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As much as I don’t support consumer voting it’s still funny watching all these companies crash and burn
I don't think it has to do with being woke. They've been coasting off of World of Warcraft for at least 12 years which has allowed them to produce garbage. This last expansion has been a flop as well and they are finally starting to feel the crunch from trying to force e-sports into everything. I hope the company implodes.
They destroyed their cash cow Overwatch by going 1984 on anyone who isn't a mentally ill leftist faggot. Then there is the whole diablo debacle.
The part of this that pisses me off the most is just how fucking unprepared they were for his question. They took an old and extremely loved series and ran it into the ground. They called that Diablo 3. Then they ran it into the ground AGAIN to make Immortal, and not fucking once did anyone seem to stop and think to the others "are the goyim going to see through our cheap tricks?" They genuinely believed they would be able to peddle their mobile shit to millions without any sort of pushback at all, and then doubled-down again in true Kike fashion by calling anyone who doesn't want mobile shit a muh-soggy-knees white supremacist.
And Overwatch. Oh no. Is ThotAudit still going on?
Good, fuck em.
Diablo 2 was the last decent game they made
Sounds like malarkey
They should learn to code.
Oh wait.
How have things gotten this bad?
Funny how Blizzard has a history of getting ravaged by random dudes in red shirts
Boiling frog user
they're attacking him now
Fuck blizzard and fuck everyone who hasn't jumped ship yet.
Who the fuck gets that pissy with the consumer demographic for voicing disdain for a company's decisions?
But that is what jews allways do. They think we are just animals who will eat any bullshit. Look at Amazing Desmond, BLACKED Hollywood, millions niggers and shitskins to Europe. And they expect we will just take in ass forever and be glad. One day, when angry goyim try to burn their houses they are suprised and cry antisemitism and muh holocaust.
I have been playing the only game I regularly touch longer than all but the original game testers.
Yes, I have a game that I enjoy that much, that I even play the mobile version.
Shames the queers are trying to ruin that.
AI still dumb as all fuck
literally has to cheat to win against humans
uncanny valley never even came close to crossing it
its all a bunch of horse shit anons
my SNES has all the good games
everything since is a step sideways and backwards
admit it niggers
God, what a fucking chink twink that guy is. When is he gonna be booted off of patreon for his faggotry?
Nigger do you know where you are?
This belongs on /v/ but everyone saw this coming a mile away. They are still pushing the whole "advertising" since PR owns the entire board in Activision due to their brilliant developers who they just cut. Don't be surprised in 2-3 years you see them declare bankruptcy and Blizzard owners someone how buy back their company, although the latter is being very generous. No more Warcraft for me boys, they said it could never die and if you told me it did 2 years ago I wouldn't believe you.
headline collage when
When will the left accept Hispanics hate fags? Even California voted against gay marriage because of Hispanics. Why do you think why dragon ball z so big in mexico? It promotes masculinity and traditional family values. And all the few gay characters were all fags. Mexican pro traditional families and breeding of the few values whites need to take from them. m.esports.xataka.com
< don't support consumer voting
I'd like some clarification here. Is this nigger against the idea of people not buying things they don't like?
Make bad choices. Fail. "It's a conspiracy!" Hahaha.
Your native language isn't English :)
But then user would be a faggot too
It's not my fault you formatted your post like an autistic deer.
Anyway I think we agree with each other. I don't know why you're picking a fight
A lot of it is them going WOKE, which resulted in them making garbage.. One of the new races (reskins) they are releasing for WOW is literally just fatfuck humans.
wokeness has been going on for decades, it's only now that it's metastasizing. Older media was just as jewed, but it still had to be good for people to like it. The Simpsons was a great show, very funny, had heartwarming family moments, but still has some jewish subversion in it. Look at the black characters:
They were lovable characters, they just don't represent reality. The show almost never has a black person as a robber/rapist. Instead, it shows blacks as doctors, nuclear physicists, good cops, fair judges, etc. It's trying to sell you an alternate reality. Recent Simpsons is more overt, but it was always there.
Nah that's not real that's a joke has to be
Pic related is what Blizz thinks every man is.
Therefore, the only solution when introducing a character is to make them unfuckable.
It totally isn't because women are threatened by fiction user, nope. no way
The community has been begging for different body type for years.
I'm not going to argue against blizzard being WOKE, they've been gone for a very long time, but there are far better examples of them being pozzed as fuck.
The men are also fat, though they also have muscle.
So you claim, even if they did I doubt people wanted subhuman fatties. Ultimately, unless the racials are insanely OP, the low amount of people playing will prove that people did not want fat when they asked for variety in bodies. Just like how no one plays black-skinned humans
I've reached a point where I'm no longer shocked or surprised.
Hire a sexual harassment attorney and go after faggot and faggot company
Diablo: Immortal is a fully fledged unemployment experience.
The funniest thing about the Kul'tiran humans, user, is that either Blizz fucked up their scheduling so bad or they were so far behind schedule that they ended up delaying the release of the Zandalari Trolls allied race. Bear in mind that we're half a year into the new expansion and the ZTs were mentioned at Blizzcon 2017 as damn near a launchday feature.
And Blizz said they delayed them both because of muh lore, I shit you not.mfw people on the PTR found out that Blizz was full of shit and the new races clearly just weren't made and are full of bugs and barely work
If you've been paying attention to Blizzard leaks and what their employees have been saying, Blizzard really is the perfect example of corrupt corporate level tomfuckery mixed with an unstoppable "get woke, go broke" attitude. Nearly all of the old cornerstone developers were forced out of the company from paycuts and removal of their bonus incentives, while damn near every new hire is based on politics over merit.
Activision/Blizzard is held together by Chinese duct-tape and good will, and their good will is very quickly being depleted. That's why they're making such a massive shift towards the Chinese market. They know that they can't continue to compete in Western markets, but China is big enough to keep them solvent long enough for them to bullshit everyone into thinking they're still worth a damn. That's the real reason why Diablo: Immortal exists and why they're censoring everything. The higherups on the boards don't even give a shit about games/gaming, they just want to shift the market towards what they see as a way out of insolvency when WoW eventually dies and CoDcucks get bored of buying the same game for over a decade.
A similar thing is happening with Bethesda, actually. The highest level influencers don't even play video games.
Blizzard has been bleeding out for a while now. There was the race reskin expansion for WoW, half of which still aren't released. The Diablo debacle. Their CCG game is collapsing under power creep and their refusal to nerf or ban paid for cards. With Overwatch they spent shitloads trying to turn it into the next big e-Sport, they failed Fortnite is king because it's free. Starcraft has been shit for nearly a decade, hell they even went Free to Play. They've desperately been trying to come up with something, anything to pay the bills.
Sorry to differ with you user, but a lot of what you said isn't accurate. Here's what's generally understood to be going on with Blizzard:
>downfall starts with Mists of Pandaria, a blatant attempt to court the Chink market rumored to have been forced by Activision
>WoD comes out and is headed by a new creative director Ion, who has a wildly different vision for the game
>separately, pozz starts reaching critical levels in the company, and the old guard start to see the place mutate and get continually fucked by Activision consequently, many veterans start to leave
Short version is, Blizzard got arrogant, let the wrong people in, fucked up their games, and Activision tightened its grip on them.
All the Amanda Hugginkiss suddenly without a job. Boo hoo.
Get WOKE go BROKE! TOP KEK M80s, look at the people who got fired. HAHAHAHA Looks like its a good bunch of their Community Managers and Social Media folks. Holy Shit, woke soy drenched faggots pushing for their merciless faggotry and were first to get slammed and canned hahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA SUCK IT YOU SPERGY FAGGOTS!! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
One down, a handful to go.
Fuck everything.
It gets worse. Despite looking Aryan, the main character is actually a jew.
I'm sure some wonderful immigrant pocs they promote would gleefully fill their positions for cheap.
jews, shills, fanboys and useful idiots. Take your pi-
Oh damn, I didn't realize it was that dipshit.
user I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the jews are right most of humanity really are nothing more than bipedal animals that will swallow whatever steaming load of shit you shovel into their mouths as long as you give them a little spending money, a full refrigerator and sports on TV. In order to save our people we have to cut off the systems ability to keep them fed and pacified.
Find me ONE confirmed kike that looks like that. Its pretty fucking funny that despite (((their))) hatred of us they still desperately want to be like us.
He's part of the cancerous Gamer gate clique that spawned out of leftist shitholes like Reddit and Kotaku whose train of logic is;
Yup, people are this fucking cucked and videogame obsessed. They'd much rather keep on supporting shitty devs who push faggot ideologies they don't support as long as they can get their dopamine fix. Namefaggots unironically killed gamergate with their virtue signal faggotry as well as letting kikes pull at the heartstrings of their shitty addictions.
lol maldraw's faggot ass finally got tired of talking to himself in polmeta
Its a bot, woman, or nigger.
Look at its posts.
No chan-dweller, or whiteman in general is that incoherent
They might release wow classic sooner then if they're this fucked
Pick one. They can't split the sub to Classic or current for risk of dividing the already small playerbase, and all of the millennials who started gaming in the late 2000s are not going to tolerate the lack of quality of life updates made over the goddamn fifteen years of WoW's lifespan. They'll pick it up, get their shit pushed in, realize how long the grind is, and immediately quit.
The millions of subs they lost post wrath is what theyre after with classic, already got the kids playing ez mode version
We can write our own. Everyone owns a dev-capable machine today.
I hope there will be a proper crash in the games industry. The sooner the better, the bigger the better. It basically depends how dumb "consumers" are.
"Stay away white boys!" - Captain Flatass
I made a scifi game with RPG Maker a couple of years ago. The combat is just basic RPG Maker stuff, i.e. nothing too exciting, but I think the story and the characters are decent.
Everything was fine when Diablo 3 came out. Then D3 came out again. And then again.
I want to reiterate that #LearnToCode is relevant here too. They're laying off e-sports & publishing.
I bet those socially conscious PR reps/SocMed folks will absolutely love being told to learn to code lol
Blizzard didn't make Diablo 2, that was Blizzard North/Condor which was a separate studio.
Still don't care.
Be the change you wish to see, user.
You actually bought diablo 3? I got mine for free when an expansion pack was on special and honestly I haven't even been bothered to click on it in the launcher, let alone install it.
try path of exile
The closest thing you're going to get to a proper diablo 3 or a diablo 4 would be Path of Exile.
Oh I thought he was Polish or something, I guess they had to squeeze that extra bit of poz in there.
I'm used to Dominicans, Huezilians, and Congolombianos so I kind of group them together when they're mixed niggers anyways