting - HE IS THE GHOST OF JOHNNY COCHRAN.
It's obviously the people from the Patriotard LARPbox now.
Jordan Jones
Again if you tell us who is dying a month in advance we dont care if it the 'thumper' or bambi or even babi's mother…..Real question is how they can larp so hard they got Zig Forums hosted by delray from department of defense parts of the inter-tubes…
Bentley Bailey
You're not even close.
Jaxson Gutierrez
This is a shill thread because Hillary's involvement in that Buffalo plane crash is coming out later today.
Mason Wilson
Marty, did you remember to bring the plutonium?
Gabriel Thomas
Damn user…I haven't thought of that dude in years and here, this is the second time tonight that he has been mentioned. freakeeee
Jose Perez
Show me this supposed prediction. McCain was dying of cancer, it wasn't hard to figure out he'd be dead soon.
But speaking of predictions, what ever happened with those mass arrests from 2017, that the entire LARP was based around? Was Hillary secretly arrested that October, in such a way that only ultra-perceptive boomers like yourself could see?
Anthony Brown
said mass arrests were occurring the next day and the national guard would be deployed. The very next day there was mass arrests in suadi arabia and their national guard was deployed. He was both correct and a master troll. you can use a search engine and find where it mentioned the deaths he got right ….in fact you already know exactly where - Dont you guys do daily breifings with mossad to coordinate co-intel pro strategies? Q does coordinate with trumps twitter posts and then theres the whole posting photons taken aboard air-force one while in north Korean airspace. You guys had better start posing hitler memes and rant about the joooooosss! or else im going to convince another person to look at both sides of the argument and decide for himself. I will give you credit on Mcstain - It was a beautiful counter troll effort when you kept switching the foot his medical boot thing was being worn on. Ill reiterate though that If he was a plastic, made in china magic 8 ball that was leaking whatever they put in it for that liquid crap we really wouldn't care, anything that encourages real debates and investigation of the cabal is a positive. accurate predictions and the amout of autistic screeching from the synagogue of satan are just an extra bonus.