(((totally organic thread)))
You'll never be a woman.
You'll never be a man
(((totally organic post)))
(((totally organic Trump)))
It better be true.
If not than consider this thread in vain.
I've been lied to by this man too many times to trust him at his word.
I will believe it when I see the wall being built.
Daily reminder that the wall is an esoteric metaphor for rebuilding the missing walls of Solomon's temple.
lol zog
Meaning the bill hasn't even been drafted yet.
Meaning the $23 billion is for border security NOT for the wall hence the term "regardless".
Someone needs to perma ban this reject. Same shit every thread.
Daily reminder that you Stormtards will get the "gas" "when the time comes".
23 Billion to keep beaners out, that's an ok start.
Trump is the best we're going to get, we can't delude ourselves.
We have to make this orange haired bastard work for our best interests.
Why is that in quotes?
Call us insults because you have no compelling arguments calling people stormfags is not gonna change anyone minds here.
The bill hasn't even been drafted yet.
(((totally not scripted posting goyim trust me you stupid fucks)))
Trump can talk about 23billion all day, if he doesn't have approval from congress it doesn't mean jack shit. The only way around that is declaring a national emergency and using the military, but he has already said he won't do that.
Its a mod. Don't argue with him or you will get banned.
Just ignore.
I'll believe it only when I see it.
It's already being built.
Aryan qt
Trump is a proven liar.
Here's how today went down:
Prove me wrong. Show me the bill.
Trump delivers.
I hate that blackpill demoralizing d&c bitch, she should be in the kitchen cooking for her Aryan family
Delivers how? He's still going to go through Congress to attempt to get this money
israel letting use some of our own money to build a wall if we start a proxy war with iran?
Hey look it's the fencing that was approved under Bush. Are you really dumb enough to think this would work here?
This is my only opinion anymore.
The other option is to ==VETO== bills until congress funds the wall, which he's not doing either. So far he has not vetoed a single bill. Rubberstamp Donald rumberstamps everything that comes across his desk.
As expected.
And you should be roasting in an oven Trumpcuck.
Ann Coulter has a bigger dick than you do faggot.
She is /ourgirl/
Show me the bill.
Reddit raid.
Relying on Congress again. Nothing will be done.
He likes signing things.
It makes him feel important.
Heres (2) faggot
A mutilated one, but i guess it still counts.
My wife came to this country legally
Of course it won't be done. The bill doesn't even exist yet.
I can see your nose Dr. Freud. Want to analyze my dreams next?
i came in your wife illegally
That's not what blackpilling means. If you expect Trump to lift a finger for White people, at this point, you're insane.
Pointing out insnances of Trump betraying America is blackpilling in the same way that pointing out that drinking bleach kills you is blackpilling.
Shit this and the (((mueller))) probe runs out of steam turning up nothing.
Get fucked you (under)paid postniggers.
And shitposting to /pol for the Jews makes you feel how?
As if projection isnt a key jewish trait. Nice snark redditnigger. Whats Zig Forumss favorite hitler quote?
Don't you mean esoterically?
Even if it did, Trump would still be relying on the Congress that he has said multiple times, does nothing but block him.
Of course, we on Zig Forums know that both parties are owned by the same jews, but it just goes to show the blind faith that Trump has instilled in some. Either that, or every third poster really is a Kushner paid shill on this board.
Did you want to link to the bill?
More insults and no arguments?
Get a new script.
If you think there is EVER going to be another President who is willing to shut down the government longer than at any other time in history to get a wall built on the border you are a fucking MORON.
Therefore, I think you need to stop fucking crying about it and keep the pressure up on Trump to deliver.
Trump wants the wall built, and so do you. Rome wasn't built in a day and Trump at any time could declare an emergency and get it done. He's indicated he's willing to do that to get it done. So stop being a fucking faggot about it
If you are this dumb you deserve to be white genocided. Not a single new inch of wall has been built since Trump took office. There has been replacement of existing sections, but that is all that has happened. As soon as part of it is replaced, Trump makes a tweet lying to people about how the wall is being built. You are a delusional faggot.
No Trump actually wants to make Israel greater than ever and also complete the browning of America with "the most people ever, coming in legally"
Top kek, utterly convincing (((user)))
Ill ask again, whats Zig Forumss favorite hitler quote?
It was the most common reaction image when jidf first started shilling here in 2015 my nigger. Try really hard to pretend you know at least.
Exactly. It's why at the SOTU address he brought that woman and her daughter out saying something like: "Oh their grandparents were murdered by illegals, blah, blah, blah. This is SUCH A MASSIVE PROBLEM that I'm going to let congress solve it so it never happens again."
He knows full well congress won't do anything, and that way he can keep looking like he's doing something and blame it on congress when it fails for the 50th time.
it's another imkampy grasping at a tiny straw to try and promote a failed leader again thread
If it offends you then take that part out. Would the rest of the post not still be valid, or are you asserting that both the Democrats and the Republicans are not owned by the same jews and jewish bought lobbyists?
No kike, I don't play power games. Try again. Show me the bill.
Then why does he refuse to build it?
All he needs to do is stamp his feet and legions of supporters will spring out of the ground to help him. All he needs to do is promise to deputize patriotic Americans and allow us to go after the disgusting scum who rule us.
Yet Trump refuses to even lift a finger to help his own most loyal supporters.
That is proof that he is not a friend but an enemy. What kind of treacherous scumbag will not even defend his own most loyal supporters?
He won't even declare a state of emergency, even when a horde of sneering Mexicans were storming the gates.
He got his ass wrecked hard today and decided to celebrate with another meltdown.
Aren't you the same shills too who non-stop say shit like "it was just a tweet." I will believe it when I see it.
Yeah you guys are totally right I should have just voted for Hildawg - I'll make sure to stay home in 2020 too.
Trump is the greatest President for whites in my lifetime. Better than Bush, Clinton, Bush, better than Obama. Trump campaigned on, and has fought for, building a wall on our southern border to keep Mexicans the fuck out.
I have every confidence that Trump will have his wall. Even now. And you know what? Even if he doesn't get it, I'm still going to vote for him in 2020. And fuck you if you don't like it.
Dude this is probably one of the most retarded things I have ever read in my life.
More [Deep Concern] from Trump! YAY!
The wall is the bait that Trump needs to lure the gullible boomers back into his camp.
There's no way he's going to build anything before he's re-elected and once he's re-elected he doesn't need to build anything, because what's the Trumpenproletariat gonna do? Not vote for him a third time?
Which gives credibility to the idea that he's owned by the kikes in his cabinet, and is being used to further the enslavement agenda.
any day now
Every time you point out a flaw with Trump, this is the line they come back with. It doesn't matter how many times you explain that both parties are jew owned, the shills repeat their lines regardless.
I take it you ran out of justifications to support the treasonous Zionist.
Now fuck off cuckservative. Go worship AIPAC on reddit
8/10 bait there user.
No you wont answer because you don’t know. You probably havent even opened mein kampf much less studied it. Disingenuos faggot.
What’s Zig Forumss favorite hitler quote?
Ill give you a hint. It describes the exact situation im in with you right now. It begins with the more i argued with them..
same shit with Qanon. thy say that whether it's a LARP or not it's good because it woke people up
funny that's the exact same excuse a lot of seemingly organic Alex Jones supporters used as well, years before there was Qanon
Yeah I should definitely vote for Democrats instead, I wouldn't want to be STUPID right?
Why bother anymore tbh
Stay mad
Physicians were unable to reach a consensus: Should the U.S. build Trump's Mexican Wall?
The Allergists were in favor of scratching it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves. The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought Trump had a lot of nerve. Meanwhile, Obstetricians felt certain everyone was laboring under a misconception while the Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted. Pathologists yelled, "Over my dead body!" while the Pediatricians said, "Oh, grow up!"
The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness while the Radiologists could see right through it. Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing, and the Internists claimed it would indeed be a bitter pill to swallow. The Plastic Surgeons opined that this proposal would "put a whole new face on the matter." The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the Urologists were pissed off at the whole idea. Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas, and those lofty Cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no.
In the end, the Proctologists won out, leaving the entire decision up to the assholes in Washington!
TL;DR: /liberty/ always wins
Funny because
IP hopping?
Did you want to show me the bill? Have you found it yet? No? That's because it doesn't exist.
The temple was destroyed by romans and the germans
Thats because shills dont have arguments. They are paid posters who repeat the lines they are paid to spread. You can't argue with a commercial or a billboard on the side of the road, it just says the same thing over and over.
What does this bill and the wall have in common? Neither exist.
Go back to reddit you disgusting scum. 8/pol/ is a White nationalist board. Not a Republicuck board.
This is what destroyed the West. This weird idea that you can strategically vote and it means something greater than the dissolution of your ideals and principles into a slurry mess of compromise for compromises sake. Truly a sad state of affairs.
"….Will be getting almost $23 BILLION for Border Security. Regardless of Wall money, it is being built as we speak!"
chesscuck unironically believe this
No, 8/pol/ is a pile of fucking shit ever since Trump announced he was running for President. Trump killed this fucking board and now its infested with boomers and normal faggots who think they are red-pilled.