Yes, it's real. It seems like Trump can't decide which country he wants to go to war with. It felt like just last week we were flirting with liberating Venezuela and putting based Indio nat socs in office because Maduro supports Hezbollah. Tired of winning yet?
Trump is shilling for a war in Iran. Again
Shlomo be sliding my thread
Trump was shilling for war in Iran during the campaign. Not my fault you didn't listen to him then.
OP here, I never suppprted Trump. I did the research and he was bailed out by the Rothschilds after he filed for bankruptcy.
In the second or third debate, when he was nervous and/or desperate not to blow the whole thing, he admitted that Iran was fighting ISIS. Might have the "you'd be in jail" debate, but I'm not sure.
I don't remember that at all
Yeah, they should vote on the other candidate.
What would be substancially different if we had Hillary in office instead?
We already have a thread about this here:
Also, learn to archive faggot.
White people wouldn't be sitting around "Trusting the Plan" and would be organizing and growing the collective racial consciousness.
They rigged it for Trump to stop the white uprising.
Instead of banning bump stocks, she'd ban guns. Instead of talking about war with Iran, Venezuela, North Korea (remember that?) Syria (yep, remember?) the US would be at war with every country neighboring Israel.
What's the game here? Do the neocon kikes really want a war against Iran? Are they that dumb? It's obvious that America is never going to strike at Iran, so why do the neocons even bother?
We are having gun bans, though. Under Republican leadership and by endorsement of Trump, many states now have red flag laws. These laws are backdoor gun ban that confiscates guns from political dissidents, which is what matters.
You know what to do then.
Just die already.
It does seem weird that they've never gotten the war they've been pinning after for 40 years.
Maybe they know that Iran would break them.
I'm ready
Not really, if you know anything about how this shit works.
Republicans will always be the ones to pass any gun control or amnesty legislation. This is so that Whites are demoralized instead of enraged to action.
Good more dead Zogbots
Also duplicate thread
Its called voting on a lesser evil.
I was already worried about US invading Iran back in 2006 at least. If Trump really does it, he's worse than Hilbama. Then again maybe it's just more saber rattling that US does every now and then, presumably to appease the kikes.
user, people like you are the reason why things are as horrible as they are.
Dildos, get your free dildos!
Reminder that Lady Rothschild was also anti-Obongo. Trump was bailed out by Rothschild Inc. and appointed a Rothschild banker as commerce secretary, not to mention his judeophile daughter, Yael's romantic connection to pic related.
They Live
This is without doubt an excellent idea. The US should be perpetually at war with someone, somewhere, for some reason. I'm sure someone stands to profit from it.
What do you mean to imply by that?
I did, that's why I didn't vote
How many threads matzo maker?
Clintion only wanted a no fly zone in Syria, Trumps repeated air strikes have gone well beyond her rhetoric
To be fair, how do you suppose a no-fly zone is established?
Israeli imperialism mate
And look what that did.
Well alright, I guess.
He can show his face in public without the shame.
they are failing spectacularly with the wall deal being crushed and cucked.
That if you want to pretend a single woman, who may not even be a kikess, and is only a Rothschild by marriage, is proof that the ZOG Emperor is really at war with the Rothschilds, then you have to say the same about Obongo.
Voting takes half an hour every other year or something like that. You have no other option anyway. Go f youself.