White Genocide: The Bill
Uppermost kek. I'll give you $5 if you can spot a single white baby in this pic.
White Genocide: The Bill
Uppermost kek. I'll give you $5 if you can spot a single white baby in this pic.
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There are somehow still people that deny that there's a massive conspiracy to destroy whites.
It's called "White Nationalism" an AIDS like virus which made Whites defenseless.
I am unsure of the paid maternal leave.
Its actually insentive to not hire women because they’ll leave but this also makes them have more children……..
Pretty annoyed at the image though, not only is there no white children, there are homo parents as well, a great way to give them access to abuse children.
What the fuck are you even saying?
Man you guys are bad at this.
Its time to wake up our peoples brothers. Its getting too close to home. We need people spreading the word of white well being and combat this anti white paradigm. Spics, niggers, and muzzies are second to the wretched kikes pupeting these hordes of subhumans at our doorsteps. The way we win is of we win more of our people to our thinking.
Absolutely disgusting.
looks like nailed it actually
with a flower in her hair, mind you
Haha fuck america
Trillions of dollars to fight ==Nazi Fags==
I am not even exaggerating when I say I think that every single movie now has a black dude with a white chick. Commercials as well.
cry moar, faggot
This bill after first skim looks pants on head retarded. A new draw like social security that the employer is forced to pay out of pocket? Are they even trying to hide how retarded they are anymore? How do they not see that everyone is going to 'spend' their benefits at the end of the valid period so they don't waste their benefits? If this shit passes mark my words at the end of each pay period or cycle or whatever there will be hundreds of thousands of people just sitting at home for 60 days. This shit is going to collapse in a heartbeat.
Jews can't meme.
Yeah 10 years ago
I see more commercials now with black chicks and white dudes than the opposite.
I think we all agree we hate the shilling, as everyone wants a hot nubian qt3.14 for borking because her breasts feel like bags of sand.
Hey moishe stop spamming
The funniest part is that was actually probably intentional.
youll notice that there are no two black people either … ur not wrong
but its human genocide
(repeating integers)
What I find the most hilarious is how the gibbering subhumans of every shade of shit go on and on and on about how they're gonna genocide us.
I'm just glad I am not the only one who has had it with their bullshit.
because all they have to do is stand still, white man is killing himself by enjoying agreeing with jews and enjoying pussy sports games
Seriously. I'm not even upset that they're trying to kill me, I just can't stand how arrogant they are about it. We're talking about groups of people who are on average at least 4 standard IQ deviations below me, literal animals, who are all hopped up on kike pilpul and fully convinced they're going to just have a cake walk killing me. I must retort. I have to, it's not like I have an option.
Go to Idaho with your diamond 8. Whenever you're ready, we'll spread the hate.
Pass it on bad goy
Everybody should go get a pack of playing cards if you don't have one handy, the 8 of diamonds may save your life one day. Idaho is in the generally safe zone, hold out for a while longer. I'm guessing the battle lines will be something like this at the outset. Figure out how to migrate your local subhumans to the killzones, which is where the degenerate savages will rip each other apart when they don't have the White man to parasite off. Also I would really like to get some video drones up so we can livestream them eating each other all day every day.
It was and is the Jews who bring the negro to the Rhine, always with the same concealed thought and the clear goal of destroying, by the bastardization which would necessarily set in, the white race which they hate, to throw it down from its cultural and political height and in turn to rise personally to the position of master.
For a racially pure people, conscious of its blood, can never be enslaved by the Jew. It will forever only be the master of bastards in this world."
(Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler)
Fuck you, North Carolina is the best state. Our record in the Revolution, the Civil War, and World War II proves it. We have never lost. We produced the most successful battleship to have ever sailed. You're not shit.
It said "Ded nigger storage" not "wasteland". Your state can be the gateway. We need more coast anyhow, probably.
Also I intend to reclaim these areas in 6-24 months, depending on how quickly they kill each other.
Why do those two fags have a niglet? Oh, clown world.
Women are such a waste of resources in the jobs market. Employer spends time & money training a woman to do full time work, of which she could at any time become pregnant and do part time work going forward.
Imagine how much shit the military has to deal with.
Poor memetic power.
Have something better.
And legends live forever.
I bet he is by now.
Or they're just black because that's how pretty much all mulattoes turn out. Pretty kikey of you to automatically assume that the white guy is being cucked
I 100% agree with that picture the south is lost to the enemy it's a fucking shit hole full of niggers and nigger lovers that needs to be nuked
moarpheus fuck off
It's time to open your eyes to some strong memetics.
I was thinking zombie apocalypse would be better. Whatever makes the bodies pile up works though, we're going to have to invent deradiation tech anyway as soon as we're done handling the local invasive fauna. It's why I moved my timeframe up a couple notches
Sounds bretty good
They're zombies right now. Why aren't you shooting already?
I don't think anyone's gonna be satisfied without a little good old fashioned WAAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH
Because tactics and strategies, asshat. Nobody does shit until the music starts, then everything happens simultaneously. Or did you think you could tempt us out of position? Pathetic. I'll enjoy this world more when you're not in it.
Get a load of dis grot
I need to brush up on my orkish I admit
lmao you stupid fucking retard, you're panicking over nothing
k why don't you enlighten me as to why Fukishima is no big deal, professor cocksucker
Yeah no i'm not gonna bother reading the bullshit link you posted. You do realize you get more radiation from flying NY to London than you'll ever get from fukushima, right? Fuck you're stupid.
Please remove yourself from the gene pool, and no, bathing on the west coast won't work as suicide.
wew lad
I'm happy that they didn't get their hands on a white baby but why would anyone want a niglet? Niggers smell and I don't think fags would want such an ugly thing for a fuck toy.
Stop thinking with your dick. You are a white man, act like it.
Are you against family? :3
You put the stupid in dumb fucking stupid american. Yeah enjoy your fear cunt, don't leave your basement as the sun's radiations are dangerous.
I will find you. I will kill you. I will tear this Earth in half before I let you have one moment of peace.
I get it, yes, more East Coast anons who have state pride. You're going to need to think about this a bit more tacticooly. Jew York MUST burn in purifying fire, and the whole area from there to DC is going to be a no-go for a couple years. Also kek @ you saying that one tiny state is all that should be left to Whites while we give up on the entire continent. I understand sarcasm and I don't mind the banter, but come on now.
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
come get me
But still, as I think about it, we can probably revise the battle lines to include your region. Actually that thought HAD crossed my mind. Realistically where would you draw the lines, what do you think would happen if power went out in NYC, how would you suggest we deal with nearby leafland cities
Thanks for the intel
I hope you get a brief moment before I feed you to a demon to think about what you did to make this happen to yourself. But I suppose it would be a waste of a moment
LMAO I hope you're not getting paid for this.
I have bad news for you, user…
It's been snowing in northern Maine pretty much non-stop since mid-October. Very few shit skin can handle that. Very few non-whites, so taking care of them won't be any trouble.
Proof that nigger is not a race, its a state of mind
That's what I like to hear. You're not worried about roving bands of zombies pouring out of NYC tho? It could be summer when it happens.
Typical jewish group. Ashkenazi jews are represented by soyboy beta male and a coal burner jewess.
You fuckers are barely even trying today. Or are you the b-team, since now the Left are all sperging out about the JQ you're spread thin in containing all the Jew hate?
the lack of iq never ceases to amaze me. i literally cant even.
That video is fake/acting.
Im gonna line you dead weight jews up in a line and shoot you all,
one at a time
What you need to do is draw the lines at the county level or more finely. Check out this racial distribution map, and you'll see that large sections of the East Coast are salvageable, at least from a racial perspective:
I always tell people to look at the county level, as county & municipal, not state government, usually runs much of the day-to-day operations that people really care about.
Fuck off nigger why are you here? Why do you have to try so hard? Could it be, you are, and always will be beneath us no matter how much the kikes try? Kys.
Most won't make it as far as northern Maine, and the ones that do won't last 7 - 8 months of harsh winter with ice cold temps and constant snow. I'd say most non-whites fleeing NYC will go south where it's warmer. The non-whites in Maine now survive because a societal structure is in place to provide them with enough necessities/creature comforts. Take that away and they'll either flee or die.
you have to go back
The pistol cycles, a spent case ejects, and you can see an impact on the guy's chest. The strange calmness of the boy after the fact is highly questionable, but from my experience watching shootings it looks legit.
Only Christcucks like sand to be honest
I liked the pictures people used to post with "We're back" with Arno Breker sculptures
Arno Breker in particular is just so motivating in some way, he unironically was the thing that made me properly commit and get jacked
Why is it backwards?
Good the modern 9-5 are anti-white and anti-family a most employers don't cover much vacation or sick days to even see their child except during the weekends. Fathers and mothers need to spend time with their sons and daughters more often and get them off after school care.
what did he mean by this?
Because German LARPers got it wrong side.
Outer arms of hakenkreuz line up with dipper's locations through the seasons.
It's not yours if you can't see that.
Look at the shit that is being pumped into their televisions. I got rid of my TV awhile ago because you don't need one if you have internet access.
I am not being contrarian, it is that when I try to watch TV it's nothing but advertisements and social engineering. At least we still have movies made before 2010.