Tell your employers that they lost 2020, no need to post here anymore. Also, step into your nearest ovens. Thanks
Tell your employers that they lost 2020, no need to post here anymore. Also, step into your nearest ovens. Thanks
Really makes me want to read siege
Based and MAGApilled
So Trump cucks out on the shutdown and the wall, and the demokikes end their bullshit investigation. Perhaps some kind of deal was struck.
What about Trump's collusion with Israel?
Would be amazing if the U.S. wasn't being parasited off of by a pack of wealthy child molesters
I am starting to wonder, did Jeff Epstein get off so easily because he has video of trump fucking little kids?
Don't ignore me, kike.
Trump lost, you mean.
It does seem like some backroom deal to that effect got struck
Epstein was already sentenced to his pitiful 1.5 years in prison and released before trump ever became cuck in chief, I dont think that had to do with it
LMFAO and Bump
Why do christcucks need to photoshop their bibble into everything? you don't see pagans slapping PAGANG signs and thor's hammers on trump pictures.
trump isn't even a good example of a "christian" after all he's said and done.
Cry more, moishe.
Christianity is a franchise. Anything can be christian if you put the logo on it.
Who cares? This thread is aimed at offsetting the negative Trump threads, nothing more.
y u no webm nigger
isn't shareblue ded? thought they sacked a bunch of them
That is obviously the real story here. They discovered that it was Israeli jews colluding with Trump, not Russians, and so they decided to drop the whole thing and sweep it under the rug. After destroying the first two years of Trump's presidency, rendering him impotent, and costing the taxpayers hundreds of millions.
Oh shit! It was the jews! How do we make this thing go away?!
Poor shills don't know that we are not alt right magapedes and think they blend in
Too late I already gave up hope in the (((system))). I had a glimmering chance maybe these conservatives would help white wellbeing in even a minimal way. Such a fool was I. That is where we stand today, where is it that we go from here?
a deal can always be made
and now a new deal needs to be made, we should have been prepared.
maybe we are????
Whats the back up plan … we memed trump now we meme ….?????
hes not the end but the beginning of our power. Think , share , react, exploit
good luck anons, I trust you more than I trust anyone else
>Poor shills don't know that (((we))) are not alt right magapedes and think they blend in
ftfy fgt
Only because they didn't want to reveal the truth that the illegal bribery and collision wasn't with Russia but israel proven here.
Oh god, self-hating christcuck who hates their own ancestors.
Opinion discarded
Water melon deal, open borders and infanticide killed any chance DnC had with normal Americans.
Shills are mad as fuck. Time's running out like their HRT. kek