This has a lot of implications. Rumor is that Sasha Ivanov linkedin.com
Russia creating Decentralized Internet
Other urls found in this thread:
churchill is a stalin-level retard subhuman
They'd mean it in the tech meaning, not the oversight meaning. As in, it would be a decentralized protocol.
This has much to do about the shit Obama signed that gave away the internet to everyone else
The surprising thing is how long it's taken for there to be international ramifications. Does anyone know how to find an english language version of what was actually signed?
When are they going to create their own CPUs so they can have complete security without any US imposed back doors?
I've always heard about how decentralizing is the future of the internet if we want any hope of stopping the Jews from having instant shut-it-down buttons, but how does one do that?
Isn't Intel in Israel?
One of the single biggest shitty things ex-Kang Nigger did.
Russia has some. They are clocking around 1 Ghz.
Intel also names or named it's chips after Isreali locations or lexicon.
top jej
It's only going to go partway. Realize it's the russian government backing the project. Why would they pass up the opportunity to gain more control, when they're already pro-censorship?
Dubs confirm that dab0e9 is a faggot shill.
your dubs are wrong
My dubs, double nigger.
Hitler ended Germany as we knew it. He bought misery and death upon Europe.
Tell your boss to fire you. Posting once in every thread in succession doesn’t help you.
You must have no life. Not even a White tranny would let you fuck her in the ass.
And you outed your self.
I was about to show why you are wrong and show you jews and churchill rather than a nation who was defending it's self and why your logic didn't make sense.
British Stopped Hitler’s Removal in 1938
In August 1938, the German General Staff informed the British that they were ready to oust Hitler. All the British had to do was resist Hitler’s demands.
Instead, at Munich, they handed Czechoslovakia to him, further proof that Hitler was an Illuminati agent.
“Overall, no man has done more harm to the present and future of the white race than Adolf Hitler.” –Geoff Ferguson
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” FDR
“A panel of psychiatrists was even prepared, under the chairmanship of the eminent professor Dr. Karl Bonhoeffer, who would certify the Fuhrer as insane, so that he could be immured in a lunatic asylum…
‘By the beginning of September,’ [Chief of Staff, Gen. Franz] Halder would write, ‘we had taken steps to immunize Germany from this madman.'” (156)
In May 1938, when Hitler announced his intention to invade Czechoslovakia, the German General Staff feared a world war that would destroy Germany. They decided to place Hitler in a mental asylum.
All they needed was confirmation from England that it would assist Czechoslovakia. The British dithered. Instead of taking a stand, they sabotaged Germany’s resistance to the Nazi plague.
Ludwig Beck, the Chief of the German General Staff observed: “Through yielding to Hitler, the British government will lose its two main allies, the General Staff and the German people.”
The simplest and best opportunity to avoid calamity was lost. The Illuminati wanted world war to increase their power and wealth, and to destroy Germany in advance of their satanist World Government. The Illuminati were not going to allow their creation, Adolf Hitler, to be overthrown.
“You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism,” Churchill is quoted as saying, “but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.” (Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill, His Career in War and Peace p. 145)
Well that would definitely save me the trouble of anybody thinking I am looking for sex then wouldn't it?
Man you shills are obvious nowadays.
How many times were you btfo now? Six? Look up ben friedman
>unironically thinking his (((links))) are convincing.
Behind nuspeak it reads:
That's their current plan, pure saturation. The shills think that if they can spam the board enough, it will shut down all discourse. Filter, report, and keep on topic.
The mods need to do their fucking jobs.
That's always cute.
Wow you sure convinced me.
"the creation of a national DNS system that stores all of the domain names and corresponding IP numbers"
Very shocking that this is only just being done in 2019. Proves that world government is already here like Van Rompuy told us in 2009. It matters not
ITT: per usual, tech illiterate retards on Zig Forums
What russia is building (an intranet) is something every single country already has outside of the USA. Non-news, SAGE IT
I'm confident that this is going to be something much more intensive than that though. See rt.com
How do we find out what the law they passed actually says? If I know where their funding is going, I can figure out if I'm right about this.
Go up to somebody in jail and say "You are free !" They are free now right? Because you said so!
To you losers, decentralization means centralized into your control. Freedom means worshiping your freedom. Delusional narcissist love this con. RT always posts about "threats to journalistic freedom in the West." You are like those rapists and murderers who kill child rapists in jail and go "See? Hes more badder than me so I'm more gooder now!"
You all have really low self esteem and announce to everyone your faults by calling out others faults. You are also retarded because you assume you are in a universe where people who can see through your bullshit don't exist. Nope. Kill yourself.
state restricted flow of information, nk, china, saudi arabia, here we come
Glad somebody else remembered that
As good as this sound, I bet this is just an excuse to implement censorship like China.
In a sane world, first world countries would separate them selves from the rest of the internet and build a fucking fire wall.
It only makes sense that any superpower would want its own internet. The USA owns the backbone and in wartime can cut it off anytime they want.
Exactly why digging is a must.
Are they trying to make a mesh network over Russia? That project is already reality in some places.
Not eve sure who it is that you're addressing here, but I agree with you.
what fuking decentralized if everyone's pc within russia is cucked?!?!?!?!
What are international ramifications of third world shithole implementing internet shutdown system? Turkey does it, Egypt does it, nobody cares.
Are you retarded? Did you even read the thread? Do you know where you are? You clearly don't know what was even being talked about considering your response does not relate to the conversation you're responding to.
I know those feels… I'm starting to recognize that poster at this point. They're almost a bot with built in 'Tism. If only they would get the tay treatment already.
reminder that anons can do the same thing
there's nothing stopping you from running your own registrar and domain name server.
does exactly this, only they don't have the balls to overwrite existing tld's.
obviously the problem with this is the goyim will have to point their dns to the user dns if they want to use the domain name.
you can even route DNS over tor, so the user DNS would be a .onion address.
When the registrar's and (((ICANN))) eventually become so terrible that there's a demand for it (it's bad now but apparently not bad enough), there's no reason you can't fork the entire DNS system and create a new internet.
this could be used as an internet shutdown system, but i think it's far more useful to russia than that.
it's not about russia shutting down the internet, it's about a foreign entity killing russia's internet by blocking russians from the DNS system and fucking with their economy.
imagine the chaos this would cause in the united states or any other country if the DNS system suddenly went offline. nobody has these ip addresses written down somewhere, the entire internet would be basically unusable and it would cost billions. All these cancerous IoT devices would stop working. ATMs would stop working. Gas stations would stop working. Credit card processing would stop working, the whole country would shut down.
And when the entire DNS system is written onto blockchain, and then automatically available?
So long my dearest pol/tards, the USSR had radio dampeners towers, the RF will have its Cheburashka. By now I can only hope to leave this pozzed shithole in time.
We will miss you all.
blockchain has nothing to do with this. blockchain is a meme, and retards love to "just use blockchain to do X!" it's not some magic voodoo that fixes everything. blockchain is bloat to the extreme.
"I have an idea, let's use block chain to do DNS so that we need 5000 gpu's to run for 6 hours to edit an entry in a database!"
That's because block-chain is a complex thing and dumb people love complex things and make scientific Wunderwaffen out of it.
If you are not into the matter block-chain takes a while to understand. That's why people think it can be used as science-magic, just like people thought radiation was a marvelous techno-magic back in the 50s.
Yet again, that exists too.
You would be right in calling them yintel yenta.
Here's what was actually signed!
No. 608767-7
On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation
(in terms of ensuring the safe and sustainable operation of the Internet on the territory of the Russian Federation)
Proof of Work is only one type of blockchain.
dubs do confirm
daily reminder that Putin runs open doors policy with nonwhite subhumans. mainly central asia, caucasus and china, but third world scum from africa and latin america comes too
Sounds like it's trying to be passed off in a positive light, when in reality it's just the Russian government's way of getting access to everything Russian people are doing on the net. So far as I can tell, anyway.
have a bump
Sounds like its going to be a CP heaven knowing Russia lol
You're the shill faggot.
Really? I thought it was Ukraine that was the bomb shelter for (((child porn)))
Shilbots confirmed.
friendly fire incident…
Aryans need their own internet.
Balkanization of the Interwebs
heil hitler