So this is going to be a pretty in depth post
And if you're a Magapede, a real true blue one anyway
You arent going to like it
Like wise of you're an Omar shill of black pilled "trump was the jews puppet all along" kinda guy
You arent going to like this post either
But this is the way things were maneuvered by (((the powers that be)))) over the last few years so far as I can tell
Starting in 2016 the kikes got a wake up call. It wasn't just Trump or Brexist but rather the rumblings of an ethno natiionalist revolution that threatened to sweep the west, driven largely by migration crisis and economic depression in rural areas the west over and guided by some outright national socialist forces online that had taken the oppurtunity to spread the truth about the second world war, and the JQ to the youth in ways not capable of being done in decades . (((They))) had in some ways manufactured this crisis for themselves, planning to use in as justification for the federalization of the EU, the creation of a more comprehensive (an powerful) global trade network, and their favorite pet project, the creation of world gov via the United Nations. But as nationalists were elected in country after country (poland, hungary, austira, itally, the check republic, america and brazil to name a few) it became obvious that west would not so willingly accept their multi racial post western jew run slave world so easily. And from this realization on they have been attempting to coopt the movement that began more or less organcially from the white race spread across the world.
Trump, to is credit, did set back their trade empire significantly and brought attention to the crisis at the border going so far as to use tear gass to diswade caravans but in the final annalisis he was either unwilling or unable to fullfill the promises he gave the american people executively,
Instructions were given to mconnal not to use the nuclear option to get anything through wall or infrastucture UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES before the new congress was seated (nancy polosie having been put in place as the president to be should trump and pence walk out of line again)hey then moved to hike federal reserve rates, trying to set off another recession and defeated trump on the national stage with the "cuck out" we've all seen since the end of the shut down.
This was done to demoralize and destroy any faith nationalists had in trump accomplishing anything for them. Suicide justified by defeat.
And then Omar came out against israel.
Now anyone who doesnt think this shit wasnt passed by the DNC long before hand (and doesnt know how much the powerful jewish elietes back it) fundimentally does not understand the nature of politics in america
No she was not and is not a loose cannon.
She was told to say what she said.
And trump, reacting like the right wing boomer that he is, gave the obvious repsonce.
The point of this is two fold.
Number one, get those on the right redpilled on the JQ to abdone any hope of changing the republican party and to make the mainstream right synomous with israli (and jewish) support
Just as the cultural revoltuion of the 70s was coopted in this way to make the gay neocon israli cock sucking everyone nixon to bush was remembered for. Quashing any true "alternative" on the right to neoconservatism 2.0
I will not suggest contiuing to support trump as he is either unnaware of the nature of the beast at best, and quite possibly complicit with it
Nor will i tell you to peruse some sort of escalationist sradegy as the chances of the radical programs that would be implemented by internationalist jewish backed muslim waking our people up in time also holds the high possibility of turning the demographics against us to quickly and extremely to counter.
I only wanted to post this to show you exactly what the jews planned and
what they want you to do, how they manuevered you to react
My own personal suggestion to make a change for our peeople positively regardless where you land on this is that you continue and do your utmost to redpill normies on the JQ race realism and national socialism hopefully leading us to legitimate natioanlist movements whether they are within on without the confines of traditional political parties.
Trump, Omar and the manufacturing of NeoConservatism 2.0
Other urls found in this thread:
Drown yourself in semen
The minimum wage paid shill ladies and gentlemen
Meant to post this in >>12793180
Okay and? We're just back to square one, and that square is four years in the past.
I made the post because their are alot of new fags on this board now in days who either
Suck trumps dick likes hes tupac and their niggers
Are black pilled on trump to the point that they se everything he does as serving the kikes to some level or another
Its basically supposed to be a crash course in geopolitics for new fags and a reminder of whats actually going on to those who get sucked into one side or the other as far as i can tell
Eat a bag of dicks commie
Why should he kill himself? Nothing OP did or said was ill-intentioned…
Take your own advice
shills dont like when you talk about their bosses
Pierce called Trump out for being jew-owned leading up to the 2000 election, when he was out there kvetching about how Pat Buchanan was an "anti-Semite" and "Hitler-lover".
Trump is building the wall Schlomo. Suicide is the only answer.
We'll have to wait and see.
None of the things anyone said is a guarantee. 8/pol/ has grown more and more anti trump simply making pro vs anti trump and calling everybody a shill will worsen this progress on a board where national socialist is the majority and then insulting and shilling will worsen it thus the d&c will be successful you either debate like civilized Zig Forumsacks or lay down in the bed you made, your on a board where some think hitler was the 2nd coming of christ. If your going to discuss about any politican on thos board make sure is in one thread and prepare to have counter arguments, if you can't handle this going back to cuckchan is the best idea while creating the mess you see right now.
I sincerly hope you're right my maga based peed
i hope trump goes out tomorow
goes full executive order 111110 on (((their)))) asses
kicks out all israli diplomats
insturcts the treasury deparment to start printing interest free currency backed by silver
orders the arrest of every traitor, kike lover and pedophile in congress the media and the government
I really hope that happens
but till it does
lets treat him like what he is
a somewhat uncontrolled inneffective boomer whos presidencey has been a mixed bad of good trade policies, israel dick sucking, anti interventionist rehtoric, bombing syria, keeping us out of the migrant pact, doing the travel ban and calling for more "legal" immigrants from south america to the US
he probably isnt our savior
he probably isnt their complete puppet
most days it hard to say what the fuck he is
but regardless what you think he is
if you want to fight the jew
there is no way that redpilling whites on their cancerous nature can be done to their benifit
Trump literally followed Pat around in the early aughts, leaving the Republican party because of Pat. Trying to infiltrate the Reform party because of Pat. Trump is a kike stooge and what he's doing now is exactly what he's always been. They wheel this dupe out whenever there is a real threat to the same racket they've been perfecting since the Pale of Settlement.
why are they trying to bury the story than
because they know they cant
keeping up appearences are important otherwise more people would start to question shit, especially considering how conspiracy theory friendly the internet is
but then again i could be bat shit wrong user
i admit that
it just seems a tad to convienient to me that within a week of trumps far right base getting demoralized some brown savior who got millions in donations from the DNC comes out and offers to "be their messiah" and redpill all the liberal normies into questioning the JQ
Low tier shilling don't say I warned you.
Is that all?
You just proved my point faggot.
as i said
These shills are way to lame.
Where did the decent ones go? In cuckchan?
yeah most ended up on 4chan
usually it doesnt do much good to shill here as most people who browse Zig Forums have been around enough and are serious enough not to fall for their shit
the biggest thing they'll do here is pretend to be some retard from cuckchan who found thier way to the board and shits it up with brainless maga pede bullshit attempting to make people think everyone who bets on that side of the rock or the hardplace decision we are left with is a moronic faggot
its devide and conqure
the good news is that as long as places like this exist the normies will keeep coming and we can move the zeitgeist farther in our direction
my bet is on a cultural revolution some time in the 20s
Whites becoming a minority in america and europe could get them to racial counicousness and unity and that could lead to actual solutions to the problems we talk about on here day in and day out
all of that however is worth horse shit if the kikes coopt it and make the arabs our enemey and the kikes our alley instead of us realizing that both are the fucking problem and one brought the sand niggers here in the first place
Which is useless I am seeing more anti trump posts that outnumber the shills them selves. More will become anti just to spite them, as for the normalfags that depends a good amount of them will always prefer cuckchan due to it being faster and funny.
The way Zig Forums goes will probably depend to some extent as well on what trump does in the comming weeks
if he were to actually delcare a state of emergency and start funding the wall directly with army funds that could make it interesting where the intelligent of the far right go
Neocohens are done as far as I can see with the future. Trotskikes can struggle all they want right now but Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Iran will continue to sit pretty while the EU and king nigger obama call them retards for fucking the Iran deal but most importantly the future of the youth. They hate Israel, the non-white ones even more so, there's nothing left for them and their new host chinks are done for because Trump is fucking them hard as he can.
Yeah dude ill agree that trump is taking down the chinks pretty well
and you're right that they were supposed to be the new world super power, thats why they started moving all the manufacturing and debt their setting up western collapse and world gov
but thats why their trying to remake the neocon movement
if they inflitrate the right
and the redpilled right to go left because of it
backing sand niggers who they tell to call out israel
then the same energy of the white race that got both nixon and trump elected will be coopted and changed for their benifit
Thats the problem my OP was trying to outline and its big fucking problem
one that i dont have an answer to
but i figured that i should show that this is how (((they))) are trying to manipulate us
Could not explain it better than my self I seen shilling worse than this the shilling right now is just annoying due to many of them being so low tier. Let them think they are unironically changing our minds or winning with lame insults this board will still be majorly national socialists and more will convert to it because is the truth. As for trump we'll have to wait and see.
He really is the fucking wild card
and i mean that in no gratifying way what so ever
half his shit has been in the kikes interest
and half against them
which to be fair is probably better then any president in the last 50 years or so (maybe even longer if you dont count what kennedy was trying to do)
That being said he is by no means a lock, and for all we know kushner could be pulling the fucking strings.
Either way we cant hedge our bets our peoples future on him
Support what he does thats good and call it kike faggotry when in it is and we'll se how his first term totals up around 2020
>goes full executive order 111110 on (((their)))) asses
EA 11110 didn't do what you think it did. Don't repeat that lie.
According people who would know, Kennedy did plan to move against the Fed privately, but not with that Executive Order, and he was ultimately assassinated for his opposition to Israel's nukes - something the ZOG Emperor tolerates.
I understand the executive order and i understand why you said that
111110 did not give him the power to print interest free money and take the US out of the rothschild debt scheme over night
it did however give that power to the treasury, which, once doing it (as the fed asked i know) could have been stept up to much higher mearsures
it was at least in my opinion
bardon the over used term and cucked term
a chess move
that could have been used down the line to end federal reserve in america
but you are right it did nothing directly
the bigger moves Kennedy did against the jew had to do with his refusal to allow israel to gain nuclear weapons and not accepting of thier aggressive stradegy in the middle east
The question is tho what now? Most nationalist groups either get vanned or filled with CIAniggers like the alt-kike are just a bunch of Crowley esqued natbol eurasianist zionists feds. The only people and groups I see are worthy of supporting are people like Patrick Little, Blair Cottrel, Nick Griffin, Golden Dawn, and the NRM in Sweden who don’t cuck out on things pol believes in. I say the (((civic nationalist))) and the alt-kike are the main people who stand in our way for revolution in taking down the Judeo-Masonic elites that pull the strings.
You forgot one person and he is within our hearts.
somewhat this.
Though i think we probably also need to be evangalizing more. As much as i think places like this and real world nat soc movements are important to maintain the stability and validity of our message so it doesnt cuck itself, we also need to be converting a fuck tone more
we proft nothing by cricle jerking on our own
We need to push the mainstream farther to the right (or simply towards the truth if you perfer) but while doing it, you're right, its important we dont cuck on anything otherwise we'll just end up another impotent neocon movement watching our country get browner as the upper class gets another 5 percent tax cut
Trump doesn't have the power to tolerate or not tolerate. He is an owned muppet who does what he is told on a level far beyond even the vetted stiffs rolled out before him post-Kennedy.
Putting a 25 percent Tarriff on chinese steal and other high tarriffs on chinese imports leading to the collapse of the chinese labour market and over 500 thousand manufacturing jobs added to the US economy in under 2 years (the same amount lost in 8 under king nigger) causing whties to be the majority of births in the US again was NOT in the kikes interest
nor was staying out of the migrant pact that the rest of the kike controlled countries signed onto happily
nor was the travel ban
Trumps presidency is a hell of alot more complicated then him being an outright puppet of the jews, at least one thats obvious about it
Dont get me wrong
i know full well about the bombings of syria, the cuck out on the wall, the shilling for israel and (most importantly) the refusal to wage active war against the criminal pedophilic elietes that are corrupting this country in the first place by throwing their jew asses in prison
but these are (so far as i can tell) not the actions of puppet
their the actions of 70 year old boomer who wishes his country would go back tot he way it was when he was a kid (in the 50s) without understanding why it really went to shit and not being able to willing to se the actual enemy
Im not a fucking maga pede
but i think its disingenous to say that trump is bought and paid for by the kikes when he continously at the very least stumbles in the way of their plans, mush to the vitrial of the jewish media
Thanks for the heads up, but everyone who didn't wander in from reddit last week figured that out a few seconds after that lightbulb head nigger said it. Nice formatting btw you fucking nigger
Study how guerrilla wars are conducted, read books on how they were organized, funded, how they handled logistics, and a million other things I cba to name off the top of my head. Use the white brain your mother was kind enough to give you, don't expect a movement to spring up out of nowhere, be the change.
oh gosh golly your gonna go and hurt my feeling with all that profanity, i swear ill faint
in all honesty this post was more for the new fags then anyone else
but it also was kinda made to those getting sucked into this devide and conqure bullshit
all sounds like good shit man
That's silly. Omar talking about AIPAC has brought nothing but benefits. Various media outlets are now talking about this when they have ignored this issue for years. The Al Jazeera videos dropped last November which should have been bombshells were ignored, and now they are starting to get attention.
Heres a non-kike post for your well thought out post, OP. Bump.
no jews allowed
It didn't even do that. EA 11110 didn't hurt he Fed, and had no real potential to do so.
Accept that anyone who pushes that angle is a fraud.
Stormtards are Jews
Like i said in a post before, maybe you're right but it smells pretty fucking sketchy to me>>12793395
The Chinese economy is fine. They have all of the means of production and a racially superior population to that of the US – it isn't 1980 anymore. These other numbers you're floating are just nonsense floated by trumpniggers to sound impressive. It's Qanon nonsense. Trump is an owned muppet. He is a categorical enemy of White America.
In the US jews, Arabs, North Africans, and Sudanese are all counted as White. Anyone from south of the border can just label themselves White if they feel like it, no matter if they are criollo or not.
The chinese have had net losses of hundreds of thousands of jobs per month for consecutive months since trump. lauched the tarriffs. They are tarriffing imported food which is raising the prices of food as more people are out of work after they already depopulated their rural areas to hyper industrialize. They have to many people, not enough work, and not enough food. Especially to feed their prevously comfortable middle class .
I dont care if you think trumps a puppet.
with the bombings of syria and israli dick sucking its as fair an assessment as any other
but regardless of this fact he is fucking up the chinks economy and that is not in the kikes interest
look man im not going to sit here and play response response response with you as we both state our postions and neither one changes their minds
I suspect that sigining an executive order to give the treasury the power to issue silver notes could have hurt the fed down the line if it was used int he right way
you say thats bull
fine whatever, neither of us are going to know
and autistic arguing about it isnt going to profit any of our people in here and now as they are raped and murdered by hordes of niggers the kikes are bringing into our countries
the kikes killed jfk
whether for israel the fed or one of a 100 other things that pissed them off
we do not fucking have time for infighting
Honoestly it is more annoying than anything else. It’s just a bunch of low tier shit. Like one line threads and shit that belongs in QTDDTOH megathread.
Yes, we will all become Nazitards
You motherfuckers sure are afraid of accelerationism.
China is doing fine. They are well positioned to survive and win a trade war because they actually have the means of production. This is the same reason Britain endeavored to destroy Germany in WWII. Controlling the money only goes so far when the other guy controls and creates everything the money is supposed to be used for.
im pretty fucking sure i said do whatever you feel is best user
i know my ass is white cushy but could you please get off it and go do some fucking accelerationsim if you feel like it?
An that cuts both ways
the chinks have the manufacturing we have the food
thats why they've been trying so damn hard to colonize africa for the best 5 to 10 years
they cant
espeically not the fat fucks they've gotten from their middle class
Germany was starving when the national socialists came to power
they fed the people and germany had enough farming inside its own borders to feed itself well enough
the chinks with 1/4 of the worlds population and 1/10 of its airable land do not
they need to feed their kids more then we need eye pads and cheap textiles
more over whether you want to accept it or not the US is reindustrializing at a good pace and those the 600,000 new manufacturing jobs that have happeend since trump took office are real
there is not getting around this
as i said
its fine if you dont like trump
its fine if you think he's a puppet
but you dont get to not accept the truth on this board
this is one of the few places where that still matters
And no one else to sell it to since the US doesn't make anything else anyone wants. South America has all the same products for sale, too. And so does Canada and Europe and Russia and India and the Indochina countries and Africa and on and on. Soybeans aren't a unique product.
Yes because were the ones with convincing arguments while you are unironically thinking you are doing a change or possibly here for a dollar.
Be careful what you wish for.
Not enough
jesus christ
do you want me to pull up the fucking charts of this shit
becuase i will
Its fucking blatant dude
no other place on earth produces as much for as cheap as the US
You want to know why farm hands are the only job exsempt from minimum wage laws?
thats why
now are we going to keep doing this
or are you done
Just remember where you are.
Yes, you should pull up the fucking charts.
you know what the beauty of this is?
i know it wont be enough for you
i know it will never ever be enough for you
because you my friend are a contrarian shill who likes to dick measure and argue online and its pathetic
stop trying to be right
stop trying to argue
stop trying to jerk your fucking rage boner off to import stats
and just accept that you learned something and move on
its fucking late
and im fucking tired of this annoying borring drivel
1. Pro-Israel is not the same thing as pro-American Jewish interests (although they are not opposites either).
2. Trump uses pro-Israel/pro-Jew to wedge the democrats
3. He also uses it to maintain a plausible "out" anytime he's labeled a racist
4. He also uses it to shore up the never-Trumpers to his cause
5. Israel is an apartheid state, Trump wants to model the US on Israel
6. Trump wants Israel to fight its own war in Syria, if not with their own money, then with their own soldiers
Probably because it's not painting the picture you trying to claim it does. Most of the imports are being driven by soybeans for expanded domestic livestock production, not out of genuine starvation relief.
you know what user
you got me
im a fucking paid agent of zog who came on here to shill to you on how the chinese economcy is collapsing to distract you from the alien landings we organized tonight is jerusalem to bring a race of alien dog men to rape and murder all ethnic europeans for our satanic dog alien master race
trully sir nothing goes over your head
ill be honest my dude this just sounds like greater israel
which is faggy and definately in the kikes interest as it would give them access to all the resources in the region
as i said before
him being an israli cock sucker is not a good thing and over all its probably the most damning case for him being bought out
Or just the fact that it isn't possible to re-industrialize a country in two years from a dismantling that took 30 to tear down a build up that took over 100. Stupid trumpnigger and parasitic milshills are desperate to obfuscate from their 100% israel-first agenda. So they come up with all kinds of crazy nonsense and massaged numbers to make their case.
Brush up on grammar and spelling user when addressing newfags.
Proper spelling is - DISSUADE not "diswade."
Everyday I miss him.
trump is the only president to visit the survivors of the uss liberty
everything he does thats "pro israel" is hilarious to me. did no one read those wikileaks about hillary and syria? trump is not with the kikes game plan or did everyone forget libya too?
good post OP.
Trump is building a wall on Israel's border
Playing both sides isn't part of their game ?
This shit
this shit right here
this is why i say both based maga pedes and black pilled anti trumpers are fucking shills and or functionally retarded
Im glad to hear he did that but he also bombed the fuck out of syria dude
not to mention all the pro israel shilling hes done over the last few years
i sincerely hope hes a stealth redpilled JFK teir insider whos planning to fuck them over soon
but i think its pretty fucking hard to say that right now
in fact its hard tell if hes bought or sold or not
This is next level of kike hate,
I like it.
jesus christ dude read every other fucking post i made
I understand perfectly well all the shit trump has done for israel and im not fucking supporting of him or it
The point of this is post is while you can fall either way on your decision in the shit sandwhich we've been given to support Trump or not
this whole fucking faggoty infighting mentality IS being used by the kikes to devide and conqure
do what ever you think is best with trump
but for the love of god stop playing fucking tit for tat with a bunch of maga pedes online instead of actually spreading the truth about whats being done to our race by the jew
There is no "in" between the West and israel. Only occupiers and traitors. If you are pro-israel in any way, shape, or form, for any reason whatsoever at any time whatsoever, you are an enemy of the West.
He didn't do that. He was confronted by a USS Liberty survivor, who isn't even a Trump supporter according to his faceberg posts.
and that makes almost ever american over the age of 30 an enemy of the west
fuck israel and fuck israel dick sucking
but the fact of the matter is most of our race IS indoctrinated to some extent by the jew
and we need to break that out of them
but the thing about trump is that he as done several things that were definately deeply unquestionably not in the kikes interest
ive said it alot thin this tread already but examples of this are refusing to sign the migrant pact, tarrifing chinese manufacturing, stopping the caravan at the border and taking over the consumer financile protection agence, the long arm of the federal reserve
none of this makes the kikes happy
nor does talking about pulling out of syria and afganistan
now i know and you're right
that is just talk so far as we know
but all this isnt adding up
He is not surving the kikes interest anywhere near as continually as obama bush clinton or even regan did
hes continually at the very least stumbling in the way of their plans
does that make me a maga pede?
trunmp is 70 year old boomer who loves israel and cant admit to the jewish enemy because he let his daughter mary one
but to say trump is some puppet of the kikes and there was never anything different about him at all is just not reasonable to say in my opinion
Correct. This isn't a new development. We aren't just stumbling on it here. Read Yockey or Rockwell.
No, it seems to be primarily an American problem, with Canada and England bringing up the rear.
I have read Rockwell
I will read Yockery
Nah dude its the same in all the nordic countries
talk to someone from germany online (outside of pol) sometime
if you think the "white man evil" condition is bad in the US you should se what they do to the krauts
they scared to death that little country is going to make a second come back in under 100 years
god willing their right
the slavs actually seem to be the most redpilled of all the european people and this has more to do with the sort of quasi cultural patrotism that brought them out of the USSR
They all suck jew cock and as such, NEED TO DIE!!!
Here's a redpill for MAGAtards
You praise Reagan
Reagan was the father of Globalism. He forced countries into Globalism, for example Japan, he made them open up their domestic markets smashing their protectionism and also made them give a large chunk of their surplus cash to help the international debt problem(aka bailing out American banks). He did a lot more than this but this is a starter kid redpill.
Richard Spencer has a CIA handler. Plenty of "movement" shit was co-opted from the start. Lurk moar. Also,
Stay kiked, hatechan.