Stefan Molyneux is incrementally undergoing an awakening process, it can't be stopped.
Pretty soon he'll be naming jews and bashing coons, it's only a matter of time.
Welcome home Stefan, welcome home!
Stefan Molyneux is incrementally undergoing an awakening process, it can't be stopped.
Pretty soon he'll be naming jews and bashing coons, it's only a matter of time.
Welcome home Stefan, welcome home!
Going hard on these shit threads today. Something happen?
Just saw this on half-chan.
Shill niggers really hate it when you post a molymeme thread.
Good work user.
Stefan is a literal kike and he's admitted it you cuckchan faggot
Molymeme is so right on many things, but also so far on others.
He's completely right about race and IQ but then he also believes IQ is a linear indicator of everything including social life (hilariously wrong, low IQ folks have pretty rich social lives and stereotypes of awkward nerds exist for a reason), he also believes Jews are no big deal and they're going extinct anyway due to intermarriage (that's not how Jews work, mixing with Jews just creates more of them). Another odd one was claiming that Amerindians are more widespread than ever because their genes survive in race mixed descendants (that one is obvious, by that logic we shouldn't be concerned about diluting the white gene pool).
Welcome new-friend.
Enjoy your stay :-)
Stefan drops subtle hints every so often…
maybe twitter is moly's true calling
more potent and impactful and accessible than his 2hour videos
But then he backtracks. Doesn't want to lose that patreon money and he's got a kid to feed I get it, but what bothers me about these people is that they manage to get in the way of people who go all out and actually destroy any possible means of making a decent living.
Typical boomer tier shit. Just say fucking nothing. They can't after 50 years even learn that from the left. You don't have to open your cunt mouth. Just deflect to your own talking points.
Jew did the thing they always do, buying and selling while ripping off both sides.
They went to Europe bought mass produced glass beads for cheap, offered them to nigger "kings" as rare jewelry, got bunches of slave niggers and captives of tribal war, they went to the colonies, set up mass farms of sugar and cotton, then sold back that sugar and cotton (that wasn't needed either) to the whites consumers at an insane price.
Today plantations are called Record Labels and sports teams.
Niggers are still slaves, the consumers are still whites and the profiteering bastards are still Jews.
Jews cannot work without the complicity and complacency of the sides they're ripping off.
Which is why nationalism and worst, national socialism is so abhorrent to them (and vice-versa).
Have a little more agency you've been listening to too much Spencer/Goad who are trying to retract a common mental framework that is largely that of the boomer generation. The boomer meme is targeting this framework not all individuals within the generation retard and it's not some jewish larp.
Calling it a jewish larp actually shows A) how dimwitted you are to understand the meme and B) that you're likely being subversive to some extent or another; either that or you just have a follow the leader mentality where you adopt whatever someone else you deem more intelligent has to say on a particular subject and run around regurgitating it with little thought of your own.
Stefan is a narcissist. He doesn't fundamentally believe in anything. Just watch his older videos. From his own words, he had ten different childhoods. he is funny to laugh at though, especially the salty liberals that like to look at him like a monkey in a zoo.
Blacks were the dealers
Jews were the users
78% of slave owners in the americas were jews, despite jews making up a fraction of one percent of the population.
If you compare jewish slave owners to non-jewish slave owners, you find that jews owned slaves at a rate far higher than that of the general population.
Assuming a 0.1% jewish population during the time slave owning was legal:
Jewish: 74% / 0.1% = 740
Non-jewish: (100-74)% / (100-0.1)% = 0.26
Ratio: 740/0.26 = 2846
In other words, a randomly sampled jew was 2846 times more likely to own slaves than a randomly sampled non-jew.
I need a source on this
Good rundown
blacks were the dealers and the users as well. They just thought it was nice to trade some of them for weapons so they could wage their own wars. That's how Jews got into the slave trade.
It's the boomer farmers, really.
Jews, JEWS were the slave owners, not white folks.
This is one the big lies that Jews are willing to die to protect.
lurk moar, newfag
So you have no source then, eh, jew.
I don't like Stefan but he has recently explicitly answered the "are you jewish" question with a "No" in vid related.
First question he answers, at 2:51
So not the Jews.
He can say that on a technicality if his mother isn't jewish. His father's a jew; hence, he's a jew.
Case closed.
In an older video he claims his mother is jewish, so now he's saying she's not? which is it?
"Jews owned all the slaves and slave ships" is one of the few pervasive "redpills" on this site that I've never seen proven. We deal in facts, not disinformation. Source or gtfo.
Moneyjew defenders are even more delusional than infocucks.
Whatever, you're too much of a lazy fucking idiot then to bother doing your own simplest of searches. And since I can't call you out as an IP-hopping circumcised (((dick-sucker))), well, just read the damn infographics, you subversive soulless hateful prick.
Here's the quickest of samplings:
and continues through to today
The majority of jews owned slaves but the majority of slaves were not owned by jews. W.A.S.P,s owned the majority of slaves. Or do you want to argue that the confederacy was jewish?
If you can't read, here's a video.
it's nice of you to admit that…
but here, your logic escapes me. You want to say the 1.6% of white people that owned slaves (at the height of ((('American' slavery)))…) accounted for the majority of slaves owned? Because they owned all the cotton plantations, no doubt?
nope. You're just plain wrong.
The first American Civil War wasn't about freeing slaves, our (((officially sanctioned history))). Folks didn't fight and die over the goddamned slaves. It was first about (((British banking))), and then about the rights of states to make their own laws. Not that you will admit to learning this history either.
Jews are responsible for slavery, subhuman.
So I dug deeper into this with the assistance of a spoonfeeding user thanks and what I turned up was that both of his parents were kikes. He was talking about how his mom "had her own Anne Frank story" in Germany. So from what I could dig up that was my analysis. So therefore the dude is a genetic jew. And using typical tricks, he bald-faced lies about it. Why do that when people are definitely going to look into it themselves? He COULD mean that he doesn't believe in the religion, but why not say that then? He could say, well my parents were genetically jewish but I don't believe in religion. Why not say that if it's true? It would be the perfect cover for him to challenge jewish powers-that-be. But that's not going to happen, now is it? Instead he's going to say that Whites were the problem, or niggers, but never kikes. Disgusting.
jew trys to start race war
more at 11
waiit. what? Don't we want a race war?
Closer to the truth is that wherever there are Jews, there are slaves. Jews run slavery rings all around the world.
Christians, and therefore the vast majority of white folks, would not keep slaves.
your nose pocked my eye out from behind this post
the only race we should go to war with is the jews. anything else and it's a distraction from the jews, probably by the jews
that tiny minority of whites owned the majority of slaves in the United States. They were rich W.A.S.P.s that's who owned the plantations.
Please elaborate on Southern Nationalism. I always wondered why Southerners fight so hard and so long for a few elites right to own slaves.
make it into an infographic, with citations
Actually, he's right. When you think about it, everything bad that has happened to niggers is their own fault starting with niggers selling other niggers into slavery to jews.
are you saying we wouldn't be better off without niggers?
so all whites should feel guilty right
are jews white?
Most Southern plantations were owned by White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, that is true. However, not all plantations were by slaves, white or black. Many, perhaps the majority of the Southern plantations were run by free men. It was not only a matter of principle - Christians were admonished to free slaves in the New Testament of the Bible, and to treat all people fairly - but also a matter of economics. Keeping slaves for the purposes of running a plantation was an expensive endeavor, best suited to the most labor intensive stultifying work. Keep in mind that African IQ's were (and are) pretty low, scraping the bottom of the barrel really. Productively occupying a workforce with anything below about 85 IQ has been determined to be more trouble than its worth, even as slaves. For sure, the average captured African slave IQ wasn't 85, so it just wasn't worth it. And not only that, but keeping slaves pissed off the white folks, the workforce , because it drove wages down, just like immigration now-a-days.
Jews kept slaves because they could be brutal, whereas Christians could not. Jews kept slaves occupied in the simplest of occupations, stuff that literal retards could do such as picking cotton a few times a year. And Jews bred black studs with white women, mostly Irish slaves, with the specific intention to generate a more docile, smarter variety of the black race.
Regarding the Civil War, I've got no more time to school you in our history. Use a search engine.
But we sure didn't kill each other over some damn slaves that most white folks resented in the first place.
What is 8/pol/ coming to?
He still needs to apologize for embed related.
Well said.
Fucking jews. And fuck you trannys taking a festering cunt dump on the catalog.
Alright, I came up with this red pilling argument. "So do the liberals wish there weren't nearly as many blacks in this nation? You can't have as nearly as the number of blacks that we have in this nation without slavery."
And Jews bred black studs with white women, mostly Irish slaves, with the specific intention to generate a more docile, smarter variety of the black race.
Keep your fetish to yourself buckaroo.
There's some genetic Jews that deny being Jewish on the basis of being non-religious. They've pushed the idea that there are no ethnic Jews to boomers, especially using media channels like NPR and that kind of shit. At the same time modern tards know that there is such thing as DNA, and there is Jew DNA.
I only know this because my grandfather thought he was Jewish and did all the same shit as Stefan. His brother did a test and found out we aren't Jewish at all, smug for days.
Underrated. We should all be handing out index cards with this comment printed on them.
He already understands but he's a public figure now. You lose important powers and gain powers when you become a public figure. He can't just screech about race war like an autistic diaper boy because he will go to fucking jail or get killed.
He's advancing boldly in the option because he has openly explored all other ideological options. That's all.
Jews were the masterminds. They tricked niggers and Arabs into selling people for slave trade. South Americans coming across our border know full well what fate awaits them and their children when they try to cross illegally; some of them put their children on birth control before the trip. It's not like the Jews just forcibly rip children from their parents' arms kicking and screaming; historically, many of these people don't care enough about their own people, or they are selling people they consider lesser.
There's no way the Jew would have slaves if they had to take them all by force. They would probably break a nail and OY GEVALT back to Tel Aviv if they tried. Someone has to be there to do the footwork for them, regardless of what sort of manipulation or medium that is, they don't care so long as they have their laborers and sex toys.
I've tried that on a libtard and their response is usually:
*had not civilized them
Oh, for sure. No argument from me on these points. I was just thinking Machiavellian'ly, if you KNEW you'd be outed why not get in front of it with an excuse? There must be a reason. Probably because he knew it wasn't gonna save his ass from the oven. But lying directly to my face is a cardinal sin that must be punished with prejudice. You only get to do that to me once, and the price is the life of your extended family.
Molyneux know the Jews did slavery, he is calling Jews niggers I guess.
Reminder that jews would pay whites to breed mixed race niggers spawning the basketball americans. Reminder that the jews also bred their own slaves spawning niggerjews. Many niggerjews work alongside the other jews in media and in politics. You can easily detect jewish features among the equally grotesque nigger features.
Niggerjews are overlooked among the many different strains of the jew contagion.
How could a tiny number of Jews own the majority of slaves when the slave population exceeded the White population in some parts of the South?
lets face it, if someone adamantly claims they're a kike in the public space, then after flat-out denies it while providing no good reasoning or evidence, you're dealing with a kike. he's trapped himself and i believe he knows it. see, back in the day, his viewer-base were lolberg spegtarians but he obviously knows now that his base is more racewoke and jewpilled and thus he dissembles harder and faster than a chinaman being confronted about human rights violations. he's a pseudophilosopher and a huckster but nothing more. forget him and move on.
The nigger was the supplier, the kike was the dealer the white was the user, oy vey.
Are you actually a nigger?
Nice try, moshe.
Are you claiming jews didn't control the slave trade? I'm fairly certain it's well proven jews have controlled every slave trade ever.
I'm saying all the attacks on Stefan itensified every since he started abandoning progressive liberlism. I wonder (((who))) is behind it.
Oh. While that's true he's also stated he has jewish roots.
His only function is to make money while keeping you glued to the screen so that you don' go out and slaughter jewish criminals. They all do this.They are distracting the cattle before the kill to prevent them from panicking. Wake up.
Molenjew is a kike and you are dumb to associate with him. A literal fucking cult leader. No one in alt-light crowd to be trusted. 9/10 of them are jews, most of them just want money, but molenjew is actually ruining families while pretending to be some sort of motherfucking prophet.
End yourself.
I think he just want money and worship.
You glow in the dark. Thanks for bumping.
There are like a hundred of them around making fat cash on regurgitating truths to you, that have been available on Zig Forums for over a decade. They all know what the jews are up to, and that the economy is gonna crash, so they use this golden opportunity in which the big companies are pulling out, to make the money of their lifetimes by selling people a truth…not the truth about what is going to happen around the globe soon. Nobody is going to wake up listening to these people, but instead they gave their last money to support a "noble" cause up to the day when someone knocks down their doors and slit their throats.
If you just want money you sell penis pills, like the rest, he actually has a fuckign cult.
Unlike (((Peterstein))), Stefan is doing a good job pushing people to our side. His documentary about the Polish march was top-notch.
It's called networking. They're creating an industry on distributing truths, just like the jews did with conspiracies, which had the same effect on the audience…getting docile while consuming truths in between lies. This shit is all in the protocols and yet people still fall for lies and throwing their money at the merchants of death.
There's absolutely NOTHING you can say that will make me stop watching Stefan. I wouldn't give a shit even if he was a jew, as long as continues to drop redpills. Even Hitler used jews after all.
So you can go fellate a nigger, because I don't trust YOU.
Literaly sheep goy.
No, he has a proper fucking cult, with inner circle, alienation from family and all the necessities.
He is not lying for the most part, he just omitting the full truth(which is worse in most cases). And for the most part its just gratification of people who listen to him, nothing even remotely controversial.
Even that dicksucker GavinMcCines are better than he because he is not a complete fucking cunt when he talks to people (even if he nitpick people to talk with).
Nice strawmen, faggot.
If you don't like someone, nothing they say is of any use of value? What a fucking idiot!
A lawnmower has a bigger IQ than your sorry ass.
Gaving "Dildo in my ass" McCines s better.
Are you just trolling here? Cause you have to be?
I refuse to believe you can be this retarded
This is absurdly wrong. Jews were not over 3% of the us population in 1848
Blacks most likely invented slavery because they were "the first human beings" due to evolution and shite.
I would take #2 tbh
Kys, (((Molyjew))) pusher. It's nice he's criticizing nignogs, but Molyjew is a kike shyster. Just because you wanna buy what he's selling doesn't make him /ourguy/, nor will he ever be.
Shitball eceleb makes his money off Jew Tube hits.
Nobody can sit through his boring vids. Only autistic losers click on them now
Good for nothing jew wants money for nothing, studies problem of not enough Jew Tube clicks not enough money. Wishes he was Pewdiepie.
Jew gets flash of inspiration. Say outrageous controversial click bait shit and armies of commies jews faggots and niggers will click on his boring video.
find the (((jewmazon))) links yourself
You forgot to mention the guy who shot Abraham Lincoln was himself a kike.
Those who attack the messenger and not the message are no better than those who attacked fox news. The Liberal media intentionally ignores anything bad for the left. Then, when you say something about it and someone asks you for a source, you only have Conservatives sites to use and the Liberal asking you for the sources says "got a source besides some biased Conservative Faux news site?'
Get better heroes, faggot.
*admitted jew
Looking through molymeme's recent tweets, he's 14 words as can be. What happened to him?
David Lane
You can't be living the 14 words without hating the kikes behind White genocide. He's a jewish conman who completely showed his nose with his video about Bowers.
What's is even remotely wrong with gassing the kikes, lynching the niggers, baking the dykes, chasing the spics, burning the kooks, bombing the mudslimes, freezing the Eskimos, raping the abo's, etc. To secure an existence for our race?
You should at least also mention black slave owners were made up a higher percentage of the population per capita than white slave owners. Still nobody can beat the per capita of jewish slave owners, it's insane the number and even the jewishpedia admits it.
Nice oxymoron.
introducing the 2019 Super Cope. Now with custom MIGA paint job all your based black friends will be jealous of.