How come Trump has never asked the countless media heads and politicians who have attacked Whites to ever resign? How come he never called on the head of the DNC who openly supports ANTIFA to resign? How come he doesn't protect his own supporters from violence but when Israel and jews are even remotely questioned he jumps in head first?
Trump Calls On Sand Nigger Cunt to Resign After Daring To Question The Kike Lobby Controlling the US
Surely it's just chess, right? ;-)
Technically since the Saudis are Semites, it's anti-Semite to criticize their lobbying.
Bruh its just 4d Chess bro
That's why he has a jewish son and law and jewish grandchildren
bro don't be antisemitic isreal is our greatest ally
Trump gets the rope too.
What's funny is that sandniggers like Omar better under a significant portion of Trump's base than he does. He genuinely believes the problem with PNAC is that it wasn't executed properly or wasn't committed to strongly enough.
I wonder if they are going to give him another award for this?
Threadly reminder that Zognald is okay with his daughter racemixing and has been for years.
Thanks didn't have this clip :^)
tfw Zig Forums is so filled with shills and Zig Forums niggers that there's multiple threads praising a marxist anti-white shit-skin.
Don't forgot the democrats are coming out against Omar as well,
Oh man, we should support the Islamization of America and our replacement with these based shit-skins! A muslim doesn't like jews! How based!
BASED. Defender of Israel. Who need wall in USA when we have wall in Israel.
n-no-no you! You're the JEW!
Filtered for shilling.
Based elderly-pede-pensioner-user is right. Trump did the right thing. As always of course.
Unironically based and redpilled.
Good work to whoever made that.
Oh WE'RE the shills, huh? Funny how that works. "But it existed in my mind!"
Yup, you're the shill. Deal with the facts. Filtered.
Your padedic atempd to smear my god emperor is duly agnuledged. You will nod ged away wihd dis!
No, i'm sorry Imkampfy but Learningcode is still here. Funny how things work on Earth. Checkmate Shareblue!
based muslima calling out your zionist faglord.
wtf is happening in this timeline kek
as much as i despise the sandniggers, but at least the got the balls to speak clearly and don't take it up the ass like zion don.
You need to go home, where you were born. Back to Palestine, HAMAS shill.
Lara Yunaska is a man btw. Donald's son is literally married to a tranny.
did you hear something? all i hear is angry noises.
german aryan btw. retarded ape.
my shit is more white than you kek
Mentioning Chabad Lubav_tch? You're in a no-go zone, Schlomo.
Are you serious? I agree that Trump could kill Assad if he want to. But other than that he did nothing at all. Except some twitter warfare with Kim the Rocketman.
Nice pilpul, you paid Muslim shill.
1.7 billion Muslims now learned that they are not worshiping Allah, but sucking jewish dicks instead. Muhammad would be proud…
Tell me how I know you must be new here, Mumhamod.
Lopsided, suicidal Hasbarafag
Go back to Freech, Shariablue Jew.
Bingo. You win a free shower in the delousing chamber.
When watching both of your worst enemies fighting, which one do you want to win? The answer is: both of them.
I know you are straight off the boat from Beijing and being paid plenty of Shekels to make these posts. Good Job! Red star for you!
If i was muslim, i would be happy about Trump's decisions. He didn't tried to kill Assad but that is all he actualy did. Every president would use wall as easy trick to gain more votes. But Trump realy care only about Israel. We would not put his body in to coffin. But Zionist would if he disapoint them. He was better choice than Hillary. But he is realy president of Israel in USA.
Shut up, Schlomo.
No enemy even comes close to the jew.
And here we go again. First i am muslim, next time i am jew. But i am simply not idiot who belives in 4D chess and Qanon plan.
Prediction; the Dems can run a drunk nigger bum with green bubbles of snot ornamenting each nostril in 2020 and beat this fuck face lying traitor.
They totally could.
Yeah but lets be real, if I made you president, and the only people that could get rid of you were those guys, would you openly oppose them or not? The public wouldn't back you, even if you were a popular president.
Filtered for niggerdom.
Considering he wanted her to marry Tom Brady this doesn't seem so.
It's time to do some damage
This nigger is sperging out in two threads!
Oh look, the IP hopping consensus shill is in every Trump thread. I wonder why?! Filtered.
He must have not made quota in Tel Aviv last month.
Slow it all down
There's more than two people on this board.
Holy shit imagine if it was a right winger who said anything anti-AIPAC, they would lose their shit, but one of their pet shitskins does it and just gets minor verbal chastisement for a single day and it's all good
Stormfags post another JHS anti Trump thread
Saving the Jewish race one post at a time
Holy kek you're actually JIDF. I knew you guys did most of the Zognald shilling
How's that swampey-drainey thing workin out for ya?
Get out kike, we're onto your shit. No one on this board will ever trust the kike emperor again, oh and forget about running more controlled op fuckers. From now on its ethnonationalism or nothing.
Is this what he meant by draining the swamp?
You get a special star. It entitles you to one free delousing chamber visit per lifetime.
Trips of truth, blessed by kek
Zion Don, Zion Don
See the shill in action
Oh man, I wonder who this is. See
Don't push on others what you see in yourself.
Amazing line. Filtered for shilling.
Oh Mordecai! You don't want to talk? That hurts you know.
Trump needs to be careful. If he keeps this up he might just suck Bibi's testicles out.
No one deep throat Jew cock better than Stormtards.
It's not like Trump has any quarrels about selling out to Muslims either. When Mammon is your god, you serve those who are closest to him.
muslims should never be in a position of power in a western nation.
Hoping that new cunt from Michigan slips next.
Is that you Chaim? You want to talk now?
I honestly hope "sandniggers" kill every last amerimutt, you're nothing but golems for israel
there are none, use your guns NOW or you are just bad as a jew, if not worse because you are aware of the situation yet choose to do nothing, "sandniggers" do daily yet they get nothing but hate from autistic LARPers like yourself
must hurt knowing deep down "sandniggers" are closer to whites than amerimutts
Oh it's a kike trying play a game because people are learning about AIPAC.
Lol these kike shills are losing it
What the actual fuck is their plan in Europe again? Or is destroying Aman or whatever they call Whites in their bullshit prophecy their priority?
Reminder not to give posts like this (You)s
Apply yourself on a new ID kike.
Another nasty anti-Trump thread full of shills.
Trump troll level = 1.
Lefty DefCon = 5.
Note: All biased, name-calling, mindless posts are mentally discarded. I can parse and scroll faster than I can filter. I say this not because I love POTUS (I don't)… it's because I'm not a juvenile, emasculated tranny.
Whining endlessly. Mental slaves.
Misappropriating NS, the JQ, and/or any reasonable solutions. Acting like any failure from a populist reality TV host is a good reason to chimp out.
I've read (or scanned) seemingly millions of dumb comments. There are similarities. Easy to find a hater… hard to find a philosopher.
Look, Trump is less compromised than the last several Presidents. The shills are BTFO, not me. Politics/religion = subjective (easily shilled).
Saving what remains of Western Culture is going to take a thick skin, perseverance, etc. I would say CREATIVITY… but it's early. I want to see how much $$$ the DNC, Shareblue, etc. are willing to waste. Showing you their hand early in the round of poker. So far, they've got 2 -7 offsuit hand. Fake Army of little pussies.
Who let Kushner into the thread?
Trump really did a number on his drones. You can't get through to them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their minds . Even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that Trump is a backstabbing, lying kike you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.
>begins being triggered because no one likes his anti-White zionist (((republican.)))
Notice how these trump shills offer nothing but screaming emotionally like a leftist.
They're emotionally invested in sucking (((Republican))) penis. The funny thing is his own zionist shitstain Republicuck leader hates him.
Assuming of course that user is not a kike.