I actually think we where fucked harder than anyone could imagine. This is as Jewish as it gets.
lmao that's where the fucking shills are coming from, they are literally hasbara/JIDF trying to push their close friend and demoralize us.
Obama was a small fry compared to this shit
If that is the case, no one is ever going to take Zig Forums with any credibility or seriousness ever again for falling for such an ooobviiiooouus jewish trick. So where exactly are you going with this thread?
Where I'm going is that reddit should get the hell out. Zig Forums is by no means infallible and like everyone one else we make mistakes. I intend to let this be the most severe error we have ever committed. First step on this is to educate and foster an extreme suspicion of anyone that succeeds in politics.
Obama was literally jewish– because his mother was.
He was still small fry, the Jewish plan has accelerated massively since Trump took office. His son in law being close friends with Bibi surely isn't related.
Both were coordinated in a bait-and-switch as the jew knew mass bloodshed was coming under a Hillary win.
Obama served his purpose.
Spark racial tensions
Give billions to iran (otherwise their "nuke" programs wouldn't be believable)
Destroy libya
Zognalds job
Sign into law the complete cucking to the kikes homeland
Isolate the US from the rest of the world
Destroy the economy which will all be blamed on the whites who voted for him (also put a non kike in charge of the fed)
Demoralize any cuckservative movement in the future until voting is impossible for whites
Start a war with iran (will also distract from americas bankruptcy)
And like you see in the video, Trump is also supposed to enable the construction of a third temple ushered in by rabbis and paid for by Trumps' Rothschild handlers.
Shit is fucking off when two years post election it took a muslim 3rd worlder elected to office to make current year +4 zombie inhabitants aware of jewish shenanigans.
Do you know what bankruptcy is, you nigger? Because I don't think you do. I think you read it reddit somewhere, and you think it means "no money." America's problem is exactly the opposite of being bankrupt – unlimited sovereign debt to play bank with.
Tl;dr: Go and play while the grownups talk.
Hey man, I've been saying this shit since the inauguration Rabbi.
=They played us like a damn fiddle!!!!!!!*=
You're going to post this every day for a while huh.
Again - you try being a developer in NY without getting on with those groups, let us know how it goes.
Oh yeah don't forget that "Know More News" promotes flat earthers on his channel like that guy who spammed us like crazy "Mr. 25% who hates his grandmother" whatever his name was Owen Binyamin?
There's a new group of shills emerging: Flat Earth + MGTOW + hate Trump
Poor little him. Couldn't find another state to spend his father's money. Just a sheer cohencidence it had to be little israel.
Im gonna need a hazmat suit after reading this shit. The way you attempted to legitimize your argument by not 1 not 2 but 3 completely unrelated topics is straight out of the 3rd temple.
Owen Benjamin + MGTOW + Flat Earth = Trump isn't a kike puppet
Roger that, desk jockey! Promotion soon!
Yeah he happened to be a part of a big New York family. Your accusation is now "he should have moved states away from everyone he knew, and only then would you have supported him". That's pretty weak argument by anyone's logic.
You do sound exactly like the left though and everyone here can see that, just so you know
It's in his blood, you might say.
So when it came time to marry off his daughter to a jew, it just had to be done to grease the palms. No big deal.
All that roy cohn stuff is one thing, I don't know how we missed him selling off his own daughter to these people.
I'm quite sure you're masturbating about Merkel being the current leader of the free world.
Close-up of his good goy awards. Notice that Trump's father had his own little connection of kike awards.
How is Imkampfy and his isreali patrol bots banning every single legit user Zig Forums falling for it.
99% of all pro-Trump activity here was either isreali jew hasbara or legitimately retarded goyim who the CIA tell what to think, do and say and forever will.
Only a literal spastic could have put blind faith into a New York jew York liberal who was best friends with Netanyahu and yet claim to be jew wise at the same time.
That's literally normie retard behaviour that the red pill resolved.
Nigger, please.
Yes. Zion Don played us like damn fiddle. Worst part is you still have MAGAcucks and boomers who will vote for him again. I am glad i never made any Trump meme.
Christina Ricci was my secret hollywood love since Adams Family.
terrific must-watch video.
Anti-Trump is code for Anti-Kike
You are delusional
Anti Trump is code for pro Jew
Good one, Schlomo
So is he going to sign that deal sent to him by congress? Or is he actually going to do what he said and declare a NE to build the wall?
Trumpkikes are inoperable.
Download & reupload in case it goes down.
Where is the shit on Trump thread? I don't see one and the last one hit 751 posts.
no people just got banned for mentioning that
Some got banned multiple times for that
Do you know what OFAC is? It is the Office of Foreign Asset Control part of the Treasury Dept. The OFAC list contains among other things, names of individuals who are sanctioned or live in sanctioned countries. If you are on the list, like every Iranian or North Korean National is then you cannot open a bank account in the US, a bank could not legally give you money. So if you are an Iranian National and you had/have a bank account in the US you are blocked from access to those accounts. Now imagine those sanction are removed, as they were previously before Trump came in, temporarily. You would rush to get access to those funds, which are yours, as quickly as possible. Normally you would wire funds to another account, except because of the previous sanctions none of the local Iranian banks are able to use SWIFT or any other international banking network. So a international wire and check clearance won’t work, naturally you order cash.
So “muh Billions to Iran” was just Iranians getting what was legally theirs in the first place.
The actual consensus that was reached was that Trump was most likely going to be a zionist piece of shit but he would be far better of a choice then hillary because hillary would necessitate civil war and the red pill had not been spread wide enough yet.
There were a whole bunch of threads on in back in 2015 and the consensus was crystal clear, "trump was not our guy, there was enough about him to warrant not trusting him, but the alternative would have been really shitty and would have stacked everything far away from our favor, so hes the best choice and maybe it would be possible to parlay him into electing a real /ourguy/ next time around"
But then, reddit scum came pouring in, refused to lurk, and created a cargo cult based on trump one liners.
You are so fucking retarded. This isn't breitbart you shit brain faggot. Go peddle your Kang Nigger excuses to your fellow berniebros while you roast in an oven
fuck me I took some flu medicine and its made me retarded.
Spacing or not, its a good post. Carry on.
This is how i remember it, then of course everyone with any sense that posted got banned for being against Zognald.
Mueller report may come out soon which could:
(1) Implicate Israel in election interference
(2) Weaken Trump/Bolton to the point where they wouldn't be able to authorize or convince anyone of an attack on Iran.
(3) Provide a useful distraction for anyone implicated in the report. Make a deal with ZOG.
(4) The (((Lobby))) is currently under scrutiny and needs to remind everyone who our greatest ally is.
The timing is perfect. Be vigilant anons. Hopefully it is just some shitty cyber attack.
It's gonna work this time, isn't it? I get to leave soon. I can't say I've enjoyed my time here but it was totally worth it
He must burn. Him and his shill spamming brigade, and everyone they've ever cavorted with. Salted earth. Stone in the ocean. This fucking kike doesn't exist and has never existed in any timeline anywhere. Cap this, then later be puzzled over just who the fuck I'm referencing
It happened exactly as the venerable user recounts it.
ay new here cause everywhere else is fucking filled with fakers.
i saw some chatter about owen benjamin, is he a fakerino?
Now that you mention it I remember as well. My vision was clouded from all the bullshit that happened when kamphy banned any non positive Trump discussion.
Oven Benjamin is a Trumpnigger.
Another user confirming. This is how it went down and ffs is still going down on the daily.
Mass banning of valuable anons, the uptick of shilling, and mass reddit migration all played a part in drowning the voice of reason out but if an user was reading and wasn't inflicted with downs he should have been able to piece together the reasonable evidence suggesting Trump is another gamepiece. Don't drink the shill's swill. Endless rhetoric with minimal dialectic should be a giant red herring.
This is why anons say lurk more.
Anti Trump means pro white. You're not fooling anyone.
All the faggot shills in here - name LITERALLY JUST ONE SINGLE THING that Trump has done solely for white people. You can't.
Only to you Stormfag
Oh it's you again Moishe. How is that temple coming along? I think it will be build much faster now that you have Trump in your back. Of course all of his children and their spouses are on your side as well.
Can anyone translate this incoherent bullshit?
I must be doing the right thing, I keep getting F's on my social media grades.
Kill yourself Moishe. You're not fooling a single person on Zig Forums. You're wasting your time.
You know if you don't like us here, you get your faggot ass into a pair of shoes and jump whatever fence you jumped to get here and walk home.
Hey sometimes help comes from unexpected sources
+1. Aka the baste timeline.
Who is "us" JIDF?
Nobody can. Now, for another fun trick, try naming a pro-white thing any politician has said or done in the last 50 fucking years.
Once in a great while, some congressman or state governor has gone out of his mind and suggested whites have a teeny-tiny right to maybe exist a little bit, and the kike media has manufactured a near-riot from whole cloth every single time over it. Find me a single successful politician who's held office since 1980 who has dared to push explicitly pro-white legislation.
The problem here is not Trump, you fucking shill faggots. If our society had a healthy attitude, Trump and the other incumbents would be tripping over their dicks to heil the huge statue of Hitler we put up like Christ the Redeemer over Detroit. The problem is the combination of 44 percent-nonwhites, 50 percent women, farcical reliance on democracy, and monopolistic kike management of the means of communication to brainwash huge numbers of people who should have died in infancy into dragging on us like chains.
Forget Trump. He's fractionally better than Clinton would have been; nothing else. The problem is that even Patrick Little would have to gently fellate Israel to stay president. Doctor Fucking Pierce would have had to sign off on an aid package to Israel in his first term – the imperatives of power demand it right now. It takes enormous pressure from below to change that, and once it changes it takes as much or more pressure to change it back.
Stop bellyaching about Trump. He's not a king, he's an office holder. Change how the office works. Nigger
I can try and simplify it for you.
Calling anons "Stormfags" is not native to this board at all, since it is mostly national socialist.
Shilling for an openly Zionist president is not really part of our culture.
The fact that you don't seem to get any of this means either
1. You're a Zig Forums retard
2. You're a jewish shill
And since both of those directly or indirectly supports the Jewish world order, I just thought you where happy to hear how much Trump supports this valiant effort!
Us, as in real Zig Forums users and not paid kike faggot shills like yourself. Literally no one is buying your bullshit kike.
I myself am not involved with JIDF, however if you want them to visit you, I am sure that can be arranged. Ask and you shall receive.
Are you lost?
Yes it is. White Nationalists have been made fun of her for years. And this is not a National Socialist board.
I would encourage you to read about it before giving your opinion. I know socialism is a scary word to many, but it really is nothing like communism or any related insanity.
Hopefully this wakes Zig Forums up to the fact that we need to support someone who openly names the Jew.
nice blackpill faggot
Anyone saved this cap for future use and in the past thread that user is talking about?
The truth is the truth whether you like it or not nigger.
So what are you? I'm guessing civic nationalist
Get woke mate.
Don't like this place?
Go back to cuckchan.
How ever cuckchan is slowly waking up too so don't get your hopes up either.
Nice way of outing your self.
No one mentioned jidf.
There's no need to call it Huwhite nationalism. Nationalism in itself is a ideology based on Genetic Phenotypes. The word itself describes it. Saying Huwhite Nationalism, or National Socialism are but tautological tricks that modern linguistics use as a leverage point to divide and conquer opposition to their paymasters, whomever they should be.
So it's on it's face a waste of time to declare any single position other than Nationalist. Doing so merely gives any manipulator the ability to leverage your own words against you in front of the masses.
Both side of the Communist ideology is benefited from this linguistic trick, and the NPC's that are literally walking robots don't know any better. The walking reptiles among them are even worse, as they think the game should force language to what they belief it should be.
However knowing the reptiles of lower castes like I do. I can say that it's a faulty cause to initiate a conversation with anybody that's interested in gaming you for access to something, no matter what that something is.
As Hitler said, simply, I the final arbiter of the rules for the game. No longer will the rules be dictated by randomness, as I alone will set the rules.
Mein nigger.
Do you really think learning to post a bloated feels guy will make us fall for your tactics? Address the 'Public Charge' discussion or GTFO shill.
Archives and previous threads already contradicts this.
I like the idea of a strong nationalist state that controls all the important infrastructure and ensures the safety of it citizens from the thread of (((foreign capital))), or "national socialism". Just saying "nationalism" is so very broad that people will have a hard time understanding exactly what you mean, especially since the fabric of nationalism changes from nation to nation. White nationalism is simply uniting all white countries under one banner while it is needed, and when the kikes are defeated we can go back to our own flavors of nationalism.
It seems I've been rhetorically cornered, nigger.