Done with Trump

The Republican party can kiss my white ass

Republicans controlled all three branches of government for two whole years. During this time, they have squandered EVERY opportunity to pull us free from the clutches of the left's death grip. They currently control academia from kindergarten through college, big tech, all social media, and payment processors and credit cards. Additionally, NOTHING has been done to stop illegal immigration and begin mass deportations of illegals already here.

I don't give a shit if republicans held – even gained – the senate in 2018. The left has taken the house, and now we're going to have two more years of absolutely fucking nothing getting done because the dems are going to block every single bill that benefits republicans.

Twitter and big tech are going to be spending the next two years getting the dems positioned to take the senate and presidency. Academics have been working hard to prep their students to get out and vote blue, and even more millennials will be of voting age in 2020 while the oldest of our generation have been dying out.

I am not saying I won't vote for Trump again in 2020, but that's only going to happen if there isn't another viable candidate. If Ann Coulter or Laura Loomer were to run, I'd kick Trump's orange fucking face to the curb. I'd much rather have two strong women that I'd bang who also take no shit than a president who does nothing but talk shit instead of getting things done.

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Other urls found in this thread:
Leftists Desperately Trying to Save Their Cash Cows (i.e., Labor Unions)

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Go back to reddit.

Women have done nothing good for this country ever since they gained suffrage. First thing they ever did as a collective was Prohibition. Never forget that.

The Republican party has always been a radical anti-White party. Were you born yesterday? Do you not have access to a history book? Did you think the "democrats are the real racists" stuff was just for show? The Republican party HATES White people. It never misses an opportunity to wreck their living standards or ship their sons off to war.
Never mind. You are EXACTLY who the Republican party is looking for – you just don't know it.

Paid campaign thread confirmed.

A coal burner and a Jew. Fuck off back to r/T_D.

Never mind that it's a boomer shilling for women in government.

You were never a Trump supporter in the first place. You niggers stick to the same script as if people won't know the difference. Fuck off.

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Do you think this is reddit?

Oy vey don't vote White goy. Trump is a bad orange man, so vote National Socialist. They will win!

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surely this is what it comes to. surely this is all there is. oh boy anime guis he's serious

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Why do you act so obvious?

Not your blog tranny.

Well said, and as you can see at this point the ONLY (((anons))) posting pro Trump here are shills, everyone else said fuck Dump months ago.

Ok. Sage

Look at this. Trump sucking kike dick big again and openly like the good shabbos goy that he is. I'm literally shaking right now.

I'm done with Trump, the Republican party can kiss my esoteric immigrant ass. I voted esoterically to get Hillary thrown in prison.

8/pol/'s whiteknights btfo

muh Trump is bad over and over. It's getting old Adolf.

It’s not the Jews or the patriarchy user, or class warfare…it is the women. And cats. Cats are totally guilty of all the crimes heaped upon this nation. As a matter of fact, cats are the sole thing responsible for White genocide.

And wanna know why I know your not from around here.

Still can't White women to fuck you?

Just go over to the left already, jesus christ. Do you really think anything would be different if they were president?

No believes your endless repeating Trump is bad bullshit schlomo

And no one is also gonna believe your shill images and (((white nationalism is bad))) kike.


He literally just put Israel over his own people, nation and country. Stop.

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I agree, fellow NatSoc. Orange man bad!

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No one like you Stormfags. Just shills and traitors for the Jews.


lel my brain protected me from it, I didnt even notice until I read it several times
Thats a fucking crazy thing to believe. Laura Loomer? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Shit happens

He went to pull troops.
Israel ordered ISIS to attack troops.
Marines died.
It became clear that removing troops was politically impossible, as Israel would stage more ISIS attacks & he would look like the bad guy who retreated from ISIS, like Obama.

Serious question - put on your General of the Army hat: what would you have done to avoid Israel sending ISIS to make you look bad?

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I don't care if you say that or anything else as long as none of you libtard fags ever get into the whitehouse again.
And as long as you keep fronting candidates like alcoholic warmongering nuke-loving Shillery Clinton then we're assured Republican victories for the next fifty years.

Attached: HillaryClintonIsAWarMonger.webm (720x480, 2.95M)

Oops! Your script writer made a little mistake there, parrot shill!

Israel and ISIS are bitter enemies. Israel can't order ISIS to do anything!

You really do need new scriptwriters, faggot.

Have you tried consulting the official Zig Forums voter guide?

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I don't care if you say that or anything else as long as none of you libtard fags ever get into the whitehouse again.
And as long as you keep fronting candidates like alcoholic warmongering nuke-loving Shillery Clinton then we're assured Republican victories for the next fifty years.

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Wow the shills are dumb today.
The serious question still goes for any real people

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On to serious news. You may have noticed that there hasn't been ANY Clinton news in the last year or so. That's because Bill Clinton is very quietly divorcing and distancing himself from Hillary.
The reason: he was so disturbed and unsettled by his wife's behavior during the 2016 Presidential elections that he called in some psychiatrists who gave Hillary the once over. Their verdict: insane.
That being the case Bill decided in 2017 that enough was enough and that's when the divorce proceedings began. They should be concluded by the middle of this year.
As for Hillary? Well, Bill's just going to cut her loose, cut his losses and go his own merry way leaving her to shift for herself as best she can.

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Would you look at the ZOGbot piece of shit aiming his weapon at an observer. Fuck this country.

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I think (((they))) have been outsourcing to Brazil. Brazilians by and large usually are mutts with significant amounts of nigger DNA, so that explains a lot.

Said the no-effort fail troll who didn't even try.


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Then do you want to see the archives oh did ypu also forget who was the majority of the board.
You also proved user points.

Get a new script.

See what you've done OP? You've made basic leftist antiwhite scum happy to post basic leftist antiwhite memes.

And no I'm not supporting Laura Loomer for POTUS OP.

You joke but I guarantee those are some of the nicest people you could meet and tough as nails. I'd take them over cityfags any day.

This whole thread is d&c.

I'm not disagreeing with your sentiment but get your facts straight. Prohibition was enacted before cunts could vote. ffs, it's even numerically laid out which came first

They're the only thing preventing all the lampposts from being decorated. Sure it's the jews at the top but they aren't strong enough to protect themselves. That's what these traitors are for.

Fuck off shareblue D&C shill. These people are hardcore patriots and people like them not self hating americans like you WILL MAKE AMERICA GREA AGAIN!

MAGA 2020

Israeli Secret Intelligence Service isn't a meme, yid.

I didn't know having disappointments means you hate your self.

It's a paid shill. Any time you see "DACAryan" or "esoteric", report the post.

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

Shill this documentary anywhere you can Zig Forums.
It is from a reputable source in the new democrat's eyes and it exposes the Israel lobby in the USA (there's also one for UK). It is also recently and professionally made. It is the perfect opportunity.>>12791338

Bait thread is bait.

I do not know why I am here on tje first place all of these shills fucking suck where has the decent ones gone to?

Shill is trying to be clever. Shill is still dumb though. Not Brazil-tier IQ though. At least 95.

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Never fails. Like clockwork you niggers never fail to deliver the same lines.

You aren't fooling anyone. Keep kvetching goon.

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Why do jews have to be snarky 24/7. If you disagree with something just call them a fag. It's like allowing highschool girls to join the discourse.

No, redditor. You have no power here.

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What a fucking retard.

danny devito really let himself go

Now after all the shit dup has gone and done you are finished? Jesus tap dancing Christ I bet you were a Q faggot. Kill yourself you low IQ nigger. Fucking end your trashbag existence. Nothing you do will matter and you will continue to dance to the tune of jewish pipes. You are a sissy brainlet faggot. Do it. Kill yourself you shitskin. Doesn't even matter if you skin is pale. You have the mind of s shitskin and should be castrated, burned, and then strung up.

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Must be why they declared war on the man and made so many lies about him.
Call me when trump has done anything that legitmatley pissed off the jews and nationalizing his banks making a shitty edited meme isn't very convincing.

>this is why we should import brown child-molesters my fellow goyim :^)

>Hitler is a jewish servant, also please forget WWII except for the holocaust part that is 100% truthful :^)

orange man bad



Anons right, youre an idiot.

I would have killed ALL of them, and I don't get why he left a bunch of them alive.

Posting in a lefty shill thread.

Stagecraft: look into it

cool more cheetos for me , the left cant meme

Ah huh sure it was.
Is that why they (((shutdown))) the debunks on (((jewtube)))

It wasn't schlomo.
Table talks already contradict that already.

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The only reason Republicans were given Congress was because Hillary was the chosen one. Trump's greatest contribution is proving beyond reasonable doubt that the two-party system is a sham. No matter which side wins in what branch, only laws making Israel greater pass.

t. Zig Forums the thread

You will never be White.

It shouldn't have taken you this long. Sit back and enjoy watching rome burn.


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The left can't even meme ironically and as a false flag. Predictable.

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I won't.
>(((Laura Loomer)))
Jesus Christ, man. Why? At least (((Adam Kokesh))) shutting down the government would actually do something for us. But (((Loomer)))? She's practically a Jewish Supremacist Neocon Civnat.

Zig Forums was shilling Trump like there was no tomorrow back before the election. It's not just redditniggers.


Sage all D&C threads. Trump is being used as a wedge issue.

Why sage though

