Reminder: The X-32 was the only contender to meet the budget of the Joint Strike Fighter Competition. It only lost to the F-35 because of looks. The F-35 completely blew over the budget and still does to this day. Boeing is skilled at production in scale and meeting budgets. Modifying looks would have taken 35 seconds in photoshop at the time.
Bad Photoshop Fixes X-32 Laughy Face, Saves 100's of Billions
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Can I just add to it that it is completely political. Comey worked for Lockheed. Lockheed skunk-works is in California. Obama was more than happy to fatten the pig, whenever he could find wasteful spending programs.
Think about Silicone Valley, the magic helmet, Vegas shooting, employment history of Paddock.
It's way more political than you know.
In an investigation, follow the money.
Honestly, gas yourself for not watching 6 million hours of photoshop tutes.
This is the portrait of a kike shill:
^ fucking bot & shit.
They should have produced more f22s, the F22 sea raptor, the F22 FB, and a naval variant of the f22 FB.
something like a Sea FB is very possible.
did gates really betray the airforce?
Besides the F22, the A-10 was on its last legs. That, I think was on purpose by hussein. The A-10 is the warbird BRRRRRAPP, that Isis type characters hate to hear the most.
The whole point of the F35 was for a hypethetical confrontation with Russia. That is is other reason behind "Russia, Russia, Russia" from the left, who before made fun of it as "1980s called and they want their foreign policy back" Remember that line?
Remember later the WW3 they were trying to instigate with Russia?
The F-35 was never feasable without some hypathetical scales of production. That's why all the partners and hype and war mongering etc. It's crazy.
Meanwhile the A-10 is a daily hero on the battle field suppressing enemy combatants.
How does selling the world our technology, keep the US safer? It certainly fattens someone's pockets and careers.
Before any of those there was the YF-23 also.
Why do the marines need to launch aircraft off their carriers?
The A-10 is a coffin nowadays.
The vertical take off was in response to Harrier international sales. Less need of a carrier if you take off and land anywhere.
The Russians built missles that can take out carriers. So there was a panic about that as well.
The JSF program was meant as a catch all. The biggest shot in the dark is economies of scale. Another reason to sell to every branch and country as possible, hoping at some point it would be magically cheap.
Back to the Boing proposal. Economies of scale is their expertise. Their prototype was ugly their airframe would have been many times cheaper.
They could have kept a handful of over budget F-22's and dressed up the X-32 and ramped up A-10 programs with gobs of extra cash.
The British & the Japanese should have paid the Americans to buy two ford carriers each. I just see no point in having aircraft fly off helicopter carriers for Americans because they have the damn navy.
What are your thoughts on these two images?
I also don't think the Marines should be their own branch, they need to be like the paratroopers.
The reason why they didnt just make for f22's was supposedly that they wanted a fighter they could sell to other countries to offset costs and they didn't want to risk possible hostile nations getting access to all the secret shit on the F-22.
Granted that kind of invalidates the whole idea of the f35 supposedly being the most advanced fighter ever made when it's own project goals flat out require that it be less technologically advanced than this other, older jet. Plus it caused bullshit wastes of time and money to be added to the project like the stupid vtol variant that only the UK actually wanted because they still have a weird hard-on for the Harrier and are too cheap to build a proper aircraft carrier.
Yeah, I agree with modding out exisiting planes. That's what the F-15 Eagle did. Recent vid put out this month.
Yes, exactly. It's purposefully impaired program. Built in conflict of interest.
I think it was like "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" type sabatoge. They were also replacing armor with carbon fiber to be more "green" in those last 8 years.
Fighter planes are only good for bombing third world shitholes. SAM batteries disguised as shipping containers on the back of big rigs is where it's really at, and why america is going to get its asshole gaped when/if there's another major war. If we built thousands of these instead of hundreds of fighters that cost 100x as much, we'd be secure from anything short of a comet strike. But, that would make it harder to fight the jews' wars in the middle east, or their wars to "stabilize" the global banking and oil industries.
You mean they didn't want Israel to sell the technology to china.
he United States rushed Patriot missiles to Israel during the Persian Gulf war to defend against incoming Iraqi Scuds. Now intelligence reports say Israel sold Patriot technology to China. If so, that would violate Israel's obligation not to transfer cutting-edge U.S. technology to others – a dismaying act by a valued ally.
The reports provide ammunition to Israel-bashers. And they disturb experts concerned with keeping control of advanced military technologies. Washington has long shown extraordinary tolerance toward Israeli transfers of American technology, raising doubts about U.S. commitment to stopping the spread of arms. If the latest reports prove true, Washington needs to impose stern sanctions on Israel and the compani
Israel, of course, has the know-how to produce advanced weapons on its own. It sells many of them to China and other nations to offset the costs of defending itself. But installing U.S. components in such exports would violate its obligations. So would reverse engineering – taking a U.S. weapon apart to discover its design secrets and then making a copy for sale to others.
Sometimes it's difficult to draw the line. Take the Israeli-built Python-3 air-to-air missile. To some U.S. officials it looks suspiciously like a knock-off of an American design, the heat-seeking AIM-9L Sidewinder. Others are persuaded that the Israelis designed it themselves.
Continue reading the main story
Israel sold the Python-3 to China. China in turn designed its own version, called the PL-8, and sold some to Iraq. The Israeli version uses American parts, which it buys with U.S. military aid. But Israel contends it replaced those parts in the version exported to China – a claim accepted by some U.S. officials. The same U.S. officials don't think that's the case with Patriot technology.
Even when Israel has clearly violated U.S. export controls, American officials have declined to crack down. In a notorious case last fall, an Israeli-owned company exported American ballistic missile components to a South African company and used them in its own Jericho-2 missile.
The Administration imposed trade sanctions on the South African company, but waived them for the Israelis. In exchange it wrested a pledge from Israel to accept international controls against further missile
The Finnish authorities have impounded an Isle of Man-flagged ship bound for China with undeclared missiles and explosives, officials say.
Police are questioning the crew of the MS Thor Liberty after what were described as 69 Patriot anti-missile missiles were found aboard.
I love love to combine that technology with the Pershing 2 class of missiles
That's pretty much what Russia figured out.
Good point. It's not like these planes are patrolling our border every day. ..although maybe now.
The F-35 is a sick plane. That's the problem though. Its like a shiny machined elaborate watch in the window at Nordstrom's when you know all you need is a Fossil watch… or just pull out your phone for the time being.
How fast can those get set up? They seem like they'd need at least a few minutes of prep before beginning their lock on procedure.
The f-35, Space Shuttle, the SLS,and Constellation program were plagued with the same issues.
The SLS is a donkey cart while everyone is going to be building my pictures.
fast enough if they launched a hypersonic nuclear tipped missile in a general direction.
Ya, they can slap it on top of a cargo ship, hide it on a train, in a cousin's back yard.
How do you think China would react to such a stealthy missile system where any of those cargo containers could contain a missile?
Nuke everything and ask questions never.
You don't even have to aim with a hyper sonic stealth scud. Just shoot straight up & cause an EMP.
…China wouldn't care. Their ports are pretty much exit only.
It's not difficult to put together; America's military isn't for defensive purposes.
You know it's pretty funny. We have three aging bomber platforms, one so old that your grandfather's gen flew in it. The b2 bomber is a terrible bomber that requires climate controlled hangers, has ancient computers that are costly to maintain, and refused to put it above Syria like we did with Libya.
Yet we're buying all of these fighter jets when we rarely fight other fighter jets.
So…someone left it undefended? It can't even turn away 10k starving peasants waving foreign flags? I'm not 100% sure I'd call taking back America a conquest or anything, it's more like abandoned property at this point, right?
Americans who were armed were going to the border to stop the invasion. Trump panicked and send some troops to be supplemental paper pushers. Trump even forbid troops from doing border guard work, and even interacting with the illegals.
Could've even gone the other way and make it look Saber like.
OY VEY believe my blatant LIES
Reminder that the F-22 is produced by the same company that produced the shitty F-35
Sound like complete bullshit.
Both the militia and the military were present at the border.
The military was sent after
why not use airships as bombers?
You didn't fix anything.
Shit thread OP, you gay.
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Meanwhile Boeing is in the only state more pozzed than California (Washington), they are all Democrats on the left coast and if you think otherwise you're a moron who didn't actually follow the money. Just look at the KC-767 scandal for when the charade becomes so ridiculous not even the Pentagon can tolerate it.
Douglas A-4 Skyhawk
You're right. I'm not brand loyal, defending Boeing. Just think the fight was rigged. Certainly the judging was subjective.
Boeing used to be Rockwell Industries or something btw.
There's a lot of company aquisitions that go on. Boeing only had a chance because of its purchase of McDonnell Douglas. Remember those guys?
Boeing is a Seatle company. Super leftists. They love centralization.
Boeing pulled a Bernie Sanders and bailed out of the race without a fight, and couldn't sell out fast enough. They won a bunch of drone contracts.
I would just assume all corporations lose their charter and reset for a year. They should have zero influence in politics.
I thought about that. I never liked the look of the early jets with the intake at the nose. The P-51 with the intake way set back and the long front end still looks sick.
The SR-71 is legendary looking still today, and it has the longest nose of them all, with the intakes, the farthest set back.
There are Sabre like renditions though and they also look much better.
The F-35 never met the budget requirments from the beginning. The just over engineered the thing, and told the military what the budget was going to be instead. They've been listening ever since. That's what happened to the F-22 though. Budget spiraled out of control. They completely missed the point of the new fighter.
Russian ICBMs have "a set up to fire" of less than a minute.
It'd be surprise it would be more than a few seconds.
That system is based on their widely deployed Iskander erector.
Here is test firing of the AShM container version.
This is the kind of shitty tech that the public can see..
Damn, I wish to be 24h in Lockheed Martin facilities to see some real shit.
Still have some work to do with remote viewing.
STVOL X-32 was total failure. Could only take off vertically and land with zero load with parts removed fro weight savings. No reserves for inevitable weight growth of serial production model. X-35 on teh other hand took off and landed vertical with like 10000 pounds of load.
Interesting, wonder if they could apply the same speed to those containers. Be a nice little surprise in a box.
is that supposed to be sperm?
frankly, I think 100s of laughy faces of death flying at the enemy would have been amazing.
we could have painted them like laugh/cry emoticons so that the last thing our enemies would see would have been our tears of laughter as we exterminate their civilizations
Go away.
Reminder that the Marines "don't know" where their own motto came from.
Hold up. Did that rat jew family claim the saying as their own or make it up themselves. Be aware jews constantly take things from others, and claim that they were the true creators.
There are a ton of crests and institutions that use it. The first military unit to use it was the Duke of Beaufort Regiment of Foot in 1685, but it goes back to at least the 1360's for crests.
Ha ha, we just smashed your nations radar air defense system, and landed it on a 500 million dollar yacht we just parked in your harbor with the extra cash we had to blow on something.
It's streamline? What?
There's a reason fighter aircraft don't have nose intakes like that anymore.
mainly radar, but also it's not aerodynamic as having offset scoops
I'm awarding you the retard of the thread award for stupidest post by smallest brainlet. Never post again.
A-10 is, bar none, the best air vehicle created for military purposes
Prove me wrong.
Tough call. The SR-71 out maneuvered missiles.
The SR-71 flew over Israel one time btw.'s program has since been terminated. Go figure.
To be fair. One reason the USA went for Lockheeds entry is that Lockheed hasn't gotten much of the military industrial complex pie of late.
And the USA wants to maintain multiple military aviation companies.
Lockheed could have literally put out a piece of shit and still won.
No it didn't.
It outran them. Very different.
and Skunkworks has a great rep. Including the SR-71. However differant people back then also.
Exactly. ..or just give a little nudge of the stick to the right when needed.
different program and obviously different air combat role for what became the Lightning II.
Skunkworks reputation is in small high money projects that produce a limited number of aircraft.
Not in something intended for mass production.
And the SR71 couldn't really do "little nudges"
Its controls were incredibly stiff and anything outside of preplanned maneuvers had a high chance of tearing the aircraft apart when it was at speed, or sending it irrecoverably out of control.
But that was fine. Because it flew so high and so fast that it didn't have to do any kind of maneuvering. Its ceiling was higher than any other aircraft of the time and if it was shot at with anything the response was to simply accelerate and outrun the missile.
Because it could do that.
You're powerless, kike. Go worship your Rothschild king somewhere else.
why, because the jews want it retired?
Even in a scenario combating another first world nation, outfitting proven aircraft with modern systems is a smarter choice than starting from scratch. The A-10 is literally perfect for combined arms, it is THE standard for air-to-ground, and with a strong air-to-air craft youd be infinitely better off than this horseshit multirole as-seen-on-tv "does it all" faggotshit that only exists as a cash sink.
piss off cunt
make a real thread
the a-10 is loved by ground troops, it saves a lot of lives.
Niggers who literally can't read aren't welcome here. You need to leave.