2. SPIRITUAL FREEDOM can be attained by learning about the world, experiencing the duality of man, seeing knowing both atheism and god, gaining meta-knowledge through gnosis, and taking the left hand path to rebel against conventional orthodoxy (political or religious). The left-hand path allows one to transcend one’s base reality, opening the mind and increasing consciousness and self-awareness. However, “good” people will likely refrain from wanton and gratuitous evil in this process. Rumspringa is based and redpilled – young adults need space to make forgivable mistakes. The process of the left hand path involves first rebellion against society, then rebellion against existence or reality itself or god himself, then rebellion against the self, and finally rebellion against rebellion itself and acceptance of this condition and existence. Finding peace and mental freedom no matter how bad your environment may become is key. Ultimately, purpose can be found in the creation of one’s own meaning and responsibility, as well as what one takes to be one’s divine mission or duty. The right-hand path leads only to enslavement by psychosocial terrorists and psychic vampires.
3. THE EGO IS CANCEROUS AND GROTESQUE. The ego is at the root of all pointless violence and manipulative self-serving actions. If we can kill the ego, and each person can rebuild the self systematically, we can achieve unparalleled levels of peace, harmony, unity, and prosperity. This can be achieved through spirituality and perhaps certain drugs. A key component is removing the identity one has with some group, and an end to identity politics, and the realization that duality is fundamentally false, there is no black and white good and evil, the potential for both exists in everyone, and you don’t know if you can withstand a real life test of your morality beforehand. However, everyone will have to find their unique identity and true self, not one that is a group identity, and it cannot be imposed by any authority, although unity of unique people can be encouraged. Globalism however is the lack of all identity and is not the right way to go. Nationalism and states and work and local communities and family and hobbies and secret societies and fraternities are all sources of identity, IF there is a shared culture or traditions involving IRL interaction.
3a. Spirit and will must be balanced. An imbalanced dualistic society is grotesque and destructive.
4. NATURAL LAW AND AUTHENTICITY: We have a divine duty to be true to our individual human nature and simply realize it as best we can by being authentic. The highest form of ethics is integrity to the self and adherence to one’s will. This expression of the will is, of course, amoral, and perhaps psychopathic, but one cannot really control human nature via external means. The net result of loosening the government/corporate/social enforcement of orthodoxy or acting in a secret society is in sum much better than expressing some lower morality, because people can be free from dogmatic lower moralities to do what they will. In fact, it may be rigid enforcement of lower moralities that creates most “evil” in the first place, as an aberration of the underlying nature of man. “Good”, “evil”, “rights”, etc. are concepts which do not exist in the base reality, they are only expressions of natural law, as is everything. There are very bad ways people manage to misinterpret natural law, however, and they are deceived.
5. NATURAL LAW AND GOVERNMENT LAW: Adherence to the will does not mean we should immediately get rid of the law or organized religion, but rather the universal application of “que sera, sera” or perhaps “what can be, will be.” If truly “evil” people behave true to their nature, “good” people will quickly lock them up or gun them down or fight back, while if “good” people are allowed to be true to their nature, free from the orthodoxy or dogmatism of the herd mentality, we can truly attain new heights of civilization and of spirit. Most people are naturally good, especially when they are not MK’d by or strongly duty bound to some organization, and find themselves able to rebel and take the left hand path. This is natural law, and government law must be constantly updated to reflect it. When government (or corporate or religious) law does not reflect natural law, people under it become spiritually sick, sometimes leading to mass rebellion and overthrowing the government. The way for progress is not to rebel against human nature or the nature of the universe, but to question, study, and reinterpret it.