How an Alt-Right Leader Used a Lie to Climb the Ranks | Times Documentaries
"Alt-Right Leader"
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Aut-kike is a jewish lie, so this must be one of them. Sage.
Did he reach the rank of Obergruppenfuhrer of the A-Nons?
Only a TRSodomite could have expected to get away with stealing ZOGbot valor after becoming a public figure. And listening to those clips from the shows, only TRSodomites could have ever thought he was telling the truth.
Hence my quotes. There is no fucking leader. We're a leaderless resistance. These jews are making all these fake controlled opposition leaders for us in an attempt to subvert us. Real resistance is W.A.R. style like Tom Metzger proposed.
Guys pause at 5:24 and kek at the "Was Hitler Right About Slavs" post that New York Times saved. They are watching us.
Also 5:25 where they saved a post about a guy talking about his 500GB encrypted hard-drive of porn and there's a Hitler meme pic but other than that it is /b/-tier and has nothing to do with anything lel.
Literally who?
at least this is a good opportunity for some rare D&C faggotry
Just some random controlled OP prop. It is interesting to examine the propaganda though and think about what we are to do about this ZOG faggotry.
jews did 9/11
The guy lied about being a vet it seems.
Preaching to the choir.
Easy. Don't let it distract us, or lure us into playing defense when all we need to do is keep attacking.
I'm confused, I thought they were showing anti-Spencer protestors?
That's just a meme, goy.
His real name is Elliot Kline. uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate expired on February 11, 2019, 6:59 p.m.. The current time is February 12, 2019, 12:54 a.m.. Error code: SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE
See also:
The Mossad, working with their fellow jews the Saudis, made sure it happened and that no jewish lives were lost during it.
But Mike Enoch said it was just a meme?
On a serious note, the thing about no jews dying is actually false. Many were definitely warned, but others weren't. It's one of those nitpicky things the kikes love to focus on to try and discredit the truth.
Mike Enoch is Jewish kill yourself
Mike the Kike Pienovich and his Jewish supposed now ex-wife Ames
Why would someone record themselves looking like this?
Have you seen the shit people do on camera for money? This is nothing.
They take their alpha slave trophies very seriously.
this is terribly unclever
Absolutely bizarre. Why do these idiots constantly agree to do interview and documetnary's with MSM?
It never looks good in the end.
It's not meant to. They are in it together.
He's right, the Saudis did it on behalf of the jews.
Talking to the media in 2019 is the most retarded thing you can do. For those that know the truth its been retarded for a lot longer than the public now understands dating back at least 30 years getting you nowhere. Very few people have what it takes to truly speak in front of a camera that's going to be used as propaganda by your enemies.
Either these retards are stupid, grow an ego a thousand times before it's even remotely appropriate, or they are a bunch of lying scumbags who are not your friends.
The only time where interviews, media and promotion is acceptable, is within the media that we ourselves control.
Also reddit spacing to trigger and to change the subject slightly; stop clicking on clickbait, articles, or any links to any site which you are aware are anti-white. Archive before spreading such links if what is in it needs to be seen. Laziness and lack of discipline in this is making you all look fucking stupid when you say "THE MSN IS THE ENEMY!"
Outside of Zig Forums do people believe these guys are legit and get influenced by these controlled ops?
Yids are really grasping at straws here
You'd be surprised how widely accepted Mike Enoch still is, after admitting to being jewish and being exposed for bringing his B'nai B'rith faghag wife onto his fake WN podcast to lie to his followers and say things she didn't really believe.
Even Patrick Little is cucking for Eunuch, apparently because of some kike-hating 101 statement he made about Chomsky being controlled opposition. The same kind of thing you'd hear on RBN a decade or so ago.
Another propped up target to try and get idiots to open themselves up?
Tiresome twatkike. Go suck a bag of dicks.
(((eli mosley)))
this is TRS
and it wasn't even 8/pol/ that doxed him
For better or for worse, the alt-right has been rendered effectively non-existent. The highpoint for the alt-right was immediately after the election of Trump until just after Charlottesville. After that, the decline and fall into irrelevance of the alt-right was apparent and now they're reduced to a scarce few internet commenters who increasingly don't even use the term.
Interesting hatchet job. This just goes to show that, the next time we organize en mass, we must not speak to, give interviews with, or interact with the jewish media in any way other than from positions of power or violently (if it comes to that). This is clearly another case of splicing together the most ridiculous and misleading interactions together to form an anti-White canard.
Intelligent people think that they can give a rousing speech and articulate their positions well enough to sway others when their story is told by the media. But your story will never be told by them. Only the jew's story. And that story is vile and poisonous. Do not give them anything to work with because they will misrepresent what you say.
This seems obvious to some including me, but there are many people who think that they're special. It does not matter how articulate you are; the more you give them, the more they have to hang you with.
Treat the media as you should be treating cops;
Do not talk to them
no one cares stop shilling your gay documentary
Not everybody hate pro-whites.
You know that we that wanted no organization won, much thank to the FBI/antifa shutting down the competition?
We even got proof that white people are not free to protest our own genocide in the land of the free.
How is babby formed?
If Eunuch was sincere, he woudn't have brought his B'nai B'rith faghag wife onto the podcast to say things she didn't believe and pretend to be something she wasn't. Only a fool would think her husband was for real after that.
That's just one of the many holes in the character he depicts. Until around 2016, they were blatantly pro-Israel, denying the existence of jewish power, and condemning "ZOG people", yet Eunuch now claims that during his supposed "anti-neocon days" he was the only one who would say the wars for Israel. And why did Bulbasaur seem to view Enoch is some kind of Talmudic authority in a pro-jewish/pro-Talmud article he wrote (after they had already started the podcast)?
While there are probably some minor misrepresentations, as can be expected from anything coming out of the ziomedia, it isn't really a "hatchet job". You could tell Eli was lying just listening to how he talked about his supposed military service, even on TRS, and then how he reacted when being called on it as a lie. After that came out, he promised that he was going to release documents proving he heroically advanced the jewish agenda, and a year later, he hasn't released anything - a lot like that proof he wasn't jewish that he assured us would be released.
Yes, don't talk to the jewish media, obviously, but also don't be a piece of shit whose lies will help discredit the movement, that's the bigger issue here. And don't enable liars. Do you think a narcissist Richard Spencer would have let him handle his security without doing some kind of background check? Do you think Kessler would have allowed him to be involved with UTR as much as he was without a little digging? Like Enoch and his wife's jewishness, and Nehlen's jew-sodomite campaign manager, I'm sure others knew all about his lies.
We have to be purity-spiralers, with those we tolerate, and ourselves. Don't give the enemy any ammunition.
that's weird.
Probably typical jewish shapeshifting where they felt it would be better for him to change tactics to undermine or subvert something.
Why do they always pick the faggiest looking people to be controlled opposition? I guess anyone that has a single drop of testosterone in their body would also have enough self respect not to fag it up on camera for the benefit of people that hate you. Which means that they have to settle for antifa-tier losers.
Nobody cares.