Dems Offer 1.3b For Border Wall
This funding is set to provide about 55 miles of new border wall along the roughly 2,000-mile long southern border.
Dems Offer 1.3b For Border Wall
This funding is set to provide about 55 miles of new border wall along the roughly 2,000-mile long southern border.
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What the fuck is 55 miles of border wall even going to do?
They are probably going to build it in the middle of bumfuck nowhere too so its hardly effective at all.
I'm so sick of this shit. Defend the fucking border.
We are either a country or we aren't.
Could Trump take the 1.3 billion and then still declare a national emergency to get another 6.4 billion and then recoup another 80 billion from no longer warring against ISIL?
Whatever happens Mr. Shekelstein is going to get rich and we aren't going to have a wall.
Weren't they offering $1.5B before the shutdown?
Is this what winning feels like?
got wall doesnt matter
He COULD take the money and still declare a National Emergency. However, his play is the dems aren't giving him ANYTHING so he'd declare it… so they throw him a pittance and that means that now the declaration will cost him more political clout.
My guess is that Trump takes the money, then uses the money to parade around throwing "rallies" to celebrate how the wall is "being built" all along towns on the border. He might even put up a bunch of signs that say "TRUMP'S WALL". Then he stops talking about the wall and we invade Venezuela and Iran. Then Trump gets some golden trophies made by the jews for being the goodest goy of all time and white people eventually go extinct.
Well the dems just 4D chested Trump. Even though its a measly 55 miles its still an offer and they have made it so that he cannot refuse and declare a nation emergency.
This is so fucking gay
Trump starting his newest franchise HOTEL 86'D
How can anyone declare victory without a single brick laid?
Whites just need to start border defense squads. Enough faggotry. Gun down these invaders at the border as we are constitutionally allowed to.
How is this shit not treason? Seriously, how the fuck do we go about getting some honest-to-God treason charges being filed against these mayors and governors and attorney generals, et al who are literally acting as doormen for the barbarian caravans @ the gates.
Don't worry, white nationalists everywhere are canonizing Latin Americans as Aryans.
Get a young Aryan wife before it's too late (aka the kikes take that option away). Remember to redpill your Legendary Super Aryan children and even try to homeschool them.
The rest of the wall is an esoteric metaphor for the great wildlife in the desert.
Treason laws are just for the enemies of the king.
My white wife (from Mexico) would rather stay home and cook for our kids. What about your wife?
Oh, I have such sights to show you
Like you making out with a DACAryan girl?
Nigger let me do my outreach without shitting on the fucking floor
How can white people go extinct when most whites live comfortably on Latin America.
i didnt know it was 50,000 illegal spics pouring across our border per month. the scale of this invasion goes way the fuck beyond white genocide. (((TPTB))) want America to become worse than Venezuela within 15 years. what i cant wrap my mind around is why would this invasion be supported by a majority of jews? once America is bled and gutted, the 35 billion in shekels to Israel dries up. plus without the threat of American military, the Muzz surrounding Zion will sack it and raze everything and kill every kike to the last rabbi. the jew is inherently schizophrenic and is subconsciously driven by its genetics to seek seof-anihilation.
I provisionally like you
Pat Little 2020
Who gives a shit about wall when the gates will be just opened for everyone.
Who cares about little israel when they will rule whole world, unopposed by dumb thirdworlders that replaced whites. Until they get chimped out eventually like whites in South Africa, but by then they will forget all humanitarianism (thats for whites) and reimplement slavery and feudalism.
the Kabbalah quote is from Guy Oseary, one of Trump's many kike friends, not the ZOG Emperor himself.
So…. What about the DACA spics?
The 1% live like kings even in third world shitholes
My best friend in college is a right winged DACApede girl
I like how certain (((anons))) have already decided that Trump will accept this despite him having exactly 0 reason to.
Because it's based
I guess serious discussion about this isn't allowed on Zig Forums anymore.
It is allowed… and I was being serious
Now that's based
What does he want to make that wall longer? A thousand pregnant Jewish girls? The fuck man.
Welp Trump is not going to get reelected and will be the last republican president ever.
How does that make you feel Zig Forums ????? Personally I'm shitting bricks how are whites gonna fair when we're on our 5 or 6th communist "president" in a row??????????
This must be the big beautiful door Trump was talking about
what'll that buy? plywood?
build the wall out of mexican skulls.
This will never pass the Senate, but it's not because of the wall money, it's because of the limit on the number of beds in detention facilities. They'd have to release thousands of illegals into the wild immediately to make space for the new ones climbing the fence in Yuma and Eagle's Pass. If the dems hadn't thrown in that poison pill, the 1.5 bill for the wall might have squeaked through the Senate during to neocon traitors.
Prepare for Shutdown II.
Two Amnesties
Two terms.
Are you a DACAPEDE?
Why won't he start taxing these immigrants who funnel untaxed money away from the states?
Because taxation is theft :^3
OP was banned for making this thread.
Well, real white people only make whitepill threads
It's becoming so ridiculous to watch you larping, Beto.
Yea, thats an unfortunately fact of this place.
If you want to make an OP about trump and its negative, make sure to do it on a VPN because mods will ban you every single time.
He never left.
Shit deal, state of emergency or fuck off
Surely, it is a (((cohencidence))) that this happens directly after Trump explicitly supported Iranian regime change. This totally isn’t meant to distract people from the ZOG and that Trump is just part of it.
I honestly thought they were going to make a move during the super bowl on iran/venezuela or at the very least Israel was going to start attacking Syria or something. Seems like the kikes always make a move on christmas, thanksgiving, easter, super bowl, 4th of july, etc.. when americans are all distracted by something else.
Just like the midterms, expect half the board to be permabanned again when the election heats up.
That's never going to happen. The jews are always going to rotate their puppets through both of their major parties to make sure the goyim stay complacent.
The Controlled Opposition Cycle
Fun Fact: A cycle is completed in as short as a week.
The frog in the boiling pot still boils.
Even if that were the case you're fucking insane if you think they aren't going to rehabilitate him like they did Lincoln and Reagan.
The issue is the doctors don't want to do surgery to actually heal people and instead just pump them full of meds. My father has been going through this shit for months.
Where did you hear that?
Some ice statistics track attempted and total crossings and apprehensions in the same number so it's probably that. Iirc it's about 1000 a day for all of it. the 50k number probably comes from there.
they don't need to do that, they can just let the Democrats stay in power. The cuckservatives won't even learn when they are being tortured to death for being white
Will people attempt to primary him?
Republicucks have already said they are going to force Trump to run in a Primary again. I hope he doesn't even get to the presidential ballot. What a fucking disgrace, hes set white people back by at least 4-8 years. I think Obama was still a net-positive for white awakening, but Trump sure as hell steered most of the boomers straight off a cliff.
He said he was shutting down and declaring an emergency if the full funding wasn't there. So this is a perfect test to see how kiked he really is. There won't be any debate after this if he folds.
His retarded fans(don't call them supporters they are fans) would follow him into the ovens if he told them to and the MSM was telling them not to.
But niggers will get an abortion, that's a big win!
I also makes kikes very rich. Nice try, Schlomo, but you can't fool us.
Because most Jews aren't any brighter than anyone else. They're the same indoctrinated libcicks as any white person. They do not realize it's a small number of them that run things and they will be sacrificed like the rest of us. Think of who ran the Soviet union and how the average jew faired there.
((( )))
You kikes are always projecting
yo you didnt show up at the last mossad waddup tho
So will Trump take the "deal"?
>implying he'll accept the deal with so many (((stipulations))) attached
It's either full-funding kikes, or other means will be utilized. You don't hold the fucking cards anymore.
Trump will win 2020. Because by then the Democrats will realize he's the better choice for the browning of America and allow him to win.
I'll bet you anything this works better than a wall because it'll strike fear in employers & illegals