What Happened?

>8ch slowly becomes corrupted by outside political agendas, corrupting itself and allowing a social base for those once (((narratives))) to thrive.
>Trump shills for Israel but works with Russia and opens up talks with North Korea to create new global partnerships. The (((narratives))) and sliding are pretty much the norm.

Where the fuck are the threads that brought people to this place in the first place?

Now it just feels like everything on here is some sort of controlled narrative being puppeted by the state /some agenda that ignores what made this place an awakening to many things hidden behind the curtain.

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They were all beleted so paid kushner mods can shill (((politics))) 24/7

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got any proof of that?

also there's plenty of proof that the opposite is true, paid anti-trump, anti-white shilling going on here 24/7

Zig Forums didn't exist in 2012 you mong. And Zig Forums =/= Zig Forums. I usually just come on this site for /loli/.

Both of it is going on. It's rampant.

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So kushner is paying for 20 "trump is a kike" threads a day? Weird.

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Wtf are you talking about? I've been coming here before and after the Sandy Hook situation and the Batman Shooting that happened in Colorado.

No there are just more shills on here now. They probably just do it for free while at their desk jobs fucking about as well.

You're not all wrong my friend. Seems like a lot of polical bullshit on 8ch these days. Hard to even keep coming here seeing all this crap on the catalog.

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