There’s a reason this nonsense is in Teen Vogue
Mom posts gender reveal party for 20 year old mentally ill daughter
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this has been going on for a while, has there been any that denounced this stuff having grown out of it?
Thats not what guys do obvious bitch is still a bitch
Both deserve the rope.
>(((Heather Lundberg Green)))
Envision my bewilderment
Sage for useless thread
Does it have white male privilege now ?
I've noticed that fat women tend to gravitate towards lesbianism.
Most of them are too embarassed or they took it really seriously and wounded up an heroing.
You make a good case for legalizing murder OP.
She can have an "I'm ugly" reveal instead.
Pitiful. I feel bad for the spawn.
>Nice Teen Vogue photographer from Long-Nose tribe offers $5,000 for a shoot with the bouncing baby boy
Also, Teen Vogue, lel.
Why so these people even have "gender"? Doesn't it lock you into some sort of patriarchal roles that are oppressive?
Once a Duke comes out of the closet she balloons. It's due partly to the fact that her mental issues aren't resolved by having people accept her perversions, as her perversions are a result of her mental problems.
>Heather (((Lundberg)))
whatever it's one less jew that's going to procreate
found the problem
the shit that bothers me about all this tranny shit is that it's the parents doing it.
i grew up with sisters and was an effeminate faggot during my childhood as a result they painted my nails and practiced makeup on me, a lot of the toys i had access to were girls toys, etc
if my parents had enabled that shit / were liberal whackjobs i would have probably turned out differently.
instead, i just got male friends when i reached the age of independent socialization and went over to their houses where i developed normal male interests like music, vidya games, and swimming. eventually told my parents my sisters did weird shit to me and they got pissed at them. eventually told /b/ my sisters did weird shit to me and they got boners because of it. my point is, fuck degenerates.
A substantial number of "TERFs" (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists, the wing of feminism that's at war with the pro-tranny intersectionals) seem to be former FtM trannies. They're basically women that realized they would never be a real man, fucked themselves up trying, and reverted to being angry bulldykes, bitter and hostile to the trans ideology that led them to that place. (Of course, they still couldn't stand to give up their misandry.) This division in feminism is a useful fracture point we should hammer on wherever possible, IMO.
Playing with girl toys and having your nails painted isn't being effeminate, and has literally nothing to do with being a faggot.
It's a cute story, but completely irrelevant.
The trannies are going after TERFs by claiming that they're white supremacist neonazis now, LMAAAAAAOO
They're not white supremacists or nationalists now, but they will be
The fat fucks up their homones.
Lilith needs to be put back in her fucking box. This is what happens when persons who should have no authority over themselves is given equal representation as well as authority over another. A good hard slap across the face of every woman who wants equality should straighten things out quick
Teen Vogue is basically Tranny Magazine these days. It kinda makes you wonder if it was anything different in the past.